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Tuesday, October 12, 2021



By Domenick J. Maglio PhD. Traditional Realist


The Critical Race Theory was a wake-up call for parents. They learned that their children’s government education was radically different from what they believed. Covid-19 had one positive dynamic, it brought online learning for parents to witness with their own eyes. It ignited parents’ belated involvement in their children’s vital education.


American parents have been so absorbed with job advancement and their social lives they just assumed their child’s education was high quality. Their children had high grades, received awards, and were told they were in the best classes.  School buildings became modern fortresses with the latest electronic educational gadgets although there was limited availability of administration and teachers to inform parents about their child’s academics.


The CRT controversy exploded at school board meetings. The parents experienced the shocking way they were disrespectfully treated by the bureaucrat administrators and even by the classroom teachers. Many realized they were no longer considered essential in their child’s education. However, parents have no one to blame but themselves for the arrogant, unresponsive government school officials.  Parents’ lack of involvement with their children’s education allowed national government school bureaucracy to gain dictatorial power over their children’s education. 


The parents heard stories from their own children, other parents and the media of how out-of-control the discipline had become. Our national academic standards have fallen to average or below as compared with other nations. When government schools began to have poor response time to inform parents about a child’s accidents, behavioral issues and academic difficulties, it should have been a signal that things were deteriorating. When history, geography, cursive writing, grammar and math knowledge stopped being taught parents did not hold school officials accountable for the decrease in educational quality.


Citizens saw media reports of bizarre incidents of sexually acting out, violence in school and classroom instructions of explicit sexual behavior like putting a condom on a banana. They also heard about homosexuals and transvestites visiting school classrooms to give sexual deviant presentations with explicit photos and graphic demonstrations to normalize perverted actions. The LGBT movement with its sexual advocacy of non-traditional relationships and its convoluted justification of these relationships has undercut the development of our children and our nation.  


CSE is a sexual revolution curriculum that normalizes past aberrant practices. It is what Daniel Moynihan described in the 1960s as “deviance down” for lowering our moral standards in a Judaic-Christian society. 


If parents examined these events, they would have found it was part of the Comprehensive Sexuality Education national program. Included in this so-called revolutionary program are concepts taught to children as young as four-years-old up to high school. Pan sexuality, the attraction to any gender, pornographic material, masturbation, and intercourse are being presented as normal acts. Abortion is introduced at 12 years old as a positive action for an unwanted child. This systematic brainwashing of youngsters to accept experimenting with these sexual practices is to normalize them in our culture. 


Impressionable adolescents are taught they could have been born into the wrong sexual body. This concept is introduced as the teenagers’ bodies are going through rapid changes with normal questions and confusion. As we are witnessing, many who have transitioned to a new gender, some without the consent of the parents, are attempting to reverse their decision. 

These CSE concepts that gender can be changed at will has resulted in national gender non-conformity which adds instability and mental illness to the equation. 


This CSE has the support and advocacy of many powerful organizations. NAMBLA (North America Man-Boy Love Association), SPLC (Southern Poverty Law Center), The United Nations, Planned Parenthood and others have received the financial backing of the Chinese Communist government. Each of these groups understands that propagandizing young children is an effective way of eliminating the power of the parents to teach moral values to their own children. Parents are being robbed of their sacred rights and duties to direct the child’s normal and healthy development.


These deviant practices with their false justifications of sexuality are provoking conflict and division in our families and society. Most impactful is the destruction of the peace of mind of our children’s development in a natural, uneventful manner to become productive adults.  An epidemic of sexual confusion is precipitating an upswing in personal dissatisfaction, suicide, and mental illness in children. These deviant practices surely have facilitated sex outside of marriage which has weakened the family bond and caused an explosion in the divorce rate. The negative impact on the children of divorced families is obvious and well documented. 


To again flourish, America must return to biblical moral teachings that lead us down the positive path of righteousness. If and when the Comprehensive Sexual Education practices are adopted by our children this will end in devastation of these children, the family and our nation.



Domenick Maglio, PhD. is a columnist carried by various newspapers and blogs, an author of several books and owner/director of Wider Horizons School, a college prep program. Dr. Maglio is an author of weekly newspaper articles, INVASION WITHIN  and a recent book entitled, IN CHARGE PARENTING In a PC World. You can see many of Dr. Maglio’s articles at










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