Articles are available for reprint as long as the author is acknowledged: Domenick J. Maglio Ph.D.

Tuesday, August 27, 2019


By Domenick J. Maglio Ph.D. Traditional Realist

Anarchism started in the mid 19th century and spread throughout Europe and the USA. In 1980 the First International Symposium on Anarchism was held in Portland, Oregon, which became the mecca for the US movement. In the 1990s these progressives transitioned from class based oppression to racism and social justice. These anarchists were significant activists in the World Trade Agreement and the Occupy Wall Street Weekend.

Since the election of President Trump they became part of the progressive resistance and rebranded themselves as Anti Fascist, which was resisting Nazi policies that included concentration camps and the extermination of innocent people. The targets varied from gypsies, priests and nuns, homosexuals and many millions of Jewish adherers. There was no due process for any of these individuals just the immoral murders by government decree. Any resistance to the German regime was heroic and honorable as the Nazi actions were evil. The Trump administration has not employed any of these practices that progressives report they are doing but are still labeled as Racist and Nazi.

Many progressive leaders have dismissed and even defended Antifa’s actions as it is resisting racism, and oppression against minorities. They claim the “racist policies” of the Trump administration is what they must counter by using Gestapo methods.  Antifa and supporters believe they have a moral right to use physical violence against any person or group that aligns with conservative ideas, as it is a provocation against human rights.

Progressive politicians, fanatical leftists and many country-club republicans are not condemning these terrorist methods. The citizens and even President Trump should not accept the criminal fascist behavior of Antifa for they are fighting against this white supremacist government. The employment of violent threats and chants to prevent free speech and traditional thinking is a virtue. They are arguing against these Fascist tactics when used by supremacists but are duplicating these behaviors in advocating for a more progressive world. In essence, in their world, two wrongs make a right but only for their side.

Andy Ngo, a Vietnamese immigrant who is an openly gay photojournalist, came to film a June 29th Antifa rally. His filming was interrupted by Antifa bullies shoving, kicking, punching and viciously throwing pieces of cement at him. He was forcefully attacked by groups of Antifa members even as he walked away. They took his camera so he could not film anymore and cowardly continued to abuse him. He then was hospitalized for a brain injury.

The Antifa groups have personally berated and harassed Senator Ted Cruz and his wife as they were having dinner. An Antifa mob chanting threats attempted to break into the home of Fox News host, Tucker Carlson. They warned Carlson that his family is not safe, “racist scumbag leave town.”  Another Antifa mob outside the home of Speaker of the Senate, Mitch McConnell had his home surrounded by an Antifa mob yelling “stab the M…F… in the heart.” They threatened this while Senator Rand Paul was recovering from an attack by a progressively motivated neighbor. He lost part of his lung.

James Hodgkinson, a Bernie supporter and hater of President Trump, gravely injured Steve Scalise, Congressional minority whip. He attempted to kill as many Republicans on the baseball field as possible.

The Portland, Oregon, August 2018 melee followed the same script as the other Antifa so-called counter rallies except the police were in greater force. Even with their numbers they did not prevent the violence, intimidation or destruction by these terrorists. There were only 13 people arrested even with many videos of Antifa members using bats, hammers, mace, and many “punks” ganging up on individuals using fists and kicks.

The terroristic behavior is not abating. Many politicians opposing President Trump are using Antifa as their own SS troopers to shut down people’s First Amendment rights. Antifa obviously is a group that is shutting down free speech by putting fear into the hearts of law-abiding citizens.

Stifling any open dialogue is dangerous to a free society. Our nation is based on citizen rights to voice their opinions in an orderly and safe manner. We do not want a repeat of the French Revolution! Terroristic behavior by any group should no longer be tolerated as it is leading to lawlessness and chaos.

As the beacon of freedom for the world we must be intolerant of a group employing violent intimidation to end free speech. When any group beats citizens with weapons and overwhelming numbers to plummet them into submission, this is indeed terrorism. Antifa is reminiscent of the actual Nazi Germany tactics not opposing these tactics. Antifa’s actions are the same used by the Nazis and should be classified for what it is: a terrorist group.

Domenick Maglio, PhD. is a columnist carried by various newspapers, an author of several books and owner/director of Wider Horizons School, a college prep program. Dr. Maglio is an author of weekly newspaper articles, INVASION WITHIN  and a new book entitled, IN CHARGE PARENTING In a PC World. You can see many of Dr. Maglio’s articles at

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Tuesday, August 20, 2019


By Domenick J. Maglio Ph.D. Traditional Realist

First of all parents need to stop being their child’s BFF (Best Friend Forever). Parent’s main responsibility and concern should be to teach their children to be good honorable, law-abiding citizens. There is a short period that parents have to inculcate moral values, habits, social thinking, organization and many other skills to be the best person they can be.

Modern parents have been indoctrinated with the progressive notion that the better a child feels; the better he will develop into a well functioning adult. “High self-esteem” became the catch phrase in child rearing and in our schools. As long as the child thought he was wonderful his future would be bright and happy. Merit, work ethic and character issues have been dropped from the education radar screen.

For children the cultural change at home and at school has had a significant impact on their thinking and behavior. Most children have little ability to evaluate their own performance. Too many of them overestimate their talents and ability. This is not hard to comprehend in their world of everyone getting a trophy for merely showing up or just participating in a sport not for their accomplishments.

Public school’s grade inflation and dumbing down of standards has had the same influence. It has fostered all students to believe they are doing well when they are far behind students of the past. On many occasions when students are asked a specific question they firmly believe the answer they are giving is correct even when the response is way off base. When confronted, they respond, “it does not matter, I can Google it.”

Positive attitude towards work, family and character have also been degraded by this high-false-esteem approach. Youngsters are not being punished or even reprimanded for their misdeeds even when their actions are harmful to others. Secretary of Education in the Obama Administration, “Arne Duncan, tells teachers to seek softer solutions for disciplinary problems.” The school districts responded and often overlooked violent ticking time bombs like Nikolas Cruz of Parkland, Florida. This is happening in homes, schools and our communities where youngsters and adolescents are being protected from negative consequences. Elites have indoctrinated society to believe negative consequences would ruin their future reputations.

This pathetic reasoning has tainted our families, schools and criminal justice system. Without negative consequences for destructive behavior, the actions of these misfits will continue to escalate until the person gets the peer and adult attention they are seeking. Too many adolescents’ behavior is so outrageous that they can no longer be ignored.

It might start with stealing, breaking valuable objects, hurting innocent pets or other animals. Vicarious entertainment outlets feed the anti social behavior. Violent movies and video games desensitize the youngster to killing and sadistic behavior. Often these antisocial upstarts begin to research violent criminals and adopt their thinking and behavior. They study the weapons used and body armor worn by these killers. These potential mass murderers become experts in how to be a mass murderer.

If mothers continue to appease their child the anger may appear to lessen towards intimate people, especially the mothers, but as soon as she puts her foot down he will show his explosive other side. These family and significant friends unfortunately ignore these obvious indicators and usually lull themselves into inaction. This is the opposite of how they should respond.

The only legitimate method to counter these potential mass killers is to train them by nipping things in the bud as early as possible. The BFF, permissive materialism, and high self-concept approach have led us to this increase in low frustration tolerance, poor self-control, and violent-destructive tendencies in some people.

When parents, teachers, mental health professionals, judges and law enforcement are passive towards severe misbehavior it only increases the likelihood of the youngster growing into a more lawless person. In large cities we have seen when law enforcement is not allowed to confront lawbreakers, younger and younger children will imitate anti social behavior such as throwing water on the police and taunting them while under fire.

This ignoring of bad behavior has to change to firm consequences and training. Instead of BFF we should again become STPB, (Strong Trainers of Proper Behavior). Our teachers, mental health professionals, judges, police and all authority figures need to insist on wholesome behavior and punish negative, destructive acts.

The family has been the backbone of our culture. Parents have the major responsibility and duty to train their children. But all authorities have a hand in correcting deviants. Helping wounded souls is an important way of protecting all of us including those robbed of developing a conscience.

Domenick Maglio, PhD. is a columnist carried by various newspapers, an author of several books and owner/director of Wider Horizons School, a college prep program. Dr. Maglio is an author of weekly newspaper articles, INVASION WITHIN and a new book entitled, IN CHARGE PARENTING In a PC World. You can see many of Dr. Maglio’s articles at

Tuesday, August 13, 2019


By Domenick J. Maglio PhD. Traditional Realist

Every time there is a mass killing, the automatic response from the progressives is “more gun control.” It does not matter to these gun control fanatics that the killing of 22 and many wounded took place in a “gun free” mall zone. The other mantra used by the gun control advocates was immediately echoed, “get rid of assault rifles.” This is also a ridiculous demand as “automatic rifles” were already banned, including the AK47, in the 1986 Fire Arm Owner Protection Law.  The term “assault weapons” that look like automatic rifles such as AR15 are ill defined and are currently able to be purchased after a background check. They are now trying to ban them.

This time the gun control politicians attempted a new subtle tactic to diminish our Second Amendment rights. These conniving lawmakers decided to go backdoor by attempting to pass another law to take guns away from citizens. There are already numerous laws on the books to confiscate guns from the mentally ill and felons. They are constantly trying to increase this net.

The so-called “Red Flag Law” is a clever catch phrase. A Red Flag on the beach or wildlife preserve means danger. Red Flagging an individual means he is a danger to others. There is already an involuntary civil committing of individuals.  The person has to be evaluated by a mental health professional and appear in front of a judge. The judge can order the person held for a more comprehensive evaluation.  If the person is deemed dangerous to self and others or is a felon he is unable to maintain possession of his weapons.

Our public schools have been staffed with counselors, certified psychologists and re source officers who can evaluate students’ mental health status and recommend placing them outside their homes as needed. They can be placed with other relatives, group homes, lock-down facilities, or mental health institutions.

The problem in the United States is not a lack of laws but an avalanche of laws that are not being enforced. The Parkland Florida mass school shooter, Nikolas Cruz, had voiced his desire to kill an assortment of people on many occasions. His own family as well as professionals flagged him as potentially violently explosive. His student adolescence status afforded him too many protection rights not to be permanently removed from school to protect innocent students. The evidence of his mental health instability and his clear intentions were open for everyone to see. Yet again there were no actions taken to enforce the existing laws to remove him from the school and isolate him in an institution to protect the public.

As a clinical psychologist at a Florida prison I was required to do a psychological evaluation on a convicted rapist whose release was pending. He admitted directly to me that he had every intention of raping a female once he was released. I wrote this in my evaluation and my recommendation was that he not be released. Nevertheless he was released. The inmate returned six months later on another sexual assault conviction. 

As a society you cannot have it both ways. We cannot let the mentally ill violent criminals have all the same rights as law-abiding citizens. When people break the law they should receive a trial by their peers with due process. The professionals decide to or not to release a seriously disturbed person back into the general population. This release should only happen when the person possesses no further threat to the general public as well as themselves. Mental health professionals have not only a responsibility to their clients but also to the public.

The Red Flag Laws, first of all are not necessary if we prosecute dangerous individuals under the existing laws. The reality is we do not. Accusing a person of committing a crime and incarcerating them without a trial to prove their guilt or innocence is the opposite of American blind justice. It is giving the government the right to strip a citizen of their legal protections not only of the Second Amendment. They should not take our right to a fair trial where the individual is innocent until proven guilty.

Dictatorships such as China in Hong Kong use the power of the state to arbitrarily lock up individuals without allowing them any civil rights. Red Flagging people without citizen protection is more onerous than random mass killings by deranged individuals.

There are too many cultural and dysfunctional family variables that have to be examined to understand the source of these mass killings. We should never permit our federal representatives to erase the God given right  of our Constitution and Bill of Rights for any trumped up emotional quick fix to any problem.

Domenick Maglio, PhD. is a columnist carried by various newspapers, an author of several books and owner/director of Wider Horizons School, a college prep program. Dr. Maglio is an author of weekly newspaper articles, INVASION WITHIN  and a new book entitled, IN CHARGE PARENTING In a PC World. You can see many of Dr. Maglio’s articles at

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Tuesday, August 06, 2019


By Domenick J. Maglio PhD. Traditional Realist

Progressives are arguing that anyone who wants to enter the United States should be welcomed with open arms. It does not matter to them whether an illegal will be a positive addition to our nation or a negative anti-social parasite. Everyone who wants to invade the US should have the “right” to do so. The US has no right to its own sovereignty, as it should be a global world without borders.

These globalists have no allegiance to America or any nation. Most of these globalists have never considered the implications of how a world without nations would function and survive. They insist that a one-world government without limits of power and citizen protection is better than our constitution.  

America has been a pragmatic country that has tested various approaches and decided on those that worked. We are a people who have shied away from grandiose promises and remained steadfast to gradual incremental change and weighed the results before proceeding. The progressive fanatics have completely abandoned our historical traditions exploring untested and sketchy plans to change the way our previous nations used to interrelate.

It is logical that a committed criminal who enters any country illegally will probably continue his deviant lifestyle. A person who believes the government should provide social welfare to all citizens would be unlikely to be a contributor to the community or the economy. Many of these aliens are not committed to accept and live the moral values and standards of the US  and will not become exemplary citizens. Rather they want the goodies without a commitment to contribute.

Using identifiable profiles law enforcement and our justice system have the responsibility to determine a person’s appropriateness for acceptance or not. We already have a system to screen legally entering individuals who want to become citizens and have denied others entrance for a myriad of reasons. These officers can determine and select who will be an asset rather than a liability to our country.

It would be inevitable suicide to allow invaders of our borders to have the same rights as citizens who were born in our country or went through the naturalization process. The US desires citizens who are proud of being an American and feel blessed to have the freedom and opportunity it affords. Disgruntled individuals who want to dismantle the US sovereignty pose a real threat to our nation’s survival.

There is already a standard of expectations for citizens:
  (See Naturalization process and requirements.)

The selection of foreigners by the US to become citizens should be based on merit rather than the luck of the lottery system. The USA is enhanced by immigrants who have earned and proven they could be an asset to the USA, not a social liability.

Becoming a naturalized citizen of the United States is an honor not a right. It is a great privilege to become an American. It would be insanity to grant this right to people who despise America’s individualism and everything for which it stands. Radical progressives who intend to flood the US zone with questionable aliens that are not committed to US principles should also be asked to take an oath to our constitution like naturalized citizens. A patriotic American proudly would swear their allegiance to the US.

Every local, state and federal representative to the United States has to pledge allegiance to the constitution. Any citizen who denounces his allegiance and wants to obliterate our form of government should be tried in court to determine if he is a security risk for our country.

All Americans should expect citizens to abide by constitutional laws, morals and standards. If they state they are committed to overthrowing our system of governance they should be treated as any other terrorist. Any US citizen who is revolted by America has the right to leave.

Domenick Maglio, PhD. is a columnist carried by various newspapers, an author of several books and owner/director of Wider Horizons School, a college prep program. Dr. Maglio is an author of weekly newspaper articles, INVASION WITHIN  and a new book entitled, IN CHARGE PARENTING In a PC World. You can see many of Dr. Maglio’s articles at