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Tuesday, March 02, 2021



By Domenick J. Maglio Ph.D. Traditional Realist


The purpose of government is to create a system that provides the greatest good for the largest number of citizens. In almost every country the government supposedly takes and redistributes wealth for the benefit of the majority. Where there is a small supply of a product or material the government limits who can or cannot purchase it. Citizens’ personal freedom is not on the agenda of governments. It is the citizen’s responsibility to maintain it through knowledge and the vote.


Both stripes, republican or democrat, will promote or restrict certain government institutions to change the direction of the culture and governmentIn certain periods either party will call for an increase or decrease in the military, taxes, healthcare, social and news media’s censorship, patriarchal family, free speech, law enforcement, educational indoctrination, and changes to our three branches of government. All policy decisions affect our culture. 


Direct attacks on our culture are constantly occurring under the guise of fighting racism, sexism and intolerance. Citizens are locked down while immigrants are encouraged to illegally enter our borders without any medical tests. Killers and deadly drugs are released onto the streets, and deviant sexual behaviors are now acceptable.


In fascist or communist countries, the government’s power is nearly all encompassing. Even in so-called free-market countries they have limited freedom of choice for their citizens, in religion, education, and even how you are supposed to deal with climate change. Our capitalist economy is being corrupted by globalists selling out our principles and integrity to become an acceptable global entity.


Only in the U.S, with our wise founders who learned from their English oppressors that any nation can lose its freedom if the people do not stay politically aware or have a constitution with specific rights spelled out. These rights protect not one class but all citizens. When the United States Constitution or the Bill of Rights is violated, the People must stand up and rid the corrupt representatives of their power.


These citizens’ responsibility is to be knowledgeable of the voting record of their representatives and understand their true position. As we currently are witnessing, too many citizens are not fulfilling this obligation. Many are voting on the straight party line thinking one party is good and the other is corrupt. The foolishness of this assumption should be self-evident. Politicians of either party can be corrupted by the lure of money and power.


All political beings should be held to their voting record not their promises, deception and practices. There is corruption in both parties although they are stating different viewpoints, ridiculous rationale for their decisions. It is the politicians’ honesty that has to be evaluated and verified against what they have said. Their sacred word and deeds should be the litmus test of voting for extending freedom not their physical attractiveness or eloquent speech. 


We the People have everything to lose by the United States Constitution and our Bill of Rights being stripped of protecting our freedom. We are witnessing members of both parties voting for the elimination of the checks and balances with presidential executive orders instead of going through the legislative process. Judges are not ruling on legitimate cases, or are ignoring constitutional law, congress is passing laws that are in direct violation of our constitution and moral values. Our federal government and many state governments are not following the will of the people.


Our Bill of Rights is blatantly being dismantled in front of our eyes. Our churches are restricted and some are even closed, citizens cannot open their businesses, while abortion and transsexuals ruining women’s sports are being mandated by the government. Even while our gun ownership is systematically under attack. Our past presidential election with all the questionable practices: unverifiable mail-in ballots, voting machines without verification and voting ballot tabulation violations are cancelled by the media. This and an avalanche of direct attacks on our Constitution and Bill of Rights are overwhelming our governmental system and our individual freedoms. As a nation we are in a precarious position between becoming a fascist corporate nation or retaining our moral values and freedom.


Patriotic citizens cannot blow off the aggravation of doing their duty of learning what is actually happening in our country. They cannot be ostriches with their heads in the sand. The sacred power of the vote when uninformed will inch us closer to lose our voice in the freest nation in the world. It can and has happened already in many prosperous countries in the world to have all liberties denied.


The citizens’ lack of involvement has been disastrous. Our nation is facing an existential threat of extinguishing our beacon of freedom throughout the world. The world is watching in fear and hope that we will wake up before it is too late. 


We should open our eyes and ears and think to understand what is happening. God Bless America.


Domenick Maglio, PhD. is a columnist carried by various newspapers, an author of several books and owner/director of Wider Horizons School, a college prep program. Dr. Maglio is an author of weekly newspaper articles, INVASION WITHIN  and a recent book entitled, IN CHARGE PARENTING In a PC World. You can see many of Dr. Maglio’s articles at









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