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Tuesday, June 08, 2021



By Domenick J. Maglio PhD. Traditional Realist


Open debate in the United States is no more. Only what is “woke” is allowed and anything that contradicts wokism is not acceptable. Any statement that challenges a government/corporation pronouncement must be eliminated from public discourse by censoring it on social media. Only the viewpoint of the government/corporate officials’ proclamations need to be followed while those of the individual are ignored. 


In our revolution against Britain the colonists discussed among themselves and after agonizing debate concluded that freedom of each and every citizen’s vote when tallied would guide their representatives better than directives coming from the top down. Citizens’ voices have kept the United States on an even keel. Individual freedom of speech by educated believers in God and honorable people created the enviable document that has kept the USA growing prosperously and free for several centuries. 


The woke government/corporations are dismantling our incredible constitution and Bill of Rights without a single affirmative vote by the people. Any specific question about voter irregularities, tampered voting machines and unwillingness of the state and federal courts to review evidence was dismissed without judicial review. This un-American process of refusing to hear the voice of the people has become the norm.  


Currently Americans who burn the Black Lives Matter flag are charged with a hate crime but have the right of freedom of speech to burn an American flag. An anarchist can burn down and loot private businesses, but law-abiding citizens cannot attend a religious service for the risk of spreading the Covid-virus. A baker who owns his own business cannot refuse to make a cake for a homosexual wedding although it is against his religious beliefs. If a person chooses not to get the Corona-virus vaccine, they can be withheld from flying by the government/corporations and charged an extravagant price for attending an entertainment venue. These hypocritical decisions endorsed by the corporations are choking off our constitutional rights. 


Mega corporations claim to be private businesses that can make their own rules. Except businesses have had to follow sex, gender and age discrimination, construction regulations, fire requirements and a host of other laws that have been passed through the legislative process. The recent government decrees limiting citizen choices are supported by the same corporations to bypass our constitution and Bill of Rights.  The corporations are acting as if they have a right as a private business to do whatever they want in their own business. These unholy alliances between government and corporations are dangerous and frightening to our freedoms.


Incestual relationships where companies cozy up to government by giving large political contributions while receiving big contracts has made it difficult for smaller businesses to compete and stay afloat. As we have witnessed during the Wuhan virus shutdown, small restaurants were limited by government mandates while big chain restaurants flourished. Smaller businesses are shrinking, and larger enterprises are taking over the market. These decrees are against our constitution and are anti-capitalist at its worst.


Our public government schools, social media, military, huge corporations have embraced the government woke bandwagon. Affirmative action, systemic racism, reparations, equity and even BLM are part of the woke movement. Social media is cancelling patriotic American voices and censoring any information that contradicts wokism like China’s involvement in the Wuhan virus and the border crisis. Our military has ads for specifically recruiting LGBTQ and feminists. Our teacher unions are propagandizing our children through the CRT (Critical Race Theory), to despise our institutions and feel guilty for their whiteness. Corporate white employees are trained in diversity training programs that their past promotions were not based on merit but solely on their whiteness. 


We are no longer the nation that was superbly erected through liberty, equality, faith in God, merit, work ethic and private property. We the people cannot accept wokism that is dividing us into angry tribes based on racism and social justice nonsense.


The only way this wokism can continue is if good hard-working Americans of all ethnic, racial and social classes remain silent. America was not created by corporations or led by woke Marxist bureaucrats who have not been elected. Our great nation was built by small capitalist businesses competing with each other to produce products of high quality at a reasonable cost. Every American has the right to freedom of speech, assembly, weapons for self-protection, and the right to their earnings, property and protection from government oppression and discrimination. 


Cowardice has a huge cost. Everyone needs to speak up or this once great nation will be just a footnote in the history books having had its freedom strangled by government/corporations.


Domenick Maglio, PhD. is a columnist carried by various newspapers and blogs, an author of several books and owner/director of Wider Horizons School, a college prep program. Dr. Maglio is an author of weekly newspaper articles, INVASION WITHIN  and a recent book entitled, IN CHARGE PARENTING In a PC World. You can see many of Dr. Maglio’s articles at




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