Articles are available for reprint as long as the author is acknowledged: Domenick J. Maglio Ph.D.

Tuesday, July 20, 2021



By Domenick J. Maglio PhD. Traditional Realist


In this time of political upheaval having a small business in the United States is like being a patriotic teacher in a public school. Each has a target on their back as they are both impediments to the reset towards the new world global government. They believe in the greatness of America and appreciate their opportunity to start something small that could grow into something wonderful.


Both dedicated American teachers and small businesspeople are being squeezed out of their careers. The world is transforming from individual initiative to a global government that controls all decisions for the entire world. The League of Nations, the United Nations and the European Union were attempts to establish a global government to better control the world’s people. One World Government would eliminate any power or voice of the individual. It certainly would terminate any citizen’s rights found in the Bill of Rights including free speech and the right to own a gun. 


One global government by definition would end all other governments in the world. The cultural historical perspective found in other nations would be diluted by the omnipotent leaders of the only government on earth. The concerns of the individual vanish. Any opposition to world order would be vanquished including the millions of reactionaries for the sake of unity.

The one-world government has already shown its footprint. National leaders have signed onto a world without borders with global trade agreements, mega corporations, and cooperative, international military training. The shadow global government is already in place. The only obstacle to a one world government is the USA.


America has been the unchallenged leader of the free world since WWII. A direct military attack on the US would result in the annihilation of a large part of the earth. The Marxist Frankfort school in Germany developed a detailed plan to collapse a nation from within. Taking down the institutional pillars and moral culture would collapse the US. 


This invasion within has been taking place for many generations. Our public-school systems’ quality has deteriorated from the world’s best to a place where students do not learn basic skills such as grammar, history, civics, or critical thinking but are indoctrinated with Critical Race Theory, White Supremacy is the root of all evil and anti-American propaganda. 


Television and Hollywood have undermined our traditional values that we watch from our favorite chair. Shows like Archie Bunker’s, “All in the Family,” 90210, “Sex in the City,” “Colbert,” “Friends,” reality television and so on ridiculed our parents’ lifestyle as boring, antiquated and wasted lives. Hollywood movies advocated sex, drugs and violence as the answer to the dull, non glamourous work ethic generation. 


The prosperity and stability of the 1950s was replaced by the chaotic, hedonistic violence of succeeding generations. The omnipresent media replaced the idea of freedom and opportunity with direct government intervention to create a society with no discrimination, prejudice or income inequality. In other words, a Marxist utopian society without law and order that has never worked.


Even our military and police have been transformed from protectors of citizens to another government social change agency. All federal government departments are circumventing internal checks and balances, which maintain individual civil rights. The executive branch answers directly to the president and is no longer following the constitutional restraints placed on them. The other two branches of government, the legislative and judiciary have become instruments of the Marxist executive branch to justify their policies. 


These are shocking and disturbing indictments of the US. Yet, our borders are open even though the citizenry overwhelmingly rejects this policy and congress has never voted to approve it.  The defunding of the police in our cities is dividing us even as the killing of innocent minority people increases daily. Supporting Marxist propaganda in our schools and literally ignoring our free speech right by President Biden’s edict to social media censoring any speech that is contrary to administration policy. 


Citizens having a voice in our constitutional government has been muffled. We are heading down a road toward fascism by the political elites, mega corporations, mass media advocates, our government educational system, the military and our bureaucratic agencies. President Biden’s policy decisions are aligning with other nations that are advancing a global government. 


There are many Americans who do not want to notice what the Biden administration is advancing. The sacred principles of our constitution are being ignored or attacked at a rapid-fire pace. 


US citizens have to stop being “podsnappery.” This Victorian word sums up what many citizens have become. “Willful ignorance from someone who refuses what does not align with their personal views.” These “woke” people have to wake up before the US becomes another Venezuela. United, courageous citizens speaking truth to power can turn the tide and preserve our rights and freedoms.


Domenick Maglio, PhD. is a columnist carried by various newspapers and blogs, an author of several books and owner/director of Wider Horizons School, a college prep program. Dr. Maglio is an author of weekly newspaper articles, INVASION WITHIN  and a recent book entitled, IN CHARGE PARENTING In a PC World. You can see many of Dr. Maglio’s articles at














Tuesday, July 13, 2021



By Domenick J. Maglio Ph.D. Traditional Realist



Life is unpredictable. Physical and mental health can change like the weather. We go through periods of splendid health and then have an accident or an illness or even a debilitating disease. No matter how healthy or lucky an individual is, everyone has phases of emotional and physical highs and lows. No one remains on an even keel for their entire life. We all have to “roll with the punches” until we can regain our equilibrium to make necessary adjustments in our lives.


Every time we drive, we are putting ourselves in potential danger of an accident. Most adults do drive although there is a small segment of the people who are too afraid to get behind the wheel. There are some who do not leave their homes due to fear of germs. Life is full of potential dangers that cause people to do strange things to create a false sense of security.


Some of us sacrifice freedom for security while others fight to preserve freedom over illusionary security. The Corona-virus epidemic has convinced many to “follow the science” instead of retaining their individual freedom. But rather than “science” we received contradictory official edicts. Fear of the epidemic became the guiding force of decision making for too many people. These people discard their freedoms for commands given by arrogant elites. “Don’t wear masks, wear masks, stay 6 feet apart, don’t stay apart and a host of other demands.” These confusing directives created more fear in some people.


This decision of who to follow, the authorities or one’s own mind has been a dilemma throughout the ages. Historically leaders usually dictate to their underlings what they should do, often leaving little personal choice. The Constitution of the United States was the first to devise a system that would ensure individual freedom. The founders believed that individuals’ collective decisions were a better means of making political and economic decisions. These wise men rejected the historical top-down approach. 


During the period of the Enlightenment Period, Adam Smith’s book, The Wealth of Nations, greatly influenced the leaders of the US revolution. These wisemen learned that the freedom of choice of moral individuals leads to justice and lawfulness. These freedoms encouraged all colonists to do things they never thought they could do, even becoming self-made men. They concluded that a free-market economy would encourage competition that would usher in prosperity. They were right.


Whenever citizens allow their freedom to be diminished by corrupt political leaders, inevitably they are entering the world of oppression. At this particular juncture, anyone who goes against the government will be punished by losing freedoms or even their life for expressing any contrary ideas. Ultimately, if this government policy continues, individual’s liberty will be squashed and replaced by more government edicts concerning all aspects of life. 


During the recent epidemic and many other crises like war and natural disasters, personal freedoms are sometimes exploited by evil, powerful authorities. As elite politicians say, “never let a crisis go to waste.”  Almost any national incident is being blown out of proportion to create a crisis, which increases fear and the loss of freedom.


The freest nation in the world, the USA, is on a crossroad. We either want the right to make our own choices through our representatives or we will have all of our choices decided by power hungry dictatorial politicians as seen during the Covid shutdown. The answer is in the hands of the US citizens. Our voices have to be united behind our freedoms, not our fears.


These narratives of pending disaster are not speculative, it is happening with greater frequency. In the US we are currently hearing about many government plans to control the temperature in our homes, the speed we can drive and the type of vehicle, food we can eat, the moral values and history we must believe, as well as the ownership of weapons. Our Bill of Rights and our Constitutional Republic are being dismantled in front of us. Even the choice of which pharmaceutical drugs or other methods you must use to heal your body is being mandated by the government.


This July 4th, 2021, our sacred United States freedoms have existed for 245 years. Every one of the freedoms in our Constitutional Republic is under attack. Either we stand up against this tyranny at this critical moment or we will become just another “has been” oppressed nation.


The difference between big government deception that creates false security or constitutional protection of individual freedom is being tested and determined. Silence will not be a vote for security, it will be a vote for losing everything we cherish.


Either US citizens speak out with a united voice preserving our hard-fought liberties or we will be existing in a dehumanized Orwellian world.



Domenick Maglio, PhD. is a columnist carried by various newspapers and blogs, an author of several books and owner/director of Wider Horizons School, a college prep program. Dr. Maglio is an author of weekly newspaper articles, INVASION WITHIN  and a recent book entitled, IN CHARGE PARENTING In a PC World. You can see many of Dr. Maglio’s articles at








Tuesday, July 06, 2021



By Domenick J. Maglio, PhD. Traditional Realist


All Americans from all racial, ethnic and religious affiliations need to stand up for our rights and freedoms. It is obvious that the legacy media are politically Marxist advocates who are not non-partisan reporters that shape public opinion. The social media and legacy media are propaganda tools censoring, repeating false leftist narratives and disinformation to advance the destruction of our nation. 


Our nation is under attack from within by corporations who want to be part of a global economy. Nike, Coca-Cola, Microsoft, Twitter and a host of other corporations want the Chinese market for selling their goods and are willing to back anything China does or says. Our political progressives want our constitution ripped to shreds to usher in a more elite, top-down government. This would increase elites’ influence and status to near gods. 


Government teachers and their labor unions have been sufficiently indoctrinated to follow the money and promotions by teaching Marxist theories with hardly a whimper. Unbelievably, the National Educators Association (NEA) members have voted to set aside funds to attack anyone who opposes the teaching of CRT (Critical Race Theory) in school. CRT is based on the idea that anytime black people do not do as well as white people it is due to oppression and all other factors are ignored. The education establishment has outrageously stopped teaching history in our schools. The woke students tearing down statues never learned to appreciate the historical significance of these heroes to our nation.


Every day on the internet we hear new terms that show how our horrible constitutional republic is exploitive and racist. The concepts: “white rage,” Critical Race Theory,” White supremacy, equity, and social justice are thrown around but undefined. These concepts are taught in our government schools. These terms were often created by Black Studies professors to gain our attention and create “white guilt” and are repeated by the media. The use of stacking Marxist experts in the media to alter our thinking and values paints a negative image in some American’s minds. These false racial claims and disproportionate consequences cause many citizens to clam-up instead of speak-up. This is a major objective of the psychological operations (psy-ops) campaigns to intimidate citizens from expressing their true ideas and feelings. Without an open discussion, there can be no meeting of the minds. The reality of suppressing discussion to a minimum is the plan. 


The lack of a definition of these terms helps to minimize any reaction and undermines our beliefsYou can’t argue with a nebulous ghost of an idea. Most shockingly, these terms are not being spelled out to eliminate any rational discussion. This is an unsubstantiated indictment of a majority of Americans although it is constantly repeated by progressives as a fact. Deceptive fact checking and censorship keep the truth from surfacing but reassure woke people that the lies in the media are real. Nazi propagandist, Goebel’s, used this method of brainwashing: repeating a lie often enough that it becomes a fact. 


Many citizens are not reacting like past patriots did but are being silent, which leads to intimidation. We need to start by “speaking to the choir” to encourage each other. We need to attend local government and school board meetings to help others to know they are not alone in what they see. We need not to shy away from woke people but show them the true side of what they are witnessing.


We are in the political majority in our nation although social and legacy media narratives make it appear otherwise. This is another facet of psychological warfare. This cultural civil war that began in the early 1960s was led by many arrogant, rich students who are now the heads of corporations, government agencies, military and legacy media but are still fighting to overthrow our republic. 


Many people from all over the world are fighting to come to America. They appreciate our great constitutional republic. These people understand if we surrender there will be no beacon of freedom shining on earth. We need to focus on keeping our freedom and not surrender to deception, lies and our own fears.


A truthful discussion with “woke” people will enlighten many who have never learned that slavery has existed throughout the world and is very much alive today. Historical ignorance allows for acceptance of total misinformation. Only by having the courage to express oneself with “woke” militant people and show them Marxist theories have not born fruit in other nations such as Cuba, Hungary, Yugoslavia, Venezuela, China, Soviet Union, Cambodia, and Poland can we begin an educated dialogue, which can effect change.


The pro American population has the truth on its side. As a people we have created the freest and most prosperous nation imaginable. We have history on our side. Misrepresentation and outright lies should be challenged. It is the only way to defeat indoctrination and oppression.


Open and honest discussion is the best remedy for limiting the impact of pervasive psy-ops’, perverse propaganda.



Domenick Maglio, PhD. is a columnist carried by various newspapers and blogs, an author of several books and owner/director of Wider Horizons School, a college prep program. Dr. Maglio is an author of weekly newspaper articles, INVASION WITHIN  and a recent book entitled, IN CHARGE PARENTING In a PC World. You can see many of Dr. Maglio’s articles at