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Tuesday, May 14, 2019


By Domenick J. Maglio PhD. Traditional Realist

Today America’s history is under attack. Most schools no longer teach history in a factual manner. The history of America is seen by most public school and university intellectuals as a series of exploitations of other people to benefit the power brokers of the United States to the detriment of everyone else. There are numerous creatively fabricated narratives to substantiate this point of view. In this current time our incredibly enlightened founders are made out to be evil white racists who did not personally sacrifice almost everything to establish the freest nation in the history of mankind. This is revisionist history that attempts to undermine the legitimacy of the USA.

Why now and for what reason is this happening? Whenever there are revolutionaries who want to take over an existing government they have to destroy the moral values and past leadership, which are the underpinnings of the existing culture. This rewriting of the history of the nation from predominately negative perspectives is needed to provoke change. The masses will change their allegiance from the former leaders to the wannabe ones. During the early stages of the Soviet communist revolution in the 1920s Antonio Gramsci advocated attacking Christian values to foment the worldwide revolution. Chairman Mao implemented the Cultural Revolution to justify eliminating any opposition while rejuvenating communist zeal to avoid a counter-revolution.

Presently privileged interest groups, anarchists, the elite media, globalists and communists have aligned with our present elite political establishment to dismantle the national interests of countries worldwide for a global one-world-government. All of these diverging groups view that the breakup of the United States will open the floodgates of change, which would allow for the rapid creation of a Utopian world government. It is a grandiose scheme that can be accomplished only by annihilating the cultures throughout the world especially the United States.

Today’s progressives in the United States are still trying to destroy any patriotism that may exist in our younger citizens. The political culture of exceptionalism is being flipped from the incredibly intelligent, rational men of the past to evil, self-serving exploiters. This historical distortion can only take place by creating a vacuum of historical knowledge. This is happening in our public schools and in our universities by preventing open debate with opponents and by radical rewriting of factual history. This false and disgraceful history has to be rejected.

The only major obstacle to their victory of taking over the US government is the incredible exceptionalism of America. This would include George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Andrew Jackson, Abraham Lincoln, Robert E. Lee and almost all other heroes of our nation’s history. These heroes have to be denounced and then erased by social justice distortions. The only problem is the acts of courage of these heroes has been well documented in many sources. Many of the statues of these honorable men have been torn down by Antifa and other progressive mobs. There are too many references of their important deeds, well documented in official books to be eliminated without the notice of the people. Patriotic citizens have to stand up and voice their objection to prevent this catastrophe of obliterating the freest nation on earth from continuing to be free.

We The People of America do not want a bunch of misguided totalitarian revolutionaries destroying our great country. America is in an intellectual conflict of defending our American exceptionalism against strident international, one-world government advocates. These privileged interest groups and anarchists are being used as soldiers to weaken the social fabric and union of our country. This is a well-organized and financed plot to bring down our nation and replace it with an all-controlling robotic world government.

The patriotic citizens who know the greatness of America have to demand that historical cultural context be taught in our schools and recognized in our media. Education based on truth is the best defense to counter blatant lies and distortions.

The “glue of our patriotic history” is there to unite all Americans if we teach it. When  the real comprehensive national history is taught, the context and the unbelievable sacrifice of Americans must be included. With this we would become inoculated against repressive worldwide propaganda.

True knowledge of history is the necessary way to preserve our exceptional nation and the comparable free nations. The most accurate history of world events, not propaganda revisionist history, should be the compass to lead the world of nations into the future of greater freedom and prosperity the world has ever experienced.

Domenick Maglio, PhD. is a columnist carried by various newspapers, an author of several books and owner/director of Wider Horizons School, a college prep program. Dr. Maglio is an author of weekly newspaper articles, INVASION WITHIN  and a new book entitled, IN CHARGE PARENTING In a PC World. You can see many of Dr. Maglio’s articles at


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