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Tuesday, August 15, 2017


By Domenick j. Maglio PhD., Traditional Realist

Our culture has gone through drastic changes in a short time. In the 1960s we experienced the Sexual Revolution and the expansion of dumping mentally ill patients directly into communities. They basically opened the doors of mental institutions and left them out on their own. At the same time our public school education was beginning to be dumbed down, law enforcement was handcuffed and permissive child rearing became common. The 1960s was a cultural revolution.

This “deviancy down” of our society was well expressed by NY Senator Patrick Moynihan who encapsulated this process of obsessive tolerance for self destructive and criminal behavior.  The weakening of the stigma against anti social behavior opened up the floodgates for more of the same.

Half a century later we are living in a “new normal” that is hard to comprehend and even digest. How and why did we allow this corruption of our society to take place? Many of us view this cultural transformation as decadence gone wild, yet many other Americans believe in being non-judgmental and letting everyone “do his own thing.” The difficulty for society with everyone doing his own thing is it breeds confusion, discord and inferior production.  All behavior, moral or immoral, accurate or sloppy, positive or negative addiction, has become morally equivalent.

Manners and proper ways to do almost anything have become passé while lazy and destructive behaviors have become chic. The adult expectations of maturing into a self reliant person have been replaced by youngsters doing anything they want while thinking they are smarter than their parents or anyone else. The young people do not think they have to focus and practice to develop positive skills and habits. They possess a false high self-esteem that is weakening the respect between generations and among individuals.

The cavalier attitude that all behavior, morals and thinking are equal is encouraging people to believe whatever they do is as good or even better than others when they clearly are not. There are no longer viable methods, standards, expectations and goals to inspire all of us to improve. The non-existent blueprint for excellence has limited people from achieving goals. Instead people have started to do as little as possible and develop a “just get it done” attitude. Lack of direction has seriously impaired adults from being responsible to family, friends and country. Allegiance and cohesiveness of citizens to their country, the United States, and to each other has been significantly reduced.

When we witness bizarre behavior or stupid thinking on someone’s part most will ignore it rather than say something to help the person by correcting him. Many of us do not have the courage to get involved or be rejected for our beliefs. This has increased a lack of community or humane concern for others. It is a product of our being indoctrinated by nonjudgmental thinking.
The inability of authority figures to speak up and tell those they are responsible for what is best for them is hurting our children. We were told by permissive-materialistic child rearing experts to go along with the fantasy when a child has imaginary friends. Currently when a child hits his parent, many educated people will not be upset or shocked by this. The child is expressing his anger. Fast-forward to youngsters who want to change their gender and are no longer told this is unworkable. Instead, we play along with this idea giving it credence and even encouraging it. Other children are entertaining the idea that they want to be considered other than human such as an animal, plant or object. We have legitimized this bizarre notion by naming it “other kin. We have entered the twilight zone.

In our schools students and their parents both expect high grades without the child earning them. Most students have been encouraged to think they have the right to be admitted to any university of their choice even though they have limited academic skills. They believe once they graduate from any course of study in a university they have a right to receive a high paying job. Most of these students are continually being sold a ridiculous bill of goods that has no bearing on reality. They are being taught at universities that after receiving a degree they are more knowledgeable and educated than people who have been in the field for years.  Our future lies in these young people and this segment of the population is being taught to be delusional.

The more parents, teachers, psychologists, law enforcement, judges and all other authority figures, including the general adult public, allow insane, illogical thinking and dangerous behavior, the more all of us will be tainted and affected by more abnormal behavior. Not only will we become oblivious and even more tolerant of dysfunctional people but unconsciously begin to mimic and praise the abnormal behaviors.

The most effective means of combatting this invasion of deviants throughout the country is for every authority figure in the family and community to directly confront it. The adults have to be more forceful to educate people on the absurdity of these disabling actions and thinking. Every role model has to carry himself in a dignified manner when teaching our easily influenced children.

Domenick Maglio, PhD. is a columnist carried by various newspapers, an author of several books and owner/director of Wider Horizons School, a college prep program. Dr. Maglio is an author of weekly newspaper articles, INVASION WITHIN and a new just published book, entitled, IN CHARGE PARENTING In a PC World. You can visit Dr. Maglio at


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