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Tuesday, April 09, 2019


By Domenick J. Maglio PhD. Traditional Realist

Stephanie Pappas wrote a rambling article for the American Psychological Association virtually declaring war on men and boys. Acting like masculinity is a disease would alter the present toxicity of men’s behavior. These guidelines would assist males to be more passive and tolerant, which would alter the culture of the USA for the better according to Ms. Pappas.

This male bashing piece went so far as to indict white males for being dominant corporate executives as if it were an indicator of males’ repression of females. The changing of men’s nature and hard wiring of their minds appears to be an impossible goal. Yet, some females want men to be miraculously transformed

Almost immediately following this sophomoric anti-male rant, advertising geniuses released the almost two minute Gillette commercial. It portrayed all men as toxic animals, misogynist, sexual harassers, and boys as bullies.  The aim supposedly was to place Gillette on the side of the “Me Too” movement by emphasizing their motto “Is this the best a man can get?” or do. This berating, shaming, belittling does not do anything to elevate women but puts down men with a vengeance.

Masculinity is now supposed to be toxic. Men consistently take dangerous jobs and fight in wars to maintain our freedom. This risk taking is an important natural characteristic of men who have protected and courageously advanced civilization. Children are being taught that men are a menace and villains. This is destroying any positive feelings of children towards men. It not only lowers the image of men in the eyes of the younger generation. It lessens the image of men as well as of boys. Thus, it denigrates half the population.

 Since the 1960s the feminist movement has attempted to have women be more like men. The feminists had been successful in turning many women against their traditional role of being a mother, homemaker, building a protective nest, to raise their family and assist their husband.

The women’s movements advanced through university women’s studies, co-conspiratorial with the media and Hollywood’s glorifying the independence of females in the workforce and disparaging housewives/mothers as modern slaves.  This attack on mothers and housewives was hugely successful. Many young women delayed getting married and instead chose the glorious college experience.

Currently the tide appears to be turning as many professional women are choosing to return to the home so as not to miss those precious moments and events in raising children and family. The undeniable “ticking of the internal clock” of motherhood is overtaking ambition for many professional women. The reality of the cutthroat nature of the business world for females has become clearer with each passing year of their career.

The hardcore stand of feminists that women always have to be believed over the “all rapist male” population is losing its support. Many women have sons, husbands and brothers who the women know are not rapists. The Duke Lacrosse Team/ Towanda Brawley incident and the Judge Kavanaugh debacle have demonstrated how far feminists will go to support another women. These staunch feminists will lie for another woman to besmirch a male’s reputation and career.  

The total lack of female sexual responsibility also is starting to cause females to rethink such irrational sexual behavior as hooking up, having casual sex, and not taking birth control precautions. Women are now realizing they are part of the problem. Not all males or all females are toxic. They are hardwired differently. Men are more physically aggressive to protect and hunt to earn a living while females are more “nesters” who are the center of the family. Studies have shown absentee females or males have an incredibly negative impact on the children in the family. Both are necessary for a healthy family life.

Gender shaming of all males as rapists and generally evil is backfiring. Many females are realizing that men are invaluable to have a stable, happy and healthy family life. The more the feminists realize the tide is changing the more their tactics become radicalized, which drives more and more women out of this obnoxious subculture. Their extreme desperation is awakening a majority of the modern females to this hysterical movement.

Interdependence not excluding males in the female existence is a wise, reality decision.

Domenick Maglio, PhD. is a columnist carried by various newspapers, an author of several books and owner/director of Wider Horizons School, a college prep program. Dr. Maglio is an author of weekly newspaper articles, INVASION WITHIN  and a new book entitled, IN CHARGE PARENTING In a PC World. You can see many of Dr. Maglio’s articles at

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