By Domenick J. Maglio PhD. Traditional Realist
Most people understand that a compulsive liar will not have a great future. Lying might be successful initially until the web of lies entangles the person into knots. This strangles their reputation as one whose word cannot be taken seriously. They live their lack of credibility and suffer the fate of being considered just another con. Once the label it attached to a person, it is difficult to erase as it becomes part of the person’s reputation.
On the other side of this equation, a person who consistently attempts to be honest to himself as well as to others may be viewed as offensive. An example of this is pointing out behavior that could be true but not currently in vogue. A person might express negative feelings when asked about a popular political figure. His description might be valid but not politically correct. He is probably not going to be invited back to any event, social, or political as his opinion might expose others with questionable thoughts and behaviors making them uncomfortable. The razor-sharp observations might be spot-on and insightful but often unveil an aspect that others do not want known about their feelings or political views.
A person who says what they actually see, and think can be considered dangerous especially to people who are attempting to portray themselves as less opinionated than they are.
The person with integrity unconsciously can be very problematic to someone playing a role as a sophisticated intellectual who knows and understands both sides of a political issue. The sophisticated intellectuals have well thought out opinions that should be shared with others, but they are afraid to for fear of offending someone.
Deceitful statements lead to more false statements until the person is living many lies. The opposite approach is that the person with integrity only has to tell the truth. There is no reason for lies and deceptions. Following a road of integrity sets the person on a path of truth, knowledge, and stability. The shortcoming of following a policy of integrity is always sticking to the facts, which many be considered boring. It is difficult to be silent when a person sees the inevitable result of a series of acts.
The policy of maintaining one’s integrity is a difficult path but in the long run leads to an honorable life. Everyone, including yourself, knows you should maintain your honesty. This guiding principle keeps one on the straight and narrow path that leads to a righteous life.
Domenick Maglio, PhD. is a columnist carried by various newspapers and blogs, an author of several books and owner/director of Wider Horizons School, a college prep program. Dr. Maglio is an author of weekly newspaper articles, INVASION WITHIN and the latest book entitled, IN CHARGE PARENTING In a PC World. You can see many of Dr. Maglio’s articles at
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