Articles are available for reprint as long as the author is acknowledged: Domenick J. Maglio Ph.D.

Tuesday, May 30, 2023



By Domenick J. Maglio PhD. Traditional Realist


“Wokism” has subtly introduced many communist ideas into US politics. Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging are concepts if totally adopted by our culture will destroy our capitalistic system and work ethic. This would bring our nation’s economy closer to a dysfunctional one. Eventually the wonderful sounding communist promises of a welfare state of equally sharing societal wealth according to need rather than production will become reality. It sounds humane, but is it? This could be sufficiently attractive to enough US citizens who adopt it to become a non-capitalist nation. 


Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging are concepts that sound reasonable on the surface but are unworkable for an efficient nation’s economy. DEIB does not motivate people to do their best work possible since they must possess certain race, low economic status, gender, and sexual identification. The reality is DEIB criteria does not select on the ability to do a specific job but on meeting an arbitrary quota to fulfill a pledge of politicians. The politician is motivated by gaining a voting base to get or remain in power.  It is not about economic efficiency for maximizing production for the nation. It is about inserting Marxism into our nation through the corporate world with leftist politicians passing laws to mandate this transition. 

Diversity of the workforce means a certain ever-changing mixture of race, age, sexuality, disability, gender, and other considerations. These goals must be met to fulfill political promises in order to remain in power. These objectives are political not devised to increase economic output.


Equity is a way to distribute financial wealth from people who have it to others who do not. It is actual robbery from some to give to others who have not earned it. It internally weakens the playing field for too many individuals have little motivation to work hard. These factors do not consider how that affects economic motivation of the workers who already earned their status to be considered middle class. 


The hard working, skilled, productive workers who would be released, not for their lack of effort or for their lack of ability to produce the product, but for not meeting specific gender, race, or other criteria is inherently unfair. This government mandates in this moment of history are going to be devastating to the well-being of the nation’s economy.


This does not consider how the wealth was generated, where the wealth came from or how it was made. If a person robs money, from the rich who did not earn it distributing it can be somewhat justified like the glorious Robin Hood scenario. However, taking it from a person who has worked hard to earn it is a crime of government theft and incompetence, not justice.


Recently the DEI has added the letter, B, for Belonging. Our society is realizing that when an incompetent person is placed in a position without the necessary ability or motivation, they will fail. They are over their heads. Instead of realizing this system will not work, our government has added the letter B, for belonging. This is to appease those workers who are fed up with the unfairness of the DEIB criteria. The US government bureaucracy has arbitrarily assigned government employers hiring quotas without considering the impact on comradery and production. These vital details are placed by the government in the lap of the corporate hierarchy to solve. 


Not hiring knowledgeable people to meet government mandates for DEIB creates an artificial image of a perfect setting for equality but it is nothing more than a farce. Business needs workers that are efficient, motivated, and dependable to do the best they can do. It is necessary to produce a quality product at the lowest price, not meet social mandates to please left-leaning government bureaucrats.


These concepts such as DEIB are driven by social political goals not economic ones. It might equalize the wealth of middle to the lower classes but will not increase the wealth of the lower class but lower the wealth of the middle class to create a larger lower class.  No money will be taken from the wealthiest citizens since they are the protected class.  Some wealthy might lose their status and some new people might become wealthy, but this class flourish.


The rich will be richer, the middle class will become poorer merging into a larger poor class and the economy will become increasingly less productive. Welcome to a declining economy but a vastly more communist leaning one. 



Domenick Maglio, PhD. is a columnist carried by various newspapers and blogs, an author of several books and owner/director of Wider Horizons School, a college prep program. Dr. Maglio is an author of weekly newspaper articles, INVASION WITHIN  and the latest book entitled, IN CHARGE PARENTING In a PC World. You can see many of Dr. Maglio’s articles at








Tuesday, May 23, 2023



By Domenick J. Maglio PhD. Traditional Realist


Discussing racism is difficult. First of all, racism is difficult to define. Many people are white, pink, brown, or black shades of color. According to the government census blacks make up 12.5% up to 15% of the population. The majority of any race has mixed racial blood caused by interracial parentage, historical invasions and migrations throughout the centuries.  Many individuals self-identify as a race for political reasons when it is advantageous to do so according to the policies of the government in power. If a government is going to handout millions of dollars to people who have a black heritage, there will be more people lining up on that line to be black. When free cell phones were given to “poor people’ there were citizens who became “poor” just to get the free phones.


To claim there is white or black supremacy is an attempt to divide and demean an entire group as if they are all the same. This tactic has been constantly used by communists to divide the population causing hatred between groups to gain power. Divide and conquer is an old proven tactic used by diabolical leaders.


In any racial, ethnic, or economic class there are honorable or detestable individuals. The United States was established by people from all over the world. Some came willingly with wealth and others, indentured servants, came with debt for their passage that had to be paid before they could gain their freedom, and slaves who had no money or freedom. Some slaves were freed by their sympathetic owners to live in the north and used their work ethic to live as free citizens.


President Lincoln freed the slaves in 1865 with the “Emancipation Proclamation.” Many people who were identified as black have gained positions of power and wealth. Some have achieved greatness in every field. Many have earned the American Dream. 


Yet in President Biden’s commencement speech to Howard University, he stated loud and clear that “white supremacy is the single most dangerous threat in our homeland.”  He did not focus on the great achievements made by blacks. It was a speech to divide, not celebrate black advancements in every aspect of our society. The threat of white supremacy not the accomplishments of the black community was echoed by Attorney General, Merrick Garland, and homeland security secretary, Alejandro Mayorkas and other high officials, although they never attempted to define “white supremacy.” 


Are all so called “whites,” white supremacists? Are Chinese, Hispanics, Indians, Russians, Bulgarians, and other groups included or excluded in this definition?  This label of white supremacy should be offensive to all Americans. If a US citizen says something the Biden administration does not like, do they become a supremacist? What happened to our First Constitutional Amendment, Freedom of Speech? President Biden is a divider, not a uniter.


Are the woke media, intellectuals, and their young, impressionable communist leaning students’ intellectual supremacists? They should have been called out and attacked for their woke communist ideas. Many of them are white but are not labeled as “white supremacists.” Is it because their beliefs are woke?


Should the George Floyd violent riots in 2020 be called “Black Supremacy Riots”? These riots did far greater damage: burning, looting, and destroying property than the current white rejection of communist ideas that are part of the media agenda. The Black Lives Matter movement should have been called the “Black and White Intellectual Supremacy Movement.” The explosive 2020 summer by BLM advocates has been cancelled by the woke political media attempting not to prejudice the public against all blacks. 


There is no specific definition of white supremacy. Are all non-blacks “white supremacists?” Can blacks be white supremacists? The definition of “white supremacist” is not specifically defined as it would enrage all Americans. It is cowardly to scapegoat innocent people to shut down their freedom of speech. White supremacy must change with the unpredictable political events. It is a fluid definition since specifically defining it would immediately demonstrate its falsehood.


Tim Scott, senator from South Carolina and Larry Elder, a republican commentator who ran for Governor of California, both questioned the ridiculousness of “white supremacy.” The Biden advocates immediately called them the “black face of white supremacy.” This means that anyone who questions “white supremacy” is a white supremacist. This circular definition shows it cannot stand on its own merit.


President Biden has always been an opportunist. In his early political years, he aligned himself with anti-black Dixiecrats to help his career. He was not a liberator of blacks but a separate-but-equal proponent. He is not an advocate of integrating blacks into society but a politician who was attempting to win favor with them by attacking whites with the white supremacy rhetoric. 


President Biden has several mansions since he became a millionaire as a government employee. Certainly, he is not the “average Joe” but likes to project this image. In fact, if there ever was a white supremacist, he could check all the boxes.                 


Domenick Maglio, PhD. is a columnist carried by various newspapers and blogs, an author of several books and owner/director of Wider Horizons School, a college prep program. Dr. Maglio is an author of weekly newspaper articles, INVASION WITHIN  and the latest book entitled, IN CHARGE PARENTING In a PC World. You can see many of Dr. Maglio’s articles at



Tuesday, May 16, 2023





By Domenick J. Maglio PhD. Traditional Realist


Politicians and the media are encouraging people to play the victim card to demonstrate their “caring” for the criminals and mentally ill while ignoring their role of protecting our society. American institutions are not doing their job of safeguarding rational law-abiding citizens. Currently mentally insane people and cold-blooded criminals have more rights than innocent victims. Our teachers, police, mental health professionals, and other authorities are being handcuffed by the priority of not causing a controversy. Our political leaders do not want strong men or women who might anger a civil or national organization that would cause an uproar in the community. We are focusing on the rights of perpetrators rather than on the public safety.


This mentality of brushing everything under the rug is just hiding the dirt. It does not solve the problem. The issue just grows until it bursts out of control. At that moment, chaos prevails until someone, or some group stands up to bring back law, order, and sanity. People doing the right thing have to be honored, not punished by our government officials. Too many politicians want to win the favor of certain voting blocs by catering to their lowest instincts to look like they are doing something.  


Our law enforcement and mental health authorities are being overwhelmed especially in our urban centers. The major reason is not the lack of personnel but the lack of support by the media and cowardly government officials especially when a mental health worker, policeman, or other public worker makes an appropriate decision which might provoke a politically negative reaction by a small but vocal element. This leaves the worker doing the courageous, correct action appearing as a culprit not as a conscientious employee. The undercutting of appropriate decision making is weakening the integrity of our institutions.


It is easier when doing a psychological evaluation not to commit a person to an institution. It is easier for the judicial system to put a criminal back on the streets rather than put the person in prison. The same reality exists when teachers ignore bullying or academic slacking behavior in students to avoid having to face angry school authorities. It is easier and safer to the official to overlook problems than it is to confront and solve them.


The Jordan Neeley situation on a New York subway is a case in point. Mr. Neely entered a subway car yelling, “I don’t have food, I don’t have a drink. I am fed up and don’t mind going to jail and getting life in prison. I am ready to die.” These are statements of a deranged person.  Most of the time subway riders put their eyes down to appear like they are not going to get involved in any dangerous incident.  This time someone took courageous action.


A 24-year-old ex-marine, Daniel Penny, and other passengers were sufficiently threatened in that subway car that instead of putting their heads down they decided to do something. Several riders tried to incapacitate Neely by putting him down on the floor of the train with Mr. Penny putting him in a choke hold while a black male passenger tried to hold Neely’s legs down. This was to prevent him from hurting himself and others. 


Instead of being honored for his courage in subduing this out-of-control person, Penny is being charged with second degree murder and being held in prison with a huge bail. According to Mr. Neely’s aunt, her nephew was diagnosed with schizophrenia and was suffering from depression and PTSD from the trauma of his mother’s murder. He had 42 prior arrests including the punching of a 67-year-old woman in the head and breaking her skull. He was also charged with threatening to kill his grandfather. He had a violent history that cannot be denied. Mr. Neely was a mentally unstable individual who needed a safe and secure institutional environment for the seriously mentally ill. 


The real question should not be whether Mr. Penney committed murder but why was a severely mentally deranged person not in a mental health facility receiving help?  The answer is simple. Clearing out the prisoners and mentally ill from institutions is cheaper in the short run but more dangerous, expensive, and more tragic in the long run. 


Justice is necessary to establish a safe and stable society. Daniel Penny is a hero in protecting the people in the subway car. He should be commended as a hero for protecting the people in the subway. We need more people like him.


Without safe streets the fear exhibited by all citizens is unhealthy. It costs to establish law and order although in the long run the country can self-regulate with less expense for more policing and mental health provision. We do not need more victims but we do need more honest and strong people to uphold and support justice so we can have a safe and law-abiding society. 


Domenick Maglio, PhD. is a columnist carried by various newspapers and blogs, an author of several books and owner/director of Wider Horizons School, a college prep program. Dr. Maglio is an author of weekly newspaper articles, INVASION WITHIN  and the latest book entitled, IN CHARGE PARENTING In a PC World. You can see many of Dr. Maglio’s articles at





Tuesday, May 09, 2023



By Domenick J. Maglio PhD. Traditional Realist


Our traditional culture was built on Biblical teaching and knowledge passed down from generation to generation. The reason various child rearing techniques were chosen was they worked to develop wholesome human beings. Citizens followed the laws and religious commandments in the Bible which captured these successful parenting techniques.


Understandably, if the parents were dysfunctional, often they would respond to their personal needs instead of teaching their children correct behavior. There was physical abuse and neglect by some but the majority at that time had close family members who could speak up to curtail unreasonableness. As the traditional family decayed, many of our traditional childrearing techniques were no longer able to be implemented. Many divorced fathers were not living full time with their children; these fathers often attempt to imitate their wives. When fathers are no longer able to step in to reinforce the discipline of their wife a new method had to be devised. 


Dr. Benjamin Spock’s permissive, materialistic approach to child rearing appeared to perfectly fill this vacuum. Permissive materialism method fit the reality of a collapsing family structure. Instead of presenting a united front with both parents announcing the rules and punishing the child if he did not follow them, American experts turned to allowing the infant and toddlers to behave as they chose.  This delayed the age that children completed potty training and learned to follow instructions. 


With fathers being relegated to the sidelines and only seeing the child every other weekend they have little time or inclination to enforce any discipline. They want their minimal time with their child to be pleasant and fun. Disciplining the children was relegated to the back of the priority list. It is understandable when parents are not on the same page in setting and enforcing rules, the child realizes he can do whatever he wants to do whenever he wants to do it. In fact, the rowdier the child becomes, the more bribes and permissiveness they receive. Often, the more the parent becomes overwhelmed, their physician and/or teacher will label the child with a negative psychological label that places the onus on the child and exonerates the parent. Usually, the other parent, often the modern male, ignores the responsibility to discipline the child.


Without the pain of significant consequences, any person, in this case a child, will tend to test the limits weakening them even more. We are seeing this with undisciplined criminals who are released from the courts without consequences. Criminals, like the child, repeat the offense with even more vengeance and disregard for the authorities. The disrespect of the child for their parents and criminals for the police grows in intensity until chaos reigns. On the other hand, establishing right from wrong takes constant reminders with increasing severity of consequences until the child grows into a young adult. The untrained child (and criminals) must learn that “crime does not pay.” 


After their intervention, the parent should have a strong discussion as to why the child received the negative consequence and what they should do to receive a positive one. The child should understand this tough love is necessary for the end purpose of helping the child to become a good, responsible, and honorable person. This discussion avoids the misunderstanding that the parent is not “being mean” to the child but is being a loving, responsible parent. The parent needs to know this intervention is to insure the child does well in life.


By these intimate discussions, the child comes to understand that inner discipline will positively shape their future. Positive discipline will protect the child from evil and keep them attractive to righteous people. The lack of appropriate punishment will lead the youngster directly into the arms of destructive and evil behaving acts and people.


Letting children raise themselves is a formula for disaster in this upside-down culture. Children must be trained to avoid obvious pitfalls they will encounter. There are many dangers in our more and more evil culture: sex trafficking, deadly drugs, sexual deviance, transgender propaganda, suicide, ISIS, and other bizarre groups that the children must be taught to avoid. These groups are experts at seducing undisciplined and confused, rudderless individuals. 


In our undisciplined, anything-goes society there are too many unhealthy people ready to put innocent youngsters on unhealthy pathways that will lead them into pain and mental illness. 

Parents, like our institutions, must educate our children that their choices will determine their physical, mental, and social standing in the future. 


Straightforward education with discipline training will give our children the necessary tools to prosper in a time when evil is running amuck. 



Domenick Maglio, PhD. is a columnist carried by various newspapers and blogs, an author of several books and owner/director of Wider Horizons School, a college prep program. Dr. Maglio is an author of weekly newspaper articles, INVASION WITHIN  and the latest book entitled, IN CHARGE PARENTING In a PC World. You can see many of Dr. Maglio’s articles at





Tuesday, May 02, 2023



By Domenick J. Maglio PhD. Traditional Realist


Not standing up for our rights has been a gradual progression that has become evident throughout our culture. One of the major characteristics of our citizens was that they were proud to be Americans and stood up to defend themselves against injustice. Traditional citizens voiced their approval about going to war in WWII and the Korean War demonstrating their resolve as a people to defend the right to freedom throughout the world.  America became the leader of the free world. 


Currently most traditional Americans are turning a blind eye to our own government’s leadership when it is NOT following our constitutional laws. Today’s Americans are acting like wimpy citizens. They are accepting blatant illegal government raids using the three letter agencies such as the IRS, FBI, CIA, DOJ and others to intimidate the American people to remain passive through illegal government intimidation. The unconstitutional weaponizing of our government to silence our people should cause an outrageous negative reaction against violating our constitutional rights.  It has been answered by silence.


The USA has become a nation of sheeple. Most Americans are focusing on raising their standard of living not on leading a moral and principled life. Our families have become smaller, often with both parents working, which has resulted in leaving little time to pay attention to the raising of their children. Parents are not teaching values and habits to be successful in school and life. Divorced parents have left many children with legitimate fears of abandonment and instability.


Outrageously, our teacher union members have expressed that they have more rights to the children than do the parents of those children. Government schools are indoctrinating our children with many Marxist ideas while not instructing them in basic academic skills. There are indicators of the government manipulating the minds of our children.


During the online education stemming from the Covid-19 pandemic many parents were shocked to witness the weak and at times incorrect instructions that were given to their children. This opened the eyes of many parents who appeared at school board meetings questioning and protesting the low-level education of their children, although it had been happening for decades. President Reagan’s administration highlighted the pathetic reading and math scores of American students as compared to other nations. 


Currently government school’s number one priority is to keep order in the classroom. This is a difficult task as many students are more concerned with their social life than with their future adult one. With little parental support, teachers must deal with the moment, not developing strong, honest students who can stand up for themselves. There is no forum for a student to be defended when they stand up for themselves. Many students learn the art of dealing with the moment, not defending a position in front of authority. 


Youngsters today are not encouraged to defend themselves when children unwarrantedly attack them. When the attacker strikes them or spits in their face the child is instructed to tell the authority figure but not stand up for themselves. This is being seen in the adult world as appropriate as the child should not strike back. Parents in past generations emphasized that children had to defend themselves. In our “woke” culture even adults no longer have the right to defend themselves.


A store clerk was attacked by someone trying to rob the store. The clerk defended himself by stabbing the robber to death. The person who defended himself was initially convicted and sent to Rikers Island, the worst prison in New York instead of being hailed as a hero. Criminals who are beating innocent victims are being released by woke District Attorneys in our major cities. 

Currently our national laws are often passed by presidential fiat not by constitutional procedures. Woke fanatics are employing intimidating tactics by not allowing people with opposing ideas to express them. These controversial areas are concerning abortion, transsexuals, DEI, and other Marxist concepts. The Supreme Court justices who voted that abortion decisions were to be made by each state legislature instead of the Supreme Court were harassed and physically threatened with little protection from the executive branch.


Of course, this policy of eliminating self-defense is counterintuitive to our safety and justice but it is happening. Some of us who believe in our constitutional rights are speaking up although not many and often with significant consequence. Many are sitting back waiting for others to take care of our nation that is not following our constitutional morals and values. Americans all over our great nation have a stake in our freedom and justice. If we sit back and do nothing, we will lose everything that has made America great. 


Domenick Maglio, PhD. is a columnist carried by various newspapers and blogs, an author of several books and owner/director of Wider Horizons School, a college prep program. Dr. Maglio is an author of weekly newspaper articles, INVASION WITHIN  and the latest book entitled, IN CHARGE PARENTING In a PC World. You can see many of Dr. Maglio’s articles at