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Tuesday, July 24, 2018


By Domenick J. Maglio Ph.D. Traditional Realist

Our founding fathers were believers in classical liberalism that took place around the enlightenment period. Adam Smith, Thomas Hobbs, and John Locke greatly influenced the leaders of the American Revolution. Adam Smith’s ideas became the basis of our capitalist economy. Limited government, the right to liberty and property, rule of law, individual civil freedoms such as the right to freedom of speech, religion and assembly and the right of citizens to bear arms against an oppressive government were inspired by these philosophers. 

Both evolving early American political groups had a common allegiance to the philosophy of classic liberalism. Jefferson advocated a weak central government along with much of the power remaining with local states. The John Adams/ Alexander Hamilton coalition pushed for a strong central government and limited state powers. They argued fiercely with each other although both sides could compromise on how to implement the policies as each group believed in liberal principles.

In the beginning of the 20th century, Theodore Roosevelt and Woodrow Wilson announced they were progressive politicians. This meant their main objective was to reform society and to advance progress for mankind. They attempted to do this by government intervention using a top down approach. The focus shifted from keeping America a free, prosperous country to reforming the world. Woodrow Wilson’s League of Nations was to create peace and progress for all mankind.

In the early 21st century Hillary Clinton started to refer to herself as a “progressive.”
Many other democrat joined the bandwagon. The democrats rebranded themselves “progressive” from the label, “liberals,” which had taken on a negative connotation. “Progressive” is a more accurate description of the party at this time. Establishment politicians of both parties are intellectual elites who believe in bypassing the voice of the people to implement their objectives. These past champions of individual liberties transformed their priorities into socialistic, communist ones. They trumpet utopian, egalitarian ideas of social justice by cultural/social engineering. “Free everything” included money to every citizen, open borders and self-destructive apology tour foreign policy. Some of these progressives, Bernie Sanders and Alexandria Ocasia-Cortez, have had the courage to openly advocate failed over-the-top socialistic concepts.

Democrat “gradual-change strategy” toward a statist government clearly ended with Obama. There was nothing incremental about the policies he enacted. He led by presidential fiat through executive orders. The Obama administration bypassed the other two branches of government. The progressive reforms came fast and furiously without the consent of congress. The EPA, IRS, Justice Department, CIA, FBI, and ICE wrote internal regulations that rapidly altered the way the USA operated. The changes were only a temporary mirage that were unraveled as quickly as they were implemented.

America was being transformed into a statist, centrally controlled economy. They promoted an upside-down culture by such means as multi-culturalism, non judgmentalism, identity politics, hate crimes, political correctness and offensively interfering with all debate. These changes were not done transparently but clandestinely.

Currently after the shock of President Trump winning the election the political elites in both parties and the embedded unelected bureaucratic chiefs have openly attempted to impeach the president. Anything and everything the president has done has been criticized from every conceivable angle.  An alliance of progressive politicians with the media sources justify and rationalize these attacks.

The progressives’ silence and tacit support of mob violence with destruction of property is reminiscent of dictatorial takeovers. There is maybe an ounce of liberalism left in the progressive democrat party. This is the reason law and order is not maintained but undermined.

The reason progressive democrats can ignore or support Antifa, Black Lives Matter, anti-free speech university students, and other social change organizations who use tactics of rioting, beating opponents, preventing debates, targeting people in their private time, censoring free speech through hate speech is that are not followers of liberalism. These radical groups members believe social ends justify the means. Many progressive politicians have adopted the “Rules for Radicals”.

The progressives are a far cry from democrat Daniel Moynihan, Scoop Jackson, JFK and Harry Truman who fought and understood the inherent evil of socialism/ communism. The current and past standard excuses of why there has never been a positive statist society is always the same. The advocates say that none of these regimes had the right leader for it to work not that the utopian ideas are unworkable. This leads to populist frustration and then repression.

The progressive democrat party has demonstrated, by their unwillingness to accept and support a duly elected President of the United States, that they do not believe in the power of the people. The democrat party should not ever be called “liberal” as they are now committed to “the ends justify the means” not a constitutional republic of the people and for the people.

Domenick Maglio, PhD. is a columnist carried by various newspapers, an author of several books and owner/director of Wider Horizons School, a college prep program. Dr. Maglio is an author of weekly newspaper articles, INVASION WITHIN and a new just published book, entitled, IN CHARGE PARENTING In a PC World. You can visit Dr. Maglio at


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