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Tuesday, July 02, 2019


By Domenick J. Maglio PhD. Traditional Realist                                                                

The current progressive movement is the outgrowth of the 1960 anti-establishment revolution. In fact many of the leaders of today originated from that movement. Similar to today’s millennials, they were ungrateful for all the sacrifices of their parents. These selfish citizens are a plague on our national soul by attempting to destroy the USA from within. They intend to replace it with a statist government that will take and redistribute other people’s wealth while the elite preserve their wealth, status and power.

Progressives are using the Saul Alinsky: Rules for Radicals playbook. Politics of personal destruction targets and lies about any adversary until they are annihilated. This has morphed into directly distorting reality to undermine the opponent’s position.  As Goebbels said, “You repeat a lie (slogan) long enough, it will become truth.”

PC slogans are being used as the basis for radical change. Currently climate change advocates have reached a level of hysteria where they are saying that if man continues to use fossil fuels and other pollutants our planet will end in 12 years. “Global Cooling” in the 1970s became “Global Warming” and is now “Climate Change.” We are supposed to believe that the climate is changing solely due to man’s negative impact on the earth. If you do not commit to this unscientific viewpoint, you are a heretic. There is only one side to an issue, the progressive side. Everyone else is a denier, racist, white supremacist or other pejorative.

Other PC brandings that have been incessantly repeated by the progressives are: “all men are toxic” or “women are always correct and honest.” Even the activist actress, Merrill Streep, contradicted this narrative by noting that some females can be nasty, toxic people. Her statement is noteworthy as she was breaking with the lock-step feminist narrative.

The assertion that “women and children always tell the truth” is a lie to demean men’s authority and responsibility. It elevates female and children’s power while diluting men’s.  When asked about this statement, psychologists, teachers and most parents will say this is absurd. 

Children have to be trained to be honest, as they will use lying to obtain what they want. This distortion of reality has given youngsters more intellectual ability than they actually possess. Too many parents listen to what their child says as truth. A child will say many things to get attention such as “I would rather be a different sex,” to shock their parents. Some parents are now taking these infantile statements to pursue sex change surgery instead of correcting the child’s thinking by educating them that reconstruction surgery will add to their confusion and dissatisfaction.

The PC mantra that women have a right to their own bodies is currently synonymous with abortion. This disregards the rights of the baby or the father who wants to raise the child. All lives matter, not just the mother’s,  that includes the baby. Killing a viable fetus that resulted from sexual pleasure is the antithesis of Godliness; it is evil hedonism. Our Constitution and Bill of Rights says nothing about protecting hedonistic practices but it does guarantee Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness all of which are denied to an aborted baby.

Yet all twenty-four democrats competing for the nomination to run for president are for abortion up to the third trimester. Senator Gillibrand made a default statement that anyone challenging the woman’s right to her body is a racist. An opposing opinion does not necessarily make a person a racist. Genetically women are not a race but a gender.

The PC concepts being forced upon us go against our national survival.  “Preventing illegal immigration is a racist act” even though all nations have borders to protect their sovereignty. Without enforcing borders there would no longer be law, order or a nation. Yet the Country Club Republicans and the Progressive Democrats seem to have a vested interest in not stopping illegal immigration. The first wants cheap labor for corporations and the second wants a new voting block to insure their party’s viability. Both positions weaken the United State’s long-term ability to remain a united free country.

PC propaganda is growing to pit one group against another. This undermines the unity, thinking and purpose of our nation. Distorting reality to win converts through identity politics might change some elections but it feeds a cancer on our country’s spirit.

PC thought control should be exposed for their lies and confronted when they are introduced.  They should be obliterated as soon as possible. Just like an enemy missile launched to destroy us.  This PC device is meant to undermine the pillars of our culture especially the right to open debate through free speech and rational thinking.

Domenick Maglio, PhD. is a columnist carried by various newspapers, an author of several books and owner/director of Wider Horizons School, a college prep program. Dr. Maglio is an author of weekly newspaper articles, INVASION WITHIN  and a new book entitled, IN CHARGE PARENTING In a PC World. You can see many of Dr. Maglio’s articles at

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