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Tuesday, May 04, 2021



By Domenick J. Maglio PhD. Traditional Realist


Critical Race Theory has been brewing on the back burners of academia and social activist’s minds for over 40 years. It is a total rejection of Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr’s teaching that we should not judge a person by the color of their skin but by their character.  Instead, CRT believes color blindness is a form of racism. According to the CRT theory racism is found in every interaction and aspect of life. 


CRT does not bring humans together but divides them by their belief system about social groups not the individual’s merit. Upward mobility of a black person in this racist society is downplayed. Advocates of CRT do not spell out what racism is but define it vaguely as anyone who disagrees with them. 


People who do not believe that the United States is a wicked and hateful nation are considered “white supremacists.” Anyone who is grateful for their freedom and life in America is a racist. This includes Asians, Hispanics, Arabs, Indians and light skinned blacks who are considered racially privileged for choosing to be assimilated into the US culture.  


In the past and present when a black man is highly functioning in American society, he was considered by “racial pimps” to be an “Uncle Tom.” At this point in our history many black women and men have moved up the social ladder to become prominent in government, education, business and politics. Many of these individual’s accomplishments are often ridiculed unless these people are seen as anti-American. The black American success stories cannot be promoted as they shred the CRT insistence that all blacks are treated hatefully and unjustly. 


This concept that all blacks are unable to reach the highest level of merit in our capitalist system is ludicrous as blacks make up 13.4% of the population while 30% of blacks are in federal government positions. There are 52 blacks sitting as US House members while six blacks are chairmen of committees and there are 225 black federal judges. Affirmative action programs in corporate businesses are more advantageous to blacks than many racial counterparts. The same phenomenon is taking place in academia where many blacks are moving into positions of power.


This cultural advancement of blacks demonstrates the opposite of systemic racism. It is the systemic outreach for inclusion not exclusion. Yet as this turnabout is taking place, too many people are dismissing these changes as only tokens. Black incomes rose significantly under the Trump administration. Many of the blacks who moved up in income and status are often not celebrated but treated as black traitors. 


Blacks have moved into positions of power on police forces throughout the nation as shown on TV during the recent urban unrest. Many black police chiefs have been grossly touted as racist for their stance on law and order. When blacks become an integral part of the society power structure it should be seen as progress, not distorted as a setback.


Many US states such as Florida, Oklahoma, Tennessee and Idaho are banning the CRT curriculum being taught in their schools. They have evaluated and decided that the curriculum of CRT would be discriminatory to all students, teaching falsehoods rather than truth about racial relationships. Many parents are demanding that school systems not be allowed to present this hateful propaganda to their children. 


Robin DiAngelo, a white academic and diversity trainer, became a best-selling author of, White Fragility using the same illogic as any CRT political activist. She emphasized that when a white individual denies they are “white supremacist” they are exhibiting “white fragility.” In other words, if you deny you are a racist it confirms you are a racist. This “Catch 22” mentality is a cornerstone of CRT.


All people who reject CRT automatically become racist. Anyone who uses logic, direct historical evidence, science or any other method of reasoning is a racist since it is part of the traditional white culture’s method of arriving at truth. The CRT advocates insist it is the experience of “Black Life” that will put society on the right path for assisting blacks in America. This convoluted theory says that success in school, business or other means of earning merit are worthless for blacks, as they are controlled by white supremacists.


According to CRT, whites should accept “equity.” This means creating the same outcomes for everyone. It can only happen by redistributing wealth and land to blacks to make up for past discrimination. 


This CRT world would be an Orwellian one with government controlling every life without anyone being rewarded for their individual achievements. A hopeless world.   


Domenick Maglio, PhD. is a columnist carried by various newspapers and blogs, an author of several books and owner/director of Wider Horizons School, a college prep program. Dr. Maglio is an author of weekly newspaper articles, INVASION WITHIN  and a recent book entitled, IN CHARGE PARENTING In a PC World. You can see many of Dr. Maglio’s articles at






























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