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Tuesday, December 01, 2020



By Domenick J. Maglio PhD. Traditional Realist


In 1789 our first president and national hero, George Washington, proclaimed the last Thursday in November to be designated Thanksgiving, a national holiday. This great American stated it is a day that we should take notice of and celebrate all the blessings we have received. It helps us highlight the many things we have received from Almighty God and it is up to us to protect it.

Thanksgiving a wonderful event each year where families get together to have a celebration in gratitude for what has been provided to us. When the family is seated around the dinner table, members are thankful for being together, and how fortunate they are to have God in their lives.  It is a day we acknowledge the importance of our faith in God and the significant role He plays in our daily life. It helps us be more aware that the hand of God has watched over and protected us from personal and other possible forces of devastation.


Traditional families also realize how fortunate they are to be living in America with all the freedoms we enjoy. Most Americans celebrate our Constitutional Republic of the United States with God’s protection granted to us regardless of our religion, race, or social status. The stability and opportunity inherent in our nation has been envied all over the world. They are stunned to see Americans speak openly about politics with no fear of reprisal. Foreigners respect our freedom to speak our mind and our freedom to move up the socio-economic ladder that is rare in the rest of the world. Many US citizen take for granted the freedoms outlined in our Bill of Rights, but foreigners are jealous because they have never experienced these rights. Americans should appreciate these incredible freedoms that are currently under attack and could be swiped from under our noses if we are not careful. 


We have witnessed in this Coronavirus era that liberties can readily be cancelled due to a “health epidemic” by creating fear in the population. When corrupt, self-serving politicians see they can create mass panic in the population, they exploit it. This is summed up by: “Never let a crisis go to waste.” These elite vultures use people’s fear to promise false solutions. In return the weak complying victims surrender their freedom while the political vultures devour their freedom leaving them helplessly enslaved. 


Instead of trading liberty for evil, individuals should return to prayer and have faith in a merciful God.  God provides courage, strength and calm to ward off the fear of personal tragedy. Our fears will be diminished making us strong enough to stand up against tyranny as the American people did in crisis after crisis. We will realize too much has been given to us to surrender our freedom for false security. 


Giving thanks everyday reinforces the knowledge that citizens have been able to overcome many past fearful events. Our faith in God increases our courage to fight off evil in our society. When people stand up to dictatorial leaders, the leaders are exposed as liars and they lose the power of fear. We experienced it in the American Revolution, the civil War, WWI and WWII, and during the Great Depression. We need to give back to our ancestors (and to the future of our children) by standing up and preserving the greatest nation on earth. Instead of dwelling on our fears we should focus all we have been given to defeat these spineless, phony, cruel elites. 


When we give thanks to God, our perceptions change from helplessness to hopefulness. The more the virtue of gratitude grows in our hearts the stronger we become. The more we have overcome tragedy, the lessons we have learned toughen us up to withstand immense pain. The power given us in our faith in God helps us inspire greater convictions in others to help them confront ruthless individuals and be victorious.  It gives us greater appreciation for what we have been given. As times improve, we will have additional courage and tolerance to handle the deviousness, distortions, lies and outrageous evil confronting us.


The gratitude shown during the Thanksgiving holiday is an effective way to ward off the evil elites that are a part of everyone’s life and should be practiced as a daily ritual. We all would find our days easier and our sleep more tranquil and uplifting if we continually count our blessings.


 Domenick Maglio, PhD. is a columnist carried by various newspapers, an author of several books and owner/director of Wider Horizons School, a college prep program. Dr. Maglio is an author of weekly newspaper articles, INVASION WITHIN  and a recent book entitled, IN CHARGE PARENTING In a PC World. You can see many of Dr. Maglio’s articles at








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