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Tuesday, April 03, 2018


By Domenick J. Maglio

Too many human beings complain about everything. You see youngsters saying “no” to their parents. “I don’t want to eat this breakfast.” “ I am not going to grandma’s house.” Protesting things we do not like is common among people of all ages and in all cultures. It is part of our human nature.

Strikes are a form of group protest against a government or employers’ actions. Sometimes they succeed and changes occur to sufficiently satisfy the group. Sometimes they fail and the group energy dissipates. In some countries like Italy, protests and strikes are so ingrained in the culture the same strikes happen like clockwork every year.

National protests against a government work only when an overwhelming number of citizens are convinced the rules are abusing their fellow citizens. This happens only after there were many participants and leaders of the movement attempting to get the government or the employers to make changes. When there is no reasonable negotiation something seemingly minor could ignite a massive uprising with many unintended negative consequences.

In a freer country the people have many more recourses to transform their own conditions. Free speech, assembly and an abundance of job opportunities allow citizens to alter their situation to get what they want. In the USA people are able to move to a different state or community for jobs to better meet their desires.

Yet no mentally stable person can expect everyone to treat him like royalty, laying down a red carpet. Even some people in England find the royal family not to their liking. Everyone has different ideals of fairness, beauty, politics, goodness or whatever. You cannot appeal to everyone or be liked by everyone. To think everyone should treat you in a specific subjective manner is on the verge of insanity.

Many progressive college students are so thin-skinned that they are demanding “safe spaces” to regain their composure after someone says things with which they disagree. These students are the victims of coddling and immaturity. You cannot dictate how people should treat you. Many other groups in America are no longer protesting legally sanctioned discrimination against their group but are now demanding certain privileges written into law to repair past subjective hurts and perceived discrimination. The expectation of special treatment from diverse groups is extremely dangerous. This is setting oneself up for a letdown and failure. As long as people are free to do what they want in private without government interference they should celebrate their freedom not fret over it.

Coercing people to treat certain privileged groups in a special manner over another would infringe on the freedom of speech and assembly to the other group. Any government cannot prescribe specific scripts to certain groups and remain a free nation. The LGBTQ coalition is guaranteed all the rights other groups have. The NFL protest movement had the right to protest any grievances they perceived as long as they did it on their own time. They do not have a right to protest when they are paid entertainers, especially when their behavior has caused a significant decrease in the league’s profit. They would have greater impact by going into their communities and being role models to help out the people they feel are not being treated well.

Many ethnic groups at various times have migrated in large numbers to the “land of
opportunity” to confront horrendous discrimination. Chinese in California, Irish: “no Micks need apply” in the mid 1800s then later Pollocks, Squareheads, Hymies, Spics, Guineas and many other foreign arrivals met hatred, not acceptance.

As each group became known as individuals who did good work, the stigma faded. They became Americans whose ancestors came from other countries but most became Americans in three or less generations. Others did not want to deal with the US culture’s hassles, language difficulties, food and traditions of America. Hundreds of thousands returned to their country of origin. They did not spend the majority of their energy protesting to change America instead they placed their efforts to seek out the best America offered and to avoid the worst.

These immigrants were not perfect. Many took shortcuts by entering into criminal enterprises. Others chose to place their energies in developing ethic organizations to help families to create pride and to struggle to the top of the economic ladder. Immigrants developed their own athletic leagues, social clubs, churches, literary classes, tutoring and financial assistance groups to help their own people. As they gained confidence and a sense of ethnic accomplishment they could easily melt into the acceptance of mainstream America.

There is no special privilege government can grant to any group without someone else losing his freedom. All groups can earn prestige with strong and greater demonstrations of their worthiness to themselves and other Americans. It takes sacrifice and good deeds, not government mandates to become solid American citizens who are judged by their character not their ethnicity.

Domenick Maglio, PhD. is a columnist carried by various newspapers, an author of several books and owner/director of Wider Horizons School, a college prep program. Dr. Maglio is an author of weekly newspaper articles, INVASION WITHIN  and a new just published book, entitled, IN CHARGE PARENTING In a PC World. You can visit Dr. Maglio at


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