Articles are available for reprint as long as the author is acknowledged: Domenick J. Maglio Ph.D.

Tuesday, September 26, 2017


By Domenick J. Maglio PhD. Traditional Realist

America is a great nation because government is restricted from punishing a person for saying something only government authorities would find offensive. Citizens in the US are allowed by our constitution to speak their minds without fear. They are protected from the repressive hand of government’s power under the first amendment and the Bill of Rights.

Nevertheless, what one expresses does have natural consequences. If someone says something nasty about another person the person hearing the insult probably will shun the speaker or retaliate with another offensive remark. There is an adage:
“If you cannot say something good about someone, say nothing at all.” A person’s or groups’ horrendous behavior should be noted as not to be repeated.

When a powerful politician makes a speech he is going to receive positive as well as negative comments. When the constituent’s reactions are lopsided, either pro or con, the politician learns if his objectives were met. The individual evaluations of their presentation should determine their strategies for proceeding.  Reactions to one’s words and deeds should always be expected.

Celebrities, the media, sports and Hollywood personalities are just people although they may have a large audience and live the life of the 1%ers.  When they use their celebrity to speak their views there is going to be a reaction. It certainly will increase their name recognition among new and different audiences in a negative or positive way.

The Bill of Rights only protects one’s speech from government punishment. As a known expert or performer, one’s deeds and words are of the utmost importance. An expert caught in falsifying information or outright lying is not immune from losing his credibility and professional position.

Athletes are just as vulnerable as other celebrities. When sports elites take hypocritical positions they can suffer. The present protest in football was inspired by Colin Kaepernick’s stance against racial inequities in America. He did this by “taking a knee” instead of paying tribute to our flag which started two years ago long before Trump was president. He did this in front of thousands of people who came to watch a sporting event not a political anti-American demonstration. As an employee in his workplace he could have been fired on the spot for not acting according to the expectations of the team owner or the league.

Instead this fortunate multi million dollar, unproductive, bench-sitting quarterback became a media darling and idol by the progressive left. Other league players saw his unpunished actions as behavior to emulate to gain notoriety. The NFL has lost a large portion of its television and stadium audience due to behavior that alienates the fans. Kaepernick’s behavior is disrespecting and degrading of our flag and the soldiers who died protecting the freedom of speech. His position is ridiculous and unpatriotic.

The recent game in England between Baltimore and Jacksonville was beyond the pale. In front of people from another nation, team members used this platform to “air their dirty laundry.” They disregarded the harm that would be done to the reputation of the freest country in the world. It was a despicable and false demonstration of what America actually is. These players and the owner portrayed the United States as a nation in racial disarray.  These millionaire football entertainers destructively misrepresented our nation. It borders on sedition.

These are not items to start a discussion on social justice but inflammatory acts inciting potential violence not dialogue. It should motivate team owners and the league to hand out clear expectations and consequences for disrespecting our country in front of their customers. These customers came to see an entertaining game, not personal political commentary.

If these professional sports celebrities want to have an impact, uplifting black citizens, they should devote time and money to start self-help infrastructure throughout the United States.  These developed organizations will have an immense impact on making youngsters more educated and aware of strategies to help themselves and others. This will take personal effort and money to inspire and teach children to be part of the solution instead of walking down the path of anger, hate and destruction.

Too many sports celebrities are hypocrites. They may feel guilty for having so much wealth and power for merely playing a game they love when there are so many people who are working hard every day to stay afloat. Celebrity football players should stop making token gestures.  They need to be hands-on mentors of future leaders of their local community. Bending the knee in the workplace does not solve anyone’s plight, it only gets plenty of airtime giving them more Facebook friends.

These prima donnas are dividing, not uniting people of our nation. Our national anthem joins us in celebrating and appreciating the greatness of our country.  We need to return to it finally through a dialogue on race.

Domenick Maglio, PhD. is a columnist carried by various newspapers, an author of several books and owner/director of Wider Horizons School, a college prep program. Dr. Maglio is an author of weekly newspaper articles, INVASION WITHIN  and a new just published book, entitled, IN CHARGE PARENTING In a PC World. You can visit Dr. Maglio at

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Tuesday, September 19, 2017


By Domenick J. Maglio PhD. Traditional Realist

In 1957 Author Norman Mailer wrote, “White Negroes” and essay about encouraging the rebellious youth movement that led to the 1960s Counter Culture Revolution. “The only life giving answer is to divorce oneself from society, to exist without roots, to set on that uncharted journey with the rebellious imperatives of the self…One is a rebel or one conforms, one is a frontiersman in the Wild West of American night life, or else a Square cell, trapped in the totalitarian tissues of American society… Whether the life is criminal or not, the decision is to encourage the psychopath within oneself.”

Along with Mailer, Abbie Hoffman, Allen Ginsberg, Jerry Rubin, and Rock and Roll stars young people were encouraged to do anti social acts. Today we see the same influence by primitive, ignorant and insane thinking radicals to turn our moral values upsidedown.  

When everyone is equal regardless of a person’s past deeds, beliefs and anti-social  behavior, virtues will lose their attractiveness and will rarely be practiced. The pathological liar should not suffer any consequences for his actions in a non-judgmental culture. Presently this is what is taking place in our culture. Fantasy, deviance and hedonism are being glorified. The celebration of these behaviors by Hollywood and the media promotes and expands it.

Tolerating immoral behavior leads to more immoral behavior. You can do anything you want without any concern for consequences: anything goes. The dregs of society are given a pass. Overtime it will encourage them to repeat anti-social behavior. Instead of having to fear any stigma they are often considered chic or “cool” by our media. Pimps and drug pushers are venerated today in our popular hip hop culture. These current cultural icons have impacted a large segment of our younger and even some of the older population. Even when these non-judgmental people learn of the horrendous lifestyles and hideous deaths of these low lives, they are being glorified in the media.

Most Americans have been indoctrinated to believe there is not a connection between past behavior and future outcome. Our youth have lived in this non-judgmental culture all their lives. Peoples’past behavior with authority figures has taught them not to make negative comments towards these protected groups.    

On the other side of the equation, those honorable people who worked hard to establish an impeccable, honest and solid reputation are treated in a hostile manner compared to these scoundrels. The decent humans have moral values that teach them to be honest not to pretend to be something they are not. However, they are considered mean spirited, dull Neanderthals for pointing out the natural consequences for living a fantasy- immoral life.

It would be ludicrous to put a known male rapist working with young girls, or a thief in a bank handling money. We should treat people according to what they have accomplished and how they have lived their lives. Character does matter.  A person who always does what he says he should be treated with more respect than a person who is a cheat, drug addict or bum. An individual who avoids any form of work should be treated less positively than a person who is industrious, and always does the best he can.

Criminals have usually committed many more illegal acts than those for which they were convicted. The arrests are only a small tip of the iceberg in their self-centered control of others for their own benefit. Criminals have no empathy for their victims or remorse for their actions. When society does not punish this behavior it puts the innocent in jeopardy of being another innocent victim.

We learn from life when we are accurate observers of what is unfolding in front of our eyes. When we witness a person’s behavior and then see the actual consequences of it we have to reject the incident to remain non-judgmental. Some people even wear shirts that say “only God can judge me.” The reality is people constantly judge each other. It is natural and normal. It is unnatural for a person not to think about and judge the behavior of others.

Reality is impossible to dismiss even when people possess strong fantasy convictions. Only through heavy doses of political correctness and thought control can a person attempt to deny or shut down their memory of events in the first place. Being judgmental is a powerfully normal and self-preservation instinct to survive and avoid suffering.

Our progressive culture attempts to impose being non-judgmental is a counter productive policy that is weakening our moral values, unity and vigor as a nation. Instead we should highlight the impact of negative and positive behaviors to show the difference. Without value judgments we are destined to fail as a nation. Vibrant civilizations are strongly united in purpose. They do not encourage persons to seek deviancy, fantasy and incessant pleasure. This ends in decadency, delusion and chaos.

When a majority of citizens are virtuous, the rest of the people are influenced to move towards a more predictable, decent and productive life. The opposite is true when people are non-judgmental: anything goes.

Domenick Maglio, PhD. is a columnist carried by various newspapers, an author of several books and owner/director of Wider Horizons School, a college prep program. Dr. Maglio is an author of weekly newspaper articles, INVASION WITHIN  and a new just published book, entitled, IN CHARGE PARENTING In a PC World. You can visit Dr. Maglio at

Sunday, September 17, 2017


By Domenick J. Maglio Ph.D. Traditional Realist

As Ben Franklin said about security and liberty, “ Those who give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety.”

Local and state governments are mandating evacuations of communities during hurricanes, fires, floods and other pending disasters. Currently they usually do not employ law enforcement to remove people from their homes. However, they are calling evacuations “mandated” but back off when people demand their right remain in their private property.

This is especially insane since the pseudo-scientific hyper-meteorologists changed the predicted path of the hurricane numerous times throughout the day. Irma was originally going to go over the east coast of Florida then up the middle of the state and eventually the west coast where the storm did the most damage. People from the east coast evacuated to the west coast where the storm hit. The mass evacuation of certain areas caused many to go towards danger rather than safety causing panic, unnecessary pain and confusion.

Just like the seatbelt laws that were introduced as a suggestion and quickly turned into a civil offense. This “suggestion” to mandate evacuations will probably follow the same course. Citizens are being coerced by government officials to accept  government mandates over their own decisions. People in the vicinity of the storm have all the information needed to make their own personal choice to remain or leave. Instead government bureaucrats have decided that citizens need to be herded like a bunch of sheep for the greater good.

The great example of Houston’s Hurricane Harvey’s enormous flooding showed self-reliant strangers helping each other with a flotilla of boats from all the surrounding states. Everyone pitched in to save others regardless of who they were. Big government did supply information, first responders, direction and money for aiding the restoration but it was the local government and people helping people that was the backbone of the process.

President Trump had to politically take a second trip to Houston to personally hand out food to victims to show he had empathy for the people. These photo ops won the approval of the media and the public. It put a face on government’s highest official being the inspiration of the recovery effort. Average people helping themselves and others in “the American Way “ had to be downplayed for the reputation of governmental power and its future expansion.

The annoying testing of the Emergency Broadcasting System and  “Amber Alerts” all over the nation that cut off regular programming of radio and television are conditioning us to the right and power of government to control the flow of information in times of so-called “emergencies.” Amber Alerts are sometimes as parochial as a father taking his own child without legal permission in a city over 300 miles away or notification that a senior citizen with dementia has wandered away or drove away and has not come back. Whatever the message, it is far removed from anyone’s ability to help except in very rare cases.

Government intrusion into the lives of the average Americans is becoming more common. Governors are proclaiming a proper diet including the amount of salt, pepper, and size of drinks.  They have passed laws to force adherence in private restaurants. Some businesses are being forced to service people who are contrary to their religions beliefs. The federal government has passed enormous amounts of regulations that are making it more difficult for small businesses to start up and survive. They are picking winners and losers in the big international corporate world.

Dependency on big government is being aggressively and subtly required by government elites and their bureaucrats so we rely on them instead of our own common sense. Once citizens look to government for security and protection they are surrendering their independence and freedom. Americans need to say “no” to government-disguised invasion into our homes through a variety of ways to dictate how we should think and what we do on our own property.

We should not surrender our self-reliant American Spirit for sporadic and temporary assistance. If and when citizens expect government assistance for every difficulty we will have lost our independence and freedom.  We will be transformed without awareness from courageous people to docile sheeple. We will accept meekly a top-down government controlled nation without even as much as a whimper.

Domenick Maglio, PhD. is a columnist carried by various newspapers, an author of several books and owner/director of Wider Horizons School, a college prep program. Dr. Maglio is an author of weekly newspaper articles, INVASION WITHIN  and a new just published book, entitled, IN CHARGE PARENTING In a PC World. You can visit Dr. Maglio at