Articles are available for reprint as long as the author is acknowledged: Domenick J. Maglio Ph.D.

Tuesday, May 26, 2020


By Domenick J. Maglio Ph.D. Traditional Realist

There is no way we can continue to deny the United States is in a moral, cultural and political civil war of ideas. The battle lines have been clearly drawn by progressives. They want to change our government from a Constitutional Republic into a more bureaucratically controlled nation, not one controlled by the citizens. On the other side there are many citizens who want to keep their rights endowed by our creator and be free people. This means freedom to say what we want, assemble with people of our choice, possess weapons to protect ourselves, keep the assets we have earned and vote to elect our representatives that shall carry out our wishes by lawful elections.

The progressives believe the government officials should directly control our lives. They have openly argued for radical revamping or eliminating practically all of our Constitution and Bill of Rights. They have finagled as much as they can and demanded a living interpretation of our Founding Father’s wise and enduring Constitutional Republic. The progressives are no longer disguising their objectives or strategies. Most progressives are in lock step, openly saying they want socialistic/communist style of government to replace our Constitution and capitalism.

The “Squad”, Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren and the other progressives who were candidates for the 2020 presidential election have firmly confirmed these ideas.  These progressive leaders are blatantly calling for the abolishment of our second amendment right to own firearms, the electoral college, even terminating the right that a person is innocent until proven guilty, the sanctity of life, freedom of religious expression and limiting freedom of speech through political correctness and hate-speech laws.

Progressive ideals are unworkable pipedreams that have consistently ended in totalitarian regimes that have enslaved their citizens. Many remember the slaughter of 40 million citizens by Josef Stalin in Russia, in Cuba- Fidel Castro’s confiscation of private property, killing the opposition and the boatlifts to rid the nation of opposing citizens. Chairman Mao was infamous for the killing of tens of millions of people to obtain supreme power in China. Ho Chi Min in Vietnam and Pol Pot in Cambodia killed many millions of citizens to attain communist domination. In 1999 Hugo Chavez dismantled a prosperous Venezuela into a disastrous, dysfunctional and chaotic Communist nation.

Most of our progressively indoctrinated university students are almost entirely ignorant of these recent historical events. Many adults who had first-hand knowledge of these horrific occurrences but have not taught their children about them. This is more than sad, it is reprehensible.

If we continue to eliminate the underpinnings of our Constitutional Republic we will be transformed into a socialistic/communist government without a shot fired. We are at a precipice of losing all the rights of the people to control their own freedoms and destiny. The First Amendment states "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress. Under the guise of Covid-19 the progressives have begun to tighten their grip on the levers of power to crush all these citizen rights. They declared churches non-essential and forced them to close, they denied the right to people to assemble in groups larger than 10, and speech contrary to the World Health Organization was removed.

Conservative Americans need to continue to have their voice heard loud and clear. 
Patriotic citizens are standing up, expressing their opinions and love for the greatness of America. In the Tea Party movement and through President Trump’s leadership we are reviving traditional ideas and institutions. The attendance at patriotic gatherings for traditional ways of governance, rational discussions with citizens of the opposite viewpoint and better use of the Internet to spread these ideas is inspiring Americans to action.

They have to move from the silent majority to an active majority to save our nation. It will take courage to speak up to preserve our Constitutional Republic. Our forefathers fought with their lives, their families and all their financial assets for the freedom of citizens at that time and for the future.  The least we can do is express that we have no intention of surrendering our liberty and freedom for tyranny.

There should be no compromise of our rights and freedoms. The USA is the last nation on Earth to allow its citizens to have freedom. As an immigrant from Cuba said today, “If America buys into socialism where would I go? There would be no freedom anywhere.”

Compromising our rights will be the dagger in the heart of the First Amendment and freedom loving people from all across the world.

Domenick Maglio, PhD. is a columnist carried by various newspapers, an author of several books and owner/director of Wider Horizons School, a college prep program. Dr. Maglio is an author of weekly newspaper articles, INVASION WITHIN  and a recent book entitled, IN CHARGE PARENTING In a PC World. You can see many of Dr. Maglio’s articles at

Tuesday, May 19, 2020


By Domenick J. Maglio PhD. Traditional Realist

The United States was established by people who were fed up with religious and political repression. They resisted King George III’s attempts to rule the North American colonies. Without granting significant freedoms and rights held by citizens of England, Americans bravely banded together in a revolution against impossible odds.

The new nation grew and prospered on the individual initiative of its people who braved the hardships of settling the wilderness. These citizens were not given anything tangible by their new constitutional republic but the greatest blessings of a limited government. The eliminating of English oppression allowed Americans to focus their energies on improving their personal lives through individual initiative. For the most part, citizens were allowed to build and do what they wanted on their own land and keep most of their property and assets without government confiscation.

President Andrew Jackson’s election was a rejection of the eastern financial system’s attempt to use monetary power to control the freedom and rights of western expansion. This was a non-violent mini revolution for settlers to be treated as viable, free citizens.

The Civil War, WWI, the Great Depression, WWII and the Covid-19 pandemic are some crisis periods in our history. These world-wide incidents usually forced our citizens to unite to battle an enemy that threatened our existence. During each of these traumatic events there was a battle between people who wanted to strip our rights and force citizens to be more compliant with the dictates of government and others who wanted to protect the rights to preserve our unique constitutional republic. These opposing viewpoints were evident in every crisis. This internal battle was not settled but fought out through the particular emergency. We temporarily and reluctantly sacrificed our freedoms until a solution was debated and established.

Once everything settled down, most of our rights were restored. Things certainly changed after each significant challenge to our existence. Restoration of our sacred rights and freedoms is not 
automatic, the battle has to be fought. Great statesmen have heroically confronted our government bureaucracy and elite politicians who desired the power of government in their own hands and not in the people’s hands. This battle takes place every year in our governmental halls, catastrophe or not.

It is easier to maintain the people’s power than to fight to regain the ones the establishment wrestled away from the citizens. The government bureaucrats claim they are the ones who have the ability to grease the machinery to pass the funding bills. These non-elected officials feel they deserve recognition and respect. They are the shadow government who resist abdicating their power after the crisis has subsided.  

The progressives want to increase the unemployment insurance to exceed what the employee was paid for his position. This will overload the financial system to maintain this unfeasible policy. This give away progressive program will only add to the debt and dependency of the people on government handouts. The collapse of the US economy would be a perfect situation to end our constitutional republic and force socialism/communism down our throats.

The more progressive officials provide what citizen’s want with other citizen’s tax money the greater the probability that capitalism collapses and socialism rises. The government will expand. The day will come when the gravy train is empty, and the naïve citizens realize the “game” was played to gain control for these self-serving politicians not for the citizens. Socialism will take root by feeding off the capitalist bounty left behind while diminishing people’s rights and power.

The gravy train approach is a subtle form of confiscation of citizens property. This is not a violent revolution. This is a political “con job” to convince people that they have a right to everything they desire. In other words, citizens get hooked on government dependency by the promises that cannot be met. Many indoctrinated citizens give up the freedom of being independent producers in order to become wards of the state. These citizens sell their soul for the government “safety net” promises of “free everything” by political shysters. These slackers will wind up with empty cupboards and servitude.

Direct confiscation of private assets is a more violent and messy phase, which ends this charade, although it does work. The final undermining of any free nation is when the majority of citizens have been sufficiently indoctrinated to believe a central controlled government can meet everyone’s needs better than can individual initiative. When this happens, most people are afraid that their government is the only thing that can protect them. When we reach this state, the people have been converted into pathetic “sheeple” who lose their individualism to the collective state.

The current rebellion against the “lock-down” orders has revised the spirit of Americans which cannot be extinguished. After all, we Americans have our Constitution and the Bill of Rights-thanks to the brilliant founders of this country. Remember Cuba, Venezuela, Cameroon, the Soviet Union and China.

Domenick Maglio, PhD. is a columnist carried by various newspapers, an author of several books and owner/director of Wider Horizons School, a college prep program. Dr. Maglio is an author of weekly newspaper articles, INVASION WITHIN  and a recent book entitled, IN CHARGE PARENTING In a PC World. You can see many of Dr. Maglio’s articles at


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Tuesday, May 12, 2020


By Domenic k J. Maglio Ph.D. Traditional Realist

Harvard professor, Elizabeth Bartholet, views home schooling as problematic because the parents have control of the values taught and the school curriculum. Since many home-schooling parents are religious, the\ progressives assume they would be prejudiced against the protected classes. Her intolerance towards devout families homeschooling their own children is an abomination. Combining this with the toxic male hysteria of characterizing all males as a violent abusive gender we should realize there is unfolding a strong frontal attack on traditional families.

Another piece of evidence of the direct assault on the patriarchal family is an article by Sophie Lewis, a self-described lesbian communist. She claims there was an increase in domestic violence between the father and other family members during this Covid-19 quarantine, which shows the need to abolish the patriarchal family. This reminds many of the false, non-scientific speculation of an elevation in domestic violence cases that was reported several years ago during the Super Bowl. Experts demonstrated it was false.

However, there is a correlation between high levels of stress, being confined in any setting including one’s home and interpersonal violence. This could happen with siblings, parents and children or spouses in any family. The same phenomenon happens in stressful situations with homosexual relationships, at work, with peers and other interpersonal relationships with high levels of frustration. People with low frustration tolerance often strike out at others within striking distance. The Covid-19 epidemic has been a psychologically difficult experience for people in many situations not only in the family.

Blaming violence on the patriarchal family allows anti traditional feminists to claim anything and everything. They say the traditional family is the cause of higher birthrates, oppression of children and women, greater disease, incarceration, global warming and other unsupported pseudo-scientific assertions to discredit the traditional family. It does not matter that there is no scientific evidence or logic to the claims, just as long as they are negative. The family has been the backbone of all societies except for the failed socialist/communist experiments.

Radical activists understand once the powerful glue that holds a culture together evaporates, the culture will disintegrate. It will not be replaced by females or males living separately with their pet, as a substitute child. Males or females living with their same sex lovers have their own unique violence that exceeds the male/female/child arrangement. These relationship substitutes are not viable as the eventual replacements for the traditional family.

Radical artificial relationships would be too unpredictable and capricious to be the foundation of a vigorous society. It would be an unnatural state that would change with the latest cultural fad of society. Any power brokers of this type of transformative society will herd the people into a system that would ensure the perpetuation of their regime by controlling the population. By necessity they would dictate and shape the people’s actions by developing rigid institutions. These leaders would maximize methods specially to train the youngest elements of their nation by programing them to follow their wishes.

As early as possible the state would authoritatively require the children to be separated from their birth parents and be indoctrinated in centers for obedience training toward the leader. They would be rewarded for their positive behavior by the new state regulations. Any deviation of their laws would be handled forcefully without individual protection from the law.

This totalitarian governmental system obviously would have greater legal consequences and no individual freedom. The robotic, uncreative thinking and behavior of the citizens is a by-product of group-thinking indoctrination. This type of nation would not permit parents the freedom to raise their own children. It would snatch the children to have one-size-fits-all national education centers to produce spiritless adults who are unable to think individual thoughts and the have the freedom to act on their own. The state officials and laws are the control, not citizens’ moral values.

The patriarchal family can have dysfunctional and destructive fathers and mothers. These horrific family situations should be corrected by other functional family members or in the worst case, by the state. The vast majority of parents have a natural paternal and maternal love and devotion to their children that no state can duplicate.

The traditional patriarchal family has existed from the beginning of time. Without the propagation of children, the civilization would end in one generation. Children are the key for the continuation of mankind. The patriarchal family is the most effective institution in raising creative and healthy children.

Every attempt by totalitarian governments, for example the USSR, NAZI Germany, Cuba, Cambodia, ancient Sparta and current Communist China have not succeeded in being a high functioning, stable and free society. All over the world the patriarchal family has been a natural outcome to inculcate a child with the values and skills to be a successful, functioning adult.

Domenick Maglio, PhD. is a columnist carried by various newspapers, an author of several books and owner/director of Wider Horizons School, a college prep program. Dr. Maglio is an author of weekly newspaper articles, INVASION WITHIN  and a recent book entitled, IN CHARGE PARENTING In a PC World. You can see many of Dr. Maglio’s articles at

Tuesday, May 05, 2020


By Domenick J. Maglio PhD. Traditional Realist

The tech giants have two diametrically opposed arguments that they use. At times they call themselves the public square, which means they have no control over the content protecting them from defamatory or vulgar content and to protect themselves from being considered a monopoly.  There is no threat here as they carry everyone’s content so no need to police them.
At times they reason they are like a private newspaper and can choose what content goes on their platform. No one is entitled to having content on their platform.

Facebook, Twitter and YouTube have been playing this duality game to ward off anyone suggesting they are not allowed to censor content and that they are responsible for the content on their platform. In addition, it protects them from accusations of being a monopoly.

It is impossible to refute that their powerful influence on the public domain is not significant. Many citizens currently use these platforms for their exclusive means of keeping up with the news. That these tech giants influence our information flow is undisputable.

The CEOs of these social media companies act as if they can allow or prevent people from sharing their viewpoints on their platforms. What can be shared is dependent on the personal interpretation by the companies of what is harmful or misinformation. These companies argue they are saving lives by following government guidelines and international agencies like the World Health Agency even when they contradict themselves. They think they have the responsibility to protect the norms, values and standards of government agencies. Any contrary information from the scientific elite perspective should be eliminated not to confuse or provoke a backlash from a misled public.  

Subtle censorship started with newspapers and television news selecting positive progressive stories while omitting traditional ones. Currently a supposedly open media for all people’s views has appeared on the scene: Social Media. However, it is censoring individuals for their opinions. The social media’s purpose was not to correct misinformation but to allow open debate to be heard.

Even concrete news stories about protesting against the lockdown of the nation have been censored by Big Tech as dangerous. Facebook has removed instructions that give locations and times by people protesting the “stay at home” orders. Google has said it has removed thousands of video violations through their misinformation policies merely on the word of local health authorities.

Representative Adam Schiff (D-CA), openly asked the CEOs of Google and Twitter to follow Facebooks’ Covid-19 misinformation procedures. This is scandalous after Representative Schiff had been in hearings with the major tech companies who were being reprimanded for their outlandish misinformation censorship of others. Yet they are refusing to fact-check the progressive anti-republican ads.

Two research physicians from Bakersfield, California appeared on a video clip giving hard statistical analysis of the Coronavirus demonstrating that many instituted best practices were not showing positive results.  The video went viral and was seen by millions of viewers. YouTube abruptly removed it from their platform without any justification.

The only rational reason these tech monopolies have not ceased their attack on free speech, religion or assembly is they are confident of their support from the progressive politicians and elites. George Soros, Bill Gates, Jeffrey Bezos and a host of other powerful people would protect them with their connections in government and money from possible legal prosecution.

The data conglomerates have become too big for their britches. They have gobbled up innovative smaller companies crushing all competition. Their powerful allies in government have to be indicted for obstructing the prosecution of the illegal practice of censorship for future favors.

There are a majority of Americans who have seen in this overblown and concocted epidemic what fascism feels like. We do not like it and most of us will not accept it. These elites have exposed their hand too early. Citizens currently realize that to preserve our liberties we will have to consciously enforce our constitutional rights of free speech, religion and assembly.

This is a frontal attack on our constitutional rights, which the progressives believe will be victorious, ushering in a centrally controlled government. This plan will place the progressive media and Big Tech in charge of the propaganda wing of the future global government.

Strongly re-establishing the people’s right to freedom will end the attempted coup by the elites and foreign allies. A free Constitutional Republic is the greatest obstacle to one-world-government.

We the People’s personal decision to cower or stand up will determine our continued liberty and greatness as a nation or total suppression as a people. Let us prevent the death of America and the imposition of world totalitarian domination.

Domenick Maglio, PhD. is a columnist carried by various newspapers, an author of several books and owner/director of Wider Horizons School, a college prep program. Dr. Maglio is an author of weekly newspaper articles, INVASION WITHIN  and a recent book entitled, IN CHARGE PARENTING In a PC World. You can see many of Dr. Maglio’s articles at