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Tuesday, July 23, 2019


By Domenick J. Maglio PhD. Traditional Realist

Most Americans are fed up with the daily news cycle: one tragedy after another, two political parties denouncing each other, and news communicators disagreeing concerning any political issues. On top of these opposing perspectives we have different news accounts of the same incident with opposite videos showing two contrary interpretations of events.

There is even a dichotomy between the news sources. Fake news depends on which side of the political system a person leans. The conservative side favors certain traditional commentators who want to bring back moral values that made America great. The progressive side follows the elite media’s social change narrative that shows the unfair treatment of the protected classes. These are radically different approaches of how we should govern.

The news leaves most people confused and upset. Many if not most people have shut down and pulled out of the emotional hassle of trying to understand what is happening politically to our country. It becomes too stressful to confront these daily issues and certainly is not pleasant but it is our duty as citizens to figure out what direction our country should take.

Our history has not been a straight and smooth road of agreement amongst our people. The decision making process under our constitution has had raucous disagreements in many of our elections. Eventually the people’s majority voices were heard through this election process and in the next election there might be a correction in the opposite direction. These changes in the navigation of the nation are subtle, not abrupt, which could have caused a constitutional crisis.

The US is a free country because we honor our Bill of Rights. The first encourages free speech and ability to assemble freely. Slander and outright lying have always been part and parcel of our protection under our First Amendment right. Our founders had faith in the average American citizen’s ability to decipher the truth from fiction. In our early history there were pamphlets written with various versions of the truth and often distributed in the bars. There were strong debates by the patrons often under the influence of alcohol that turned into emotional and sometimes physical events.  These encounters certainly were not peaceful, rational debates although somehow participants made astute political decisions that have kept our country united and on a more or less reasonable course to make us the greatest super power in the modern era.

Progressive socialists are directly attacking the US constitutional republic. These revolutionaries are not restrained to tell the truth. They can almost taste a coup of President Trump by bureaucratic elites, the press, indoctrinated students and a flood of illegal immigrants overwhelming our ability to provide law and order. Many of these socialists are radicals who demand instant transformation of our governmental system. They are pushing the envelope for a decisive top-down government edict rather than a gradual bottom-up ground swell from the people.

The direct assault on America’s capitalism as a free market, laws and our constitutional republic is being challenged by utopian deception, power grabbing promises that will bankrupt the United States into another failed experiment in socialism. We citizens will not only decide the future of America but the world’s future order. It is easy and more satisfying to turn on Netflix, jump on social media or other means of turning to fantasy instead of doing your patriotic duty as a citizen.

Our forefathers left us with a safe option to keep a stable succession of government- the Electoral College. We do not have to rebel in the streets with bullets flying and patriots dying to keep our freedom’s peaceful succession. We have the option to move from the silent majority to an active movement to repel social justice activists who want to short circuit our constitutional protections and proclaim we are now a socialist nation.

Many citizens probably will become agitated by the inconsistent lies and inferences made about honorable people. Political battles are not pretty and are never as dramatic as actual warfare. Political inaction would rob our freedom, voice and property.

Study, listen and absorb the messages of both parties. The future of the USA is in your hands in the next official election.  Remember freedom takes responsibility to keep it. So be informed, vote and let other patriotic Americans know we stand firm against a socialist take over that would gut the US into a third world nation. Keep America the leader of the free world no matter how difficult and annoying it is to be an informed voter.

Domenick Maglio, PhD. is a columnist carried by various newspapers, an author of several books and owner/director of Wider Horizons School, a college prep program. Dr. Maglio is an author of weekly newspaper articles, INVASION WITHIN  and a new book entitled, IN CHARGE PARENTING In a PC World. You can see many of Dr. Maglio’s articles at


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