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Tuesday, December 19, 2017


By Domenick J. Maglio PhD. Traditional Realist

Many women have broken the “glass ceiling” in a corporate world. Most are receiving equal pay for their professional service positions. In the last presidential election a female barely lost the election to become the leader of the free world.

Women have a legal right to abort an infant on demand even when the husband or partner does not want to end the pregnancy and the infant’s existence. Females currently comprise 60 % of the college graduates in the United States, while males make up only 40% of individuals successfully completing degrees.

On the home front an increasing number of men are staying at home as house husbands while the wife is the breadwinner.  Many professional wives travel during the week as an integral part of their job description. In the corporate world,  contrary to feminist propaganda, women are being paid as well as if not better than men in the same position.

Girls are being successfully encouraged through “girl power” to be highly motivated and aggressively compete in sports and academics. This movement reprogramming the natural proclivities of females towards masculine traits has been accomplished through books, movies and cartoons depicting females as super heroes. This has altered the thinking, behavior and interests of the female subculture.

Girls can now join the Boy Scouts while the boys cannot join the Girl Scouts. Teenage females are being openly offered STEM scholarships that the boys are not eligible to receive. On college campuses girls are being rewarded with additional power in determining sexual assaults. The men are automatically presumed guilty of an accusation by a female student until he proves his innocence. On college campuses there are contracts drawn up by a dating couple as to acceptability of sexual interactions between them. The young males are at the mercy of the subjective reaction of female peers since female statements are accepted as totally true.

This empowerment of females seems to have impacted the female US Representatives in the Senate and House. Almost all the female members of congress, both republican and democrat, were united in insisting that all women should be  believed about male sexual assaults. This extreme feminist position has become adopted by the chic culture. According to this PC notion, women should be believed on face value, in other words, “women do not lie.” This is ridiculous on its face. Everyone: children, adults of each race or nationality, ethic group, or even our politicians, lies. Almost every human lies in some form or another.

The feminist momentum of automatically convicting all men solely on the word of a female without due process should cease. This is not blind justice but social justice to rectify supposed discrimination against women.

There have been many despicable, indecent, evil males throughout history. On college campuses women studies consistently teach that all men are violent, oppressive, rapists who objectify women as sex objects. On the flip side of this coin, women are honest, passive, non-aggressive victims of ruthless males. This feminist narrative has spread into the progressive culture but not into the traditional one.

Traditional Americans understand it takes two to tango. Females do lie, threaten and attack others in certain situations. Ask any divorce lawyer, psychologist, policeman or teacher if females should be believed or supported at all times.  Obviously there are females who dress provocatively, verbally and physically attack others including men and use their feminine wiles to lead men on.  This type of woman uses her feminine powers to tease, belittle and control men.

Both sexes have bad players who victimize innocent people and good players who support and protect others. Each gender is made up of human beings with both positive and negative behaviors.

The average male in the United States is much more sensitive, considerate and respectful towards female feelings than ever before. Yet the feminists continue to raise their absurd standards of what modern men’s behavior should be. It seems many females will not be satisfied until all men are treated like predators.

Females have made men more aware and altered them and their cruder behaviors. Enough is enough, men will never be perfect nor will females. Both need to look at their own imperfections and realize neither will reach perfection. This understanding creates tolerance for others. Maybe then they will distinguish between good and bad males and females judging their character not their gender.

Treating everyone fairly means that each has the opportunity for due process to occur to determine who is telling the truth. Blind justice unites people and gives everyone the satisfaction that the matter was settled properly and justly.

Domenick Maglio, PhD. is a columnist carried by various newspapers, an author of several books and owner/director of Wider Horizons School, a college prep program. Dr. Maglio is an author of weekly newspaper articles, INVASION WITHIN  and a new just published book, entitled, IN CHARGE PARENTING In a PC World. You can visit Dr. Maglio at


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