Articles are available for reprint as long as the author is acknowledged: Domenick J. Maglio Ph.D.

Tuesday, May 31, 2022




By Domenick J. Maglio, PhD. Traditional Realist


The ever-increasing senseless slaughter of innocent people is being blamed on anything and everything. Any anti-psychotic medication, the family breakup, sexual confusion, dysfunctional schools, global warming, social media, pandemic, electronics obsession, white racism, the criminal justice system, anxiety, depression, and most commonly: guns.


The absurd gun argument is the easiest to refute since more people are killed by hammers than by rifles. Besides fentanyl, reckless driving, viruses, and pharmaceutical drugs kill an incredible number of victims.  Are people supposed to stay in a totally enclosed safe place to protect themselves. Parents are raising snowflakes and becoming one themselves. Many citizens are lacking courage in their own lives to confront and solve their problems since they resent the hand they have been dealt. 


The history of a person’s lifestyle cannot be isolated and determined to be the sole cause of their death or of others. There have been many self-destructive as well as sociopathic people who have been saved by not continuing anti-social or psychotic thoughts and actions. Some individuals have been honest enough to look at their own lifestyles and alter them to get better results. Others have someone point out significant errors in their thinking and/or behavior. Probably the most effective interaction to prevent insane acts is when an authority figure puts their foot down to punish the out-of-control person. This takes courage and honesty. 


In the past loved ones, parents or other significant figures in the child’s life had the obligation and responsibility of parenting. In our modern world of parents being “buddies” with their children, and both parents working, punishment has become practically non-existent. Children are being left to living in their social media world with deviant concepts being implanted in their brains. This frightening immoral indoctrination process is occurring 24/7.  


We are not holding adults accountable. Our national legal system is releasing serial criminals with many arrests and convictions back on the street without bail. Obviously, they continue their often-brutal acts while the district attorneys receive positive recognition from the media for establishing political anarchy by releasing these criminals back on the street. Not only are these officials’ cowards for not performing their duties to protect the public, but are dishonest pimps for corrupt politicians. Los Angeles District Attorney, George Gascon, financed by George Soros, is an example of a soft on crime policy that has put many convicted criminals back on the street.


The government education system is a pathetic indoctrinating warehouse for children. School is usually no help in guiding children in the right direction. Any teacher who stands up to bizarre or anti-social behaviors by students especially if it is violent or sexually related will be demoted or dismissed for their traditional value system. Deviant sexual acts are being taught in some government schools. These deviant acts are socially destructive and have been exposed by parents to be anti-American indoctrination. Parents are learning that our history, heroes, and our great institutions are twisted to be presented to your youngsters are horrible, racist, mean-spirited founders of our nation are being replaced by Marxist woke concepts.


In Uvalde, Texas, a small community where most everyone knew each other.  Some police not only knew the students in the school but their children attended the school. All of the officers were ordered to stand down while panicked parents wanted to enter the building. They chose to follow the local decisions to “stand down” rather than to follow their human instincts to save the innocent children. A mother did climb a fence and rescued her two children during the 45-minute police standing down. 


The Texas Department of Public Safety head, Steven McCraw, admitted the active shooter in Uvalde, Texas should have been confronted immediately. “With the benefit of hindsight, from where I’m sitting now, of course it was not the right decision. It was the wrong decision, period,” McCraw said. The officers and some parents will have to live with their decisions to follow the police instructions while these children were being traumatized and murdered. 


It is much easier to go with the flow, however it is not always the best policy. When we close our eyes to wrong, destructive behavior it will eventually bite us or someone. 


In our culture most people do not want to be the bad “no” guy. However, when moral people courageously standup they will not be popular but are teaching preventative moral lessons. These lessons repress evil, violence, and establish law and order in our homes, communities, and nation. Being morally honest to a lying con-artist is a noble, moral act. It is a moral counter to accepting violence and deception as inevitable. Let us do our moral duty to speak truth to the immorally powerful.


 Domenick Maglio, PhD. is a columnist carried by various newspapers and blogs, an author of several books and owner/director of Wider Horizons School, a college prep program. Dr. Maglio is an author of weekly newspaper articles, INVASION WITHIN  and the latest book entitled, IN CHARGE PARENTING In a PC World. You can see many of Dr. Maglio’s articles at











Tuesday, May 24, 2022



By Domenick J. Maglio PhD. Traditional Realist


Modern childrearing is focusing on ensuring the happiness of children from infancy to exiting the parent’s home as an independent person. Through the school years the child should be blissful. It is the responsibility of the parents to supply objects, positive experiences and most importantly the parent to have a bubbly, upbeat personality for the child to prosper. The modern childrearing message to today’s parents is that their duty is to create a happy environment which will ensure their child’s ability to succeed.


Today’s modern parents do everything to put their child in a positive mood. This includes trips to Disney World or Sea world, extravagant birthday parties and providing opportunities for their child to play with their friends. If the child demands anything, it is the parent’s responsibility to provide it. Even if the child has not earned it, especially when other respected adults are involved. The child must be appeased at all costs.


Parents have even resorted to getting down to the child’s level by becoming “buddies” to ease the child’s natural fear of grown males. It places the child and his father on the same level. This is a quantum shift for the father and mother to become part time playmates for the child, especially in single child families.


This shift in the parental roles away from preparing the child to become a future adult has altered our culture.  Many of the parents are consumed with ensuring their child’s happiness while living in their home. The emphasis on preparing the child to be a successful and independent adult is now an outdated concept. Most parents are working and have very little time or energy to dedicate to the mundane issues of children.


The history of ancient times is often accurately found in the Bible. The focus was not about a parent providing a cheerful environment, instead, the Bible emphasizes the parents’ responsibility to ingrain discipline in a child. Learning right from wrong was a major emphasis helping them arrive at the path of virtue. Too many children are left on their own to deal with interpersonal issues since the parents have their own issues to deal with. A child raising himself is a recipe for disaster.


Proverb 29:17, “Discipline your child and they will give you peace of mind and make your heart glad.” 

Proverb 19-18, “Train a child the way he should go even if he is old, he will not depart from it.”

Proverb 29-15, “The rod and reproof give wisdom, but a child left to himself brings shame to his mother.”


These Biblical proverbs are not about the emotional state of the child. It is not about the happiness of the child but training them to learn the work ethic and wisdom to live a strong, free, moral life. Keeping a child on the straight and narrow limits their exposure to events that could seduce them into performing harmful or destructive acts to self or others. 


Our modern parenting is absolutely missing the point. It is not about raising a self-absorbed, reckless individual, but a mature adult who makes selfless, beneficial choices for themselves and others. The parent should require the child to learn to make the best decisions they can make. 


Parents should not be afraid of shattering a child’s phony world of false esteem.  Modern adults should not shield and protect their child from overcoming challenging times but show them how they can overcome the harsh realities of life. Encouraging our children to feel they have the mental toughness to face difficult situations is a wonderful gift to give.


Proverb 13:24, “Whoever spares the rod hates his son, but who loves him is diligent to discipline him.” 


Modern parents should stop listening to progressive, “brat enhancing parenting.” This rarely bears good fruit. Our children should be taught that overcoming their mistakes is a great learning opportunity.  It is necessary to give the child an important early lesson that “mistakes are our friend.” They show us what not to do allowing us to make better choices.


All modern parents should stop feeling sorry for their children when they punish them. 

Proverb 23:13, “Do not withhold discipline from a child: if you strike him with a rod, he will not die.” 


Modern parents should realize that life is unpredictable and often difficult when raising a child in a bubble of bliss. This approach is short sighted and mean leaving one’s child without the ability and knowledge to become a mature doer.


Remember Big Government’s promises of utopia are a mirage. Parents’ function is to prepare children to think and have the strength to do whatever is necessary to live the best life in whatever culture exists at any historical point.



Domenick Maglio, PhD. is a columnist carried by various newspapers and blogs, an author of several books and owner/director of Wider Horizons School, a college prep program. Dr. Maglio is an author of weekly newspaper articles, INVASION WITHIN  and the latest book entitled, IN CHARGE PARENTING In a PC World. You can see many of Dr. Maglio’s articles at





Tuesday, May 17, 2022




By Domenick J. Maglio PhD. Traditional Realist


President Biden is dismantling our republic along with a united democrat party and the mass media. This is being done with lightning speed. They are in the process of replacing our republic with a one-world-government.  Checks and balances, three branches of government and state’s rights are being disregarded. 


This charade has kept everyone off balance. An incoherent President Biden is a perfect cover to introduce radical ideas since the average citizen has already stopped concentrating on what he is saying.  Too many people have little idea of the implications of these rambling statements, but the media focuses on certain ideas that become the message. The media’s positive appraisal justifies these consequential changes while not noting the negative possibilities of his statements. Our Marxist media is creating a pseudo reality. 


As conservative politicians ridicule his stuttering, forgetfulness, and erroneous remarks, President Biden’s administration sneaks in policy changes and continues the left’s existing unpopular policies. The call for Defunding the Police was inspired by supposedly white racist police who were inciting riots.  Antifa and Black Lives Matter’s demonstrations were described by the media as nonviolent even though they set fire to businesses and used weapons indiscriminately. The public saw these riots night after night but the media called them “peaceful demonstrations.” 


Repression of our constitutional freedoms has been initially attributed to the Covid-19 pandemic. The social distancing, mask wearing, and vaccines were mandated under the guise of science by the CDC. Every manufactured crisis enables the Biden administration to give cover to restrict citizens’ freedoms so there will be more.


The humiliating Afghanistan withdrawal debacle was devastating for our national reputation as the leader of the world. This story was buried by the media. High gas prices were caused in part by President Biden’s cancelling of the Keystone Pipeline, oil leases, and environmental protection. The Russian intrusion into Ukraine was blamed for the rise in interest rates. The democrat media often projects democrat failures on the republicans.


President Biden has recently confirmed that it is the teachers who are the “parents” of the government school students. This is not a joke but the groundwork to demean the patriarchal family has been assiduously planned and implemented by Hollywood and intellectuals for the past several decades. The reaction by the public to these absurd statements has been strong. The democrat media supports removing the role of parents, while most citizens are irate and are fighting for their parental rights. 


President Biden in a clear and direct statement said, more than half of the electorate “MAGA movement is the most extreme political organization in American history”  and “the GOP is an existential threat to the nation’s democracy further dividing the nation into good and bad.” This statement opens the floodgates further for central government illegally adding to the list of insurrectionists who are in prison for over a year for misdemeanors. These US citizens have not yet received a trial by their peers that they are entitled to by our constitution.  Law abiding citizens are put on notice that any disagreement with this woke government can result in imprisonment.


If President Biden is suffering from dementia or is being programmed by ex-President Obama to introduce the radical concepts in an innocuous manner or he is play acting, the result is the same. These totalitarian ideas are presented by the democrat media as positive to the people. 


Abortion advocates are attempting to silence the Right-To-Life Movement by disrupting Sunday church services and protesting in front of Supreme Court justices’ homes. Both of these are unconstitutional, violating the First Amendment.


The result is the United States is being degraded on all fronts by this administration. Our freedoms are being restricted; the economic inflation is skyrocketing with no end in sight. On the world stage we have lost respect as the leader of the free world. Free speech and freedom of religion are crucial to our republic’s institutions, yet they are being repressed at every turn. Patriotic Americans must speak truth to power. 


Citizens are speaking up although this must grow in intensity to compete with the media’s monopoly of the electronic and television media. 


The more there is speech, the more the silent majority will hear and understand the gravity of the present political situation. Either we will lose our individual freedoms to a one-world government or reassert our voices and vote to put us back on the capitalistic freedom track to greatness. Americans pay attention and vote for people who believe in the republican system of government or you will no longer remain a free people.


Domenick Maglio, PhD. is a columnist carried by various newspapers and blogs, an author of several books and owner/director of Wider Horizons School, a college prep program. Dr. Maglio is an author of weekly newspaper articles, INVASION WITHIN  and the latest book entitled, IN CHARGE PARENTING In a PC World. You can see many of Dr. Maglio’s articles at






Tuesday, May 10, 2022



By Domenick J. Maglio, PhD. Traditional Realist


During the 1960s the public schools of the United States focused on reinforcing positive behavior of students with the actions of reluctant students as a special focus. The reinforcers that worked the best were those that were elicited directly from the students.  This helped many children stay on task until the assignments were completed. Some children wanted extended outdoor play, others more time to complete an assignment, some schools had gift shops to pick their own prize. The possibilities depended on the student’s wants and teachers’ creativity and imagination. These school reinforcement programs initially worked well, although some of the students were shrewd enough to gain the reward without completing the project.  


The greater the number of students the teachers had to focus on, the more difficult it became to supervise the program. The school’s reinforcement schedule initially worked although often it lost its uniqueness and effectiveness as the novelty wore off for many of the students.  As new bureaucratic directives were handed down in these cookie cutter schools, the concept of students choosing their own reinforcers lost its favor in the classroom.


Like many effective methods in life, in time they fade into oblivion. Some of us unconsciously store different information in our long-term memory. Without thinking an old idea that we used in the past pops into our head. “Once I finish this job, I will have lunch.” This thought established a binding contract within the person’s mind, that I must finish this job before I eat or take a break. These self-contracts are a definite sign that a person has learned to motivate himself to be a more productive person. When an individual has no internal mechanism to finish a task, it often creates excuses to stop the task without completing it. “It is too hot to work.”  “I am getting a headache.” Most common is: “I will do it tomorrow.”


The excuse of. “I will do it tomorrow”, morphs into, “why even start the job?” “I didn’t sleep well last night and have no energy.” “I will never finish the project, so why start?” The ultimate negative thinking to avoid attacking a project is the self-belief that it is too overwhelming to even begin. This attitude to not even start to peck away at the task is the final straw to helplessness and defeat of one’s ability to start and complete a task. The person is lying to himself by copping out of the adage that anyone can get things done if they put their mind to it.


The individual is abdicating any responsibility to get things done through their own personal inconsistent effort. Playing helpless is a childish and self-defeating way to talk oneself into hopelessness and eventual depression. This defeatism before one begins is a major obstacle to building a successful and creative experience. 


When we were young and a parent, teacher, coach, or other authority figure demanded we do something that we did not feel we could, we would do it. Their push showed us that when we applied ourselves, we could do many things we did not think were possible. The most important part of this learning lesson was the satisfaction we experienced by seeing tangible results when fulfilling and completing all parts of the assignment. 


The same pleasure can be derived by the individual pushing himself to complete a manageable project and gradually working up to more difficult ones. This gradual approach of gaining confidence in one’s own power transfers chaos into order and accomplishment. These simple completed projects give the person confidence and encouragement to attempt more complex ones. 


The key to this transformation from negative, loser thinking to positive “I can do it” thinking is to self-reinforce. “Once I complete this much of my textbook, I am going to take a break playing at the gym,” “get a smoothie,” “or take a nap.” Anything the person finds as a pleasurable reward must be thought of before starting the task they want to accomplish. After the person completes the self-prescribed, short-term goal, they need to reinforce themselves as planned. 


This strategy allows the individual to break down a project into manageable segments to show themselves reasonable progress towards obtaining their spelled-out goal. Eventually this approach becomes second nature, and all projects will be attacked in this same self-reinforcing manner. The end goal broken down into reasonable segments with timely rewards motivates the individual into successful completion. 


Most importantly, self-reinforcement changes a person from a non-doer, excuse maker into a doer who tackles any job in a rational and successful manner. Any goal broken down into realistic time intervals with sufficient self-rewards can make any project doable. This self-rewarding strategy encourages the self-discipline needed for successful completion of any endeavor that puts a smile on one’s face for a project well done. 


Domenick Maglio, PhD. is a columnist carried by various newspapers and blogs, an author of several books and owner/director of Wider Horizons School, a college prep program. Dr. Maglio is an author of weekly newspaper articles, INVASION WITHIN  and the latest book entitled, IN CHARGE PARENTING In a PC World. You can see many of Dr. Maglio’s articles at



















Tuesday, May 03, 2022



By Domenick J. Maglio PHD. Traditional Realist


Our representative republic depends on voter integrity. If voting becomes a farce, citizens will lose faith in their vote as meaningful. Our US institutions should be directed by citizens voting for the politicians with similar ideas to represent them. “The voice of the people” will end along with US citizens’ rights and freedoms if voting becomes a farce. 


The argument between voter suppression and cheating is ridiculous. The suppression of black votes was ended by Rev. Martin Luther King’s Civil Rights Movement in the 1960s. Our government passed numerous laws to assure any citizen of any race or ethnic background would be able to vote their conscience. 


Many states have extended the times and days for people to vote. Any voter harassment expressed to an election official would be addressed or the official would be dismissed. The two-year Corona epidemic was used by the democrats to give even more accessibility to voters while disregarding any safeguards against fraudulent results.


Voting is a privilege and a right for all law-abiding citizens. In the establishment of our nation, people had to have “skin in the game,” such as being an established landowner. Today some politicians are advocating for illegal immigrants and felons to vote. Many of these disenfranchised and non-citizens have little allegiance to our nation. 


Suppression of cheating is in every legal citizen’s best interest. Every incident of fraud erases a legal voters vote and puts into jeopardy the results of any election. Once citizens lose faith in the voting process, our nation will lose its legitimacy. Destroying belief in our voting system is an incremental coup that will crush our nation. 


The rejection of an official photo ID would be a travesty. This requirement of citizens to show an ID takes place every day. Photo IDs need to be shown when entering a hospital, buying liquor, cashing checks, renting a car, booking a hotel or even when visiting a doctor. In the United States a person could not conduct business or get a job without showing an official ID.


In 2005 the Carter-Baker Law proposed a uniform photo ID and suggested absentee voting increased the likelihood of fraud. Almost two decades later the democrat party in unison is pushing the opposite of these recommendations. Many democrat dominated states are attempting to adopt similar non-photo ID laws, although they have been warned it would enhance fraud.


These democrat representatives should be reminded that many European nations have decided to establish restrictive laws to ensure voter integrity.  After Birmingham, England had an expose’- that showed that 100,000 dead people voted and voter buying schemes had created massive voter fraud England has now instituted voter identification laws to curtail such fraud. Thirty five out of forty-seven nations now require voters to show up in person with a voter ID to even pick up an absentee ballot. In a good portion of the rest of the world nations are attempting to strengthen voter laws. In a 2021 survey Rasmussen survey found that 81% of Americans support a voter ID requirement.


It is unbelievable that partisan Facebook owner, Mark Zuckerburg, spent $410 million “Zuckerbucks” for nonprofit leftwing groups to influence the 2020 election results. These groups staffed local election government offices that oversaw registering, vote counting, and mass mailing vote efforts in democrat strongholds. The most egregious democrat interference in the elections was the Center for Technical and Civic Life (CTCL) run by ex-Obama staffers who were allowed to “cure,” ballots, which determined the validity of ballots.


The state of Wisconsin kept 234,000 invalid ballots after they were ordered by the court to remove them. It is obvious that elections should be administered by government officials not by private tech, pro democrat operatives. Any partnership between government and political operatives should be lawfully punished. Currently there has not been any legal prosecution of Zuckerberg or his staff although 16 states have restricted him from again bankrolling public elections.


No political operatives should be allowed to assist any government official to do any voter tabulation or interfere with their duties. Non-profit outsourcing of vote tabulation should end. Any strategies of corrupting our voting system must be lawfully prosecuted the legal system. It must be done to retain our freedom.


Our election integrity is under attack. The most effective way to begin this protection of our elections is to ensure the voter is who they say they are by demanding a voter identification process. One vote for each citizen can be established by photo identification. Anything less than every state requiring a valid photo ID will call into question election integrity and the viability of our free republic.


Domenick Maglio, PhD. is a columnist carried by various newspapers and blogs, an author of several books and owner/director of Wider Horizons School, a college prep program. Dr. Maglio is an author of weekly newspaper articles, INVASION WITHIN  and the latest book entitled, IN CHARGE PARENTING In a PC World. You can see many of Dr. Maglio’s articles at