By Domenick J. Maglio, PhD. Traditional Realist
The United States is noted throughout the world for the ability of its citizens to speak their minds. Our sacred first Amendment gives us the right to speak freely. However, according to the latest polls, 62% of citizens do not feel comfortable to express their opinions honestly while 38% do.
I will tell you what I believe is happening in this period of social unrest. I cannot vow I am correct, but it is my honest opinion. This might generate a debate which is a wonderful method of developing pragmatic answers to again stabilize our nation.
We are in the middle of a revolution. First came an attempt at a political coup which was planned and executed at the end of the Obama administration. The FBI, federal intelligence agencies and the progressive elite politicians concocted a narrative that the Russians colluded with the Trump campaign starting in 2016. Most progressive politicians and the media still deny the reality that Donald Trump won the presidential election.
The Coronavirus epidemic was turned into a Trump debacle even though it started in China. Remember Rahm Emanuel’s famous quote, “Never let a crisis go to waste.” First this crisis was considered by the progressive elites as a “nothing burger.” Then the progressives went berserk when President Trump placed a moratorium on travel to the USA from China and Europe. Progressives said he was xenophobic even though he significantly mitigated the spread of the virus. Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi, started to call the Coronavirus the “Trump Virus.”
Dr. Fauci’s definitive statements about how to control Covid-19 constantly was a moving target. Initially face masks were not effective. Then he became a supporter of wearing them. He talked about lowering the curve of hospitalizations by social distancing, which happened. Currently the rising number of people who are testing positive but asymptomatic are being employed to frighten people into remaining in lock-down although sufficient hospital beds are available. Dr. Fauci, like most political elites, never mentioned the impact of packed mobs not following any of the recommended social distancing protocols at “Black Lives Matter” Protests. The so-called “scientific” contradictions are infuriating to logical thinking Americans.
The next crisis was triggered by the hideous death of George Floyd at the hands of a rogue policeman. The response to this murder was initially united and peaceful. The Marxist-Antifa elements changed it from a memorial to Mr. Floyd into mob violence. Later it was revealed that the three founding female members of Black Lives Matter were self-proclaimed Marxists with a clear agenda. Interestingly the “Chaos Vulture”, George Soros and large PC global corporations contributed over $1.5 billion to BLM even though the behavior changed from protest to predictable mob violence. Portland has had 61 nights of intensive, terrifying havoc but it is still being called “peaceful.” Nadler said on July 26th that the riots “were a myth being spread only in Washington, D.C.” Unfortunately, few media outlets are even reporting on the continued riots as it does not fit their agenda. Mob members are not protestors, they are violent, committing criminal acts.
Out-of-control riots in democrat-controlled cities are spreading like wildfire exploding into violent chaos destroying businesses, homes, police stations, historical statues, indiscriminately murdering innocent babies, children and adults. President Trump asked local and state, democrat leaders if they needed federal help, which they refused. A new storyline was promoted that President Trump was employing dictatorial powers to quell this “peaceful” protest.
The progressive elites have taken evil tactics from the pages of the Marxist handbook. The progressive media has presented distortions and outright lies as unrefutable facts. It is up to every loving American to listen, speak and tell others regardless of their political stripe what we honestly think. This would allow them to see another point of view, enabling them to see what is real.
The only way we can keep our freedom is for the silent majority to speak up. We cannot accept the strangulation of our speech by political correctness or the cancel culture. These Marxist tactics are used to create group think. Our First Amendment right should not be personally censored by the fear of retribution by one’s employer, boycott of business, being censored on social media or by family and friends for being a traditional American patriot. The president of Goya Foods and many others are beginning to lead the way to smother this Marxist probe into a takeover of America. We need to speak our minds.
There are less than 100 days remaining until the 2020 election, which should frighten every patriotic American. We are at a crossroads to choose a Marxist type of government or fight for our liberty.
Speak bravely, nullifying the progressive Marxist tactics: preserve America.
Domenick Maglio, PhD. is a columnist carried by various newspapers, an author of several books and owner/director of Wider Horizons School, a college prep program. Dr. Maglio is an author of weekly newspaper articles, INVASION WITHIN and a recent book entitled, IN CHARGE PARENTING In a PC World. You can see many of Dr. Maglio’s articles at