Articles are available for reprint as long as the author is acknowledged: Domenick J. Maglio Ph.D.

Tuesday, January 30, 2024



By Domenick J. Maglio, PHD. Traditional Realist



One of the sacred freedoms of US citizens is that parents, not the state have the inalienable right to raise their children. In many nations government-controlled systems such as communism and other top-down systems, announce mandated laws that supersede parental rights. It appears some American parents want the US government to take over many responsibilities that solely belong to the parents. 


In the USA modern culture has rapidly become altered. Today’s parents seem to expect the government to provide afterschool services. Many parents want to retain their lifestyle when both parents are working full time. Their necessary time to handle family and school demands has dwindled making it impossible to deal with daily family matters let alone their children’s school issues.


Many parents’ inability to discuss their child’s school progress is allowing the school to make profound decisions about the child’s education with no parental input. The modern parents working two jobs makes it difficult to get together in a parent teacher meeting. This leaves the teachers and administrators in charge of the child’s education with little or no input by the parents in their own child’s education. 


Major obstacles to assisting with a child’s schoolwork are afterschool activities such as team sports, dance, gymnastics, music lessons and other extracurricular activities. Modern parents are leaving so-called “professionals” to raise their children. During and after school parents are unaware of much of what their child is being exposed to.


Parents’ work schedules demand their children have supervised afterschool activities. This leaves parents little options but to keep their children as busy as they are.  This results in limited time for children and parents to relax, spend time together and get to know each other. Children need to learn important lessons, how to think, and to learn traditional values to keep them on the straight and narrow path. This is difficult to accomplish since modern parents are just not there to teach these values, attitudes, and thinking skills. Too many parents are not taking the time to be more involved with their children. Many parents are absent from their child’s adolescent confusion into adulthood. Being a parent today is complex and multifaceted.


Some government bureaucrats are attempting to step into the vacuum of parental guidance to micromanage our children through this complex developmental period. Many parents are more than willing to accept governmental assistance in controlling their children’s actions. One such proposed government legislation is to make it illegal for children under the age of 16 to have certain platforms on their cellphones. These social media sites are seen as detrimental for children. Instead of the parents making this decision and directly enforcing their own rules in their home the bureaucrats are trying to mandate what children should be doing to protect them from the “digital fentanyl” of social media.


This precedence has already been established with vaccines to prevent spreading childhood diseases. Many vaccines have been mandated by an early age regardless of parent’s wishes. Government schools have taught sex education actually demonstrating how to use a condom to preschool children without receiving parental permission. 


Several years ago, the government mandated that college students receive a meningitis vaccine before entering college to prevent this disease from spreading. Kids are being removed from parental custody in some states to “transition” the minors against the wishes of the parents. 


Parents need to take control of raising their children to be viable and strong parents and not give their sacred duties over to the government then complain about government bureaucrats overstepping their boundaries. Either parents do their job of parenting, or the government will pass more laws to attempt to gain control of youngsters who are out of control. 


Once government is given an inch it takes a mile to increase it power and uses its power to tell parents what they can or cannot do with their children. This opens the door wide to spread government’s abuse which will be more devastating to children as well as our nation more so than to individual parents.


Domenick Maglio, PhD. is a columnist carried by various newspapers and blogs, an author of several books and owner/director of Wider Horizons School, a college prep program. Dr. Maglio is an author of weekly newspaper articles, INVASION WITHIN  and the latest book entitled, IN CHARGE PARENTING In a PC World. You can see many of Dr. Maglio’s articles at








Tuesday, January 23, 2024



By Domenick J. Maglio PhD. Traditional Realist


Teachers, coachers, scout leaders, church deacons, CEOs of companies, and even parents need to be careful not to treat one person more special than anyone else in the group. Favoritism usually leads to significant problems since everyone want to be treated fairly by the leaders of any group.


It is understandable that if a coach’s son is given more opportunity to shine than other players on the team it would cause resentment with the team especially if his abilities were average. This is the reason the coach should direct his child to another team to play. 


Favoritism can take place in one’s own home where one child is allowed to get away with what the other children cannot. Usually the “favorite one” is not necessarily ostracized by the siblings but sometimes is resented. If it is “the baby” of the family, the other children may cut him some slack and may even participate in making the baby the favorite of everyone, erasing jealousy. 


This problem is more prevalent in large groups like a dance studio or a class in school with numerous students. All the class members know each other well and witness with their own eyes the subtle additional assistance that one student gets over others. The other students are aware they did not receive the same help as a particular student did and will feel resentment toward this type of teacher. 


The teacher playing favorites often loses all credibility as a professional. A teacher is supposed to be above choosing favorites as all students in the class need help not one singled out over others. Still, it can be an unconscious act that needs to be monitored by other conscientious teachers.


The student who received special treatment by any teacher is harmed since they did not rely on their own skills to learn the material by themselves. Obviously, the other students know they were treated unfairly by the teacher’s special attention.  Eventually the teacher will lose the respect of the students for this unfair practice unless the child has an academic, mental health, or emotional issue which the teacher is addressing.


Individuals often use their power to maximize it to gain more advantages. People with power over others may use it to gain more status and even greater power. This means people with power are not always impartial decision makers. 


If humans want an impartial world, it would not be on earth but in a spiritual realm. People in normal interaction should expect some honest, uplifting complements although some mixture of the ways to improve should be part of the evaluation. Those rare comments from an honest, objective person should be respected and cherished as they are sincere suggestions for the student to improve. 


Too many who evaluate a person’s production want to be liked by them, so they inflate their assessment in a positive direction.  Of course, others in the group resent special treatment for another while the person receiving the unearned praise may feel special and honored or uncomfortable with the attention. The other unnoticed members of the group feel shunned and cheated of recognition for their outstanding efforts or results. 


Eventually the favored person sees they are being singled out for average effort, behavior, or results. They begin to feel the other class members’ resentment toward them for the hypocritical behavior of the teacher. The teacher observes the group’s change in the acceptance of the “pet” student by the rest of the class.  They realize they have treated one student differently from the others in the class which negatively impacts most if not all the other students.


 The teacher finally learns a valuable lesson that each student needs special attention, not just one to be crowned the most outstanding student in the class. The lesson the teacher should have learned is that to be a good teacher each student must be considered honestly and impartially for their improvements as well as the need for improvement.


An honest evaluation is most important.


Domenick Maglio, PhD. is a columnist carried by various newspapers and blogs, an author of several books and owner/director of Wider Horizons School, a college prep program. Dr. Maglio is an author of weekly newspaper articles, INVASION WITHIN  and the latest book entitled, IN CHARGE PARENTING In a PC World. You can see many of Dr. Maglio’s articles at










Tuesday, January 16, 2024



By Domenick J. Maglio Ph.D. Traditional Realist


This above virtue has been lost!


The “spin,” lying masters have taken over our government. Vice President Kamala Harris, Claudine Gay, President of Harvard; Presidential Spokesperson, Jean-Pierre, Secretary Mayorkas, and notably, President Biden have developed a verbal art form for deceiving the public. They speak words that make no sense distorting the truth and telling outright lies to justify their dubious actions. The entire “woke agenda” is undermining our traditional US culture. 


This process of asserting a new, “woke” counterculture into the minds of American citizens is a huge, daunting task. It can only be accomplished with the aid of the mass media, corporate giants, the education system, and psychological thought control strategy.  The success of these babbling leaders in intellectual positions are weakening our ability to discriminate who is authentic and who is a fraud. 


Ex-president of Harvard University, Claudine Gay, was exposed as a long-term plagiarist and liar. Her antics demonstrated the lack of our educational integrity and shows the decay of our educational system from the top down. Added to this are the recent revelations of our public-school administrations, teachers, and school boards not doing a viable job of maintaining local educational institutions to inculcate traditional logical thinking that can decipher truth from blatant propaganda. 


Secretary Mayorkas, the person in charge of our southern border has had the audacity on numerous occasions that the southern border between Mexico and the US is totally controlled by the federal government and is closed. He said this with a straight face when day after day the American public watches the illegal immigrants with assistance of the cartels crossing our border. Yet Mayorkas still states there is no border crisis as people from all over the world just walk into the United States without minimal screening.


For a substantial time Hunter Biden, the son of the president of the USA, personal laptop computer became a hot topic on the news. At first it was described as Russian disinformation. The more segments of videos from the laptop reached the media, it became obvious that is indeed belong to Hunter Biden, His personal life was exposed to the public as chaotic and decadent. 


VP Kamala Harris has developed what others call her “word salad” that keeps everyone scratching their heads as to what she actually was saying about President Biden’s policies. The White House press secretary Jean—Pierre’s incredible double speak has confounded most professional political analysts. This has meant that the Biden administration usually cannot be held accountable for what they have said and done since it is rarely clear what they are saying. This is especially true when President Biden speaks to US citizens. His words are often slurred. He stops in the middle of a thought or totally forgets the point he is making, shakes hands with the air and at times just walks off the stage in a stupor. 


The most egregious habit President Biden has is to slip false facts to justify the point he is attempting to make. The president and his advisors have stated that we are in better economic shape than the previous administration when the evidence is overwhelming that the opposite is true. The mainstream media does not refute his distortions and outright lies of what is actually happening as they are “woke Marxists” who want to transform America into more dependent citizens who blindly follow government dictates.


When a free and honest press speaks clearly, truthfully, and directly to voting citizens to inform them our system can maintain a stable, peaceful, and productive society. When our press does not communicate the truth, our citizens cannot make credible choices. Without the truth the best lying politicians will control and dominate an uninformed, naive citizenship.  


Too many great Americans have sacrificed too much to lose this great nation to crooked, selfish politicians who deserve to spend the rest of their lives behind bars. Instead, these phony spokespeople at the top leadership positions in government who refuse to say the obvious truth: that the United States is in serious disarray.


Domenick Maglio, PhD. is a columnist carried by various newspapers and blogs, an author of several books and owner/director of Wider Horizons School, a college prep program. Dr. Maglio is an author of weekly newspaper articles, INVASION WITHIN  and the latest book entitled, IN CHARGE PARENTING In a PC World. You can see many of Dr. Maglio’s articles at





Tuesday, January 09, 2024



By Domenick J. Maglio, PhD., Traditional Realist


Our nation was founded to free people from England’s tyrannical laws. These freedom seekers who settled along the eastern coast of North America and moved into the interior were industrious and brave people. They did not receive English government assistance. The settlers were on their own developing their homesteads and struggling with natives and nature. 


These independent settlers were on their own to create their own destiny with their own work ethic and expanding vision of their future goals. These pioneers were self-made men, women, and children. Some came with money to our new country but most who traveled to the interior were courageous souls who developed their own destiny with nothing but their own labor. Most were not wealthy, but they hoped to create a better life.


There was no concept of social justice as the settlers were independent people who developed their land and property by their own hands. They had too many hardships to list but accepted them and motivated themselves to do whatever they needed to do to survive and prosper.


As the nation grew so did the ability of Americans to produce food and products on large tracts of land. At this juncture there was more need for cheap labor, and it was available in the form of slaves, poor whites, and new immigrants. 


 Slavery existed before Biblical times and exists all over the world in larger numbers today than at any other time in our history. There were slave owners who were reasonable humans and there were despicable ones in any country where slavery existed. Being a slave is never an admirable position to be in. Few slaves had better living conditions than free city dwelling immigrants in the north. Some would eagerly change positions with the people in terrible living conditions who were called “free.”


Many early immigrants were indentured servants who had to earn enough credit to pay their debt to earn their freedom. During the late 1800s and early 1900s there were some immigrants who were sent back to their country of origin for various reasons. Many immigrants lived with two or three families in one flat. The children as early as three years old did simple errands or begged for coins. These immigrants willingly paid the price of being temporarily exploited for the chance to blend in and become American citizens. 


Many citizens who live in major metropolitan centers today also pay the price of moving where wages are higher than wages in small towns. Riots, robbery, looting, drugs, drunks living on the street and random physical attacks are more common living in an urban center than rural communities. Every citizen had the freedom to move where they desired as long as they could do it. 


The greatness of America is based on our freedoms. To live and do with our lives what we want has attracted people worldwide.  Some citizens have suffered from an abusive lifestyle. Life is a difficult and torturous journey for many of us.


“Social justice” is a communist concept to divide us and turn us against each other. Once you go down this road citizens will question why aren’t their injustices worthy of compensation by the state? Social justice cannot be for just one group while leaving out many others who suffered but includes others who do not deserve to be on the list. Social injustice is determined by government bureaucrats who have no accurate or unbiased method of evaluating every citizen who should be on a fair and honest list. 


Americans have the freedom to choose their lifestyle through their choices and work ethic. This is why US citizens are the backbone of the greatest and freest nation in the world. Once people line up and receive government goodies (like cell phones and free rent) the line becomes longer, easier, and less shameful for non-workers to take without a twinge of guilt that they did not contribute. This guilt fades as appetites increase. This is an effective communist method of capturing the support of once virtuous people.


When a person accepts as normal the process of getting bribes for their vote, the person has surrendered his proud American citizenship for a ticket to a new world of communist “social justice.” Entering this world means a person gives up their freedom for a second-class existence. These people accept the decisions of bureaucrats to determine their status and most importantly, their freedoms. This is the opposite of freedom and is anti-American to surrender one’s freedom for short term government bribes and long-term servitude.



Domenick Maglio, PhD. is a columnist carried by various newspapers and blogs, an author of several books and owner/director of Wider Horizons School, a college prep program. Dr. Maglio is an author of weekly newspaper articles, INVASION WITHIN  and the latest book entitled, IN CHARGE PARENTING In a PC World. You can see many of Dr. Maglio’s articles at