Articles are available for reprint as long as the author is acknowledged: Domenick J. Maglio Ph.D.

Tuesday, December 21, 2021



By Domenick J. Maglio PhD. Traditional Realist


Most immigrants who came to the USA left their homeland and extended family for increased economic opportunity. In contrast to the legal immigration surge of the late 19th and early 20th century now there are illegal immigrants flooding our borders to be given the American dream of prosperity and freedom, not to earn it. These immigrants may believe the promises of government handouts, but it is doubtful it will actually happen. They will have to work for their livelihood just like previous immigrants in the land of opportunity.


When first entering America, new arrivals tend to live with those from their former countries. They establish “Little Haiti,” “Little Cuba,” Little Cambodia” and “little Venezuela.” These enclaves provide a comfortable environment to ease the transition of becoming a full-fledged American. The connection to their ethnic community is comforting while providing support to learn the American way of life. 


These communities that helped people assimilate into America are exotic places to visit. Often you can experience the flavor of the culture, especially the authentic food and customs. Most people living in these ethnic neighborhoods find their friends and even spouses there. By the third generation their English speaking and cultural knowledge allows them to branch out from their community comfort zone combining being an American with customs from their ancestors.

At this juncture, the hyphenated American is still melting into the American culture. They are on a rapid course to being assimilated into America. The longer a family sets down roots in this country, the more second and third generations lose their strong ethnic identity.


Initially they appear as a mosaic or salad-bowl of identifiable items. As they blend into the American culture their appreciation of other ethnic identities and customs are adopted as their own. The large and more diverse groups of associates and friends becomes greater as these recent arrivals learn and integrate them into their personal lives. They might date or marry a person from a different subculture or a person who totally identifies as an American.


When one walks down this path, they are no longer solely in their past ancestor’s culture but are blending into what has been called “the melting pot.” The social-cultural rivalry between identity politics and multiculturalism of the melting pot concept is a false dichotomy. It is not an either-or choice; both take place over time. The time period differs usually depending on the language. Northern European immigrants’ transition is generally easier than Asian, African, Middle Eastern or Southern European individuals, but they too learn that they can become part of the culture.


Being an American is not a religion, race or ethnic factor. It is an appreciation of our form of government, freedom, opportunity, and moral values.  These have been propagated on the fertile soil of our experiment with the power of freedom. The original colonists were confronted by the greatest empire of that time. 


England was the most powerful centralized empire in Europe. Many of the colonists thought of themselves as Englishmen with all their inherent rights. King George III and most of the aristocrats viewed the colonies as possessions of England that should follow the legal decisions of their mother country. This chasm in thinking led to the colony’s war for independence. The more Britain turned the screws of oppression on America the more the founders realized the potential evils of a centralized government. 


The Constitutional Republic and the Bill of Rights were inspired documents by the powerful, hard learning experience of exploitation. There is no other culture that is equal to the United States.  Immigrants have flooded to America to receive its liberty, opportunity and prosperity for almost four centuries. The greatness of our nation attracted people worldwide. Immigrants who choose to become solid citizens fall in love with the founders of our country and the Constitutional Republic that inspired other men to become extraordinary leaders, generation after generation.  


It is our lack of repressive laws along with our numerous protective ones of citizen rights that has motivated foreigners to reduce their fears and drop their previous hesitation to become full- fledged American citizens. Let us not undermine our nation’s liberties by turning to false Marxist ideals that have turned ethnic groups against each other to divide and conquer them.


The melting pot will still unify all immigrants, legal or illegal, into our great nation. Identity politics is a desperate, evil attempt to derail the United States’ virtue as the land of opportunity and freedom. It will not work.


Domenick Maglio, PhD. is a columnist carried by various newspapers and blogs, an author of several books and owner/director of Wider Horizons School, a college prep program. Dr. Maglio is an author of weekly newspaper articles, INVASION WITHIN and a recent book entitled, IN CHARGE PARENTING In a PC World. You can see many of Dr. Maglio’s articles at













Tuesday, December 14, 2021



BY Domenick J. Maglio PhD. Traditional Realist


Many parents assume that if you seem sympathetic and caring then children will automatically listen to them. This parental approach has been repeatedly presented in women’s magazines, television programming and seminars. The essence of being understanding and loving to your child is based on a narrative, not science, that children will listen better to a loving parent than a stern one.


The soft, caring, and loving approach is a legally safe one in our present culture. Parents have been indoctrinated that even a spank on the child’s backside is an abusive physical act, while allowing your toddler to be running around causing havoc in a store is not. The political campaign to weaken the way Americans raise their children has been taking place for over 60 years. Today a stern public reprimand by a parent for obvious misbehavior often receives a negative comment from others rather than support for good parenting. 


In the past, parents were in charge of their children’s development. Years ago, government schools would never dare to tell parents that the school was in charge of what the children learned. There was no debate since children were trained to listen to their parents. If parents commanded that a child should do something, the child did it. Most children accepted that their parents were more experienced, and their parents were “the boss.” There was little consideration for the child’s feelings since there were many more important things to do.


Modern childrearing has changed by working parents putting the child in the forefront and in the position of power especially as the family became smaller with only one child. Today parents are directed by many child development experts to negotiate with their children about the slightest conflicts. According to the experts, every disagreement is novel requiring an equal negotiation between authority figures and youngsters before arriving at a mutually agreed upon decision.


These artificial and unnecessary negotiations place the child on an equal footing with any authority figure: coaches, teachers, and relatives. All people of authority must comply with treating children with kid gloves. This process leaves the child feeling and believing there is little difference between himself and any adult, even the parents. This false equality leaves the child less likely to accept the adult’s ideas. It is the same reason modern children use the “but” statement for almost anything asked of them. The consistent “buts” are annoying to parents and other authority figures but have become a common ritual.


The question of whether your child likes you or is better prepared to face the challenges of life, should be the answer. Every responsible parent and authority figure has the responsibility of assisting the child to be the best they can be. The lessons of parents, teachers, and other authority figures will be there forever. These lessons will lead the child down the road of success, not whether the child “likes” the parents at that moment. 


Parents have the primary function of training their child in a multitude of areas. This means moral values, appropriate behavior, the work ethic, relationship skills, critical thinking, showing kindness to others and faith in God among others. This is a short list since as the child matures more new things will need to be learned. Each child is unique in their learning curve. Some children will have to improve their time management, learn to fully complete a task or how to control their nervousness in situations as they develop physically and mentally.


Excellent parents will be there to assist their child throughout their lives and to deal with a critical problem such as addiction, divorce, mental illness, or death. Parents should help their children deal with their own problem rather than solving issues for them. This is a form of love that does not rob the individual of the pride and satisfaction of handling his own life issues


Authority figures are supporters and helpers of other human beings. Parents have the ultimate position of being responsible for their child’s development into adulthood. Of course, parents should love their child but not pamper them.  There is a short time for a parent to inculcate all the necessary moral, social and practical knowledge needed for a child to grow into a highly functioning and spiritual person.


The “being liked” by your child approach of childrearing turns into a nightmare of for parents of disrespect and discipline issues. Authority figures usually have a lower tolerance of children not following instructions than a parent does. This different level of tolerance between parents and other authority figures can cause unnecessary hassles.


Being a lenient parent without teaching a child the boundaries of discipline often ends poorly for everyone.


Domenick Maglio, PhD. is a columnist carried by various newspapers and blogs, an author of several books and owner/director of Wider Horizons School, a college prep program. Dr. Maglio is an author of weekly newspaper articles, INVASION WITHIN  and a recent book entitled, IN CHARGE PARENTING In a PC World. You can see many of Dr. Maglio’s articles at








Tuesday, December 07, 2021



By Domenick J. Maglio PhD., Traditional Realist


The ESG (Environmental Social Governance) system was devised even before Obama’s presidency although his administration adopted it for the economy. ESG replaced the SRT: Socially Responsible Investment program. Today all companies are participating in the ESG rating system which is based on how well the company implements ESG standards. Those companies that have a high ESG score are rewarded with new business while those with low ESG scores are supposed to lose investment opportunities.


The ESG is a matrix that must be considered “woke” in today’s political world. The environment standards are based on “going green” by 2050 according to Larry Fink, the CEO of the largest financial company, Black Rock. This means any company that follows strict climate policies for a clean earth and renewable energies, will receive a higher rating than those who do not.


The social element of an ESG score rates companies that invest in other companies which advocate for “social responsibility in the world” obtains higher ESG ratings. Companies with affirmative action, gender rights, racial justice and equity programs are in line with ESG standards. Their scores will be elevated for being woke in these socially responsible areas.


The G in the ratings symbolizes Governance. This is the key to this backdoor method to rule the world by corporations instead of by national governments. A multibillion-dollar oligarchy will be able to reward companies with expanded financing and punish companies by losing business for ignoring the ESG mandates. Facebook’s ESG rating was lowered because Facebook did not significantly censor the wrong opinions of a company.  Only after increasing punishing consequences of their statements was a higher ESG restored. Conforming to ESG demands aim is to change the world order.

The ESG bypasses national government’s democratic decision-making process to redistribute resources and wealth to achieve a supposedly utopian world. This Global Reset is a plan to enforce socialism-communism in the world through private companies rather than each national government agreeing to relinquish its autonomy. This scheme is a sophisticated one planned by some of the wealthiest and most powerful elites worldwide. The elimination of competing nations allows these self-appointed leaders of a globalist government to establish better manipulation and more uniform control of the citizens. Their long-range plan hinges on the gimmick of an ESG score. 


A low ESG score means capitalist corporations should be shunned by large investors while a high ESG score will receive economic wealth and power while complying with the standards of the global government. However, the ESG level compiled by some so-called experts cannot arrive at the same score with others using the same ESG matrix. The ESG score is disingenuous since a high ESG rating does not outperform a low ESG rating. This demonstrates ESG standards are arbitrary merely to gain support for their world agenda.


The ESG score in essence is the end of shareholders capitalism and the beginning of corporate stake holders’ tyranny. If it succeeds, capitalism will cease to be. However, the ESG movement will lose shareholders’ significant profits, but by climate activists weaponizing finances they will “save the planet” through more effective climate regulations. The winner will be the globalist’s power while disregarding the most legitimate element of capitalism, the investor’s profit.  


This profit motive in the ESG scheme has been erased in the equation without the knowledge of the 401K investor. Many of these investors are average to lower income individuals scraping by to make ends meet and depend on their 401k funds. The money they receive from these funds would be miniscule to many investors but makes a big difference to elderly small investors to meet daily expenses. The utmost fiduciary responsibility of an investment firm is required by law to make a profit for the investor. The ESG ignores the right of the shareholder to earn the largest profit they can. ESG replaces profit with an illegal tactic based on a nebulous stakeholder’s interest.  


Profit for the “customer investor” according to the oligarchy should not be included in the ESG formula. The environmental and social impact it has on all the people, stakeholders, should govern the monetary decisions not capitalistic profit.  However, it is their primary financial investment, paying for these changes. This is illegal redistribution of the money without the individual’s approval to change the contract they signed.  


Environmental Social Governance is an intentional, camouflaged and convoluted scheme to end capitalism while using corporate funding power to establish a new world order. A multibillion-dollar oligarchy will make the decisions to transform the world into a “communist one,” without competing nations.


It will not be a utopian one-world-government; it will be a dictatorship of woke authoritarianism.


Domenick Maglio, PhD. is a columnist carried by various newspapers and blogs, an author of several books and owner/director of Wider Horizons School, a college prep program. Dr. Maglio is an author of weekly newspaper articles, INVASION WITHIN  and a recent book entitled, IN CHARGE PARENTING In a PC World. You can see many of Dr. Maglio’s articles at