Articles are available for reprint as long as the author is acknowledged: Domenick J. Maglio Ph.D.

Tuesday, June 30, 2020


By Domenick J. Maglio PhD. Traditional Realist

There is an evident dichotomy between foreigners worldwide who would do almost anything to enter the United States and many progressive politicians, millennials and old hippie activists who would do almost anything to tear it asunder.  The foreigners and traditional Americans view the opportunity, prosperity and liberty while the so-called urban intellectuals and the poor welfare dependent minorities have been indoctrinated to see only racism, sexism and disparity. These two contrary views of America have ignited a cultural revolution.

Most youngsters in our government schools have spent limited time on learning the 3Rs but plenty of time on what is wrong with America. Our schools’ socialist/ communist educators and Marxist leaning media have reinforced this negative message of America. Many of the minority, middle and upper class students have received limited if any civics, history or cultural knowledge but generous doses of anti American propaganda. The results are predictable, as the youths age, they become recruits for the anti-American mob.

The academic skill tests on a domestic and international ranking show the U.S. at best in the middle to lower end of other nation’s academic levels. When socio economic factors are considered, lower class minorities possess such limited skills in reading and math to be too illiterate to self-teach or be employable after schooling. Many of these students without academic abilities to advance use racism as an excuse for their lack of motivation to work hard to benefit their future life.
The frustration for not succeeding has resulted in demanding the government change the rules of the game to provide for their personal interest. This often leads to frustration and anger leading to dropping out while others employ crime, looting and destruction to get immediate peer standing.

The tactics of this planned cultural revolution episode has come out of the old Marxist handbook. The horrendous death of George Floyd was a grave injustice that finally united and ignited this mob phenomenon after many other attempts. Many different factions: feminist, black, millennial slackers joined other in riots in significantly progressive Democrat centers. Many politicians throughout our bureaucratic government encouraged these so-called “peaceful demonstrations.” The purpose of this was to undermine President Trump’s presidency as well as show disrespect for law enforcement and our laws.

Even the progressive infiltrated military establishment recently pronounced that our country was founded on peaceful protests against the oppressive British empire. The problem with this analogy is these violent, rioters are not against an oppressive outside national power but perform indiscriminate attacks on innocent business owners, policemen and the national guard who are attempting to keep law and order.

Many of the top military brass who were elevated under the Obama administration arrogantly countermanded the Commander-In-Chief, President Trump. They announced that these out-of-control violent crowds should be equated with the colonists’ revolution against British brutal oppression.  This sentiment undercuts the president of the United States’ right and responsibility to maintain law and order to stop destruction and chaos in our country. It was a direct threat to the president’s power on the edge of being a coup.

The colonists’ protests turned into a deadly five-year war of liberation while these 2020 ignorant protests against the freest country on Earth are based on Marxist utopian ideals. These unattainable ideals will never be reached as they are contrary to human nature.  The attempt to equate the heroic American Revolution for liberty to the juvenile antics of Marxist sympathizers, street thugs and rejected intellectuals is despicable. 

A progressive presidential election victory in 2020 will force the progressive’s consolidating of their power to establish a Marxist government.  It will mean doubling down in Marxist re-education of our youth and glorifying the media brainwashing to control the masses of people. The BLM would be folded into a Marxist takeover.

In stark contrast, a President Trump victory in 2020 will give the nation an opportunity to make changes. This could allow the violence and chaos to be put to rest. A victory by President Trump is crucial for the opportunity to alter our entire education system from the lower grades to postgraduate programs. Our local and federal enforcement agencies hopefully would be encouraged again to be given protection by a viable review process to punish rogue cops while protecting the public as well as honorable police officers.

Marxist demonstrators need to know they do not have community support. Mob rule that destroys everything in front of it is never the way to achieve justice. Only by everyone giving their best effort, by people being promoted through merit, and having absolute due process for all will the nation reestablish law and order.

The supporting of removing law and order in our society is treason.

Domenick Maglio, PhD. is a columnist carried by various newspapers, an author of several books and owner/director of Wider Horizons School, a college prep program. Dr. Maglio is an author of weekly newspaper articles, INVASION WITHIN  and a recent book entitled, IN CHARGE PARENTING In a PC World. You can see many of Dr. Maglio’s articles at

Tuesday, June 23, 2020


By Domenick J. Maglio PhD. Traditional Realist

The Coronavirus provided progressive leaders an opportunity to spin a crisis. The ultra-wealthy, pseudo scientists and political big brother figures were the first to “yell fire” in our nation. Covid-19 was falsely predicted to kill many millions worldwide and numerous millions in the United States. This prediction was widely wrong with more and more frightening predictions for this autumn. The greater the speculation that more deaths would occur from the virus, the greater the power of the scientific community to keep us in lock step following their dictates.

Even more revealing, much of the scientific evidence and practices for combating the virus have not demonstrated they have worked. Instead of admitting they were incorrect, they have dug deeper into non-scientific narratives to keep the United States’ citizens in panic of dying from Coronavirus. They decided to quarantine the general public, not only isolating the infected but quarantining even the uninfected. This is the first time in the history of pandemics that the healthy population was treated the same as the highly vulnerable members.

These bureaucratic elites want to confiscate our rights, our belief in our constitution and freedom to make choices. They view citizens as their subjects that should be controlled in all aspects of their lives. These so-called “deplorables” should be taught by criminal punishment to follow the rules developed by the elites, not use their own knowledge and judgment. This arrogant attitude of elites is repulsive and perilous to our nation. The progressives have built a powerful bureaucracy in the majority of our institutions that they believe is their right to exercise.

Americans are realizing their progressive leaders are after the power to control every aspect of our lives. These politicians are loving exercising their “fascist power” to pick winners and losers. Somehow it makes them feel more like emperors rather than just government representatives following the will of the people. Slowly but steadily more citizens are peacefully protesting by making their own choices, which are better for them and their families. US small business owners are disgusted with the nonsensical government restrictions and are resisting by challenging their unconstitutional mandates. There has not been any looting and rioting in these protests against this unconstitutional usurpation of power, but the protestors have been described by the leftist media as being aggressive agitators.

However, when the BLM crowds sprung up in cities throughout the USA the large crowds were tagged as “mostly peaceful” demonstrations.  But our eyes witnessed destruction of businesses, burning, looting, violence towards others, confiscation of police stations and seizing and ripping down our national monuments to erase our proud history. These demonstrators were anything but peaceful in contrast to the “end the lockdown” protests. Also, concern over spreading the virus were muted during the BLM protests.

The radical experiment of the United States Constitution and Bill of Rights has demonstrated that the majority of citizen voices can keep us on a better course than any top down totalitarian governance. Capricious laws can intimidate people to follow them for a period of time. Although, in the long run, resentment towards repressive laws ignites the people to react. This repetitive cycle has been witnessed repeatedly in history and is now occurring in Hong Kong.  The Chinese leader, Xi, is brutally ending the necessary freedom of the advocates of a capitalist economy.

In the United States the Coronavirus epidemic, not a police action has been used by progressive governors and local state officials to employ rules and mandates to put fear in the hearts of law-abiding citizens. Progressives are not directly employing violent methods to establish compliance but subtle fear and using mob social disapproval as enforcement. They are playing with fire when they encourage mob rule. Many of the silent majority are standing up by spontaneous personal stances all over our country and are forcing many progressive governors and officials to retract their inexplicable restrictive decrees.

These civil peaceful statements show the average American citizen will not cower to progressive policies once they realize their leader’s underhanded intentions to bypass our constitution. New Jersey Governor Murray was asked whether his arbitrary edicts were constitutional as they restricted the freedoms of the people of his state. While smiling broadly, he glibly stated, “That is above my pay grade.” Even though as governor, he swore on the Bible to uphold our constitution. These arrogant elitist statements are no longer being overlooked as they are exposing these politicians’ true distain for our Constitutional Republic.

Americans of all political stripes should demand government officials abide by our constitutional law and quit playing “tin horn” dictator with law abiding citizens while acting like wimps with out-of-control anarchists and young naïve followers tagging along for excitement and a dangerous evening “happening.”

Patriotic Americans must continue to increase standing up for our way of life or we will lose it all.

Domenick Maglio, PhD. is a columnist carried by various newspapers, an author of several books and owner/director of Wider Horizons School, a college prep program. Dr. Maglio is an author of weekly newspaper articles, INVASION WITHIN  and a recent book entitled, IN CHARGE PARENTING In a PC World. You can see many of Dr. Maglio’s articles at

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Tuesday, June 16, 2020


By Domenick J. Maglio PhD. Traditional Realist

The pressure for parents and teachers of the United States is to develop high self-esteem in children is based on a false concept. Higher self-esteem of a person is supposed to transform them into a more receptive emotional state for learning. This is supposed to result in more effortless retention of information and increased ability to present themselves confidently in many situations. Early successes supposedly strengthen self-esteem throughout one’s life.

This psychological effect may be productive when the child is young. As a person matures, they run into other learning factors. When children meet hard or uninteresting subject matter, many of them begin to turn off, refusing to persevere until they conquer the material. This side effect leads to personal disinterest in particular areas which cause deficiencies in their learning process. They are confident in subjects of interest and ignore and avoid areas of learning that are more challenging to them. Eventually these subjects of little interest increase in complexity further causing the student to be turned off by the subject matter.

Everyone is aware of the youngster’s brightness as these children seem to show off their knowledge as often as they can. This behavior at times hinges on obnoxiousness but the message is clear, “I am definitely very intelligent.” Their strongest supporters are their parents. The single child parents have limited knowledge in comparing their youngster to other children, but they are defenders of their child’s reluctance to focus on the task at hand. They are excuse makers for the youngster’s avoidance behavior by pointing out their advanced knowledge in other areas.

These high false esteem students have greatly proliferated in our nation with the practice of “no winners or losers and everyone receives a trophy” philosophy. In schools grade inflation has become the panacea for helping students from seeing themselves as failures. By public schools giving all children a minimum of 40 points before they answer a single test question lowers the academic bar. It preserves their false self-esteem. This is a useless crutch that leads to more dependency on others to bail them out of a lackluster performance.

The emphasis on higher grades has placed great pressure on teachers meeting these unrealistic expectations of students and parents. Teachers are put between a rock and a hard place. If the teacher graded accurately on homework and tests the students, parents and administration would be irate. Lowering the grading standards is the easiest way to survive in the public-school system. This encourages sloppy and incorrect procedures to be overlooked. The word gets around giving the teacher the reputation as an easy mark. Since the teachers have little backing from their administration, they capitulate their professional and personal integrity. The teacher embellishes their student’s evaluations upgrading every aspect of it.

Teachers have to placate everyone in the system to maintain good standing. These short-term solutions to everyday practices force teachers to lose their souls. This forces the teacher down a path of dishonesty. There is no personal gratification in a professional position that is not in the interest of the client/student. A teacher giving inflated grades becomes a mercenary not an inspirational role model to assist the student to be a well-prepared future success. High salaries and benefits with no personal gratification of witnessing students learning how to learn is not sufficient compensation for not doing what is right. It cheapens the teacher in the process.

By many teachers not giving their full effort to help students learn how to conquer their disinterest and retain necessary information they are hurting their academic success. Deep down teachers know that sloppy and shoddy work by the students does not deserve positive recognition with high grades. It only reinforces the students’ negative practices and produces inadequacy.

These inadequate and unethical practices to appease the bureaucratic school system is not limited to teaching. It is seen in all professions: law, medicine, business, government. Yet, it does not give teachers a valid justification to accept these derelictions of their duty for these students are our nation’s future.

There are conscientious teachers in public schools who do go against the grain of bureaucratic red tape. They are exceptions to the rule. They do deserve and receive their financial compensation but most importantly they regularly taste the personal gratification of knowing their mission of teaching youngsters is a success. Almost every day they witness the positive growth of their students.

The bureaucratic system feels the pay and benefits are enough, but the teachers do not without a meaningful, fulfilling and therefore rewarding career. Most public-school teachers no longer are allowed to positively change a youngster’s life because the bureaucratic system has crushed their ability and enthusiasm to be a good teacher. Teachers whose goal is to help children are often pushed out by the bureaucratic system.

Domenick Maglio, PhD. is a columnist carried by various newspapers, an author of several books and owner/director of Wider Horizons School, a college prep program. Dr. Maglio is an author of weekly newspaper articles, INVASION WITHIN  and a recent book entitled, IN CHARGE PARENTING In a PC World. You can see many of Dr. Maglio’s articles at

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Tuesday, June 09, 2020


By Domenick J. Maglio, PhD. Traditional Realist

Many of the peaceful demonstrations to honor the death of George Floyd at times turned into riots of looting and destruction. Most of the demonstrators probably had no intention to turn the peaceful marches into an orgy of violence, although anarchists did, and the rest were caught up in the moment. Over a four night “peaceful” demonstration in NYC, 300 policemen were injured.

Dismantling institutions such as the police which have been established for centuries to assist citizens’ need for safety is an insane response to control violence. Most groups have rotten apples. We do not throw out all the fruit but select the defective ones to discard and eat the healthy ones. We need an honest assessment of police department methods and personnel.  Expecting criminals to change into law-abiding citizens is ludicrous.

To eliminate by dismantling an institution is stupidity without a plan to replace it. In a civilized society there are many organizations made up of members whose responsibility is to serve and assist people of the community.  People are imperfect and at times make horrific decisions. There are clergy, teachers and psychologists who sexually or physically abuse their parishioners, students or clients. There are executives who exploit their employees and cheat their customers. There are politicians who use their power to keep and increase their position by robbing, lying, cheating and even killing those who are a threat to their positions.  We cannot dismantle all of these institutions merely because there are evil people in them.  They are the foundation of our civilization.

If anarchists can incite the elimination of the police, they will agitate for other institutions to disappear. It will encourage other domestic groups to assert themselves taking the levers of power in a coup. Outside nations will be enticed to invade our weakened nation conquering our former Constitutional Republic. Both internal and external forces would attempt to form a centrally controlled government that will have no constitution or Bill of Rights to restrict them from massacring any opposition.

Historically, like it or not, peaceful stability on all fronts is not an easy objective to maintain. The United States has been able to do it for almost four centuries. There have been many crises to overcome, wars, depression, epidemics and many insurrections, not to mention a Civil War over a moral issue of slavery in which over 620,000 soldiers died, As a nation, we have overcome all of these challenges.

The reason we have overcome these obstacles is the pragmatic US citizens that realistically place representatives into office. They logically assess the problem with open debate, get behind the most reasonable solutions and do not throw out the “baby with the bath water.” They are problem solvers that find practical solutions.
The current issue with this absurd dismantling of local police is caused by an emotional reaction to an endemic human shortcoming: the imperfection of men.
This can never be eliminated but only be recognized and punished by our due process to cleanse the institutions. 

The people demonstrating and rioting are not an accurate representation of our nation.  Many are young college age students with a sprinkling of aged hippie activists, Antifa members and other radical activists.  Many were educated in schools and universities that indoctrinated them with social change, victimization, white privilege, white supremacy, anti-capitalism and a distorted negative view of our history.

Political correctness, social justice and change agendas ignited these naïve students to turn a blind eye to the out-of-control destruction of private property and assaults on police. A 75-year-old political activist moved towards a marching squadron of emergency response team as they worked to clear the area following orders. Fifty-seven officers resigned from the Buffalo emergency response team in protest for their two members who followed orders and were suspended. In this crisis situation anyone who chooses to physically confront a squadron of officers moving forward should not be viewed as a victim but as a political agitator seeking notoriety.

The most significant ingredient for maintaining these demonstrations/riots were the biased US media. Their highlighting blatant lies and one-sided reporting fans the flames for greater resentment and hatred. Without the media’s despicable glorification of all participants including violent rioters the riots would have expired through a lack of fuel.

All Americans need to realistically work together in a positive way to improve our country. The United States will never be a utopian paradise as this is not possible in a nation of powerful self-serving, dishonest and evil people. The USA is the greatest nation on earth. Our forefathers understood the limitations of humans and protected citizens with the Bill of Rights and our Constitutional Republic.

The United States is the freest nation in the world since we encourage competition and opportunity for everyone. We comprehend the importance of compromise through open debate with economic and political stability by maintaining a middle course, not hastily going from one extreme to another.

Dismantling of the police is a recipe for an insurrection in our nation that could easily spread throughout the world.

Domenick Maglio, PhD. is a columnist carried by various newspapers, an author of several books and owner/director of Wider Horizons School, a college prep program. Dr. Maglio is an author of weekly newspaper articles, INVASION WITHIN and a recent book entitled, IN CHARGE PARENTING In a PC World. You can see many of Dr. Maglio’s articles at

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Tuesday, June 02, 2020


By Domenick J. Maglio PhD. Traditional Realist

The apparent killing of George Floyd by a Minneapolis police officer was hideous to watch. It broke the heart of anyone who heard his plea. Initially the police officer was not arrested, which was suspicious, although all citizens are innocent until proven guilty. Nevertheless, he and three other officers have a lot of explaining to do. This was an offense against all humanity.

The next day there were supposedly “peaceful” demonstrations in Minneapolis, which were not so peaceful. Each successive night other cities joined in the looting and brutal violence towards the police. There was little to no eulogizing of Floyd. It turned out to be another excuse for rampant destruction of private property, government property, violence, looting and chaos.

Mayor Frey of Minneapolis and Mayor DeBlasio of NYC and a host of other permissive politicians prolonged and increased the violence by their patronizing view of the rioters. “Buildings can be replaced,” “take a light touch,” and “give them space” were uttered by permissive politicians. This was done to restrain the officers from establishing their authority. There were lines drawn by the police and crossed by the rioters without any arrests. A Minneapolis police station was abandoned by the mayor’s call and was allowed to burn to the ground. Police cars and officers were attacked without significant arrests. Many of the rioters were identified as being from out-of-state and many were identified as Antifa members. Appeasement is never a good way to gain control, enforcement of the law is.  

In this convoluted Coronavirus period progressive politicians are acting like fascists continuing to proclaim unconstitutional edicts. They commanded us not to open our businesses, not to attend church, require social distancing rules that prohibit our going to beaches and parks. The riots put an immediate end to the Covid-19 epidemic.  In the midst of the lawlessness these leaders who have constitutional power to end the chaos have transformed from dictators to condoning wimps. Yet, when these gestapo leaders had the responsibility to take charge and use their rightful power to end the riots they were nowhere to be found.

Large urban centers were demolished by Antifa tactics costing millions in property damage, dislodging families and unnecessary loss of life. The cowardly officials put their fingers in the air to see which way the wind was blowing. They were far away from the mob bullets, fires and looting consuming their communities. They did nothing to quell the rioting mob, not showing a shred of courage. Rather, their non statements gave license for the out-of-control rioters to greater heights of destruction of law-abiding citizen’s businesses and property. Ruining the cities, businesses and people’s lives is an evil way to regain political power.

The 2020 riots will be added to a long list of destructive riots that did nothing to enlighten citizens to the most meaningful way to deal with police abuse. The Floyd incident was an unnecessary execution of a human being. Why did the other officers not stop it? What should eye-witnesses do in situations like this? How many police abuse their power with other groups of people resulting in false imprisonment or death? Are there mandates that civil officials, including mayors, should have enforced to reestablish and keep order? There should be a comprehensive investigation of this mismanaged fiasco to prevent it happening again in the future.

No human being: rich, poor, light skinned or dark, Hispanic, Irish or any heritage, should have been treated this way.  There are many incidents in the United States of 3.2 million people where some have been severely mistreated or killed by prosecutors, clergy, police, judges, or politicians that have stripped them of their human protections and rights by their lies and evil acts. These evil doers should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. “Dirty” authority figures should be condemned for disgracing the faith the community bestowed on them and the irreparable harm to the victims.

People of authority cannot make up their own justice. They must follow the laws to let the legal system determine the outcome. No one has the right to be judge, jury and executioner. Injustice is not brown, white, or black. It must be equal justice for all humanity under the law.

George Floyd’s murder inspired many good people to march for justice. Like many previous spontaneous “protests” this one turned into an opportunity for recreational “get-back” by looting and destruction. These events are hijacked by terrorists, in this case Antifa, sponsored by George Soros’s organization, money and power. Their aim is to create domestic chaos to bring our country to its knees.

Antifa operatives in this and other incidents have been identified. It is time to arrest and charge them with domestic terrorism. Incarceration as terrorists is a necessary way to prevent reoccurring attacks on our nation.

Antifa can no longer hide behind supposedly peaceful demonstrations to terrorize America.

Domenick Maglio, PhD. is a columnist carried by various newspapers, an author of several books and owner/director of Wider Horizons School, a college prep program. Dr. Maglio is an author of weekly newspaper articles, INVASION WITHIN  and a recent book entitled, IN CHARGE PARENTING In a PC World. You can see many of Dr. Maglio’s articles at

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