By Domenick J. Maglio, Ph.D.
Contrary to conventional wisdom, private school students do
not primarily come from high socio-economic backgrounds. The image from the
past of elitist private schools has been altered by the progressively dismal
results of public education.
Using vouchers in the school choice movement has enabled
many families with children who have significant academic and emotional difficulties
to attend private schools.
Private education has had
positive results with educating all types of students. When private schools have been given the
freedom and flexibility to run their own programs to meet the individual needs
of children they do a significantly better job.
star, Matt Damon who is a strong proponent of public schools, reluctantly
admitted to the decline of public education. "The private school that I
send my kids to is the thing closest to the public school that I went to that I
could find. And that’s why I send my kids to private school. "
Common Core is being introduced to our school districts
throughout the United States to reverse the academic slide. This decision will
continue the decline of public school students. A segment of highly motivated,
high socially-economic students will prosper but the majority of students will
not be given sufficient time to mature before being stamped as failures. They
are going to be seen as unfortunate casualties of the numbers game.
All students arrive at school with specific strengths and
weaknesses. In private schools the administration can tailor-make the
instruction for each student by creatively tweaking staff assignments and
facility resources to be more efficient and effective in meeting the student’s
unique needs.
These adjustments are done not for political advancement but
for practical reasons to provide quality education to each student within the
boundaries of the budget.. The hiring of additional staff and firing those who
do not fit in is based on realistic and specific needs to meet the educational
goal of increasing student performance.
Private schools do not want or cannot afford to change the
entire program every few years to market the latest educational fad. The
financial implications of the cost of new materials, equipment and training are
prohibitive. They realize that a consistent structured environment provides a
more encouraging and conducive environment for learning.
Most importantly, the owners of these schools have a strong
mission that required them to put everything on the line to enter the business
of education while competing with “free” taxpayer education. Their philosophy of educating children gradually
altered to meet the needs of a changing population. In a real academic situation they learn what
works for improving the performance of the students.
Private education will be devastated if they are forced to
accept Common Core testing protocol to measure success. This in essence will
cause private schools to abandon their freedom to be creative that produces
high student performance. Private schools will become high priced carbon copies
of the Common Core cookie cutter approach to education.
Parents have been disenfranchised in public/government
school systems. They are powerless pawns in their child’s education. They witness their child’s academic work
primarily being directed towards a normative test with no recourse to change
it. This is reversed in private school.
The private school, like any business, realizes the consumer has to be treated
with respect and provided with a quality product or it will be fired by the
parents. The decentralization of power into the hands of parents and students
empowers them to become committed members of the school community they have
The uniting of parents with administration and teachers is
the key element to providing an educational environment of excellence. The
child knows there is no room to “play one against another.” Everyone stays on
the same page, which focuses the child’s education on striving to be the best
he can be.
The school community can produce miracles when everyone is
working toward the same goals. The school head should have the freedom to make
subtle or even more definitive adjustments on the steering wheel to keep on
course. Students need a steady wind behind them to guide them toward the
desired destination.
The freedom and power being in the hands of the person at
the helm of the school, not in Washington, D.C., is essential for a private
school to fulfill its mission of providing an optimal learning situation for
each student.
Labels: Common Core, freedom, private education, private schools, school community
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