Articles are available for reprint as long as the author is acknowledged: Domenick J. Maglio Ph.D.

Tuesday, September 28, 2021



By Domenick J. Maglio PhD Traditional Realist


Modern parental roles are unstable and complex. Often both parents are working online or outside the home. The parents might be working at their residence with their children in the confines of the home. A relative or nanny might have the primary responsibility of the children’s welfare although the parents are often consulted as to what to do in a particular instance. This frequently produces guilt for both parents for not supervising the child directly. 


This type of arrangement leaves the parents in a dilemma. They usually know what they should do, however, they do not have the time to execute it in a timely manner. Even if they are working away from home, they feel some responsibility for not being there personally to handle the problems that arise at home. Besides the guilt of a mother not handling the traditional role of caretaker, some realize the important lessons they are not teaching their children. They intuitively understand when their children do not use common sense it is because they were not there to teach essential lessons.


At home many fathers have become the primary parent while their wife is employed outside the home. This role of being a caregiver for very young toddlers is unnatural for males. Their tradition of being hunters in more primitive times and main bread winners before women entered the job market has not prepared them for this unnatural task of caring for young children. Nor has their genetic pool over the centuries prepared them to be the nurturer. Too often the father or male companion attempts to imitate the traditional female responses toward the child’s actions. They do not want to be considered abrupt or punitive. Their consequences for misbehavior are often explanations and suggestions rather than concrete punishing ones. 


To either the female or male the part time caretaking role has not been particularly satisfying. Most women who work often have conflicts with need or desire to be a financially independent woman while functioning as the best mother they can be. These two goals force many women to face difficult challenges in attempting to deal with both. 


The house husband also faces difficult challenges. Once diving into their new role, they realize it is going to be far from a picnic. From toddler to adolescent, female and male children present unique problems that have to be handled as soon as possible.  After an interval both comprehend that being a house husband or fulltime mother is more difficult than it first appeared. 


The ultimate victims of this modern transformation of traditional childrearing roles are the children. Children are being allowed to develop horrendous games. The child “plays” the father by being cute and loving to him before and after misbehavior that neutralizes his displeasure. Mothers coming home after their demanding jobs have little patience, or energy to improve their child. Most mothers intuitively realize their child is developing inappropriate responses while not learning the long-term benefits of doing the right thing. 


Modern child rearing is not working. There is an epidemic of young children being labeled for mental and physical disabilities. Too many of these children are being medicated with psychotropic drugs to change abnormal behaviors that could and should have easily been corrected earlier before becoming ingrained habits.


Mothers, and to a lesser extent, fathers when told of their child’s inappropriateness blame themselves for the child’s obnoxious behavior. The mother knows that when the child is exhibiting negative behavior such as breaking or destroying other people’s possessions, she could have intervened to eliminate this obnoxious behavior. The male realizes that using female interventions for them is ineffective since it is not authentic.


The guilt of missing these opportunities to correct their child transforms into taking the blame for their child’s inappropriate behaviors. Instead of encouraging the authority figure or joining with the authority, the parent deflects the punishment by fully taking the blame. This does not solve the child’s misbehavior, just reinforces it. 


The attempted reversal of male and female roles in most cases has not worked. Most couples even those working from home realize that raising children is a fulltime position that reaps incredible benefits when done wholeheartedly for the child and the family. There is no substitute for a dedicated mother who has the support of a productive male bread winner who is a positive role model for everyone in the family. 


Parents taking the blame for their child’s misbehavior is counterproductive and a misguided practice for the child’s character development. Consistent love with appropriate in-charge discipline by the parents results in healthy, productive children and proud parents. 



Domenick Maglio, PhD. is a columnist carried by various newspapers and blogs, an author of several books and owner/director of Wider Horizons School, a college prep program. Dr. Maglio is an author of weekly newspaper articles, INVASION WITHIN  and a recent book entitled, IN CHARGE PARENTING In a PC World. You can see many of Dr. Maglio’s articles at
















Tuesday, September 21, 2021



By Domenick J. Maglio Ph.D. Traditional Realist


The Biden administration along with the Deep State establishment are creating a false narrative to attempt to blame their obvious failures on “White Supremacists.” The January 6th Trump rally, which was an enormous, peaceful demonstration without incident. After it ended some of the participants walked to the Capital Building where part of the group entered the building with some police inviting them in, while a few used physical objects to break windows. As a standard operating procedure, government agents were intermingled with the crowd. 


According to ongoing investigations of the incident, there was no physical violence directed at the guards or any capital employees. In the many videos they appeared to be like tourists looking around at the various paintings, objects and even talking with the capital police. There was only one person who was killed. Ashli Babbitt, an unarmed ex-military female was shot in the head dying instantly. She did not present a threat to anyone including the capital policeman who shot her.  The extensive surveillance videos still have not been released to the public to unveil the facts. 


The Chairman of the Joint Chief of Staff, General Miley, gave a speech discussing “White Rage” as the greatest threat to the USA. Additionally, ex -president, George W. Bush reinforced General Miley’s speech by emphasizing the same message that “White Supremacists” are the most formidable threat to our nation. 

This messages of “White Supremacy” being the greatest threat to the US is being orchestrated by a Global cabal and reinforced by the democrat Marxist media. General Miley also spoke to the Chinese officials announcing that he would inform them about any attack that then President Trump might execute against them. This is an act of treason in our constitution with the penalty of execution. Who is his boss?


An international one-world-government has been the dream of past empires. The conquerors of ancient history were stopped by the reality that the further a nation expands its borders, the harder it is to supply, control and further conquer territories and people.  Uprisings occur in different segments of the empire which lessens the people’s resources and leads to internal strife and revolt.


Karl Marx called for communism throughout the world. This dream of world domination still exists in the minds of many leading nations like China and Russia. President Wilson’s League of Nations, FDR and other world leaders agreed to form the United Nations were attempts to build a forum to control the worldThese have not succeeded. Even the European Union has created more problems than it solved. Separate cultures with different norms, values and history are difficult to eradicate. Yet the desire to create a one-world-government continues to motivate megalomaniac world leaders. 


The US has been a leading nation in the world since WWII. In the past 50 years the United States has gradually declined. Since President Obama announced he would transform America the decline has accelerated. President Obama kept his word. Marxists were quietly promoted to positions of immense power. This obviously happened in the lower courts, CIA, FBI, State Department, military and even in the labor department. Other non-glamorous agencies like the US Department of Education were converted into propaganda mills.


This transformation of the United States was ignored by the citizens. President Trump’s unexpected election was attacked at every turn, and he was eventually eliminated. President Biden’s handling of the southern border, the economy, military debacle in Afghanistan and the Covid epidemic were not mistakes of an old, incoherent man but were planned acts to eliminate our liberties and prestige through fear. President Obama, with the assistance of Biden, did radically change America from a strong, free nation into a total disgrace as the leader of the world. 


Our military leaders are politicians instead of warriors. Our teachers are Marxist indoctrinators.

Except for a few, our politicians are on the take for money and power. Our police, judges, border patrol are fearful of doing their job. Instead of doing their duties, they are removed from office like Lt. Col. Stuart Scheller, for speaking truth to power. Just like Nazi Germany our corporate heads are selling out their shareholders to receive government contracts and become international elites.    


In the past white supremacists did exist in the racist democrat south but the Proud Boys, who are labeled by the democrat media as white supremacists, is led by a Cuban Black American. Most Americans were converted by Rev. Martin Luther King’s words of judging a man not by the color of his skin but by his character. 


The most powerful threat to America is the Marxist politicians who are selling out our nation to foreigners that want to form a new world Marxist government.


Domenick Maglio, PhD. is a columnist carried by various newspapers and blogs, an author of several books and owner/director of Wider Horizons School, a college prep program. Dr. Maglio is an author of weekly newspaper articles, INVASION WITHIN  and a recent book entitled, IN CHARGE PARENTING In a PC World. You can see many of Dr. Maglio’s articles at












Tuesday, September 14, 2021



By Domenick J. Maglio PhD. Traditional Realist


ECCLIASTICS 8 1:11 When a crime is not quickly punished, people feel it is safe to do wrong.”


Lawlessness has become a bane in every facet of the US experience. In our urban areas citizens are witnessing expensive items being robbed from upscale department stores without any retribution. Similarly, there is no enforcement of the law for burning buildings and physically assaulting or even killing others. The police are being defunded by progressive elites while their hands are tied by ridiculous restrictions making the duties of apprehending out-of-control criminals impossible. It is the “old wild west” on steroids, without any sheriff to reestablish law and order. Chaos reigns in our government, dysfunctional families, and nation.


In many rural and suburban areas self-destruction of youngsters has become epidemic. Drug addiction, overdosing, suicide and divorce are rising dramatically. Students are not following the simplest rules in school and blatantly disobey the limits of the family.  There are little to no consequences for being an irresponsible student or even for harming innocent ones. There are few normal standards being met in academic and behavioral areas.


School board members who are supposed to respond to parents’ interests are dismissing parents as if they have no right to know what their children are learning or how teachers are treating them.  Our government schools have gone rogue dismissing their accountability to all. Unelected bureaucrats have been emboldened on all political levels by the solidarity of the institutionalized bureaucrats who dictate to citizens what they will do and accept. These arrogant officials believe they have the power and right to impose their will on the citizens. 


Prosecutors in state governments are not imprisoning chronic criminals who have committed brutal acts, even murder. Lawmakers are not following the constitutional laws they have sworn to follow. These political elites are not passing laws for the betterment of the people they represent rather to control them for political and financial gain. This abuse of power by elected officials is happening from the local community level all the way to the White House.


Our representatives in the house, senate, judiciary, and presidency also are behaving as if they are no longer accountable to the people. Each of these institutions has found illegitimate ways to circumvent their duty to the people’s government while becoming petty lords in congress. Many bills are passed before they know what is in them.  As Speaker Pelosi said, “we have to pass the bill so you can find out what is in it.” An overwhelming number of federal laws are being decreed by federal agencies such as the FBI, IRS, NSA and CIA and a host of progressive bureaucrats not properly passed by the legislative process. Even the teacher unions have their hand in making mandates for our children.


Some of the agency’s declarations, even state fines and jail time, are decreed without sanction of congress. These subversive tactics of bypassing our constitutional republic have been ignored by the Marxist media. When progressive lawmakers are found guilty of criminal charges it is not publicized while any member of the opposition party is immediately outed and removed for similar transgressions.  Our legal process has been replaced by executive orders and bureaucratic edicts. 


The third branch of government, the judicial, has abdicated its responsibility to uphold our constitutional rights by often not even hearing cases. Many of the lower judges legislate from the bench. Too frequently there has been silence or ambiguous rulings on obvious transgressions of our constitutional rights.  The US Supreme Court appears not to be drawing a clear line between what is legal or illegal.


Authority figures in our homes, schools and federal government must be encouraged and given the necessary power to establish the system of law and order in each of their domains. Parents, teachers, local and federal courts should do their duty to set appropriate limits and enforce them to create a safe, wholesome environment. As a society we have not only tied the hands of our police officers but our parents, teachers, prosecutors, and local officials to provide reasonable and effective consequences for harmful behavior. We should understand that if there are no strong deterrents to misbehavior they will continue to increase. 


Discipline to follow a moral lifestyle starts with the family. To establish appropriate citizens, we need positive role models that live and demonstrate the moral values that they preach. When children are living in a calm, Godly environment they learn one set of moral values and behaviors. When they are placed in the midst of antisocial chaos, they learn how to survive, which is an opposite set of behaviors and values.


Without law and order, civilizations fall. Stability of a society is nourished on Biblical, moral family values, law, and order. 


Domenick Maglio, PhD. is a columnist carried by various newspapers and blogs, an author of several books and owner/director of Wider Horizons School, a college prep program. Dr. Maglio is an author of weekly newspaper articles, INVASION WITHIN  and a recent book entitled, IN CHARGE PARENTING In a PC World. You can see many of Dr. Maglio’s articles at






Tuesday, September 07, 2021



By Domenick J. Maglio PhD. Traditional Realist


Almost every day we hear a decision made by President Biden that runs counter to our domestic and foreign self-interests. At times he seems confused when explaining why he is taking a course of action. His responses to the press are short and unconvincing with no or limited questions allowed to clarify his original statements. 


However, there is a definite pattern. He is very accommodating to nations that have traditionally been our adversaries competing with the USA for world power. On the domestic issues he has done his best to demonstrate his resolve to force all citizens to follow his irrational dictates or receive severe consequences. His threats of a vaccine passport would make us the laughingstock of the world when anyone presents the United States as “the freest nation in the world.”


The democrat party under Presidents Obama and Biden have rejected decisive military victories over enemies that have announced their intention to defeat us and our allies.  The removal of President Trump has allowed the progressives to return to their policy of appeasement to weaken the US and strengthen the opposition nations that do not want to coexist with us. In an Alaska conference the Chinese government lectured the United States on human rights, blatantly humiliating the United States and our representatives, who did not push back on this narrative. 


Instead of militarily defeating the Taliban, the US administration allowed them to dictate our humiliating withdrawal from Afghanistan. We left our military equipment to the Taliban to sell or use against our soldiers or allies. The administration did not have a specific strategy to protect our citizens or the Afghanis who supported our government. Our troops’ safety was not provided. The US has been disgraced and will continue to be humiliated daily by having to pay ransom for the release of these hostages.


In the United States we are witnessing a different side of President Biden’s personality. He is pursuing a forceful approach towards US citizens. The January 6th protestors that were arrested were held in solitary confinement for nine months and were not granted information about their charges. Citizens who express opinions questioning contradictory statements about Covid-19 masking and treatment are cancelled. On video President Biden one day would say one thing and the following day, the opposite. Any person pointing this out was labeled as giving misinformation. Military or government personnel who questioned any supervisor’s decisions or policies were demoted or fired for insubordination with no opportunity for the right of self -defense.


The strongest penalties have been reserved for enforcing his vaccine policies. There is no freedom for citizens to protect their rights to their own or their children’s bodies. If they do not take the Covid-19 vaccines and now their boosters these citizens will lose their constitutional rights. They will lose their ability to fly internationally, to enter many businesses and potentially governmental facilities. They will become second class citizens or worse, criminals of the state, which is reminiscent of totalitarian, communist methods.


Although the progressives have declared women’s abortion rights to their own bodies to be sacrosanct but insist that adults and their children have no rights, by government mandates, to refuse to take untested and unknown foreign substances jabbed into their bodies. Our government schools are being allowed to require masks for students although there is no scientific evidence for this.


These Heckle and Jeckyl behaviors by progressives towards foreign powers and American citizens are hard to rationalize. One logical but hopefully not correct way to explain this dichotomy is to view Obama and Biden foreign policy as an attempt to equalize our power with other nations while undermining and eliminating our constitutional rights and freedom. This makes sense as it will allow the US to participate in a global world government and downgrade our status as the leader of the world. Secondly by shredding our constitutional republic from within it is leaving US citizens stripped of their rights. 


If America retains its status as the freest and most powerful nation on earth, a global world government is virtually impossible. However, by intentionally demoting or firing high functioning leaders this will force leaders to accept counterproductive policies like affirmative action and equity goals in our institutions. This will allow bureaucratic officials to slowly convert our functional workers into uselessness, replacing them with totalitarian ones. 


There is a rational reason for progressive Marxist decisions. Patriotic Americans should insist on being told the reasons for the bureaucratic policies. The citizens of the US have the constitutional right to be in charge and know why the bureaucrats are attempting to make these policies. These will end our freedoms and our constitutional republic.


We, the US citizens, must stand up and fulfill our responsibilities as legal citizens or lose our nation to a totalitarian world government.


Domenick Maglio, PhD. is a columnist carried by various newspapers and blogs, an author of several books and owner/director of Wider Horizons School, a college prep program. Dr. Maglio is an author of weekly newspaper articles, INVASION WITHIN  and a recent book entitled, IN CHARGE PARENTING In a PC World. You can see many of Dr. Maglio’s articles at