Articles are available for reprint as long as the author is acknowledged: Domenick J. Maglio Ph.D.

Tuesday, July 28, 2020


By Domenick J. Maglio, PhD. Traditional Realist

The United States is noted throughout the world for the ability of its citizens to speak their minds. Our sacred first Amendment gives us the right to speak freely. However, according to the latest polls, 62% of citizens do not feel comfortable to express their opinions honestly while 38% do.

I will tell you what I believe is happening in this period of social unrest. I cannot vow I am correct, but it is my honest opinion. This might generate a debate which is a wonderful method of developing pragmatic answers to again stabilize our nation.

We are in the middle of a revolution. First came an attempt at a political coup which was planned and executed at the end of the Obama administration. The FBI, federal intelligence agencies and the progressive elite politicians concocted a narrative that the Russians colluded with the Trump campaign starting in 2016. Most progressive politicians and the media still deny the reality that Donald Trump won the presidential election.

The Coronavirus epidemic was turned into a Trump debacle even though it started in China. Remember Rahm Emanuel’s famous quote, “Never let a crisis go to waste.”  First this crisis was considered by the progressive elites as a “nothing burger.” Then the progressives went berserk when President Trump placed a moratorium on travel to the USA from China and Europe. Progressives said he was xenophobic even though he significantly mitigated the spread of the virus. Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi, started to call the Coronavirus the “Trump Virus.”

Dr. Fauci’s definitive statements about how to control Covid-19 constantly was a moving target. Initially face masks were not effective. Then he became a supporter of wearing them. He talked about lowering the curve of hospitalizations by social distancing, which happened. Currently the rising number of people who are testing positive but asymptomatic are being employed to frighten people into remaining in lock-down although sufficient hospital beds are available. Dr. Fauci, like most political elites, never mentioned the impact of packed mobs not following any of the recommended social distancing protocols at “Black Lives Matter” Protests. The so-called “scientific” contradictions are infuriating to logical thinking Americans.

The next crisis was triggered by the hideous death of George Floyd at the hands of a rogue policeman. The response to this murder was initially united and peaceful. The Marxist-Antifa elements changed it from a memorial to Mr. Floyd into mob violence. Later it was revealed that the three founding female members of Black Lives Matter were self-proclaimed Marxists with a clear agenda. Interestingly the “Chaos Vulture”, George Soros and large PC global corporations contributed over $1.5 billion to BLM even though the behavior changed from protest to predictable mob violence. Portland has had 61 nights of intensive, terrifying havoc but it is still being called “peaceful.” Nadler said on July 26th that the riots “were a myth being spread only in Washington, D.C.” Unfortunately, few media outlets are even reporting on the continued riots as it does not fit their agenda. Mob members are not protestors, they are violent, committing criminal acts.

Out-of-control riots in democrat-controlled cities are spreading like wildfire exploding into violent chaos destroying businesses, homes, police stations, historical statues, indiscriminately murdering innocent babies, children and adults. President Trump asked local and state, democrat leaders if they needed federal help, which they refused. A new storyline was promoted that President Trump was employing dictatorial powers to quell this “peaceful” protest.

The progressive elites have taken evil tactics from the pages of the Marxist handbook. The progressive media has presented distortions and outright lies as unrefutable facts. It is up to every loving American to listen, speak and tell others regardless of their political stripe what we honestly think. This would allow them to see another point of view, enabling them to see what is real.

The only way we can keep our freedom is for the silent majority to speak up. We cannot accept the strangulation of our speech by political correctness or the cancel culture. These Marxist tactics are used to create group think. Our First Amendment right should not be personally censored by the fear of retribution by one’s employer, boycott of business, being censored on social media or by family and friends for being a traditional American patriot. The president of Goya Foods and many others are beginning to lead the way to smother this Marxist probe into a takeover of America. We need to speak our minds.

There are less than 100 days remaining until the 2020 election, which should frighten every patriotic American. We are at a crossroads to choose a Marxist type of government or fight for our liberty.

Speak bravely, nullifying the progressive Marxist tactics: preserve America.

Domenick Maglio, PhD. is a columnist carried by various newspapers, an author of several books and owner/director of Wider Horizons School, a college prep program. Dr. Maglio is an author of weekly newspaper articles, INVASION WITHIN  and a recent book entitled, IN CHARGE PARENTING In a PC World. You can see many of Dr. Maglio’s articles at

Wednesday, July 22, 2020


By Domenick J. Maglio PhD. Traditional Realist

Every nation in the world has citizens who have committed moral and physical crimes against other members of their society.  Many of these bad actors are often in their own community committing crimes against people of their own religion, social class or race. Taking advantage of others is certainly common but not an act that should be promoted. It is sinful behavior that has to be controlled although it will never be eliminated.

Injustices are on a spectrum. Some are hideous beyond belief. The killing of an infant for no other reason than to relieve the anger of the killer by indiscriminately shooting into a crowd is awful.  A home invasion to provide some cash to buy drugs for an addict can end in the murder of an entire family. The head of a financial company who absconds with the funds of many retired people that depend on the money for their survival is a despicable act. All immoral and criminal acts have victims that the perpetrator has not considered but can seriously harm.

The unknown victim often tries to make sense of the crime. “It was my fault for not having a security system.” “I should not have left the child alone with him.” I should have known better than trust that person as a financial advisor.” No crime against any person is the fault of the victim only the fault of the immoral perpetrator.

Other times people blame the crime on the perpetrator’s ethnic or racial background. “All Italians are inherent criminals.” “You should never trust a Jew with your money as they will find a way to have it end up in their pocket.”  “Urban Blacks in a riot will loot and burn.” “White people act nice to your face but say bad things behind your back.”  All racial, ethnic or class groups have stigmas and stereotypes.

Looking back to the historical hatred, discrimination and violent acts against our ancestors does not give us the right to do it to others. Living in the present, being friendly, kind and helpful to every person one meets is a positive deed. A good-hearted person’s kindness towards others is a wonderful act for all.

When any person witnesses someone being obnoxious or destructive to self or others, a responsible person should intervene. They can help the disturbed person comprehend there is another, better way to deal with the issue.  Everyone is potentially a positive role model who can impact those around him. We all have the power to elevate others by encouraging them to look for positive actions they can take to correct wrongs rather than taking violent mob action.

People helping each other out from kindness is an antidote to counteract the horrible destructive acts that a small number of angry people do to innocent others. There are many people who mind their own business but when they witness a person who needs help, they dive in and risk their own safety and fortune to do what is best for the person.

Many of us have been assisted by people we hardly know. These acts of kindness renew our faith in humanity. Focusing on an injustice only creates greater anger that does nothing to remedy the issue. Sometimes this anger is displaced on others who then become a victim of the former victim. When some people join together to protest an injustice, the purpose may change from finding a solution, to expressing frustration, that morphs into a riot.

Rioting after a deplorable, deadly crime against an innocent person does nothing to uplift the spirit of victims or the individuals in the mob. It only increases the number of victims that have been beaten, murdered, robbed.  Naively attacking injustice by joining in the animal frenzy of a mob might be temporarily exhilarating but leaves long frightening memories of unknown people being hurt and are hard to erase.

Young, innocent babies being murdered by stray bullets from “vigilantes” rampaging does nothing to resolve the injustice or bring favor to the movement.  This is the result of unintended consequences of a mob gone wild. It ends innocent lives that could have been assets in fighting injustice in a civilized manner.

This might sound overly naïve, but it is true. Doing good deeds for others brings peaceful harmony to the giver and receiver. It encourages both to pass on positive and helpful experiences to many. These compassionate interactions with strangers and friends give strength to resist the urge to strike out with hate while erasing the self-destructive anger within.

Each of us creates our own world, let us make it wholesome not vengeful.

Domenick Maglio, PhD. is a columnist carried by various newspapers, an author of several books and owner/director of Wider Horizons School, a college prep program. Dr. Maglio is an author of weekly newspaper articles, INVASION WITHIN  and a recent book entitled, IN CHARGE PARENTING In a PC World. You can see many of Dr. Maglio’s articles at

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Tuesday, July 14, 2020


By Domenick J. Maglio PhD. Traditional Realist

Our culture has been feminized over the past half century. Women have been empowered to be more assertive while males have been trained to be more sensitive, unisex individuals. This transition has gradually happened at home, school and employment. Both sexes have morphed into displaying similar verbal tactics and physical appearance.

This gender transformation was enhanced in our permissive child rearing practices, gender neutral education and employment edicts. Even domestic violence enforcement rules dictated that the male would be incarcerated overnight while the female would be allowed to remain in the residence regardless of who was the initiator or was most combative. As societal rules change, we are losing the appreciation of how the feminine and masculine methods of interaction affects the children in the family and others.   

Significantly, the most crucial factor in gender blurring has been the absence of fathers during the child’s formative years. Father’s longer hours on the job, sperm donor men and high divorce rates excluded them from role-modeling masculine behaviors to their children. Minimal contact with fathers and other male figures has lowered the “respect factor” in our children. In black families less than 30% have fathers in the home. “Wait until your father gets home,” is rarely uttered. Children growing up without the “father fear factor” has produced more brazen disrespecting and confronting of authority figures.

It appears in our current culture that young adults are not listening to either parent. Most authority figures are being seen as the enemy. White female and male protesters getting in the faces of black police officers calling them “Uncle Tom,” “traitors to their people” and other disgusting descriptions cannot be attributed to “white racism.” It can be attributed to permissive child rearing, progressive false esteem and Marxist indoctrination in our schools. Too many youngsters are pushing the limits of authority figures. The need to have limits enforced to learn that being stable, peaceful and honorable has greater benefits than being part of a gang or mob.

Anti-American Marxist propaganda in our schools, lackadaisical parent involvement and not being taught about their patriotic ancestors’ struggle to be Americans has opened up the doors to disrespect for the family and our nation. Most youth in their own fragmented homes have not been shown that strength of force can bring individuals back to control themselves better than any discussion. In prison riots experts have learned that a squadron formation of armed and trained guards marching down the center of a prison courtyard brings instant “religion” to the inmate mobs. The riot is dis-banned not by words but by a show of power, which created the “fear factor” for going over the line. Even hardcore inmates comprehend when law enforcement mean business.

Another more feminine approach is applied in the halls of education from elementary through university schooling. Even students who feel offended by an innocent comment have to be placated. Teachers and social scientists in higher education teach that a soothing and gentle demeanor in dealing with misbehaving and violent students is the best approach. The problem with this approach is it does not work with volatile people. When a person reaches a high level of violence, it is difficult to stop their actions. When trained policemen appear they project authority and power, which often helps the person gain self-control. When the law breaker does not follow the policeman’s commands the police may have to physically restrain him and call for back up before the criminal becomes compliant. The hyped-up person has to be restrained and possibly medicated before he can be rationally calm enough to reason.

Unfortunately, when a psych/social worker encounters an out-of-control person, the professional often becomes the victim. Conflict resolution methods in a potentially violent situation could be catastrophic for the psych/social personnel. Expertise in disarming and restraining a violent person is not part of their training nor physical ability.

Putting psycho/social professionals in these potentially violent crises is ludicrous. Policemen in western societies have existed in their nations for centuries to maintain law and order.  Eliminating these authority figures will open up the floodgates for lawlessness and chaos. Talk therapy belongs in a non-confrontational office not in the streets.

Providing social services is a very different mission from stopping an out-of-control individual or mob. The rapid life-saving decisions, strength and courage to accomplish this feat of bringing a law breaker to his senses is not a skill set that these professionals possess.

When the U.S. military in Iraq and Afghanistan was ordered to play more of a social worker role, the soldiers’ ability to establish stability became less effective. Social workers should do their job and police theirs but mixing the roles is nothing but a potential train wreck for well-meaning professionals and innocent bystanders, mob members and society as a whole. Let police be law enforcers while consistently prosecuting any that are corrupt.

Domenick Maglio, PhD. is a columnist carried by various newspapers, an author of several books and owner/director of Wider Horizons School, a college prep program. Dr. Maglio is an author of weekly newspaper articles, INVASION WITHIN  and a recent book entitled, IN CHARGE PARENTING In a PC World. You can see many of Dr. Maglio’s articles at

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Tuesday, July 07, 2020


By Domenick J. Maglio Ph.D. Traditional Realist

The masquerade masks of the BLM have been unveiled to expose Marxism. These “non-peaceful” violent protesters are not primarily about BLM injustice but creating political conflict to confuse the public of their greater cause. The originating brain-trust of three females behind BLM are confirmed Marxists. Like good Marxists they want to put an end to nuclear families, the backbone of our nation’s stability, capitalism and our constitutional government. Many naive and fearful citizens feel if they back BLM grievances, that stability will return. When the “woke” intellectual millennials, and democrat appeasers demands are met, the more numerous and outrageous become their demands.

At first there was emasculation of the police, then defunding and presently eliminating them for unprepared social workers to deal with violent criminals. The only black lives that seem to matter are those shot by white policemen. Those shot by black cops are ignored and the greater the number of blacks killed by other blacks is not mentioned. This is not about black lives, it is about creating havoc to change America.

Every American knows, we are all God’s children, thus All Lives Matter. The tearing down of our statues, many of which were “liberators of negroes,” is being done to destroy our history. This criminal vandalism is not to be ignored as it is part of the Marxist handbook. Even Jesus Christ is under attack for supposedly being a symbol of “white racism.” This should be an indicator to both black and white religious people that it is a direct attack on our moral values and belief system.

These rampages are taking place in democrat-controlled enclaves. The mayor of Seattle, Jenny Durkin, is a self-proclaimed socialist who knew by creating CHOP in the middle of the Seattle business district that she was not creating a “summer of love” but was encouraging lawlessness. Mayor DeBlasio of NYC, Governor Cuomo of New York State and most of the officials in these hot spots are known progressives that are doing everything they can to destroy President Trump’s chance for victory. Many conservative imposters have shown themselves to be impotent cowards whose primary objective is to keep their power position by taking a knee to the Marxist mobs.  That these elites from both parties were joining together should indicate that President Trump is a disrupter of elite globalism and the Marxist revolution.

The average middle-class citizen and minorities would be sacrificed on the altar of a Marxist communist take-over. There was no progressive talk about preventing the looting and burning of local businesses nor compensation for the owner’s life work. Global corporations on the other hand have not been stigmatized or sacrificed to the mob. Instead these questionable international enterprises have paid millions of dollars in extortion to BLM and other leftist organizations. Part of the reason public corporations behave in this manner is that large equity investors (including pension funds) have started investing other people’s money based on “social responsibility” ratings.  Follow the money and you will see the elites in our country who are willing to sell out the U.S. to remain in their coveted power positions.

This 2020 presidential election will determine whether we will roll over joining the mostly international centrally controlled Marxist nations or remain a free constitutional republic. Our brilliant founders understood the evils of centrally controlled governments. They provided the people of our nation with the most incredible remedy to keep our liberty: our vote, which happens every four years in our constitutional presidential election.

This 2020 vote is not only about who will become president but most importantly whether we will continue to be citizens who will retain our constitution and Bill of Rights. The Venezuelans are the most recent people who have lost everything: their freedom, their assets and future. Many of these Venezuelans have fled through Columbia in search for a better life leaving everything behind. History is full of citizens like the Venezuelans who have been swept under by a Marxist revolution. They never thought it would happen to them. The same insane demands, destruction, violence, media lies are happening in the United States right now!

Under communism every decision will be dependent on the government laws and regulations. In our capitalist nation we have opportunity to freely choose our destiny by earning it not by being given it according to one’s political connections but through merit, honest work and protection of God given rights.

The choice in this election is a stark contrast between daily destruction, censorship and violence versus freedom, productive stability and predictability. Patriotic citizens should stand up with courage and clear rational thinking to vote for freedom, not servitude.

It is time to put a kabash to this communist take-over of our imperfect but greatest country on earth.

Domenick Maglio, PhD. is a columnist carried by various newspapers, an author of several books and owner/director of Wider Horizons School, a college prep program. Dr. Maglio is an author of weekly newspaper articles, INVASION WITHIN  and a recent book entitled, IN CHARGE PARENTING In a PC World. You can see many of Dr. Maglio’s articles at