Articles are available for reprint as long as the author is acknowledged: Domenick J. Maglio Ph.D.

Tuesday, January 26, 2021



By Domenick J. Maglio PhD. Traditional Realist


Once a nation limits free speech it changes the language narrowing the thinking process of the citizens. Eliminating particular words or phrases changes the ability to think about what is taking place or how to describe it. This altering of our language was accelerated with the introduction of political correctness. This form of censorship has mushroomed into new terms that limit free speech that our nation used to pride itself on.


Government elites are enlarging the definition of hate speech to shut down free speech. Besides political correctness they have added “you triggered me”, “safe spaces” to compose oneself, systematic racism, ethnic hatred and social media redefining anything they want to claim as hate speech. Hate speech has grown so much that current honest speech has almost become a dangerous relic of the past while oppressed groups possess the right to say anything they want. 


A person can say “black lives matter” but not “all lives matter.” One can say, “white supremacy” but not “black supremacy,” can say “white racism but not “black racism”, can say, “Build Back Better” but cannot say “Make America Great Again,” can say “women power” but not “men power” or LGBTQ+ but not traditional marriage. We cannot say “riots” but can say “mostly peaceful demonstrations.” We cannot say “Antifa” since “it is only an idea.” In this new subculture Lego must stop marketing policemen toy sets and police dogs must be removed from children’s cartoons.


The methods of changing thinking of citizens continues to grow. Social media’s direct censorship by determining what is disinformation, misinformation or hate speech is more forcefully ending our first amendment rights. Jack Dorsey of Twitter infamy is using his dubious right to ban individuals from continuing their presence on his platform. There are no specific guidelines or standards to determine what is or is not acceptable to say. The decision by Twitter to cancel someone is capricious, arbitrary and un-American. It is not just Twitter all the social media platforms are colluding to limit what can be said.


There is a simple reason for Twitter or any other social media platform not to have rules for what constitutes appropriate speech. In our Constitutional Republic, all speech is allowed to be spoken except yelling “Fire” in a crowded theater. It is the responsibility of the citizens, not a censorship board, to educate themselves and determine what is true and what is false. This is the reason why free speech became our first amendment.


Our founding fathers wanted to prevent anyone from dictating from the top down to the people, rather We the People direct the government. Citizens were granted the liberty to direct the government to follow their will. These wise men were aware that only through widespread self-education and open debate would the citizens arrive at truth and enlightenment to guide our republic.


This philosophy of freedom of debate was on display throughout the colonies. It was not only found in refined cultural arenas. Many of the discussions and decisions happened on the corners of the town, in clubs, churches, town halls and even in saloons where disagreements sometimes led to brawls with plenty of disagreeable “free speech.” They all had the same rights to share their ideas, viewpoints and thinking to back up their arguments. 


Disgustingly hearing only one side of an issue, which is too often the case in our government schools, is indoctrination. Schools from kindergarten through graduate school are often censoring and even punishing students for possessing different viewpoints. The is the epitome of propaganda. 


Without accurate information, facts and the personal strength to accept different points of view, a person cannot develop the ability to critically think. Many universities have banned conservative ideas and speakers. Some of these presenters have been physically attacked.  Not only have these schools of “higher education” censored rightist thought but have done everything in their power to make students “too fragile and sensitive” to be able to deal with any opposing viewpoint.


Without free speech and critical thinking being encouraged in our various forms of media and our schools from first grade through graduate school we are creating citizens who can easily be victimized by propaganda. Many media commentators are calling for de-programming and increased domestic spying on our people to obtain thought control, which is the antithesis of free speech. This anti-free-speech attack is not only affecting the individual’s critical thinking but is leading us down the Orwellian totalitarian path. 


This must be stopped. The U.S, is the epitome of freedom in the world. If we surrender our Bill of Rights, the whole world will feel the loss of the hope of freedom.



Domenick Maglio, PhD. is a columnist carried by various newspapers, an author of several books and owner/director of Wider Horizons School, a college prep program. Dr. Maglio is an author of weekly newspaper articles, INVASION WITHIN  and a recent book entitled, IN CHARGE PARENTING In a PC World. You can see many of Dr. Maglio’s articles at















Tuesday, January 19, 2021



By Domenick J. Maglio PhD. Traditional Realist


Many people are puzzled why large corporate businesses are allowed to function during the Chinese virus while small businesses are forced to close. Facist shutting down small businesses was supposed to prevent an increase in cases of the virus even though the owners follow the same preventative measures as the large corporate businesses that were not shutdown. The majority of the non-elites believe the government is promoting the corporate world over small businesses to heighten their ability to control the U.S. economy and the average citizen.


Capitalism, also referred to as free market when it is allowed to be open and free, is a necessary pillar of a free society. When citizens are not over-regulated in starting their own businesses, the competition between them encourages other businesses to put out the best product at a reasonable price. Some individuals who were considering opening an enterprise are inspired by other’s success and enter into the marketplace. The more citizens participating in the free market, the greater the contribution by these citizens to the tax rolls. The more they have “skin in the game” the more they tend to want less government assistance. These entrepreneurs become law abiding, productive citizens and cheerleaders for responsible citizenship. They tend to become patriotic people living the American dream. 


These small business successes are proud of their contribution to their community and nation. The entrepreneur who spent years to make an adequate income often worked with family members to create a quality business. The grit and determination to maintain high standard while producing products was their mission and probably the most significant accomplishment in their lives.


Each entrepreneur has a unique story to share. Their business is an expression of their own journey to personal success. It demonstrates in case after case when people have a dream and have minimal government interference they will persevere and conquer the obstacles with pure will power. Their success confirms that the work ethic and meeting the needs of others is essential in order to climb the economic ladder. 


Unleashing this human force to succeed has been the formula for free nations to prosper. Recently we saw the potential for capitalist power in Hong Kong with young people parading with American flags through the streets. Tragically the CCP, Communist Chinese Party, crushed the freedom of these innovators. In this instance, the fear of the independent voices of these young, independent people had to be stifled to reestablish the absolute power of the Chinese oligarchy. 


It appears our communist leaning elites are attempting to employ the same playbook. These democrat governors, mayors and local officials are forcing small businesses to close with no legitimate rationale. On the other side of the equation, the small businesses are begging their government officials to allow them to continue to provide services to the public. The political elites apparently want to silence these proud patriots from the political picture. Just like the CCP, these dictatorial elites want more power, rather than a free, prosperous nation. 


The reason that the United States has been the leader of the free world is our Constitutional Republic form of government. It has given us economic and social stability while keeping us a free people. This form of government is supposed to answer to the people not the people answering to the mean spirited, power grabbing bureaucratic leaders. If we turn our backs on our constitution our freedoms will wither away one by one. Standing up and demanding our constitutional rights is the only feasible means of retaining them. We need to bring back our small businesses even if it means inconveniences and higher prices. We need our local communities to prosper, not the corporate world.


Small businesses are the backbone of our economy, not the corporate giants. The CEOs of our largest corporations are small in number and easy to corral and control than are the much larger number of small businesses. These local entrepreneurs are approachable, independent thinking people who know they owe their success to our form of government. It is imperative that we support our neighborhood businesses. 


Government should encourage small businesses to provide their services. This will bring our countrymen together without spreading Chinese virus especially with our effective therapeutics and vaccines that have been developed. This virus should no longer be used as an excuse to financially ruin them.


The elimination of our constitutional republic will not only destroy our small businesses and national economy but all of our freedoms that we take for granted. There is too much at stake to quietly witness the unraveling of our constitutional rights and protections. Fighting for maintaining small businesses is necessary for all Americans to protect all of our liberties endowed to us by God and the constitution.



Domenick Maglio, PhD. is a columnist carried by various newspapers, an author of several books and owner/director of Wider Horizons School, a college prep program. Dr. Maglio is an author of weekly newspaper articles, INVASION WITHIN  and a recent book entitled, IN CHARGE PARENTING In a PC World. You can see many of Dr. Maglio’s articles at

















Tuesday, January 12, 2021



By Domenick J. Maglio PhD. Traditional Realist


We were the modern Paul Revere walking down Pennsylvania Avenue early on January 6th. The joyful, exuberant people were carrying US and other patriotic flags. The camaraderie and enthusiasm were palpable. People all along the avenue were hawking T-shirts and other patriotic products. Dispersed in small groups in the middle of the avenue were anti CCP (Chinese Communist Party) individuals, religious people giving out pamphlets and books, South Americans, Eastern Europeans, Koreans and other nationalized citizen groups warning the people not to allow the freest country on Earth to surrender their country’s freedoms. They understood what is at stake.


This gathering of Americans was as diverse as any group imaginable. There were people from the north, south, east and western sections of the United States. They were Asians, Blacks Whites, and everything in between. There were many happy, robust, young, middle age and senior people. Some of the younger ones climbed the trees to get a better view of the Jumbo-trons. There were even some with canes and in wheelchairs eagerly waiting for the president to speak. This happening was very different from the three Tea Party gatherings that were mostly family affairs. Most of the people were there to express their love of country. They saw the brazen destruction of our traditional culture and freedoms and want them to be restored. 


There seemed to be a lull after the Tea Party movement, but the political transformation was stealthily being carried out in our corporations and in Washington, D.C. conference rooms: a shadow government was being prepared to replace our constitutional republic. The elite members want a system ruled from the top-down not by We the People. President Trump picked up the mantle of the Tea Party and amazingly swept into the presidency. This upset the apple cart for the “smugger elites.” The large corporations, high level government bureaucrats, the radical democrat media and social media joined together to attempt to cancel President Trump’s presidency of “America First.” 


The January 6th massive rally, not only in Washington but all over the country, was a statement that the people of America wanted to send a message that “enough is enough.” These patriotic lovers of our nation’s freedoms and opportunities want all their countrymen to know this is an attempt to crush the spirit, freedoms and power of all the people of the world. It was not only a warning to the citizens of the United States but everyone throughout the world.


The manipulation of the news has escalated to the point that social media can arbitrarily decide who should be censored and who should be allowed to be heard. Certain scholars such as Mark Levin and Dennis Prager are banned on arbitrary feelings that go against the social media oligarchs not on anything specific. Even the President of the United States actual accomplishments have been censored on Facebook and Twitter. The obnoxious cancel culture is becoming standard operating procedure by the media.


The citadel of free speech in the United States, the social media, is attempting to curtail our free speech to establish political power. Currently, there is no standard of acceptable speech or any means of challenging it. Twitter stands as judge, jury and executioner. This should remind all of us of the Inquisition period of Medieval times. The oppressive acts of the social media by Zuckerberg and Dorsey demonstrated a systematic total regard for the freedom of speech in America. If these elites can eliminate the free exchange of ideas, they will dull our language and critical thinking abilities. Individuals worldwide will become victims of mental slavery and loss of all dignity. 


Americans have recently experienced Fake News: lying by omission of pertinent facts and events, false narratives, censorship and blatant double standards. Removing the President of the United States’ main ability to communicate with the public and cancelling Parler are overt attacks on the rule of the people’s government. While communication by Venezuelan Maduro, North Korean Kim Jung Un, anti-American rants by Iran’s leaders are not cancelled.


The release of the Hunter and Joe Biden information with Ukraine and Chinese leaders was withheld for political reasons by the democrat media and social media. The civil rights of conservatives are being violated for their beliefs not for any falsehoods. 


From the beginning of his campaign, President Trump has exposed rampant corruption and evil acts. The American people have become aware that our God given inalienable rights are directly under attack. He has demonstrated the extent of the deep State’s attack on our constitutional republic.


He is igniting a rebirth of the spirit of our forefathers who fought for our freedoms to establish a government for We the People, not for the ruling class. The United States is the leader of the free world and we have a responsibility to maintain and shine the torch of liberty.



Domenick Maglio, PhD. is a columnist carried by various newspapers, an author of several books and owner/director of Wider Horizons School, a college prep program. Dr. Maglio is an author of weekly newspaper articles, INVASION WITHINand a recent book entitled, IN CHARGE PARENTING In a PC World. You can see many of Dr. Maglio’s articles at















Wednesday, January 06, 2021



By Domenick J. Maglio Ph.D. Traditional Realist


President Donald Trump’s 2016 election was not supposed to have happened. The entire political establishment believed that Hillary Clinton could not lose. FBI head, Jim Comey, recited all the illegal actions which Hillary did on national television and then brazenly exonerated her from any criminal consequences. 


It did not matter that the people voted for a political outsider, Donald Trump. The entrenched elites never would accept him as president. This unexpected disaster would be easily erased by the establishment by framing him as a Russian agent. These Washington insiders underestimated the tenacity of this new president. Leak after leak, accusation after accusation was confronted and shown to be the opposite of what it was supposed to be.  All the negative innuendos of the “Orange Man”, the “liar” was stamped out by his successful deeds and his refusal to capitulate to these powers. He earned the reputation of being a strong leader who could not be intimidated by the socialist communist coalition. 


The next strategic move to cancel President Trump was a two-prong attack. The master plan was to have an economic reset and to “never let any crisis go to waste.” The global economy reset was thwarted by President Trump’s economic acuity to keep the U.S. prosperous in a global shutdown. 


The next tactic of the global elites was to exploit the fear caused by the Chinese Virus. President Trump did not follow the passive European model of closing down the economy. Instead, he subtly confronted the U.S. medical establishment’s assumptions of closing down the society. He insisted on developing therapeutic medicines and vaccines to conquer the disease. The entire establishment ridiculed him for wishful thinking stating he would never have a vaccine before the year’s end. He demonstrated again his incredible ability to rally the troops to do the seemingly impossible. 


The attempts to impeach President Trump lasted until the 2020 election. The new strategy was to insure he never again would win an election. The elites developed a comprehensive plan to “fix” the results. The Chinese Virus was used as an excuse to open up mail-in ballots to widespread fraud. The Dominion voting machines were altered to change the vote tallies from Trump to Biden. Rules in place to safe guard the count of the ballots were ignored as was the chain of custody of the ballots. 


The insured Biden victory opened up the floodgates for promoting obvious socialistic-communist policies: grant money for all citizens, the 1619 Project, statehood for Puerto Rico and Washington, DC, the packing of the Supreme Court, gender dysphoria, critical race theory, social justice reforms. In foreign policy merger with Communist China, closer ties to the United Nations and other global organizations will become a high priority agenda to appeal to the elite globalists in the United States. 


Throughout President Trump’s four years in office the democrat media and democrat social media were working together to create an Orwellian world. These media operations were using their power to present false narratives that were the opposite of the reality that was actually happening like Goebbels’ well known statement, “repeating lies until they become truth.” 


The leftist “peaceful demonstrations” that were anything but, night after night of looting, destroying and burning down democrat run cities were repeatedly reported as “peaceful” by the media. Anyone who said differently was demeaned and censored. Truth became lies, lies became truth. Only individuals who concurred with the media were allowed on their platform.


Political fact checking became the arbiter of truth to discredit and censor any other different opinions. This caused many citizens to stop voicing their views because they would be cancelled and their future destroyed. Citizens did not want their families or themselves to be endangered and persecuted. Too many patriots stopped listening to the news as it was too disturbing. 


The quarantining of our citizens to prevent the spread of the Chinese Virus was a means of crushing our spirit. This constant undermining of our rights continues to try to destroy our freedoms. Slowly the Trump administration started to release irrefutable evidence of election fraud to give us hope.


This tyranny has to be confronted. Our people have woken up to the reality that we must stand up for freedom or we will lose everything we hold dear. A stolen election is not a legitimate one. If we lose our election integrity, we will lose the foundation for our liberty and fall into the depths of tyranny and evil. It is not lost if we fight back to show these intimidating, power driven elites that we will not give up our nation to repeated lies and deception. 


The political elite showed their hand too early. Thanks to the vigorous determination of President Trump, his associates and the American patriots working to preserve the greatest country on earth, we will keep it.