Articles are available for reprint as long as the author is acknowledged: Domenick J. Maglio Ph.D.

Tuesday, February 26, 2019


By Domenick J. Maglio Ph.D. Traditional Realist

Revolutionaries create animosity between groups in societies to cause conflict. When disunity is stoked in a country it weakens it internally. The proletarians were persuaded that the bourgeoisie possessed unfair advantages in Europe fomenting a civil war. The same reaction of injustice occurs when men are seen as oppressive: the rich over the poor, elders over the youth or one race over another.

The US Fourth Estate (the media) has been indoctrinated to be social justice activists. They have promoted disharmony between divergent groups to destabilize the dynamics of the nation. The press narratives are written to spread discontent and bolster the socialist agenda. Facts and truth can and should be ignored for the sake of social justice.

They want to develop a perception that whites are the overwhelming perpetrators of hatred in the United States. These social justice journalists believe that truth is not important as long as this furthers the consciousness that whites are behind all injustice happening in the country. The objective of these pseudo intellectuals is to trigger a utopian revolution.

Most of the fake media’s “reporting” is agenda driven and highly selective. Any positive factual stories about our traditional values are either buried or given a “poison pill” to make the story appear negative. The mission is to change the power structure of the US towards socialism. This is the driving force for the elite fanaticism.

Anyone who supports traditional values such as God, family, law and order, freedom, industriousness and patriotism is being identified as the enemy. Anyone who can claim to be a victim needs to be uplifted. “Victimhood chic” allows a person to claim superiority of life experience over a person who was born into a white world. It does not matter how traumatic or destitute their white existence has been. They are white, privileged and need to be put in their place. The only way to avoid this label is to denounce their own existence by hating themselves and everything about their past while loving everything that victims do.

Boris Kizenko, a Holmdel, New Jersey student with a 4.0 GPA who had ample community service, is not a victim. He was denied admission into his local chapter of the National Honor Society. This polite, articulate teenager’s issue was that he epitomized an All American boy who demonstrated traditional morals but not the values of victimization. He did wear a MAGA hat and created a T-shirt for his re-election as class president with the slogan, “Make Holmdale Great Again.” The school superintendent, Robert McGary, never gave a reason for Boris’ being denied admission to his local NHS, but he was.

The Covington Catholic High School episode in Washington DC was immediately reported as a group of students verbally abusing, Nathan Phillips, a Native American agitator. Instead of the students confronting him as was initially reported, videos showed Mr. Phillips walked up to them and got in the face of the 115 pound, white 16-year-old, while chanting loudly and beating a drum. The teenager did not push him away, shout at him to get out of his face, rather he apprehensively smiled and stared straight ahead. The media twisted this into arrogance, not fear.  The initial narrative has not changed even when the facts of the video showed something different.

Actor Jussie Smollett’s, accusation of two white males pouring bleach on him and putting a noose around his neck provoked great media outrage against President Trump and his so-called racist supporters. The attackers were supposedly wearing MAGA hats while making racially charged comments. Mr. Smollett’s story dissolved into an obvious hoax when the supposed attackers were found to be acquaintances of his and many of his statements did not stand up to scrutiny. Smollett was arrested. Again the press did not apologize for jumping to false, racial conclusions before the evidence was verified. Outrageously they focused on President Trump for creating a vile atmosphere for the victim actor to need to concoct such a story. Mr. Smollett was made the victim while President Trump was portrayed as the racist monster.

There are incidents after incidents where the media was proven to have rushed inaccurately to judgment. The accusation of the Duke Lacrosse team, UVA fraternity, Ferguson’s Michael Brown shooting, Tawana Brawley, Cambridge police and many others are incidents where the “victims’” stories are proved to be false. 

The media’s rush to judgment to smear white men as racists, rapists, oppressors and non-whites as victims has become too common to just be journalistic malfeasance. The elite media understands that by turning American against American it will undermine the unity of our constitutional republic. The goal is to usher in socialism for them to gain power and fame.

Domenick Maglio, PhD. is a columnist carried by various newspapers, an author of several books and owner/director of Wider Horizons School, a college prep program. Dr. Maglio is an author of weekly newspaper articles, INVASION WITHIN  and a new just published book, entitled, IN CHARGE PARENTING In a PC World. You can visit Dr. Maglio at

Tuesday, February 19, 2019


By Domenick J. Maglio PhD. Traditional Realist

For many years the mantra has been college is essential for obtaining the good life. Only by gaining a four year degree does a person have the “golden ticket” to enter the lucrative business world. Degrees were no longer about increasing one’s knowledge but all about earning more money. Once a student had a diploma their well being was supposed to be insured. There was such consensus to this belief that parents, teachers, other authorities and the entire media sold this message. It was done so well that most well paying jobs have begun to demand a college diploma when in the past many professionals learned from on-the-job training to move up the ladder.

Higher education’s open admission policies in the 1960s opened the floodgates to college. More than half a century later the number of college slots have overwhelmingly expanded. Students with minimum or deficient academic skills can enter college taking remedial courses without earning any credit until they upgrade their academic abilities. Statistically “45% of students showed no significant gains in learning” after two years in college.”  “Thirty-two percent never take “a course in a typical semester where they read more than 40 pages a week.” “Study says College Students Don’t Learn Very Much” The Atlantic, 2011. These unprepared students pay full tuition often for more than four years to earn their degree and they are earning less after graduation than previous graduates.  

College and universities have become lucrative institutions.  According to Bloomberg, “college tuition and fees have increased 1,120 percent since records began in 1978.” “There has been a truly mind-boggling increase in college tuition since 1960”: according to The Competitive Enterprise Institute. They continue, “Law school tuition has risen 1000% after adjusting for inflation.”

Besides the outrageous debt being occurring, these institutions hire approximately 90% liberal progressive teachers while only 10% are considered traditional conservatives. The lopsided orientation of college professors being progressives has changed college from being objective bastions of debate and critical thinking to centers of socialist-communist indoctrination.

Other realities that have bolstered one-sided orientation in college are the hiring practices and tenure. College administrations are predominately progressive and tend to hire professors with similar understanding and interest in the world. Professors with opposite views of the world are rejected and ostracized. Traditional professors having their material published does not happen as it would not fit the political and cultural viewpoint of the faculty.

These factors add up to college climates where one size fits all. Progressive professors teach specific notions and ideas of the socialist-communist agenda which is, according to them, preferable to constitutional republic/capitalism. Liberal advocates are turning all historically positive acknowledgements, protections of freedom of citizens and restrictions placed on a centrally controlled government by our constitution and higher economic living standards into liabilities. Global warming, minority over majority rights, anti religious beliefs, mob abuse over the rule of law, and globalism over patriotic love of country are being propagandized as virtues.

Our institutions of higher education have turned our young and adult citizens against the greatness of the USA. It is converting students to be anti-American time bombs ready to be set off by trigger events and language implanted in naïve minds of these students. The twisting of historical events to appear negative when it does not account for the entire context of the events that took place in a different period and culture is pure distortion. These methods of excluding certain relevant information to form a narrative that illustrates the positives of progressive ideas and beliefs has had a strong impact on young student’s attitudes towards unrealistic utopian thinking.

Even our founding fathers’ genius of creating an intricate and balanced system of laws in our constitutional republic is described as a racist, repressive oligarchy preventing equality for all. These students see our nation as having ruined the climate and the cohesiveness of the global alliance for world peace that a one-world-government will bring.

The socialist-communist governments’ massacres of the past and present are revised to appear as humanitarian successes. The starvation mass murders and slave camps are overlooked or purposely distorted. The history of our world is being purposely distorted to change future voters against our national heritage.

America needs citizens united to appreciate the exceptionalism of the nation to defend our liberties. Diversity of thought in hiring college professors is needed to protect America from becoming another failed communist experiment. Universities have always been a place for the exchange of ideas not where only one side is heard. Citizens must hear the historical truth to keep Americans free.

Domenick Maglio, PhD. is a columnist carried by various newspapers, an author of several books and owner/director of Wider Horizons School, a college prep program. Dr. Maglio is an author of weekly newspaper articles, INVASION WITHIN  and a new just published book, entitled, IN CHARGE PARENTING In a PC World. You can visit Dr. Maglio at

Tuesday, February 12, 2019


By Domenick J. Maglio PhD. Traditional Realist

The “youth culture” has been firmly established in the USA. When they reach double digits, our children start to yearn for the privileges of a teenager without demonstrating a significant level of trustworthiness, ability to contribute to the family or to make responsible choices in a socially precarious world. Too many modern parents have the money to appease their children rather than take the more difficult route of spending their time and energy to discipline them.

People are getting married and having children later than previous generations. Both women and men in their late 20s and 30s have already established their routines as perennial adolescents. They do not have to think about their future investments while they live in the “here and now.” Their income primarily goes to entertainment, travel and splurging on themselves. This becomes their entrenched life style in their 20s, 30s and beyond. 

Getting married for any couple in the present culture means they will have to make radical changes unless they have married earlier and have grown up together. Finding a residence for both of them has to be determined and how to arrange their joint finances. Would they pool their salaries in a joint account or keep separate accounts? Will one move in with the other or get a different home?

These are necessary decisions but nothing compared to the almost innumerable little ones that have to be made once a child enters the picture. Before the child’s arrival all questions clustered around their personal lifestyle. All of a sudden when children come, a new powerful element is added to the equation. How is he going to be raised? How will the decision making process be handled? Everyday issues will arise that have to be solved and implemented or will turn into major problems.

In the past once a couple married the expectations were clear. The mother was expected to stay home and fathers went to work to earn the bacon. Today the options are much more complex. There are infants in childcare centers, house husbands who often work from the home or focus solely on raising the children. There is shared responsibility for childrearing and variations of accomplishing the incredibly complex responsibilities and privilege of raising a child.

The personal freedom of the parents’ previous lifestyle has to be sacrificed in order to successfully establish a healthy, functioning life for a family. There has to be interdependency and not independence developed between the husband and wife for the marriage to be effective. “Girls’ and Boys’ Nights out” have to be severely curtailed or even better, eliminated. The parents will need to support each other creating a united front or suffer with children dividing and conquering their efforts. This strategy of both wife and husband not acting in unity results in an unstable and often chaotic family.

When the child acts outrageously the parents have to give appropriate, significant consequences. Meaningful disciplinary consequences usually entail a parent’s time and energy to enforce it. When the parents do not follow through they lose credibility and the child wins but loses the chance to learn important lessons. Without the parents winning each battle both of them are undermined. This strategy ends in ineffectual parenting.

When a problem arises the discipline of one’s children often means parents have to rearrange or cancel their recreational, entertainment or other venue. Parents should have resolve enough to lose the money paid for a reservation, take away the privilege of parties, give up a trip, cancel a birthday party, or sleep over. Occasionally the parents need to sacrifice their own desires and suffer the consequences of a decision to show commitment to their child’s future healthy behavior. Parents have to keep their word and follow through.

Too many modern parents make threats and at the last moment capitulate and let the child do what he wanted in the first place. The child and other family members learn through witnessing the parents that they are nothing more than paper tigers. Many modern parents say the right things, give appropriate consequences but do not follow through on their word. The reason is they do not want to suffer the pain and discomfort being a mature adult.

Modern parents need to change their priorities. Being an effective parent requires they give up some of their personal pleasures. Parents should relinquish their teenage instant gratification mentality for gaining the respect, love and discipline of their children. The pleasure of having a well functioning family especially in the grandparent stage will be immensely gratifying.

It is worth the small sacrifices made in the early stages of establishing their parental power by being in charge.

Domenick Maglio, PhD. is a columnist carried by various newspapers, an author of several books and owner/director of Wider Horizons School, a college prep program. Dr. Maglio is an author of weekly newspaper articles, INVASION WITHIN  and a new just published book, entitled, IN CHARGE PARENTING In a PC World. You can visit Dr. Maglio at

Tuesday, February 05, 2019


By Domenick J. Maglio PhD. Traditional Realist

Frank Stevens, an international disability advocate is a man with Down syndrome. He could have been aborted for genetic defects but said he wishes for a time when abortion was not illegal but unthinkable. This man’s life is worth living.

Hedonistic societies are short lived from a historical perspective. As the renowned psychiatrist Sigmund Freud, said the pent up libido is the energy that lets people create and produce goods that are the foundation of any civilization. Hedonism is lust for momentary pleasure while a civilization requires delaying gratification for future benefits of self and others.

Tribal societies live day by day. They live in the present which many “sophisticates” find romantic. Every day the demands and duties are limited. “Live in the moment” is a 1960s slogan. People who live in “the now” have little abstract knowledge to guide them as they age. This naïve concept took a foothold with the young hippies but like many of their Utopian visions it has been passed down to succeeding generations. Many people did not want the hardship of being a hippie tribal member, only the pleasures.

The “sexual and feminist revolutions” took hold in our modern culture. Many females rejected traditional dating conventions to enter a supposedly free and pleasurable world of casual hedonism. Modest dress and cautious decisions were abandoned for sexual enticement and spontaneous sex. “Hooking up” has become a chic practice to meet one’s immediate sexual desires with no consideration for a long term relationship, commitment or pregnancy. Women have been indoctrinated to view childbirth as a curse not a blessing and murder as freedom of choice.

Currently New York State has passed and other states are considering legalizing infanticide where a full term, living baby can be murdered without any consequences or moral stigma. Just like China’s policy of murdering female infants, the USA is legalizing pure evil. Today it is easier to terminate a child’s life than it is to adopt a dog. No one with a moral conscience can justify the taking of another’s life to make her life more convenient and less complicated.

The perverse reversal of the sanctity of life will continue on the other end of the life cycle. Perfectly functioning elderly will be given death sentences by the “death panels” under the guise of euthanasia. Possible genetic, physical or mental defects could be cause for infanticide. Yet the march toward killing viable infants will continue. Notable Princeton bioethics expert, Dr. Peter Singer, and others in the field argue that since newborns have no sense of their existence, their life is not equivalent to a fully aware person. Moreover, parents should have the choice to kill their child from 30 days to 2 years after birth according to various bioethics experts. This murder of innocent people will spread throughout the society.

Evil actions cannot coexist with moral and righteous ones. Either we choose one side or the other. Citizens will take a stand against murdering our children or the soul of our nation will no longer exist. As we move down the road of extermination of large groups of “deplorable” citizens, killing will become a virtue. The NAZIs kept their evil secret from the world through using pseudo-science to justify their mass killing. Tolerance of evil leads to hell not to hedonistic utopia.

As more and more unwanted pregnancies occurred, due to indiscretions, and indiscriminate sex, the slogan appeared that “women have a right to their own bodies.” There was hardly any encouraging the birth mother to carry a child full term and then allow the child to be adopted by a loving couple or the father involved who wants to care for the newborn after birth. According to feminists this would be too traumatic to the liberated female since it would limit her sexual freedom and perhaps have her regret her permissive behavior.

The reality is that after having multiple abortions some women no longer could give birth. They often think about what if their child had been allowed to be born, what would it have been like? Many of these female regrets are usually late in their lives but are real and devastating.

The woman’s right to her body is not only a personal tragedy but also a societal one for many western nations. Without replacing the population, these countries will not survive economically, culturally, socially and militarily. The only answer many of these countries have is to import immigrants from less developed nations that extinguishes the country their ancestors envisioned.

It becomes a society where life is not sacred since abortion is not a choice it is murder.

Domenick Maglio, PhD. is a columnist carried by various newspapers, an author of several books and owner/director of Wider Horizons School, a college prep program. Dr. Maglio is an author of weekly newspaper articles, INVASION WITHIN  and a new just published book, entitled, IN CHARGE PARENTING In a PC World. You can visit Dr. Maglio at