Articles are available for reprint as long as the author is acknowledged: Domenick J. Maglio Ph.D.

Tuesday, August 28, 2018


By Domenick J, Maglio Ph.D. Traditional Realist

In 2017 the Alt Right at Charlottesville, Virginia was led by two disgruntled progressives who wanted the political spotlight. Jason Kissler and Richard Spencer, were co organizers of “Unite the Right.”  Both of their backgrounds demonstrate they certainly have never been believers in conservatism.

Jason Kissler voted for president Obama in 2008. He participated in the Occupy Wall Street encampment in Charlottesville in 2011. He was kicked out of this organization. His job record is spotty from his problems getting along with others and displaying social anxiety. His father condemned him as a loser on YouTube. This is not a profile of a mentally stable person or White supremacists.

Richard Spencer of the University of Florida speech notoriety is also a publicity hound. His belief system is diametrically opposed to conservatism. He has clearly stated that all men are not created equal. Also he notes that our rights come from a central government and are not endowed by God. He embraced national healthcare as part of the welfare state and does not accept capitalism. He has clearly stated he is a progressive and does not believe in the American way. His ideals conform with the socialistic ones.

In Charlottesville, 2017, there was a 20 to 1 ratio of Antifa and Black Lives Matter members to the Alt Right. In the 2018 Washington, D.C. rally there were thousands of counter protestors to 20 or 40 “Unite the Right” members. The progressive media has hyped the AltRight while the AltLeft ‘s immense violent presence has been practically unreported.

The current organized social unrest is a means of gaining leverage for social change. The U.S. anarchists want to ram down the throats of the people a collective state power that will impose their “justice” upon the people. Antifa social action misfits have adopted “The Black Bloc” tactics of the European anarchists. They use bats, smoke bombs, bike locks, fists and other weapons to shut down any free speech. These Antifa punks resemble the brown and black shirt fascists of Hitler and Mussolini with their ninja dress and riot tactics.

The YouTube videos show Antifa members happily destroying property in Berkeley, California, cold cocking victims with fists and weapons in Charlottesville, Virginia and Washington D.C. Interestingly, these assaults are sneak attacks and the Antifa members quickly and cowardly run back to the protection of their group. There is a festive atmosphere when they openly and cheerfully chant, “bust a window,” “kill a F- cop,” and “meet me in the streets”. They smile diabolically when they say they want to kill President Trump. Acts of violence especially when there is no criminal prosecution leads to “parties of destruction.”

Antifa has demonstrated by their words and actions they embrace violence as a “means to an end.” This should frighten every citizen including progressives as our stability and greatness is derived from following the law of blind justice established by a majority of the people to create order. When violent fringe groups are allowed by law enforcers to confront each other like in 2017 Charlottesville, a riot will occur. The law-abiding citizens become bewildered, apprehensive and fearful to express their indignation for allowing lawless behavior to continue.

The progressive media is silent about Antifa’s Gestapo tactics and should report the entire story. They focused on a miniscule group of white supremacists that are similar in anti social behavior and not the far larger groups of young, violent know-it-alls. The reason is Antifa’s agenda agrees with many progressive values, which the media is attempting to persuade the “deplorables” to adopt. The alliance between both Antifa and the media promote political correctness and suppress free speech. This certainly is anti American.

The progressives should understand what makes our country great is our constitutional law, which produces stability. Once our first Amendment is stifled, the rest of the amendments will crumble. Our constitutional republic will vanish and we will become a part of a centrally controlled global totalitarian world. Free speech is the cornerstone of our liberty and has to be protected and not be shut down. Debating ideas is a positive way to arrive at the best decision. Antifa’s militant insistence on preventing open dialogue is a direct infringement on our freedom. The physical violence and property destruction should be prosecuted equally and forcefully under the law. This will allow civil discourse to return.

Enough is enough. Every citizen should insist on regaining law and order. Differences of ideas should be settled in the voting booth not by intimidation.

Domenick Maglio, PhD. is a columnist carried by various newspapers, an author of several books and owner/director of Wider Horizons School, a college prep program. Dr. Maglio is an author of weekly newspaper articles, INVASION WITHIN  and a new just published book, entitled, IN CHARGE PARENTING In a PC World. You can visit Dr. Maglio at

Monday, August 20, 2018


By Domenick J. Maglio PhD. Traditional Realist

“First they came for the baker, I did not speak up.
Then they came for the florist.
Then they came for the powerless Whites and I did not speak up because I was scared.
Then they came for me and there was there was no one left to speak for me.”
                                                Paraphrased from Martin Neimoller

Currently in our US culture it is common to call almost any white person “racist,” as long as they do not belong to a privileged class. If you are Hispanic with snow-white skin, you are given a pass. Homosexuals cannot be pronounced as racist as they are from a group that has been discriminated against. The same rationale can be used for transgender or any other group that has been stamped with “privileged class

A “Black” person who can be any shade of color including white can use the “N” word towards any person who identifies as Black and not be racist. At this cultural moment a Black person can probably get away with calling another member of the privileged class a derogatory term with total immunity.

Almost any human who appears or identifies as “White” is automatically “racist.” These people can be recent immigrants from countries considered primarily dominated by white citizens, as they will be susceptible to be called racist unless they also identify with LGBT or another privileged class. The only conclusion an alien from another world could logically determine is an overwhelming number of Whites are racist.

The problem with this assessment is that the White elites are the ones who have called Whites “racist” and the others the “privileged classes.” Doesn’t this power to identify Whites as racist make the judging person also a racist? Obviously all Whites cannot be racist.

Of course not all Whites were born with a “silver spoon in their mouth” except the majority of the elite Whites. However, the elite Whites are exempt from being “racist” for they were the ones who devised the classification system. In fact the elite Whites are the ones who have always had the power as a group to influence the outcomes they wanted.

Imagine, this small group of power elites said that Whites could be Racist because they have power while Blacks and other groups do not. The ridiculousness of this pronouncement is the vast majority of American Whites did not have one iota of influence as immigrants when they arrived here from all over the world.

While the White elites were going to the best private schools and joining the most powerful levels of government and business, most “deplorable Whites” were fighting themselves up the economic ladder.

By defining all Whites as racist, the power elites have scapegoated an entire group of people to the status of “haters.” The only way for Whites to avoid the label of “racist” is for some of them to turn on other Whites, calling them racist or falling silent. Hitler used this technique against the Jewish people and other groups such as homosexuals, Catholics or gypsies to divide and conquer his people. This tactic disguised the radical nationalistic agenda of conquering the world.

 “Race” is an arbitrary term that cannot be defined by scientific, genetic, social or cultural constructs. President Obama was labeled Black although he had a White mother and a Black father. This is definitely not scientific. Nevertheless, by dividing the nation into racial and behavioral subgroups the elites can manipulate and encourage social unrest to produce great governmental change.

This Orwellian governmental system has real consequences. By government defining “hate speech” it contaminates the free exchange of ideas. Citizens self censor their speech and most importantly their rational thinking process is stifled so as not to become agitated. They consciously or unconsciously comprehend that the best way not to become a target is to remain silent. This leaves only the radicals and insane fools a vacuum to spew their hatred of anything good and wholesome.

When the Altleft, including Antifa finds free speech venues on university campuses and public street rallies that do not share their opposing views, they close down speech. These punks feel they have a license to kill anyone the group has called a “White racist.” This thought process is reminiscent of the French Revolution.

The “White racist” concept is a “dog whistle” to arouse hate, which will lead to bedlam. All decent citizens must fight it. Standing up for free speech is the antidote for a brutal small elite coup of the freest country on earth.

Domenick Maglio, PhD. is a columnist carried by various newspapers, an author of several books and owner/director of Wider Horizons School, a college prep program. Dr. Maglio is an author of weekly newspaper articles, INVASION WITHIN and a new just published book, entitled, IN CHARGE PARENTING In a PC World. You can visit Dr. Maglio at

Tuesday, August 14, 2018


By Domenick J. Maglio PhD.,Traditional Realist

The indisputable fact is the Tea Party was a real organic movement. There was no calling from an official to make arrangements to meet in Washington, D.C. The only thing these American patriots wanted to show the nation was there are many Americans who love and believe whole-heartedly in the United States Constitutional republic. There were plenty of recognized diverse public figures from all over America but no one assumed the mantle of leader.

These major events first in Washington, D.C. and later in cities throughout the states were orderly, cohesive and very civilized affairs.  Everyone who attended was respectful to others. Amazingly everyone cleaned up so there was not a piece of trash left. The range of people was a cross section of America.  There were entire families, individuals from all religions, ethic and racial groups. They all blended together, united by being proud and honored to be citizens of this extraordinary country. Most of them had never before been involved politically in any group.

The only ones who were disruptive or disrespectful to President Obama’s image came from the LaRouche Party. These members stuck out like sore thumbs. This fringe group that gave out hateful pamphlets, were ignored and shunned. The Tea Party members felt a spiritual kinship with each other and understood they all desired the continuation of our exceptionalism not of a venue to vent their anger. This movement was peaceful and respectful to all the speakers and to each other.

These members knew a leader would emerge. He did in the 2016 presidential primary race. He appeared in the center of sixteen other candidates. Donald Trump was center stage. His toughness, sarcastic humor, cleverness and most importantly, the love of America made him clearly stand out as a leader. He picked up the essence of the Tea Party mantle aligning his pledges with them.

The enthusiasm and connection with hard working Americans was obvious. His campaign pledges are being kept one after another to the amazement of his supporters and the chagrin of his detractors and haters. His communication to his audience is straight and clearly worded. President Trump’s explanations of why he did what he did, negotiating with other government leaders makes sense to his supporters. The progressive supporters found President Trump obnoxious and upsetting for the crude and insufficiently nuanced message for these supposedly sophisticated elites.

His courage to take on the entire progressive media has made him a folk hero to liberal conservatives and hated by globalists. He does not absorb the negative and often false narratives but rebuts them, unlike past republican presidents and other establishment republicans. He speaks with his deeds and actions not with smooth, convoluted double talk that is not backed up with meaningful consequences.

President Trump’s progressive detractors call him every pejorative imaginable. He is supposedly a fascist, racist, mentally unstable, low energy, poorly educated and on the verge of full blown Alzheimer’s. Although these claims are repeated continually, night and day by a chorus of progressive elites it has not resonated as his actions demonstrated how incorrect these claims are. He is practically everywhere giving unbelievable speeches with audiences in different states that are inspirational to them. His spontaneous non-prompted reactions are often hilarious and priceless.

President Trump is a warrior leader directing the traditional Americans on how to remain positive in the face of subversive attacks by the imbedded elites in the shadow government. These agency heads are supposed to enforce the laws passed by our representatives, instead they are attempting to enforce their own beliefs. Instead of enforcing the law they are being lawbreakers. Trump’s masterful chess playing moves with these arrogant bureaucrats is demonstrating to all of us that it is actually possible for his administration to “drain the swamp” and resurrect a government that follows the laws passed by the people.

The strategy of “Make America Great Again” would require borders with legal immigrants of merit who become assimilated and acculturated patriotic citizens.  They would be individual’s pledged to believe in the constitutional republic, limited government, capitalism, law and order, and blind equal justice for everyone under the law. These new citizens of the USA are proud to be part of this great nation.

The battle lines are drawn and the results of the mid-term election may put things in clearer focus. But America has a president that has the leadership ability “to drain the swamp” returning the government back to the forgotten people and make America once again the leader of the free world.

Domenick Maglio, PhD. is a columnist carried by various newspapers, an author of several books and owner/director of Wider Horizons School, a college prep program. Dr. Maglio is an author of weekly newspaper articles, INVASION WITHIN  and a new just published book, entitled, IN CHARGE PARENTING In a PC World. You can visit Dr. Maglio at

Tuesday, August 07, 2018


By  Domenick J. Maglio PhD. Traditional Realist

In these modern times there are many new electronic devices introduced almost daily. The pace of change has shifted into fast gear on all levels of our culture. This change happened so rapidly, that it seemed like it was allowing little time to evaluate the consequences of these devices. They have altered the way we interact with others. Presently we have the ability to communicate with people directly in any part of the world. Parents and their children are no longer involved in intimate exchanges where parents can instill necessary skills, attitudes and moral lessons of our culture and civil society.

Both are interacting mostly with their “friends” and not enough with each other. The adults and children’s differences are melting into each other. Our traditional moral values of following the Ten Commandments in the family and community have been swept away replaced by selfish ones. Accumulating and spending wealth has superseded doing what is right to others to create a wholesome environment. Exploiting of others to increase advantages by conniving, openly lying or cheating has become common.

As President Jack Kennedy stated during his 1961 inauguration speech, “Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country.” Our current motto should be “what our country and others can do for me is all that counts.” These immature and shortsighted ideals are similar to a spoiled child who does not understand the long-range consequences of receiving everything they want without earning it. Too many young adults are shunning their responsibilities to becoming independent. Older adults are regressing to be like teenagers again. The benefits of maturing into an adult are not being demonstrated or taught. This leaves both children and adults confused about their roles in particular stages of the life cycle.

The youth culture has become the ideal for many Americans. Parents and even grandparents are doing everything to appear and act younger. Seen from the back the age of females cannot be distinguished by their dress. These days both the teenagers and older females have little difference in their styles. The child wants to look older and sexier while the supposed adult wants to appear younger and sexier. Young girls go through serious cosmetic surgery to transform their breasts and faces while the older person’s facial and body operations are done to appear more youthful.

Males are no different. Young teenage boys pump iron to build up their bodies to appear older while the older men wear their sports caps backwards, a trend started in prison by young punks, to appear “cool.” The casual dress of both is often indistinguishable along with their hairstyles. The desire for adults to appear youthful is blurring the visual difference of the aging process.

One of the most important changes that have taken place is our reverence for youth and rejection of the wisdom of elders. This drastic distortion of the natural process of maturing in order to be productive and successful is being forgotten. Adults have forgotten that superficial pleasure seeking; impulsive behavior has to be replaced by establishing a more disciplined lifestyle to meet long-range goals. The important stages of the life cycle are being rejected, as many adults are not willing to grow up. Wisdom has lost its value.

This lack of mature role modeling is negatively affecting the natural passing of the baton from one generation to another. Furthermore, it is lowering the standards and expectations of all our institutions since there are very few elders acting like adults. Many older citizens do not want to be seen as cranky, negative people by sharing their knowledge gained through experience. Instead many shortsighted adults are sharing the motto, “You only live once.”  This means taking all the pleasure you can regardless of the long-term negative consequences for establishing a positive future. Adult role models should point out that living only in the present is a self-destructive strategy

Living for today and taking advantage of everybody else is a death sentence for a healthy society. When there are few elders willing to guide and direct our society towards a positive outcome then the nation is on a disastrous course.

Wisdom comes from learning, from confronting reality and conquering it not by burying one’s head in phony youthful excuses and unjustified arrogance. Adults need to be leaders again. Guiding our youth with wisdom, which will probably not win any favor with them but eventually will be followed as young people see its worth is a wonderful legacy.

Being labeled as an old fuddy-duddy in the short run is not attractive but eventually will win the appreciation and respect of reasonable people the adult has touched.

Domenick Maglio, PhD. is a columnist carried by various newspapers, an author of several books and owner/director of Wider Horizons School, a college prep program. Dr. Maglio is an author of weekly newspaper articles, INVASION WITHIN  and a new just published book, entitled, IN CHARGE PARENTING In a PC World. You can visit Dr. Maglio at