Articles are available for reprint as long as the author is acknowledged: Domenick J. Maglio Ph.D.

Wednesday, December 17, 2014


By Domenick J. Maglio Ph.D. Traditional Realist

Rules for Radicals, by Saul Alinsky instructs his followers how to marginalize traditional leaders. Rule #13 states: “Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it and polarize it.” The point is to target and vaporize, eliminating the adversary. It is defined strategy to win the war of establishing Marxist ideals in the minds of the people.

The different way the media treats the same alleged behavior of the legendary “Bills”, Clinton and Cosby, should be instructive to thoughtful people. Why is the media targeting one and giving the other a pass? During his first term, President Clinton was accused by several women who came forward saying that he raped them. This was buried as old news that had no bearing on his ability to be president of the United States. According to the progressive media the “Bimbo Eruption” was nothing more than dirty political tricks.  These women were portrayed as self-serving, gold diggers and trailer trash.

National Organization of Women remained silent choosing not to defend these women and condemn the most powerful male’s exploitive behavior. He lied under oath in his sexual harassment trial undermining the moral value of truthfulness. Even the affair between President Clinton and his young intern, Monica Lewinsky, did not get a peep out of this hypocritical organization condemning his despicable behavior. His behavior of using the power of his office while on duty as president was dismissed as a simple indiscretion. The political progressive ideals took precedence over the stated mission of promoting and protecting women’s rights.

The treatment of the other Bill (Cosby) was entirely different. The beloved comedian has been viciously and relentlessly attacked as a hideous hypocrite by the same media. His crime was criticizing black males for not doing their duty as role models for their children. He noted the lack of a strong black family unit was the root cause of much of the existing problems of blacks, not white racism.

Bill Cosby’s admonishing black youth to pick up their pants and get a job has been twisted to use against him. The “ingenious media” has created and repeated a catchy phrase that “Cosby should keep “it” in his pants.”

The attack on this black man of conviction who used his popularity, not for his own self-interest but to share his concerns and insights to help his people is a high crime against progressivism.  Instead of “pimping off” his people to keep them dependent on big government, he audaciously encouraged them to become self-reliant. This is also a high crime against Marxist dogma that is justified as an all out attack on Cosby.

The alleged incidents did not take place recently but were supposed to have taken place decades ago.  None of these allegations were ever found to be true in a court of law. The statute of limitations has run out a long time ago. These incidents were dredged up and revisited to eliminate a viable spokesman who could express common sense solutions for the good of the black subculture. Bill Cosby has been targeted by the progressive media to render him worthless as an advocate for blacks. This was done since his ideas could not be refuted.

The same formula that was used on Cosby had been successful with Clarence Thomas and Herman Cain to marginalize them through sexual innuendo destroying their credibility. As self-made successes these men have earned the right to be legitimate spokespeople for black advancement.

Cosby was dropped from a project at Netflix and TV Land decided not to air reruns of the Cosby Show. He decided to resign from the Board of Trustees at Temple University after serving as a member for over 30 years to avoid controversy at his alma mater.

The Rev. Al Sharpton and Rev. Jesse Jackson are protected by the media as well as all card-carrying progressives because they are on the “left wing” of the political argument. Jesse Jackson Jr.’s, senator from Illinois, blatant corruption scandal was deemed not to be newsworthy to protect one of their own, although it had all the elements of a Greek Tragedy.

These Marxist tactics of “politics of personal destruction” can only continue to work if we allow the media to black list speakers of logically reasoned arguments without resistance. Being passive is a losing strategy against the Alinzky, Rules for Radicals.  

In order to maintain a free country, we must foster an open and free exchange of ideas by informing the media we will no longer accept ad hominem attacks on people.

Believers of Marxism have no right to censor the speech of their opponents by falsely discrediting them. The people of all political stripes have to declare an end to the media’s retro McCarthyistic shenanigans. It is becoming too obvious for fair-minded people of either party to condone as politics as usual.

When the “end justifies the means” becomes business as usual, we have lost our freedom and the world will no longer have the free America it needs.

Domenick Maglio, PhD. is a columnist carried by various newspapers, an author of several books and owner/director of Wider Horizons School, a college prep program. You can visit Dr. Maglio at

Wednesday, December 10, 2014


By Domenick J. Maglio Ph.D. Traditional Realist

Police have the important function of enforcing the law to keep the peace. They have been given immense power by the community to protect everyone from people who do not respect the rights of others. The police uniform should be a warning to anyone approached by the officer to follow his commands or things could get out-of-control.

It is dangerous for a cop to confront people they do not know. Every officer is vulnerable to unpredictable actions of strangers in our transient communities. There is rarely a relationship to build upon to make a friendly contact with the suspect regardless of the “sensitivity training” he completed.

Most of us never find ourselves feeling warm and fuzzy when a police officer questions us about our behavior. The police normally are straightforward and formal in their mannerisms for their own protection. Nearly everyone, regardless of their race or ethnic background, who is confronted by the police, feels the process violates their dignity.  No one: white, black or Asian, is happy to be pulled over by a flashing police car in the rear view mirror.  Most of us are anxious anytime we are questioned by a policeman. A few individuals become extremely belligerent and usually cause themselves greater problems than they would have had.

Police officers should not play the role of the social worker when approaching someone who might be breaking the law. There is no way he can know how the person on the street or in a car he is stopping might react. The individual might have a weapon that could wound him or worse. Cops have to always be in control of the situation to minimize it from getting out of control or they may be seriously hurt.

Stress increases in an officer whenever the person he is addressing is powerfully built and does not comply with his instructions or commands. Often these circumstances trigger an adrenalin response. Any sign of backing down by the officer would encourage an aggressive offender to escalate his non-compliance.  Law officers have to walk a tight rope of appearing physically formidable while not being physically or verbally abusive. This is an extremely difficult and dangerous role to perform.  

In order to deescalate a potential incident the person approached should be respectful or he will start down a road that does not end well. When the officer sees deference in the person he is facing he feels more in control. Any sign of hostility by the individual increases the natural instinct to regain the upper hand.

Acting respectfully to authority figures has become uncommon. Too many families are comprised of single parents. Respect for male authority has practically vanished due to absentee fathers.  Modern parents avoid obedience training. Too many youngsters have a “chip on their shoulder” when they are approached by an adult.  This often leads to future difficulties.

Schools no longer require students to be respectful to each other, to staff and anyone else. Corporal punishment and consequences for outrageous behavior have for the most part been banished in public schools. Without reality training by the parents, especially by the father, young adults are reckless in their disrespectful behavior toward law officers.

It is the youngsters who need training in respect for authority figures rather than the authority figures needing special sensitivity training to deal with punks or each of the special interest groups. Our nation is built on the rule of law not on the media’s self-righteousness or sensitivity training for criminal behavior.

It is foolish for our culture to place the onus on law enforcement to be “sensitive” to the feelings of: LGBT, ethnic groups, illegals, blacks or feminists. The law should be enforced in the same manner for all. Everyone should follow an officer’s instructions regardless of the group to which they belong.

If officers had to shift their approach when dealing with a criminal because of a minority designation their normal response time would be inhibited. This would greatly hinder their ability to do the job of protecting citizens. The reaction time of the officer would become a problem endangering everyone. The officer should not have to be concerned about winning the trust of the civilians who should automatically comply with his commands.

Police officers are people. Some can be jerks abusing their power and should be weeded out. It is up to each citizen to go up the legal ladder when they have been wronged. Any person who feels he has been mistreated by the police for any reason should take his complaint to a superior in law enforcement or the judicial system to address the alleged issues.

Policemen have an essential function to perform which is to enforce the law creating a secure and safe society. Let us grow up and accept the power of law enforcement by fully complying with them instead of inappropriately resisting them.  This behavior would decrease the danger for both the suspect and the officer.

Wednesday, December 03, 2014


By Domenick J. Maglio Ph.D.  Traditional Realist

Life is full of instances of being wronged. It can be a family member, friend, stranger or public official that has grieved us. Prejudice is faced by most of us. One’s height, weight, gender, facial features, religion, politics, skin color, ethnic roots, race as well as personal preferences in clothing, food or music can cause it. Whatever is the cause of the discrimination, it is part of human nature and is real.

People who fixate on these unfair, inappropriate and even serious injustices are limiting their future development. These people live in the past using a past discriminatory incident as an excuse for one’s failure to overcome a common human failing. It becomes a formula for being left behind, a loser.

Too many “community leaders” agitate groups of alienated people to increase their own power base.  These rabble-rousers do not solve problems but blow them up. A self proclaimed leader pitting one group against another is playing with fire that can cause greater injustice and devastation to the group and destabilize the entire society.

The French Revolution of 1789 was supposed to correct real social inequality. “Liberty, Equality, Fraternity,” was a slogan that resonated with the poor and aspiring middle class. By some instigators using disinformation, false promises, malice, envy, jealousy and exaggerated abuse a mob mentality took on a life of its own. During this “social justice” upheaval, 40,000 people were guillotined, 300,000 were executed and millions more were murdered. The underlying problems were worsened, not solved.

  The Ku Klux Klan arose from ashes of the American Civil War.  These KKK members, during Reconstruction used inciting language and acts of terror to impose fear and hatred on the “emancipated” blacks. They employed these tactics to make blacks submit to their will. This again did not lead to solutions to integrate blacks into society but further divided the people in the south.

In 1891, a jury of their peers found nine Sicilian immigrants innocent of murdering police chief, Dennis Hennessy. These nine men and two other Italians were pulled out of the jail by a mob and lynched. This happened after local political leaders agitated the populace into mob frenzy. This was the largest mass lynching in the USA. Yet this ethnic group did not turn to rioting but to individual perseverance to succeed regardless of the injustices they received.
Mob violence under the guise of social justice does not serve anyone’s interest. When a specific person is tried by a jury of peers and found innocent or guilty of a crime, justice is served better than any other known system. The Ferguson, MO grand jury found there was no basis for indicting Darren Wilson. There was strong forensic evidence and eyewitness accounts that corroborated Wilson’s testimony.

However, when people are encouraged to blame all their problems that they face on being a certain ethnic group or race then we have created a potential time bomb for mass hysteria. There cannot be social justice or stability by resorting to mass chaos.
Rioting and looting and destruction of building and businesses is not a strategy for seeking justice. It is a way of satisfying base urges and instincts while illegally obtaining goods. It hurts the very community where the rioters and looters live.

Rabble-rousers have existed since there was rabble to rouse. Al Sharpton and others of this ilk should be exposed as the charlatans they are. They are destroyers, not creators of a more just and equitable community. Certainly Sharpton should not have been invited to the White House to share his thoughts on how to prevent future outbursts.  

President Obama bringing Rev. Sharpton to the White House sent the wrong message to the rioters. The focus of the conference was to place the blame on the Ferguson police department’s tactics and poor community relationships rather than squarely on progressive activists, professional rioters from across the country and opportunistic looters. Many of the organizers of the riots throughout the country were leaders in Occupy Wall Street demonstrations and other leftist causes.

People of all ethnic groups and socioeconomic levels are witnessing with their own eyes the results of the work done by these conveyers of hate. These individuals should be exposed for the self-promoting agitators dividing rather than bringing people together to exist in harmony and peace.

Only by shining light on their obvious lies and actions can they be seen for what they are- nothing but the same old intellectual haters of self-reliance, freedom and American exceptionalism. “Burn, baby, burn” is their perverted Marxist view of America.

Our president should not certify a forum to foment the seeds of a progressive revolution. He should denounce rabble rousers for destabilizing our nation. President Obama should use this educational moment to communicate to the people the difficulty of law enforcement officers in making split second decisions to enforce the law.

By Domenick J. Maglio Ph.D.  Traditional Realist

Life is full of instances of being wronged. It can be a family member, friend, stranger or public official that has grieved us. Prejudice is faced by most of us. One’s height, weight, gender, facial features, religion, politics, skin color, ethnic roots, race as well as personal preferences in clothing, food or music can cause it. Whatever is the cause of the discrimination, it is part of human nature and is real.

People who fixate on these unfair, inappropriate and even serious injustices are limiting their future development. These people live in the past using a past discriminatory incident as an excuse for one’s failure to overcome a common human failing. It becomes a formula for being left behind, a loser.

Too many “community leaders” agitate groups of alienated people to increase their own power base.  These rabble-rousers do not solve problems but blow them up. A self proclaimed leader pitting one group against another is playing with fire that can cause greater injustice and devastation to the group and destabilize the entire society.

The French Revolution of 1789 was supposed to correct real social inequality. “Liberty, Equality, Fraternity,” was a slogan that resonated with the poor and aspiring middle class. By some instigators using disinformation, false promises, malice, envy, jealousy and exaggerated abuse a mob mentality took on a life of its own. During this “social justice” upheaval, 40,000 people were guillotined, 300,000 were executed and millions more were murdered. The underlying problems were worsened, not solved.

  The Ku Klux Klan arose from ashes of the American Civil War.  These KKK members, during Reconstruction used inciting language and acts of terror to impose fear and hatred on the “emancipated” blacks. They employed these tactics to make blacks submit to their will. This again did not lead to solutions to integrate blacks into society but further divided the people in the south.

In 1891, a jury of their peers found nine Sicilian immigrants innocent of murdering police chief, Dennis Hennessy. These nine men and two other Italians were pulled out of the jail by a mob and lynched. This happened after local political leaders agitated the populace into mob frenzy. This was the largest mass lynching in the USA. Yet this ethnic group did not turn to rioting but to individual perseverance to succeed regardless of the injustices they received.
Mob violence under the guise of social justice does not serve anyone’s interest. When a specific person is tried by a jury of peers and found innocent or guilty of a crime, justice is served better than any other known system. The Ferguson, MO grand jury found there was no basis for indicting Darren Wilson. There was strong forensic evidence and eyewitness accounts that corroborated Wilson’s testimony.

However, when people are encouraged to blame all their problems that they face on being a certain ethnic group or race then we have created a potential time bomb for mass hysteria. There cannot be social justice or stability by resorting to mass chaos.
Rioting and looting and destruction of building and businesses is not a strategy for seeking justice. It is a way of satisfying base urges and instincts while illegally obtaining goods. It hurts the very community where the rioters and looters live.

Rabble-rousers have existed since there was rabble to rouse. Al Sharpton and others of this ilk should be exposed as the charlatans they are. They are destroyers, not creators of a more just and equitable community. Certainly Sharpton should not have been invited to the White House to share his thoughts on how to prevent future outbursts.  

President Obama bringing Rev. Sharpton to the White House sent the wrong message to the rioters. The focus of the conference was to place the blame on the Ferguson police department’s tactics and poor community relationships rather than squarely on progressive activists, professional rioters from across the country and opportunistic looters. Many of the organizers of the riots throughout the country were leaders in Occupy Wall Street demonstrations and other leftist causes.

People of all ethnic groups and socioeconomic levels are witnessing with their own eyes the results of the work done by these conveyers of hate. These individuals should be exposed for the self-promoting agitators dividing rather than bringing people together to exist in harmony and peace.

Only by shining light on their obvious lies and actions can they be seen for what they are- nothing but the same old intellectual haters of self-reliance, freedom and American exceptionalism. “Burn, baby, burn” is their perverted Marxist view of America.

Our president should not certify a forum to foment the seeds of a progressive revolution. He should denounce rabble rousers for destabilizing our nation. President Obama should use this educational moment to communicate to the people the difficulty of law enforcement officers in making split second decisions to enforce the law.