Articles are available for reprint as long as the author is acknowledged: Domenick J. Maglio Ph.D.

Wednesday, May 25, 2016


By Domenick J. Maglio PhD. Traditional Realist

Throughout history there have always been people who take pride in their work and others who just get by with as little effort as possible. The ones who want to be recognized for their effort see their production as a reflection of themselves. Many others needed incentives to get them to do the simplest tasks. It is the percentage of the doers versus the takers that determines the vitality of the nation.

At different stages of history nations went through periods of rewarding merit and others rewarded family status. Family name, wealth and powerful connections were the deciding factors in being chosen into the ranks of the privileged few. These different economic approaches have been going on for centuries. In stagnant economic societies the affluent, connected families did not have to concern themselves with the children’s future opportunities. Their influence insured their children top government positions regardless of their training and abilities. Achievement was of little value to advancement. It was all about family and political connections not production. In a free market economy there is competition that rewards hard work. Cut off from the opportunity for advancement, competition ceases and the nation’s economy withers.

In the United States our economy is transitioning into a planned, centrally controlled economy. Too many are entitled to the wealth of others, which is desensitizing our people to the importance of competing with others. The economy has been devalued by affirmative action decrees written into law. Certain groups of people are given preferential treatment for selection in college and employment even if they do not merit it. These laws are being forced by the loss of government funds and federal discrimination suits. This fear motivates states and big business to go along with this government intrusion into their affairs. We are turning towards a national socialistic model of government that chooses winners and losers rather than have them compete in the free market of opportunity.

In public schools achievement is being deemphasized by rewarding everyone equally in academics and extra curricular activities. The millennium generation and a large portion of the welfare recipients are turning towards the false promises of large government Marxist ideals. This naïve reliance on government to compensate for a person’s laziness is becoming fashionable in higher education.

Over achieving is defined as any person who performs better than their IQ would indicate. These people have a high drive to overcome obstacles through hard work to be the best they can be. The quality students who have been the backbone of our educational system and free enterprise are currently being viewed as mentally and emotionally odd individuals. They are not being valued for their dedication and discipline rather as disrupters of social engineering of a less competitive more inclusive lowest common denominator educational system.

Any hard working individuals are supposedly striving too much to compensate for their feelings of inadequacy. These so called chronic neurotics’ “fear of failure” are seen as obsessive, compulsive. They are often called workaholics, pleasers who can’t say “no” to authority figures. These driven people are less sociable and culturally influenced by the latest fads. They are often disliked because they make others feel inadequate and jealous of their achievements. They are demeaned at every turn. Stigmatizing a producer may make the parasites feel better but it does not get the job done.

Yet these energetic doers are the driving force of a free market economy. High performing over achievers are the strength of any business in small mom and pop endeavors. They have to be performing at a high level or they will fail. Those who do the work of several people in any business will keep the labor force down increasing the odds of being a successful business. The same strong work ethic in larger, lean and mean businesses creates more rapid advancement, higher benefits and a successful future.

Destroying the individual who sets high standards is killing “the goose that lays the golden eggs.” Our national educational and economic system is lowering the bar to accommodate the incompetent. Setting low baselines for performance is a catastrophic policy that needs to be reversed to restore our excellence.  The millennial generation is the product of deemphasizing the family, education and work standards. These young adult underachievers are not prepared for the reality of striving to climb the socioeconomic ladder.

More than ever we need focused doers that are over achievers for our country to once again prosper. 

Domenick Maglio, PhD. is a columnist carried by various newspapers, an author of several books and owner/director of Wider Horizons School, a college prep program. You can visit Dr. Maglio at

Wednesday, May 18, 2016


By Domenick J. Maglio PhD Traditional Realist

Humans have the freedom to choose any behavior they desire. However, there are physical limitations to those choices such as flying like a bird, running like a cheetah and swimming to great depths like a fish. We can overcome these limitations with the ingenuity of mechanical devices but flying in an airplane does not make us a bird, a racecar does not make us a cheetah or a dive tank a fish. We are humans no matter how loud or often our state controlled culture says we can be whatever we want to be regardless of reality.

The vast majority of people exhibit common and uniform behaviors that define us as humans. They have intercourse with the opposite sex to produce children. This is normal and necessary for human survival. When children are not created in sufficient numbers a society self destructs and eventually disappears.

Historically, in most cultures, women have been the nurturers and the men have been the protectors/warriors. Children are raised in families by parents or relatives.
Schooling was done for children to pass down the culture not a political agenda. Anyone who robbed or randomly killed was severely punished or banned from the community.

Today’s modern western nations have rejected traditional normal behavior for false enlightenment (tolerance) of what was labeled in the past as deviant behavior. The violently insane are no longer incarcerated but are heavily medicated and are roaming our streets.  According to Loretta Lynch’s justice department, even sex offenders or hardened criminals cannot be “discriminated against” by calling them what they are. The PC description by the Justice Department is, “Justice Involved Individuals.” This ridiculous approach puts the innocent in jeopardy of being harmed while coddling the evil perpetrators.

The rights of the vast majority of Americans, 99.97% are being trampled upon. Currently the Department of Education and the Justice Department have decreed that .03% of the population who self identify as transgenders should be granted the right to invade the bathrooms and showers in schools and other public facilities. These confused and mentally disturbed souls are being given absurd rights that infringe in the rights of the healthy majority of citizens to live the lifestyle that has existed and been sanctioned for centuries. Even if you give the right of private bathrooms for transgender individuals this will not satisfy the government edicts. They want them to choose whatever bathroom they would like. 

Until 1974 in the United States homosexuality was defined as a mental illness. This abruptly changed to normal behavior by a simple vote by the American Psychological Association and not due to any solid scientific evidence. This classification has been wiped out and has become not only acceptable but a cool, chic behavior that should be emulated. Being a transvestite, an individual who attempts to pass as a person of the opposite sex, was clearly seen as abnormal. This tolerance of abnormality has been taken to a new level by adaptive surgery to attempt to be accepted as the opposite sex. It is being advertised as a human right that is paid for by taxpayers for government workers.

Arbitrarily changing the concept of normal using anti discrimination laws has been forced on the majority. We are tyrannically told to be accepting through PC indoctrination and decreed anti discrimination laws by the executive branch.

Political correctness  and other “group think” techniques are tools previously used by leaders to transform the society into a more centrally controlled one. In these nations it was important to destroy the traditional cultures to introduce a totalitarian one. The family allegiance had to be obliterated to instill the state as the supreme power over all their subjects.

All traditional institutions have to be dismantled. Husbands and wives, blacks and whites, rich and poor, parents and children, young and old have to be divided through a war of one against the other. Local control has to be eliminated on all levels by centralizing it. Education and law enforcement have to nationalized. People power has to be eradicated and converted to the almighty government.

The most direct way to reverse the central government’s confiscation of local power is to reject the tolerance indoctrination campaign inundating us through the media, public schools and universities. We need to solidify our traditional natural law and Biblical moral values that have been passed down to us. Intolerance for immoral and destructive behavior will return us to sanity. The loss of freedom to think and speak our minds is extinguishing our ability to remain free.

Standing up for normal moral action is not intolerance, it is sanctioning good over evil. Tolerance of deviant behavior is supporting evil over good. The future course of civilization will be determined by the way we react to blatant brainwashing by the state.

Domenick Maglio, PhD. is a columnist carried by various newspapers, an author of several books and owner/director of Wider Horizons School, a college prep program. You can visit Dr. Maglio at

Wednesday, May 11, 2016


By Domenick J. Maglio Phd. Traditional Realist

Immigration has always existed throughout history. As civilizations rose and fell people moved toward those societies that offered more possible advantages and away from ones that were stagnating or decaying.

From its beginning people worldwide understood that America was an exceptional nation for creating a better life. Older Americans were taught that ours was a land of opportunity. People immigrated from all over the world to earn their way to an improved life for themselves and their families. There were no government handouts. These mass immigrations revitalized our country through the physical and creative energy these people brought to every aspect of life in America.

These immigrants arrived from every corner of the world. They first formed their own communities where they helped each other in many ways. Chinatown, Germantown, Little Italy, Polish, Irish, Jewish, Hispanic, Korean, Japanese, Ethiopians and others formed their own neighborhood ghettos.

Each community had its own stories of gross discrimination against them. Some came as indentured servants being locked up in cages at night until their labor was sufficient to satisfy their exploitive contracts. This happened to members of various ethnic groups well into the 20th Century. During WWII Japanese, German and Italian American residents were placed in interment camps until the end of the war.

Furthermore these ethnic groups dealt with financial and social hardships as well as overt prejudice: “no Micks need apply,” and legal discrimination against them. They were grateful for the chance to work for the freedoms granted in America and the peaceful stability provided by being a US citizen. After one to three generations they blended into being proud Americans. This process was called the “melting pot.” These ethnic groups kept some of their ancestor’s ways such as special foods, music, and celebration of holidays but all became Americans first and foremost but knew their ancestors’ place of birth. Regardless of their last name many modern children have no knowledge of their family background. They have been fully acculturated as Americans.

Today children of immigrants are being indoctrinated to keep their country of origin’s identity and even language. Many come demanding government welfare not the freedoms America offers them. They have been told they are entitled to freebees of the government without having to pay any price.

The elites of America have revised history by stating America’s greatness comes from multi-culturalism instead of becoming appreciative of America’s exceptionalism. The ruling class has arbitrarily altered the facts of our immigration to the United States to fit their own vision of a new “Babylon.” They call this utopian notion a “tossed salad” or “salad bowl,” where every group does its own thing, while rigidly retaining the ways of their country of origin.

In this “salad bowl America” everybody will speak his own language and follow their own ancestral culture without having to blend in with the society. This is a prescription for internal strife and chaos in any nation. We are witnessing this horrendous multicultural impact on the nations of Europe.

In this new progressive America different ethnic and class groups politically fight for the scraps of government handouts divides one group from another. These policies enable the ruling class to win elections by promising more material handouts, hope and change to each and every diverse group. Progressives do this to increase the power of the central government by the method of divide and conquer. This separates America into many diverse groups fighting each other rather than uniting us into a cohesive nation.

America is moving toward the European model of nations that no longer have people with a common culture and a specific patriotic identity. Instead they are distinctly different groups of people in serious conflict. These radically different communities are promoting their own laws and self-interests rather than the nation’s interest. This concept of retaining their old culture is tearing up the little amount of national fabric holding the society together.

The progressive ideology promotes diversity/multi-culturalism as positive by catchy phrases such as: “toss salad” or “salad bowl.” This disconnection between groups is supposed to increase the cosmopolitan flavor of the country. These distinct and often clashing tastes may initially excite the palate although in the long run will upset the stomach and the entire entity.

When cultures blend together the nation functions more regularly creating a healthy and better environment for everyone. The “melting pot” produces a unique strong and healthy place for citizens to safely be productive and free. It is a formula that has served America well for three centuries.

Domenick Maglio, PhD. is a columnist carried by various newspapers, an author of several books and owner/director of Wider Horizons School, a college prep program. You can visit Dr. Maglio at