Articles are available for reprint as long as the author is acknowledged: Domenick J. Maglio Ph.D.

Tuesday, April 25, 2023



By Domenick, J. Maglio PhD. Traditional Realist


Many Americans are confused as to why criminals and dangerous mentally ill citizens are not being locked up to protect our communities. The infamous billionaire, George Soros, has given money to liberal district attorneys like Alvin Bragg of NYC. They release criminals back on the street with no incarceration or other long-term consequences. 


It appears the rights of dangerous perpetrators in our communities are more important than those of the innocent. The victims are the innocent citizens who are constantly being ignored.  Mentally ill individuals who are dangerous to self and others are no longer being institutionalized to protect the public. The protection of criminals and mentally ill has superseded the rights of law-abiding citizens. The legal system has been turned upside-down. 


Our social justice indoctrination from the federal government has reversed the priorities of maintaining a stable and safe society. During the 2020 George Floyd riots the media and some federal officials emphasized the police department’s inappropriate, abusive arresting of blacks. This incident ignited the Black Lives Matter movement. The riots instigated burning and destruction of businesses night after night. They glorified the behavior of the crowd who chanted many racist and anti-cop slogans like: “Pigs in blankets, fry ‘em like bacon.” 


Many university associated people participated in these demonstrations. Their attention was focused on the police who were in a defensive position to ensure the violence did not spread by agitators from antifa and other groups. The focus was on the “repressive police,” black or white, who were trying to maintain law and order. All police became the target of the BLM movement. 


Eventually the message became “defund the police” which meant fewer police would result in less violence and greater justice. Was the prediction wrong?! Violence in cities has skyrocketed. The results of these decisions cannot be disputed. The handcuffing of the police and the decrease in the number of police officers along with the policy of shying away from direct confrontation led to out-of-control violence all over our nation.


A significant portion of defunding the police funding was supposed to go to improving mental health. The money did not go for treatment or an increase in institutionalizing dangerous mentally deranged citizens. Since the late 1950s the deinstitutionalization of psychiatric facilities has decreased the availability of mental health services. Mentally bizarre behavior customarily is handled by the police department and aggressive or violent people are taken to jail or prison after being interrogated by the investigator. They are usually not taken to mental institutions as these institutions are few and far between. The mentally ill are often imprisoned without psychiatric intervention. Most who are severely impaired are held in prison and eventually released back into the streets with no or minimal psychiatric intervention.


The Coventry School shooter in Nashville, Tennessee was alleged to have had mental health issues. Audrey Hale had reportedly written a manifesto about her plans to shoot students in different schools, which to date has not been released by the federal government. LGBTQ+ advocates said there would be serious consequences for the public release of the manifesto. Other shooters’ manifestos have been released.


Currently federal and some state governments evaluating the incredible increase in violence, are not blaming criminal release policies. They are focusing on the increase of guns in the hands of adolescents for the current wave of violence. It is never about the government’s withholding prosecution of criminals. It is societal discrimination and prejudice against social justice victims that is the cause of the violence.


Instead of focusing on the obvious cause of the increasing criminal incidents, the Biden administration wants to eliminate citizen’s ownership of guns. Eliminating the Second Amendment rights of people has been a long-range goal of progressives. This confiscation of guns would make it impossible for citizens to revolt against a repressive government. It would give repressive officials the green light to control every aspect of the society without concern.  


Law abiding citizens should be protected by the government through blind justice for all. Our society is being divided by “woke” politicians, corporate heads, and communist intellectuals. The patriotic, religious, and law-abiding citizens must be protected by locking up criminals and potentially violent mentally ill people. Society’s stability and safety will return when criminals and the mentally ill are no longer free to roam the streets. They need help and should not be left to viciously attack others. We need to increase places for the mentally ill to be housed to protect them and innocent citizens from them. Law abiding citizens have the right to their safety.


Domenick J. Maglio, PhD. is a columnist carried by various newspapers and blogs, an author of several books and owner/director of Wider Horizons School, a college prep program. Dr. Maglio is an author of weekly newspaper articles, INVASION WITHIN  and the latest book entitled, IN CHARGE PARENTING In a PC World. You can see many of Dr. Maglio’s articles at









Tuesday, April 18, 2023



By Domenick J. Maglio PhD.  Traditional Realist


The founders of the United States believed when citizens are allowed to follow Biblical laws enforced by representatives with checks and balances the people would be guaranteed freedoms. They saw them as God given rights allowing them to reach their desired lifestyle through their choices. These leaders were unique in history as they were settlers from Europe who established their own reputation not by titles or family wealth but through their own efforts and creativity.


The United States has prospered as its people had limited government regulations or other interference in how citizens could earn their money and live. Those who worked long and hard, lived withing their means, and followed Biblical law did well. There was no need for state welfare as neighbors helped each other in times of hardship. 


America has attracted immigrants from all over the world to settle in the land of opportunity. These immigrants lived in their own welcoming ethnic communities. By the third generation they were accepted as Americans, not as immigrants from another country. They became proud 

American citizens.


The draw for past foreigners coming to the USA was not free handouts but the freedom and opportunity to work hard, save, and move up the economic ladder. Their work ethic not only helped these new immigrants but lifted the entire nation. “Made in the USA” was a symbol that translated into quality all over the world. Citizens had pride in their work and nation. Americans established the USA as the greatest country on earth.


As many of our companies sold out America either moving their whole operation overseas or outright selling the control of the company to foreign governments, mainly to China. These national conglomerates did not pride themselves on quality control but on their bottom-line profit and dominance.


The pay for low level workers in communist countries is as low as they can get away with. In these centrally controlled nations, low-level workers make government decreed minimal salaries. There is natural equality in their salaries as there is little innovation or competition in their centrally controlled system. Workers are interchangeable since there is no financial incentive to create or work harder doing the same function as the next guy as everyone’s salary is low. 


Competitive people in a communist nation would be troublemakers as all comrades should follow orders rather than think for themselves or demand rational changes to increase production. Equity is accomplished by everyone receiving the same outcome as everyone else with no incentives to increase production. Equity is a natural communist goal that allows comrades to accept their meagre existence as part of being a good communist and not compete with others to improve their personal existence.


Diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) is undermining our merit-based economy. A black pilot, Conrad Jules Aska who was unprepared to fly the airplane crashed and died. He had not passed any of the simulated skills necessary to prove that he could competently navigate an airplane, yet he was promoted to be a pilot. His family is suing the airlines for his being allowed to fly when had not reached the level of necessary competency to fly. They argued he was put into the position due to the DEI government emphasis. Competency not diversity and inclusion should be the determining factor in hiring a person especially in a complex, skilled position that determines the life and death of others.


We have seen several airline mishaps in the last few months in major airports in Maui, NYC, Austin, and Los Angeles. There have been almost daily railroad derailments spilling toxic material.   In East Palestine, Ohio, there are citizens who suffer serious health effects.       

There were also cancellations of all flights for computer safety system collapse. Recruitment of competent people is lower when you must follow government mandates of diversity and inclusion. This same issue has caused our military readiness to suffer due to the lack of qualified personnel who also qualify using the new government mandates of diversity, equity and inclusion that are not rooted in merit but social justice. 


America’s greatness as the number one nation in the world for over 75 years was based on our people’s freedom to compete. There were few regulations on starting a business and maintaining it. Government regulations from the top down to establish a nation more compatible with socialistic ones is undermining our exceptionalism. 


Immigrants worked hard and smart, climbing the economic ladder. It did not matter if you came from a poor family, a foreign nation, or had a physical handicap, or any other unusual background if the individual did a competitive, creative, or innovative job. These people were compensated according to their worth in business not by meeting arbitrary government social justice mandates. 


Domenick Maglio, PhD. is a columnist carried by various newspapers and blogs, an author of several books and owner/director of Wider Horizons School, a college prep program. Dr. Maglio is an author of weekly newspaper articles, INVASION WITHIN  and the latest book entitled, IN CHARGE PARENTING In a PC World. You can see many of Dr. Maglio’s articles at



Tuesday, April 11, 2023

Government Control of the Media = Totalitarianism

 Government Control of the Media = Totalitarianism

By Domenick J. Maglio PhD. Traditional Realist


The former head of the general counsel of the FBI, James Baker, met with Clinton lawyer Mr. Sussmann and helped him pass the false claim that the Trump org was secretly communicating with the Russian Alpha Bank. James Baker then took a similar role with social media giant, Twitter. By determining what should be censored or highlighted, he was able to control a large segment of the flow of national news. His influence and that of other top government officials now in the corporate world, had the ability to control what is reported and not reported. Twitter’s hierarchy included more than 12 former FBI agents who had incredible influence on the national reporting of the news. Before Elon Musk took over Twitter, 99% of the employees gave donations to the democrat party. It was obvious that this social media site favored a socialist view.


This infiltration of democrat government operatives in the media has had a profound effect on the type of flow of information that reaches the American public. Without the free dissemination of all viewpoints of an issue, citizens are robbed from making an educated decision on the direction of our nation. 


The head of any nation that seizes control of the media is frightening as this leader is on the way to become a powerful dictator. At this juncture in our history, journalists have been primarily taught by university programs that are extremely progressive leaning. Conservative leaning students are either not accepted into these programs or are weeded out by the political “woke” demands of the program. This gives rise to strong positive bias towards the left and a negative one against conservatives. 


Most news reported by the media today supports far left ideas while news that is not supportive of the left is buried. This biased press encourages the administration to accumulate more power which leads to more censorship of any political opposition and thus greater power. This creates an arrogant presidential leader who walks away from answering pertinent questions that should be answered. 


The control of the press by one political group leads to propagandizing the people that is essential to creating a one-party government. A courageous free press is essential to keep any government on the right course to protect the people’s freedom and economic prosperity not on selling the regime’s public relation campaign to retain power.


The government controls the media by inserting certain ex-government officials into power positions in the media, thus allowing them to control the message. This takeover of media corporations by ex-officials to do the bidding of the administration is a censorship of free speech. They can do this because of their control over breaking stories and which stories are covered. 


These public relations techniques were initiated by Sigmund Freud’s nephew, Edward Bernay, and used by Josef Goebbels in Nazi Germany to shape public opinion. They were effective in Nazi Germany as well as selling products in our modern consumer advertising world and presently in mainstream politics.


Our nation no longer possesses a free press. It should not matter if a progressive or conservative party is in power. The function of the press is to report all the viable news to the public. The integrity of the reporter to state all the accurate news regardless of political implications is essential for a functioning republic. 


Once the mass media chooses sides in the political arena by censoring the news and embellishing the positives of their allies, the media becomes an arm of the ruling class. In a representative government, a corrupt mass media that has sold its integrity for political favors serves as an accomplice in undermining the democratic process. In essence the media becomes a propaganda bureau for the ruling party. This arrangement cannot coexist within a constitutional republic.


This sell out by the mass media can only be rectified by morally courageous people correcting the record. This will encourage other honest reporters to overcome their fears of being cancelled. Through their tenacity of asking specific and difficult questions, reporters can keep politicians on both sides of the aisle honest. These comprehensive and penetrating questions will initially prevent politicians and spokesmen from talking in generalities and preventing them from “circling back” to cleverly repeat another avoidance message. 


By uncovering the true stories of what is happening, individual journalists will start unraveling the lies of the party in power. This will allow better understanding by citizens of the politicians’ motivation and allow the citizens to choose the best candidates to represent them and preserve our constitution.


Instead of slick, false, public relations techniques that can undermine truth, honest facts will defeat a potential dictator. This will protect all the positive institutions that have kept the country strong for the people.


Domenick Maglio, PhD. is a columnist carried by various newspapers and blogs, an author of several books and owner/director of Wider Horizons School, a college prep program. Dr. Maglio is an author of weekly newspaper articles, INVASION WITHIN  and the latest book entitled, IN CHARGE PARENTING In a PC World. You can see many of Dr. Maglio’s articles at




Tuesday, April 04, 2023



By Domenick J. Maglio PhD. Traditional Realist


Throughout history civilizations have conquered each other. There were tribal, regional, and national conquests. The victor took the spoils which included women, children, livestock, and men as slaves. Rape was and still is a reality of war in many areas of the world.


The Roman Empire controlled a significant portion of the world for almost 1000 years. Mongols marched through Asia reaching Europe and raised havoc throughout. Genghis Khan was supposed to have fathered up to 40,000 children. The British empire reached into the eastern world controlling the populations, governments, fathering many children. The Native Americans also warred with the settlers moving into their territory In Canada and the US. In essence foreign settlers like all immigrants blended in with the native population. Purity of an individual having one race is rare.


Tribes in Africa fought against each other, and often black winners sold the losers of the wars as slaves. Some white plantation owners fathered children by their slaves. In the south before the Civil War anyone who had 6% black blood regardless of how they looked, were considered black. There were terms to describe half black and half white as mulatto, one great grandparent being black was an octoroon and was still considered black.


Using the 6% rule, a large percentage of us could be considered many nationalities or races. According to 23 and Me, and others, I was said to have 6% African and many different percentages of other blood types. This is likely since my family is from Naples and Sicily 90 miles from Morocco. Hannibal historically crossed the Alps conquering lands throughout the Italian peninsula. Now Hannibal is a common first name for Southern Italian men. All nations conquered and were conquered by other nations creating a racial blur.


Who are these horrible “white supremacists”? What if these whites with an insignificant percentage of white blood just arrived in this country? Would they be considered  “White

Supremacists?” What if these whites are congressional members, government bureaucrats, or large corporation owners? Would they be seen as “white supremacists”? Is ex-President Barack Obama a white supremacist since his mother and her side of the family were white? Is everyone who is not officially black a “white supremacist” including our current president?


We need a specific definition of a “white supremacist” since they are “deplorable, hateful, evil people” who need to be imprisoned. Many were not tried by a jury and still rot in jail. These are unlawful gestapo tactics.


According to President Biden, who interchanges “white supremacist with MAGA people that probably are over half of the population of the USA.  This is not uniting our nation, this is dividing our citizens and inciting the democrat base to view conservative citizens as enemies of the USA.


There is no attempt by President Biden to define “white supremacist.” Any attempt to do so would be laughable since it would be contradictory to US criminal statistics. More blacks than whites are arrested for committing murder against other blacks. Rasmussen released two reports on March 11, 2023, presenting their polls’ results that more than 70% of Americans agreed it is “ok to be white in America” and only 12% disagreed. When asked if black people can be racist too, even more Americans agreed with only 12% disagreeing.


All human beings can be racist pitting one group against another increases hatred.  By emphasizing the criminal tendencies of a small fraction of a race only increases racial tension. All ethnic and racial groups have deviants although the majority are law abiding citizens. 


As Martin Luther King Jr. reminded us: “We should judge a person by his character not by the color of his skin.”  He emphasized any person in any group should be judged by their actions and character. 


The reason for using “white supremacy” appears to be the Biden administration, media, and financial elites are attempting to muzzle white opposition to their policies. These powerful elites’ exploitation of citizens needs to be swept under the rug so they will not be blamed for all this havoc.  

The use of supremacy for whites, creates the imagery of the south’s Civil War whites that committed atrocities towards the blacks. This attempts to paint all white people as ignorant, brutal people. This clever psychological technique places all whites in a defensive position to remain silent. 

White supremacy is a smoke screen to silence all Americans from standing up to voice their opinion that weakens “America on every front to create a new world order. Why are so many people quiet about such a divisive concept as “white supremacy?”

Domenick Maglio, PhD. is a columnist carried by various newspapers and blogs, an author of several books and owner/director of Wider Horizons School, a college prep program. Dr. Maglio is an author of weekly newspaper articles, INVASION WITHIN  and the latest book entitled, IN CHARGE PARENTING In a PC World. You can see many of Dr. Maglio’s articles at