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Tuesday, February 05, 2019


By Domenick J. Maglio PhD. Traditional Realist

Frank Stevens, an international disability advocate is a man with Down syndrome. He could have been aborted for genetic defects but said he wishes for a time when abortion was not illegal but unthinkable. This man’s life is worth living.

Hedonistic societies are short lived from a historical perspective. As the renowned psychiatrist Sigmund Freud, said the pent up libido is the energy that lets people create and produce goods that are the foundation of any civilization. Hedonism is lust for momentary pleasure while a civilization requires delaying gratification for future benefits of self and others.

Tribal societies live day by day. They live in the present which many “sophisticates” find romantic. Every day the demands and duties are limited. “Live in the moment” is a 1960s slogan. People who live in “the now” have little abstract knowledge to guide them as they age. This naïve concept took a foothold with the young hippies but like many of their Utopian visions it has been passed down to succeeding generations. Many people did not want the hardship of being a hippie tribal member, only the pleasures.

The “sexual and feminist revolutions” took hold in our modern culture. Many females rejected traditional dating conventions to enter a supposedly free and pleasurable world of casual hedonism. Modest dress and cautious decisions were abandoned for sexual enticement and spontaneous sex. “Hooking up” has become a chic practice to meet one’s immediate sexual desires with no consideration for a long term relationship, commitment or pregnancy. Women have been indoctrinated to view childbirth as a curse not a blessing and murder as freedom of choice.

Currently New York State has passed and other states are considering legalizing infanticide where a full term, living baby can be murdered without any consequences or moral stigma. Just like China’s policy of murdering female infants, the USA is legalizing pure evil. Today it is easier to terminate a child’s life than it is to adopt a dog. No one with a moral conscience can justify the taking of another’s life to make her life more convenient and less complicated.

The perverse reversal of the sanctity of life will continue on the other end of the life cycle. Perfectly functioning elderly will be given death sentences by the “death panels” under the guise of euthanasia. Possible genetic, physical or mental defects could be cause for infanticide. Yet the march toward killing viable infants will continue. Notable Princeton bioethics expert, Dr. Peter Singer, and others in the field argue that since newborns have no sense of their existence, their life is not equivalent to a fully aware person. Moreover, parents should have the choice to kill their child from 30 days to 2 years after birth according to various bioethics experts. This murder of innocent people will spread throughout the society.

Evil actions cannot coexist with moral and righteous ones. Either we choose one side or the other. Citizens will take a stand against murdering our children or the soul of our nation will no longer exist. As we move down the road of extermination of large groups of “deplorable” citizens, killing will become a virtue. The NAZIs kept their evil secret from the world through using pseudo-science to justify their mass killing. Tolerance of evil leads to hell not to hedonistic utopia.

As more and more unwanted pregnancies occurred, due to indiscretions, and indiscriminate sex, the slogan appeared that “women have a right to their own bodies.” There was hardly any encouraging the birth mother to carry a child full term and then allow the child to be adopted by a loving couple or the father involved who wants to care for the newborn after birth. According to feminists this would be too traumatic to the liberated female since it would limit her sexual freedom and perhaps have her regret her permissive behavior.

The reality is that after having multiple abortions some women no longer could give birth. They often think about what if their child had been allowed to be born, what would it have been like? Many of these female regrets are usually late in their lives but are real and devastating.

The woman’s right to her body is not only a personal tragedy but also a societal one for many western nations. Without replacing the population, these countries will not survive economically, culturally, socially and militarily. The only answer many of these countries have is to import immigrants from less developed nations that extinguishes the country their ancestors envisioned.

It becomes a society where life is not sacred since abortion is not a choice it is murder.

Domenick Maglio, PhD. is a columnist carried by various newspapers, an author of several books and owner/director of Wider Horizons School, a college prep program. Dr. Maglio is an author of weekly newspaper articles, INVASION WITHIN  and a new just published book, entitled, IN CHARGE PARENTING In a PC World. You can visit Dr. Maglio at


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