By Domenick J. Maglio Ph.D. traditional Realist
Our culture has become a highly sexualized one, which is the
understatement of the ages. Sex is used to sell everything and anything. The
word “sexy” has been applied to almost everything. Cars, clothes, phones. food,
toothbrushes are labeled “sexy” to promote them. Modern children are exposed to
visual images from birth that in the past were only seen in peep shows or
Penthouse Magazine.
The so-called “sexual revolution” was propelled by the
fraudulent 1960s Kinsey Report. This controversial report radically changed sexual
behavior by falsely setting the level of sexual activity higher for adolescents
than it actually was. It motivated youngsters to fit in by becoming more sexually
active at an earlier and earlier age. It removed sex from the bedroom to front
and center in the public domain. Television, movies, computer screens, DVDs,
magazines inundate our children and us with provocative to explicit images,
which are powerfully stimulating.
Today children are indoctrinated into a sexual reality
before they develop the emotional maturity to put it into its proper
prospective. Many people are introduced to all consuming sex through music,
drugs and the social media. The majority of these experiences are physiologically
and psychologically highly pleasurable, which seduces some into a sexually
dominated lifestyle.
These dysfunctional behaviors have reached epidemic
proportions. There is a speculative range of 3-6% of the population or 9-18
million people who suffer from sexual addiction. The increasing incidence of
sexual addiction should be a concern of every adult, especially parents.
There are numerous evolving venues to entice people into
becoming obsessed with sex. There is pornography, cyber sex, infidelity,
compulsive masturbation, online hook ups, exhibitionism, prostitution, strip
clubs and voyeurism. These behaviors are not only more prevalent but have lost
their stigma in society.
The availability and options have greatly expanded with the
decreased societal condemnation of these behaviors. This has led to the surge
in sexual addiction. Traditionally males have comprised 90% of this group
although female sexual addiction is becoming more prevalent with sexy feminists
such as Beonce and Miley Cyrus changing attitudes and mores.
Psychologically early initiation into the world of sex
increases the peer status of a youngster. Peer recognition with instant
gratification makes the person chic and in the know. This contrived image
directs the person to employ higher levels of deception. These braggadocio
stories have to be elevated by more outrageous fantasy exploits. The addicted person’s
relationships, lies and distortions hurt family, friends and others. Honor and loyalty
have to be sacrificed for the next conquest to maintain the reputation.
Eventually the exaggeration and deception leaves the
“player” psychologically and physiologically exhausted. The situation becomes a
tangled web of emotions that causes confusion and at times even some guilt. As
their attractiveness and stamina falters they often turn to alcohol and drugs
to perform.
A preoccupation with sexual activities has consequences. It
often starts someone down a path of becoming imbalanced and winding up in a
self-destructive life style. These people lose control over their sexual
behavior. Lines are crossed that they never thought they would cross. They
employ any means available to maintain the player image. It often affects families
and work environment. Others start to
sense the desperation to keep everything together. Relationships and production
deteriorate. A hole is dug that gets deeper without hope of finding a solution
of reversing it.
The addiction requires a greater frequency, duration and
intensity of sex to receive the same “numbing out” release or pleasurably high
experience. The ego gratification for performing the act becomes less attainable.
The risk of contacting STDs or being caught in an embarrassing or unlawful situation
increases. The inability to control ones thoughts and urges is frustrating.
Drinking and drugging increase and mask the psychological pain and shame.
The Hollywood and media’s incredibly positive narratives
like “Sex in the City”, “Mad Men” and James Bond are destructively unrealistic.
These creative writers portray a fantasy lifestyle that they would like to live
out in their own mundane lives. They do not understand the negative implications
of living a delusional life of self-deception.
Adults, especially those with children, have to become more aware
of the horrible consequences of a life of sexual addiction. This should be
shared with their children as often as possible so as to prevent developing a
very destructive habit of conning others.
Loved ones of an already sexually addicted person should confront
him about how he has lost control over his life. These loved ones need to point
out the path of destruction he has left behind. This intervention could wake
him up to seek help through guidance from a respected elder, in prayer, church
intervention or seek professional help.
Domenick Maglio, PhD. is a columnist carried by various
newspapers, an author of several books and owner/director of Wider Horizons
School, a college prep program. You can visit Dr. Maglio at