Articles are available for reprint as long as the author is acknowledged: Domenick J. Maglio Ph.D.

Tuesday, December 25, 2018


By Domenick J. Maglio PhD. Traditional Realist

Many nations of the world are exotic or at least interesting to visit. The food, architecture, language and history are wonderful to see and experience first hand. Not only is it intellectually stimulating but it is an eye opener as to what is different from your country. There are rich and poor in every nation. Being rich in most countries is a very comfortable situation. Most of this upper class can afford to have house servants that few middle class Americans can employ but at times may want. In other nations the upper class people’s wealth allows them to purchase individual services more cheaply. These servants receive insignificant compensation for their services although they work hard but have little opportunity or real hope of bettering their status. They live hand-to-mouth. This is not the case in the USA.

The United States is still the land of opportunity for class advancement. Anyone who is committed to obtain middle or upper class status has to do only two things here: work hard and sacrifice pleasures to build up their assets. Depending on the level of persistence and perseverance a person will reach his goal over time. This can be accomplished within our current tax system but will come to a screeching halt if we move into a socialist welfare state.

There are many socialist/progressives and communists who have come out of the closet to openly announce that they want free university education, free health care, guaranteed income for all citizens with livable income paid by the government who hires everyone. These policies would destroy America’s economy.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s surprise election by winning only a small percentage of democrat votes is making Bernie Sanders look conservative. Even though she was raised in a wealthy Westchester town her supporters claim she was “a poor Puerto Rican person from the Bronx.” Her father was an architect, not a welfare recipient. Her policies, like all socialist/communist proponents, sound great but have not worked in reality.

This question of where the money will come from is never answered honestly. The reason is the government would have to rob (confiscate) from others to give the goodies to the slackers. This would be more than objectionable to the average American. The only way socialist/communist policies can be adopted is through public ignorance or charismatic lying thugs like Stalin, Castro or Chavez forcing socialism down the throats of the people.

Obviously, once the money is stolen from hard working people they cease to be hard workers. Merit is thrown out the window. This poison spreads until a rich country like Venezuela plummets through hyperinflation and turns into a pathetic, poor nation where citizens are fleeing in droves to more stable countries.

Under President Obama’s eight-year administration we received a “socialist-light” taste of redistribution of wealth. This was done under cover by changing bureaucratic regulations to ease the ability for people to receive government assistance. The unemployment compensation was extended to 96 weeks. The SNAP program expanded the number of participants as well as the list of products recipients were entitled to receive. The free phone program was expanded and student loans were federalized. The big enchilada was the administration ramming the Obamacare program through the legislative process.

The “new normal” was a 1.8% economic growth over the eight-years of the Obama administration, high unemployment, declining average wages, large increases in potential workers dropping out of the labor market.  The stagnant economy was constantly rationalized as the “new normal.” The results of these socialistic policies were a stagnant economy.

President Trump implemented conservative ideas into his administration. The US economy took off like a rocket. He backed off government regulations, freeing businesses to gain autonomy over their own operations. He obtained a significant tax cut for businesses and individuals and brought many corporations back from abroad. These measures stimulated the free market increasing the economic pie. This increased job opportunity and through competition increased employment wages.

Illegal immigrants are attempting to invade the United States’ borders to become part of our prosperous economy. Destroying the work ethic by imposing socialistic/communistic utopian ideas of free everything will not be imposed on our citizens without destroying our economy. These seekers of a better life are the best indicators that the US capitalist system is the best economy in the world.

Abandoning the principles of free market capitalism would be irrational. It would crush the greatest economy on earth. Destruction of the world’s beacon of freedom and prosperity would leave the world clueless as to what the possibility of a free and prosperous nation is. Everyone on earth would be losers for its demise.

Domenick Maglio, PhD. is a columnist carried by various newspapers, an author of several books and owner/director of Wider Horizons School, a college prep program. Dr. Maglio is an author of weekly newspaper articles, INVASION WITHIN  and a new just published book, entitled, IN CHARGE PARENTING In a PC World. You can visit Dr. Maglio at

Tuesday, December 18, 2018


By Domenick j. Maglio PhD. Traditional Realist

The primary responsibility of parents is to teach a child how to be functional in the world. They have to train the child in basic interactional skills such as emotional appropriateness, responsibility, decision-making, perseverance, talking clearly, independence, manners, and moral values.  Most of these tasks have to begin early to have the children gain the confidence and necessary skills to be considered normal. This is an incredible agenda to establish in the first three years. 

Once the groundwork is seeded the child is ready to branch out with his peers but not before the parent’s instructions for their children. This gives them a heads up in becoming socially acceptable. Children become more isolated and shunned if they have not learned appropriate responses from their parents before going to preschool. 

Around the age of three years the child learns from studying and imitating other children in the environment. Preschool children select certain youngsters as role models. The choice a preschooler picks to be a best friend is often surprising. There are too many variables, which depend on the child’s particular circumstances. The new found friend may be similar to one of their siblings, a media character they fell in love with or have certain personality traits that laughs or smiles and makes her feel happy and comfortable.

The maturing of the individual child is a mixture of innate attributes, family and other authority figure expectations and standards as well as the knowledge learned especially from their peers. The child they admired the most consciously or unconsciously is the individual most likely to be imitated. As their idol changes so does their attitudes, thinking and body language. These modifications are not readily noted but serve to slowly shape their social skills and overall personality.

This interaction with peers is a growing process for children. However, in our current culture a major deterrent for children getting together is parental fear. Modern parents view the shielding of their child from any danger as their top priority. An unsupervised peer interaction of their child with other children is frightening to them. The media highlighting of modern bullying in our culture has created neurotic parents. They believe they have to hover over their children to protect them from traumatic bullying episodes.

On the other side of the equation, the more contact children have with peers, the more opportunity they have to experience, experiment and learn from others. This enables them to identify what they want to do in shaping their own emerging personality. Children begin to unconsciously copy their own new friends’ smile, way of speaking, walking, laughing, actions, and almost anything that strikes their fancy. They try out new behaviors and attitudes to see how it feels for them without input from adults. They are learning to be more interdependent while building their own personalities.

Most children are incredibly opinionated and critical about other peer’s actions. They are unfiltered and hold back no punches. If another child looks weak, an aggressive child will quickly test him to find out how far the fragile child will let him take advantage by pushing him until he realized the other child will not cease. Finally in frustration and anger the naïve child returns the favor by pushing the child back. The game stops at this point. The innocent child learns the reality of peace through strength. This is a concrete lesson in standing up for oneself. It is an unfiltered, direct means of learning the rules of the child-jungle, which helps them establish their behavior patterns in dealing with peers.

This is a major reason an only child is at a significant disadvantage compared to a child coming from a family with siblings. Children tell and show each other things that would be ignored if said by an adult. They learn from each other how to act appropriately. “Don’t cry when you get hurt because you are acting like a baby.” This statement coming from a respected group member is more powerful than having to endure a lecture from a significant adult. Crying is like honey to a bear. It is a signal to the bully to attack.

The best protection a child has is himself. By interacting he will develop the social skills and abilities to handle peer issues. Excluding a child from independent relationships with his peers will not only delay his social maturity but could cause the child to be awkward or even a misfit among children.

Domenick Maglio, PhD. is a columnist carried by various newspapers, an author of several books and owner/director of Wider Horizons School, a college prep program. Dr. Maglio is an author of weekly newspaper articles, INVASION WITHIN  and a new just published book, entitled, IN CHARGE PARENTING In a PC World. You can visit Dr. Maglio at

Tuesday, December 11, 2018


By Domenick J. Maglio PhD. Traditional Realist

The feminists have incessantly fought for more rights for the female accuser since the sexual revolution of the 1960s. They have won victory after victory that has increased the dominance of females on university campuses. Presently males have realized that higher education is such a hostile environment that they currently make up only 40% of the students while women have skyrocketed to 60% in undergraduate and graduate schools.

One of the major factors is Women’s Study programs that indoctrinate students with anti male and female supremacy rhetoric. These programs stress that all men are oppressors, are rapists and women always tell the truth. Certainly these ridiculous sentiments are absurd when rationally examined although they have been effective in weaponizing females against males in higher education.

The Brent Kavanaugh Supreme Court hearings, “Bed Girl” at Columbia U., The Duke Lacrosse team/Tawanda Brawley case and many other less publicized fiascos of current injustice have demonstrated that male students are considered guilty until they prove themselves innocent. It is impossible to prove your innocence in an emotional accusation since your adversaries will continue to say you “just got away with it.” This is similar to proving the emotional charge that you did not beat your wife. These emotionally driven incidents blemish our justice system.

The insanity of an accused person being condemned and prosecuted without having the right to any defense is reminiscent of the Salem Witch Trials. In that gross injustice, children were given the power in the same way female college students are given to be judge and jury to determine guilt of an accused. There was no recourse for the innocent to be heard.

President Obama’s Title Nine revisions were applauded by the feminists and were ignored or overlooked for those championing justice for all individuals. These guidelines empower females to be judge and jury at the expense of male’s rights. This is supposed to protect the feelings and rights of females at the expense of college men due to the concern for the females’ emotional reluctance to report assaults on college campuses. They fear the stigma of being negatively judged by others, which has led to these oppressive regulations.

The accusation by the female was considered to be instantly true leaving the identified male guilty. The males in the sexual assault cases had no rights to discovering, cross-examination, no mediation even if the accuser wanted it. The standard required for the supposed female victim to prove her case was only the “preponderance of evidence” not the “clear and convincing evidence” which is a higher level of burden of persuasion. In essence he was denied his right to due process.

Even if the female withdrew her accusations the Title Nine Coordinator, often a Women Studies graduate, continued her original request for the investigation. The college was responsible to investigate instances that were not even reported directly to the school. These institutions of higher education were intimidated by the federal mandates and possibly a federal investigation of the institution. This often caused many colleges to investigate on flimsy evidence going further than it needed to go.

The male accused of assault had no right to question the so-called victim or even to appeal the verdict. The pendulum has swung back to more sanity under the new Secretary of Education, Betsy De Voss, who has proposed changes that will return to males the right to due process. The accused males will be considered innocent until proven guilty.  This is the same right that male university professors currently have when accused by a student. This obvious double standard further demonstrates the absurdity of Title Nine regulations.

The correction by the Trump administration of the Title Nine procedures is causing a backlash from feminist and other progressive groups throughout the country. The fundamental change is that the male student charged will now have the same standard as professors have in sexual accusations. Nevertheless, it is the right thing to do to reestablish justice for male university students.

No group gains from repressing another group as it will come back to haunt them. Blind justice in the United States has been a great benefit in creating and safeguarding equality under the law.

Domenick Maglio, PhD. is a columnist carried by various newspapers, an author of several books and owner/director of Wider Horizons School, a college prep program. Dr. Maglio is an author of weekly newspaper articles, INVASION WITHIN  and a new just published book, entitled, IN CHARGE PARENTING In a PC World. You can visit Dr. Maglio at

Tuesday, December 04, 2018


By Domenick J. Maglio PhD. Traditional Realist

Imagine that a certain privileged group of people has the power to personally censor anyone who offends their sensibilities. This would enable some people to rule over others’ words and thoughts. This is un-American but is happening in universities and progressive politics.

Modern child rearing practices as opposed to traditional ones encourage parents to defend their children when another child slights them. In many cases parents feel they have the right to directly confront another child who they feel has offended their child. What they hear is only one side of the story, their child’s version. This approach of intervening in their child’s interaction with peers is rude, short sighted and ignorant. The child does not learn the skills he needs to deal with reality on his own and the parent has no civil right to attack someone else’s child.

When these children mature into young adults, and enter college, it is no wonder they believe the administrators should protect them from normal disagreements with others. These overpriced bastions of education have jumped in to shield certain students from having anyone hurt their feelings even when they are overreacting.

Universities have fallen right into the role of “mother hen”. They have established safe spaces, crying closets and soothing animals to decrease student anxiety. They consciously or unconsciously support the student’s ability to eliminate, not confront anything that might disturb them. These emotionally poorly trained young adults think they have the prerogative to censor any speaker who may have any views that annoy them.

Censorship on modern college campuses is anti educational. These institutions no longer provide the free exchange of ideas. There is only one viewpoint; the progressive one and anything else will not be tolerated. This type of environment does not develop critical thinking: it smothers it.  Our students are being force-fed socialist propaganda, which excludes any mention of every socialist country’s failure while denying the students even a glimpse of US contributions to the world. More specifically, they are taught to despise the USA.

Additionally, social media is inundated with people that recently experienced a university life style. These progressive college graduates are in power to censor social media news. Facebook founder, Mark Zuckerberg, has used his gigantic platform to filter the news and squeeze out traditional ways of thinking off Facebook. These computer progressives have devised algorithms when triggered exclude certain ideas and their proponents from being allowed on Facebook. The fact is almost all people excluded from social media have been conservative, which is suspicious. It is reminiscent of IRS’s head, Lois Lerner, almost exclusive investigating of conservative political nonprofits.

“Shadow banning” is another procedure to automatically restrict and reduce the number of followers of a person deemed subversively conservative. This has happened to conservative commentators without their being notified.  This is not two-sided civil discourse. It is censorship.

We are witnessing a frightening phenomenon where millenials and others do not believe in the First Amendment. It is no longer freedom of speech for any and all citizens. Rather it can only be “approved speech” by protected class students to insure it is the right speech that will not offend other progressive student’s feeling. Any contrary speech should be disallowed. This is chaotic censorship that will shut down any cogent learning.

This attempt of individual censorship, if continued would be the end of our constitutional republic. Without full awareness of issues and high-level critical thinking skills, a totalitarian state could easily be established. 

A free nation cannot dictate what speech should and should not be allowed. Censorship is toxic to any form of liberty. Individuals who feel they have the right to silence others are dangerous. They do not believe in free speech, they feel superior to others. These people do not want to debate but want to dictate their feelings and thoughts to everyone else.

These people are proponents of oppression, not a free society. Even if the person becomes a king or absolute dictator, their feelings and thoughts could not be imposed on the population without some residents revolting violently. People value their freedom to make their own decisions sufficiently to fight for it.

No one has taught them their viewpoint is only one of many. They seem not to understand that elections are the determining factor of what ideas are going to be implemented.

Domenick Maglio, PhD. is a columnist carried by various newspapers, an author of several books and owner/director of Wider Horizons School, a college prep program. Dr. Maglio is an author of weekly newspaper articles, INVASION WITHIN and a new just published book, entitled, IN CHARGE PARENTING In a PC World. You can visit Dr. Maglio at