Articles are available for reprint as long as the author is acknowledged: Domenick J. Maglio Ph.D.

Tuesday, June 29, 2021



By Domenick J. Maglio PhD. Traditional Realist


We bookmark in our brain many casual decisions we make that turned out well for us, For example we bought a lottery cards on our child’s birthday that won a sizeable prize. The decision to marry our high school sweetheart even though still in college worked out well although it was a leap of faith. The first car we owned that our friends admired is vividly imprinted in our memory. The great deal you recognized when buying a home or high paying job, which you obtained after graduating from college are pleasant memories. 


There are many actions we contemplate, then do that turn out well while others turn into a quagmire. There are many attractive offers, which after tortuously examining the pros and cons we decide to do or not to do. Upon looking in the rearview mirror of life we realize some were wise choices to avoid. Many that seemed too good to be true were just that. Some poor decisions  sidetracked us from reaching more long-term beneficial goals that we did not consider.


These choices may be as simple as not making material purchases. Many vacations are interrupted by slick sales agents who say you can enjoy the time you had at the resort again. They pressure you with different representatives who entice you to say yes and answer away every single doubt you had. Unfortunately, the fine print is usually different from the sales pitch. The happiness the couple originally felt later turns into a long-term nightmare. The unsuspecting buyer realizes he has been bamboozled after putting down a large sum of money for an agreement that is different from what he thought he signed. 


Searching for the right job is another important decision. Often the person is treated like a king during the interview. The monetary amount is often above expectations while the travel perks are outstanding. The applicant has several enticing possibilities but commits to accepting the position with seemingly everything he could wish for. The reality may turn out to be different than the picture painted. 


This new hire finds that playing politics is the means of moving up, not an excellent performance. There is less autonomy, camaraderie and prestige than he had on the previous job. He is making a hefty salary but is hating every minute on the job. The pathetic constant thought that goes through his mind is how long away is retirement. The job becomes an albatross around his neck. The money is too lucrative to leave although the job is poisoning her. It was not a good decision. In retrospect, it was an offer that should have been refused.


The common story of a person whose heart was broken is a reminder of what you want with your entire being could be the worst mistake of one’s life. After a period of sadness, the once broken- hearted individual learns many negative traits and deeds of the person who left. This knowledge allows them to realize that the individual they thought they loved was a deceptive phony and realizes the decision to break up was a blessing in disguise. 


Everything that happens to us is a learning experience. We can be depressed over where we are in a moment in life, which is counterproductive. Individuals should make choices long term learning to be more careful, less naïve and trusting. We need to train ourselves to make better choices. At the same time, we should look back to where we started to understand and acknowledge all that has been accomplished. Remaining in the self-pitying state is unproductive and self-defeating. We need to realize we are worthwhile and get back into living and not wallow in the past.


Once we start counting our blessings instead of material wealth, we become more emotionally stable. Our feelings about life brighten up since we did not comprehend how far we had come. It is more about how we serve others than taking advantage of others to increase our wealth and ego. The spiritual moral path places the individual in a better place for wholesome, future fulfillment. 


Many of the people who lived “the good life,” perhaps a glamourous one in a particular stage of life can be pitiful in another. A person may be lonely with no children, siblings or other companionship in the later stages of life. They remember all the underhanded things they did to get ahead. This person regrets their selfish choices rather than being proud of good ones


This self-promoting and self-serving person may appear as a semi-god to others. However, when reviewing the past, many would readily switch their personal agony for living a moral lifestyle in order to rest in peace. A person going down a path of immoral decisions has a heavy price to pay in later years, while the person who refuses to exploit others can close out their life in contentment and godliness.  



Domenick Maglio, PhD. is a columnist carried by various newspapers, an author of several books and owner/director of Wider Horizons School, a college prep program. Dr. Maglio is an author of weekly newspaper articles, INVASION WITHIN  and a recent book entitled, IN CHARGE PARENTING In a PC World. You can see many of Dr. Maglio’s articles at
















Tuesday, June 22, 2021



By Domenick J. Maglio PhD. Traditional Realist


We are witnessing many in authority who do not implement good leadership to protect the public. The great responsibility of any position is to choose the correct actions, no matter how difficult, that maintain order with minimal intrusion into the lives of the people involved. Some might not see the importance of these policies, therefore the person in charge should make convincing arguments that these are the best policies for the good of the mission. 


Leadership comes with great dedication and at times, personal sacrifice. The USA has had many great leaders who sacrificed their personal lives for this admirable nation such as George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin, Abraham Lincoln and our heroic soldiers who sacrificed to establish and maintain a nation’s stability. Other unsung heroes in many families and communities personally suffered while fighting for the betterment of others. 


Presently in the affluent USA there are too many people who are willing to sacrifice their duty for personal gain. This type of corruption has become so commonplace that it is nearly the norm for gaining power. Too many American people have become blasé to this type of corruption which has lowered the esteem that the general public holds for the people in power. This has created cynicism in the average joe concerning our leaders. 


Lying has always existed. When a person in any group said one thing one day and the opposite the next, he would be branded as a liar. When it happens to a public figure, something more harmful transpires. Citizens lose faith in the institution and the person who represents it. This understandably creates more skepticism toward people in authority especially in government positions. 


In local political positions such as police chiefs, they have to protect the citizens as well as their officers to fulfill their mission of keeping law and order. In Portland, Seattle, Chicago, New York and Ferguson mayors and state governors placated BLM/anarchists by allowing them to riot while “defund the Blue Line” was pushed. 


The same undermining of teacher’s ability to educate their students has taken place in our educational system. The local community’s power to oversee the children’s education has been replaced by the state and national government. School boards went from community service to influential, political, well-paid positions. Administrative bureaucrats, teacher unions and state/federal directives altered the mission of teacher education to Marxist indoctrination. Large grants were instrumental in transforming our educational system into an institution of propaganda. Our public schools have lost the respect of most parents when they realized what was actually being taught and what was not.


The pundits in the media have sold their souls to advance the radical agenda and enhance their careers. We are seeing an avalanche of critical and factually incorrect anti-conservative narratives. These censored or false stories had a great impact on the election results and influenced the acceptance of anti-patriotic propaganda. Social media cancelling people and censoring information is clearly out of Mao’s Cultural Revolution playbook. 


Dr. Anthony Fauci- prominent scientist of the CDC, James Comey- head of the DOJ, Christopher Wray- head of the FBI and Lois Lerner- head of the IRS all lie repeatedly to the American public creating a strong sentiment that government officials have lost all credibility. The underpinning of our government institutions has eroded to a level that our civilization’s future is in jeopardy of continuing as a free Constitutional Republic.


Changing the trajectory of our country is going to require politically involved citizens on all levels of government. Parents speaking truth to power at school board meetings has inspired others to do the same. It is the way our founders designed our constitutional government to rise from the bottom up, telling officials what to do. We citizens have lost our power because we have rarely stood up.


Our officials are supposed to represent the people, not big government, the media or mega corporations. The people from the roots of the community have to again do their duty. Detroit police chief, James Craig, just retired from the force to run for higher office. He was directly involved in the local neighborhoods in order to learn what the people were thinking and feeling. After learning from the community, he knew what he had to do. 


These authentic authority figures exist throughout our nation. Citizens need to identify them from their deeds not from their looks or their blarney. Identifying the authentic, honest leaders from the fraudulent leaders through examining what they promised and what they actually delivered should be the method of deciding who gets your vote. Following this formula will eradicate BLM, anarchists and others to preserve our freedoms and our Constitutional Republic.




Domenick Maglio, PhD. is a columnist carried by various newspapers, an author of several books and owner/director of Wider Horizons School, a college prep program. Dr. Maglio is an author of weekly newspaper articles, INVASION WITHIN  and a recent book entitled, IN CHARGE PARENTING In a PC World. You can see many of Dr. Maglio’s articles at



Tuesday, June 15, 2021



By Domenick J. Maglio PhD. Traditional Realist


We citizens of the United States are living a frantic lifestyle. If the Coronavirus had any up-side, it was slowing down the merry-go-round most of us were on. People were prevented from incessantly shopping, eating out, attending social events and even going to their jobs. It changed our lifestyle forcing individuals to slow down and realize that our world is more complex and uncertain than we imagined. 


Most individuals were self-absorbed in their own world and dreams, not realizing that life has many twists and turns. We self-centeredly believe life will continue as we wish. Many events alter our direction and ability to fulfill what we want. War, accidents, economic changes, death, personal decisions and unexpected epidemics appear demonstrating the unpredictability of life. 


Family gatherings with close relatives of different generations where past and present events were discussed gave children and others context to the changes that are happening in our culture. For many people these gatherings are rare with families moving to other places in our nation. Even when families get together many of the members are on cell phones reviewing text messages or talking with others. The connection between family members such as cousins, uncles, grandparents and even parents with their children has become weaker and more superficial. With the family dissolving as an institution, young people are becoming more vulnerable.  To gain popularity they are involved in partying, drugging and other destructive behaviors. Few adults provide advice based on life lessons. 


In the absence of close family ties too many of us have gravitated to an affluent/superficial world and have become attached to our youth and possessions. These things become our primary focus. Computers, cellphones, cars, selfies, Botox, social groups and other material things become our life’s identity. Our parents, teachers, friends and other loved ones fade away. Gone is what really provides wise feedback, strength and support to help us arrive at what we could and should become. 


Our educational institutions have exploited this moral value vacuum. Removing the history of our nation and the world has handicapped our students even more. They lose the knowledge of what happened in the past, which would help them understand that certain actions result in predictable outcomes. Instead, we use Google and Siri to give us instant answers to any questions we ask without understanding the big picture. Knowledge empowers students to think.

Comprehending historical events allows people a clearer knowledge of all the factors that are contributing to this significant period. It teaches students to better evaluate information increasing the acuity of the mind.


Public school transition from an institution of education to social change agent has removed many of the skills and thought provoking activities that stimulate students’ minds. Gone are the 3Rs, “reading, riting and rithmatic”, cursive writing, composition and grammar, and debating controversial topics. These academic non-political learning experiences have been replaced by indoctrination of social change, CRT, identity politics, feminism, LGBTQ, BLM/Antifa, and other Marxist theories. Anyone who criticizes these concepts that divide us, is ridiculed and re-educated. The students who become advocates of these woke messages are applauded gaining honor, esteem and even acceptance into more prestigious universities and job opportunities. 


These propaganda mills never mention any advances in racial relationships, prosperity and undeniable truth that we have the richest poor people in the entire world. The Marxists avoid mentioning the great progress the United States has made in technology, race relations, business while turning any progress into a negative. According to Marxism the USA is an evil nation.


All this negativity directed towards our great traditional institutions has tainted our appreciation, gratitude and empathy for the heroes of the past. Our children and even adults have lost the ability to discriminate the truth from falsehood since most of us have never had the opportunity to hear our relatives, peers in school, or media pundits argue different points of view. Censorship and cancelling of different opinions in the media have devastated our ability to critically think.


Instead, we have been programmed (re-educated) to listen to constantly repeated lies until they have become the “truth.” Critical thinking is evaporating in front of our eyes. Most citizens are so frustrated and confused that they have just shut down their thinking.


Let us bring back sanity, Judeo-Christian values, logic, order into our lives and that of our children by voicing our knowledge of true information which refutes the flood of convoluted lies that we are being fed. Teaching others about our Constitutional Republic is essential to keep them aware of the outrageous propaganda that the Marxists are employing to institute a communist takeover. 


It is up to the aging generation to bring back our institution that will counter this omnipresent brainwashing. 


Domenick Maglio, PhD. is a columnist carried by various newspapers and blogs, an author of several books and owner/director of Wider Horizons School, a college prep program. Dr. Maglio is an author of weekly newspaper articles, INVASION WITHIN  and a recent book entitled, IN CHARGE PARENTING In a PC World. You can see many of Dr. Maglio’s articles at










Tuesday, June 08, 2021



By Domenick J. Maglio PhD. Traditional Realist


Open debate in the United States is no more. Only what is “woke” is allowed and anything that contradicts wokism is not acceptable. Any statement that challenges a government/corporation pronouncement must be eliminated from public discourse by censoring it on social media. Only the viewpoint of the government/corporate officials’ proclamations need to be followed while those of the individual are ignored. 


In our revolution against Britain the colonists discussed among themselves and after agonizing debate concluded that freedom of each and every citizen’s vote when tallied would guide their representatives better than directives coming from the top down. Citizens’ voices have kept the United States on an even keel. Individual freedom of speech by educated believers in God and honorable people created the enviable document that has kept the USA growing prosperously and free for several centuries. 


The woke government/corporations are dismantling our incredible constitution and Bill of Rights without a single affirmative vote by the people. Any specific question about voter irregularities, tampered voting machines and unwillingness of the state and federal courts to review evidence was dismissed without judicial review. This un-American process of refusing to hear the voice of the people has become the norm.  


Currently Americans who burn the Black Lives Matter flag are charged with a hate crime but have the right of freedom of speech to burn an American flag. An anarchist can burn down and loot private businesses, but law-abiding citizens cannot attend a religious service for the risk of spreading the Covid-virus. A baker who owns his own business cannot refuse to make a cake for a homosexual wedding although it is against his religious beliefs. If a person chooses not to get the Corona-virus vaccine, they can be withheld from flying by the government/corporations and charged an extravagant price for attending an entertainment venue. These hypocritical decisions endorsed by the corporations are choking off our constitutional rights. 


Mega corporations claim to be private businesses that can make their own rules. Except businesses have had to follow sex, gender and age discrimination, construction regulations, fire requirements and a host of other laws that have been passed through the legislative process. The recent government decrees limiting citizen choices are supported by the same corporations to bypass our constitution and Bill of Rights.  The corporations are acting as if they have a right as a private business to do whatever they want in their own business. These unholy alliances between government and corporations are dangerous and frightening to our freedoms.


Incestual relationships where companies cozy up to government by giving large political contributions while receiving big contracts has made it difficult for smaller businesses to compete and stay afloat. As we have witnessed during the Wuhan virus shutdown, small restaurants were limited by government mandates while big chain restaurants flourished. Smaller businesses are shrinking, and larger enterprises are taking over the market. These decrees are against our constitution and are anti-capitalist at its worst.


Our public government schools, social media, military, huge corporations have embraced the government woke bandwagon. Affirmative action, systemic racism, reparations, equity and even BLM are part of the woke movement. Social media is cancelling patriotic American voices and censoring any information that contradicts wokism like China’s involvement in the Wuhan virus and the border crisis. Our military has ads for specifically recruiting LGBTQ and feminists. Our teacher unions are propagandizing our children through the CRT (Critical Race Theory), to despise our institutions and feel guilty for their whiteness. Corporate white employees are trained in diversity training programs that their past promotions were not based on merit but solely on their whiteness. 


We are no longer the nation that was superbly erected through liberty, equality, faith in God, merit, work ethic and private property. We the people cannot accept wokism that is dividing us into angry tribes based on racism and social justice nonsense.


The only way this wokism can continue is if good hard-working Americans of all ethnic, racial and social classes remain silent. America was not created by corporations or led by woke Marxist bureaucrats who have not been elected. Our great nation was built by small capitalist businesses competing with each other to produce products of high quality at a reasonable cost. Every American has the right to freedom of speech, assembly, weapons for self-protection, and the right to their earnings, property and protection from government oppression and discrimination. 


Cowardice has a huge cost. Everyone needs to speak up or this once great nation will be just a footnote in the history books having had its freedom strangled by government/corporations.


Domenick Maglio, PhD. is a columnist carried by various newspapers and blogs, an author of several books and owner/director of Wider Horizons School, a college prep program. Dr. Maglio is an author of weekly newspaper articles, INVASION WITHIN  and a recent book entitled, IN CHARGE PARENTING In a PC World. You can see many of Dr. Maglio’s articles at



Tuesday, June 01, 2021



By Domenick J. Maglio Ph.D. Traditional Realist


Citizens throughout the USA are realizing their local public schools are not teaching the academic skills the children need for their future success. A large percentage of them are learning their children are being propagandized into being anti-American and re-educated into believing Marxist ideals and philosophy. This has finally awakened many parents although it has been a transformation taking place over a long period in public schools.


Our public schools have become federal government schools. Initially the US education started in the home in order to learn how to read the Bible, newspapers and other documents. The rich hired tutors to instruct in more sophisticated subjects including foreign languages. In the middle 1800s Horace Mann created a public education system. These schools were financed by local taxes and taught by local people. Many of these teachers were highly respected and were housed in the homes of their students. Respected townspeople were asked to become part of a school board in order to direct the growth of the school system. Schools used to be controlled entirely by the local community.  


The state government expanded into the community by developing education standards across the state. Autonomy of education was supposed to reside in the local school board. The local school board members were elected, becoming a political position instead of a community volunteer service. As local and state taxes increase so did the power and income of being a school board member. 


The politicization of the school board changed who had the power. It started with the local community then to the state and currently to the Federal Department of Education. Currently, when one follows the often-immense grant money it starts with the Federal Department of Education, to the state education bureaucracy and finally to the local boards. Some local school board members convince other members to accept grant money regardless of negative repercussions to the educational process. These school board members have become professional politicians who often deceive the public to win approval from higher ups in the bureaucracy. 


This process has become so political that there are few board members who are willing to put their perks and status on the line to fight for quality education. Most school board members have become rubber stamps for new radical programs introduced by the state and federal government. They have transitioned from teaching traditional subjects and values such as higher-level math, cursive writing, composition skills, grammar, civics and actual history. Instead, they are accepting a greater concern for sexual and deviant issues, drugs, political correctness, social justice, equity pipe dreams and ridicule of the nuclear family. The anti-religious blasphemy and open Marxist indoctrination being fed into the minds of our children is frightening. Students are being taught hatred for patriotism, our nation’s history, and traditional values, which is finally being seen by a majority of parents as being a cancerous attack on the soul of America.


All over the nation we are witnessing articulate parents asking insightful questions to school boards but are often being treated with disrespect and even being physically removed by police officers from the meeting. It definitely shows the distain these local school board officials have for the parents of the students they are entrusted to educate. 


Parents object to Critical Race Theory, Equity, finding White Supremacy everywhere, 1619 Project and many other Marxist ideas being taught to their children. Many states have passed laws to stop these Marxist ideas but are being bypassed by the local school districts. Parents are being told that these ideas are not being taught in the school curriculum. This is literally true although public school teachers are being trained in seminars by Marxist leaning “experts.” They are being subtly introduced to Critical Race Theory, overt Black Supremacy, comprehensive sexual education, affinity bias training, rigor gaps and other leftist leaning ideas. The impact of these seminars will be teachers indoctrinated in Marxism, which influences their approach to education.


Most of the parents want academic merit to be the primary force in the advancement of their children, with challenging coursework that is pro-family and country. Traditional American values have to be taught to keep the USA free. Parents do not desire their children to hate America. Our nation is not perfect, but we promote individual freedom and initiative to climb the economic ladder which is the envy of the world. 


American parent voices need to be heard. They are against their children being brainwashed to detest the USA. American parents want no “left turn in education.” They do want America to be great again.



Domenick Maglio, PhD. is a columnist carried by various newspapers and blogs, an author of several books and owner/director of Wider Horizons School, a college prep program. Dr. Maglio is an author of weekly newspaper articles, INVASION WITHIN  and a recent book entitled, IN CHARGE PARENTING In a PC World. You can see many of Dr. Maglio’s articles at