By Domenick J. Maglio PhD. Traditional Realist
There is an evident dichotomy between foreigners worldwide who would do almost anything to enter the United States and many progressive politicians, millennials and old hippie activists who would do almost anything to tear it asunder. The foreigners and traditional Americans view the opportunity, prosperity and liberty while the so-called urban intellectuals and the poor welfare dependent minorities have been indoctrinated to see only racism, sexism and disparity. These two contrary views of America have ignited a cultural revolution.
Most youngsters in our government schools have spent limited time on learning the 3Rs but plenty of time on what is wrong with America. Our schools’ socialist/ communist educators and Marxist leaning media have reinforced this negative message of America. Many of the minority, middle and upper class students have received limited if any civics, history or cultural knowledge but generous doses of anti American propaganda. The results are predictable, as the youths age, they become recruits for the anti-American mob.
The academic skill tests on a domestic and international ranking show the U.S. at best in the middle to lower end of other nation’s academic levels. When socio economic factors are considered, lower class minorities possess such limited skills in reading and math to be too illiterate to self-teach or be employable after schooling. Many of these students without academic abilities to advance use racism as an excuse for their lack of motivation to work hard to benefit their future life.
The frustration for not succeeding has resulted in demanding the government change the rules of the game to provide for their personal interest. This often leads to frustration and anger leading to dropping out while others employ crime, looting and destruction to get immediate peer standing.
The tactics of this planned cultural revolution episode has come out of the old Marxist handbook. The horrendous death of George Floyd was a grave injustice that finally united and ignited this mob phenomenon after many other attempts. Many different factions: feminist, black, millennial slackers joined other in riots in significantly progressive Democrat centers. Many politicians throughout our bureaucratic government encouraged these so-called “peaceful demonstrations.” The purpose of this was to undermine President Trump’s presidency as well as show disrespect for law enforcement and our laws.
Even the progressive infiltrated military establishment recently pronounced that our country was founded on peaceful protests against the oppressive British empire. The problem with this analogy is these violent, rioters are not against an oppressive outside national power but perform indiscriminate attacks on innocent business owners, policemen and the national guard who are attempting to keep law and order.
Many of the top military brass who were elevated under the Obama administration arrogantly countermanded the Commander-In-Chief, President Trump. They announced that these out-of-control violent crowds should be equated with the colonists’ revolution against British brutal oppression. This sentiment undercuts the president of the United States’ right and responsibility to maintain law and order to stop destruction and chaos in our country. It was a direct threat to the president’s power on the edge of being a coup.
The colonists’ protests turned into a deadly five-year war of liberation while these 2020 ignorant protests against the freest country on Earth are based on Marxist utopian ideals. These unattainable ideals will never be reached as they are contrary to human nature. The attempt to equate the heroic American Revolution for liberty to the juvenile antics of Marxist sympathizers, street thugs and rejected intellectuals is despicable.
A progressive presidential election victory in 2020 will force the progressive’s consolidating of their power to establish a Marxist government. It will mean doubling down in Marxist re-education of our youth and glorifying the media brainwashing to control the masses of people. The BLM would be folded into a Marxist takeover.
In stark contrast, a President Trump victory in 2020 will give the nation an opportunity to make changes. This could allow the violence and chaos to be put to rest. A victory by President Trump is crucial for the opportunity to alter our entire education system from the lower grades to postgraduate programs. Our local and federal enforcement agencies hopefully would be encouraged again to be given protection by a viable review process to punish rogue cops while protecting the public as well as honorable police officers.
Marxist demonstrators need to know they do not have community support. Mob rule that destroys everything in front of it is never the way to achieve justice. Only by everyone giving their best effort, by people being promoted through merit, and having absolute due process for all will the nation reestablish law and order.
The supporting of removing law and order in our society is treason.
Domenick Maglio, PhD. is a columnist carried by various newspapers, an author of several books and owner/director of Wider Horizons School, a college prep program. Dr. Maglio is an author of weekly newspaper articles, INVASION WITHIN and a recent book entitled, IN CHARGE PARENTING In a PC World. You can see many of Dr. Maglio’s articles at www.drmaglioblogspot.com.