Articles are available for reprint as long as the author is acknowledged: Domenick J. Maglio Ph.D.

Wednesday, December 16, 2015


By Domenick J. Maglio PhD. Traditional Realist

Our colleges have emphasized the diversity of their student body. This has been promoted by government quota initiatives and preferences in admissions. The social engineering of our universities is supposedly due to the fact that campus’s with different socio-economic, ethnic or religious minorities provide an interactional arena for social and intellectual growth. Sharing ideas, beliefs and experiences among students should be a stimulating community for intellectual advancement.

The reality is universities are bastions of progressive socialist propaganda not a “free speech zone” for the open discussion of ideas.  They spiel out the same rhetoric over and over again, which is radical orthodoxy demanded of all students. The grievances of student interest groups are not only encouraged but also exploited to demonstrate and reinforce to students the professor’s belief that America is an unjust nation. These black, feminist, Latino, LGBT and Muslim study groups revise history by presenting biased and distorted one-sided testimonials. These various study groups are weakening the academic standards of so called “higher education.”

Diversity on university campuses has produced the opposite of free exchanges of different ideas. Instead there are self-isolating racial, ethics, religious and sexual cliques that attack anyone who voices anything that contradicts their belief system or hurts their feelings. These self centered, over indulged students have gone so far as to blame others for becoming uncomfortable in social situations. They have called this “micro aggression.” It is not what a person has done but what another student “feels” in the event. Another term they have coined is “triggering.” This is what  someone says that might cause the “victim” to recollect a bad past experience. In both cases it is how the person subjectively interprets not what was said or done by another person.

Speakers with traditional American values have not been allowed to speak since they are the enemy that must be censored. There have been scenes of pies being thrown at presenters, drowning them out with chanting, and even physical jumping up on the stage to intimidate the speakers and audiences. This is not an arena of promoting any diversity of thought.

Free speech is “free” to anyone who says things that coincide with the university students’ thinking or feelings. Anyone who makes statements that anger or oppose their feelings or ideas are attacked. They also believe their duty is to prevent opposing views. According to the thinking of the students anyone who disagrees with them is lying and should be prevented from speaking by any means possible. Tolerance is only for things they agree with, anything contrary should be stamped out for past social injustices supposedly done to these interest groups. These group members rationalize that they are only using extreme measures to be heard. They include stopping opponent’s rallies, blocking traffic and intimidating people with threats who have differing viewpoints.

These Gestapo tactics are indicators of a greater threat. Through social injustice, political correctness and hate speech laws our own government is spawning and supporting divisive movements such as Black Lives Matter, Occupy Wall Street, Illegal Immigrant Rights, and Gun Control zealots. These group members are the soldiers who do the dirty work of repressing free speech.

Oklahoma Wesleyan University’s president, Everett Piper, received a standing ovation for telling a student “to grow up.” After this student heard a sermon on showing love to others he noted that he was upset and felt bad and he complained about it.  Piper admonished the student’s hurt feelings as self-absorbed narcissist behavior. President Piper said that a university is “…not a Daycare. It is a university.” In other words a university is a place to help you become a well- rounded, competent, educated person by listening to and understanding all sides of an issue not just your own viewpoint, “not to coddle you in your selfishness.”  

This so called tolerant word “diversity” is being used to transform America from a predominantly free, locally governed nation to a centrally controlled repressive government. There is no diversity of thought allowed. This transformation is taking place by pitting one group against another to obscure the process of removing everyone’s freedom except those who are fanatical believers for this powerfully controlled government that limits the freedom of the average citizen.

There is no diversity of thought found on universities or in the progressive government’s mass media. Instead they are centrally controlled institutions of indoctrination that pretend to be diverse by having different racial and ethnic spokespersons. The diversity of these universities is a hypocritical farce that camouflages the transition into a speech censored totalitarian government.

Domenick Maglio, PhD. is a columnist carried by various newspapers, an author of several books and owner/director of Wider Horizons School, a college prep program. You can visit Dr. Maglio at

Wednesday, December 09, 2015


By Domenick J. Maglio PhD Traditional Realist

Except for government officials who have the right to carry guns, some people believe guns should not be allowed. They think it would eliminate violent crimes and killings. There is little or no appreciation that a gun carried by a law-abiding person acts as a deterrent and protection against violence. Guns to progressives not only symbolize evil but they believe if guns disappear from earth the world would be without killing.

After the recent San Bernardino mass killing President Obama argued for gun control as he has previously done after every other similar tragedy. He refused to mention any connection to radical Islam even when the facts were obvious. This incident happened in California, a state with one of the strictest gun control laws in the nation. The gun laws that President Obama is advocating are already on the books and would not have prevented the massacre. Even his press secretary, Josh Earnest, admitted this in a press conference.

Furthermore the president had the audacity to repeat his false mantra: “I mean I say this every time we’ve got one of these mass shootings. This just doesn’t happen in other countries.”

President Obama’s ridiculous statement was proclaimed just after the Islamic radicals killed 129 Parisians. He failed to remember or blatantly distorted the truth not only about the mass killings but also that “Isis was contained.”  There recently were mass killings in Norway, Israel, and Germany, in Nigeria and Cameroon as well as West Gate Mall in Kenya.  When you factor out gang killing from mass killing the United States is 8th in the world. It appears the president has a low opinion of the intelligence of the American people.

For the first time since 1920 the New York Times devoted their front page to an editorial. This editorial advocated more restrictive gun control even though San Bernardino, California has ultra restrictive gun laws. The zealots of gun control do not comprehend that it is evil people not guns that are the problem. Gun Free Zones, where no guns are permitted, are a sign to killers that this is a perfect place to commit atrocities since there is minimal threat to them.  There are thousands of city, state and national laws on the books to prevent criminals and mentally ill people from purchasing firearms. The cities and states that have the most restrictive gun laws, contrary to what most would believe, have more deadly violence on innocent people than places where there are significantly fewer gun laws.

The majority of thoughtful humans understand that violence would not end with the stricter gun control or even confiscation of guns because evil people would find other methods to harm or kill innocent victims. In fact they realize that a gun is only one weapon among many for mass killings.

In Switzerland where the government provides a gun for all citizens and trains them to use it, gun violence is the lowest in the world. Israeli politicians are pleading with gun owners to carry their weapons and assist in the rash of stabbings on the West Bank. Suicide bombers, cars driving into crowds and stabbings have become alternative means of killing. In New York City there have been hatchets used to attack policemen, pressure cooker bombs in Boston, box cutters, gas explosions, poisonings and even fists used as deadly weapons.  In Broken Arrow, Oklahoma two teenaged brothers left five family members dead or dying from stab wounds.

Nations that have eliminated guns from citizens have become more repressive governments. The inability of citizens to defend themselves through more intensive gun control laws has empowered governments to go further by confiscating them. The next step is to eliminate the lives of the opposition. This has been the pattern after confiscation: Mao’s China -20 million killed, Turkey- 1915-17 1.5 million Armenians killed, Germany 1939-45- 13 million killed, Guatemala 1964-81 100,000 Mayan Indians, Uganda 1971-79- 300,000 Christians killed, Cambodia 1975-77 one million killed. Millions of defenseless people were exterminated after gun confiscation left them defenseless and extremely repressive governments were established.

The founders of the USA understood this reality very well. It is the reason for the Second Amendment to the Constitution. This amendment was not to protect the rights of hunters as the progressive media is attempting to persuade us. It was established to enable “we the people” to stand up and defend ourselves against government tyranny.

The assault on guns to stop criminal violence is a naïve and bizarre notion. Guns in the hands of decent people can be a blessing while in the hands of evildoers is a potential tragedy. Terrorists and other criminals will always get weapons one way or another. People have a human right to protect themselves. The local government and state police response time is often too long to protect citizens from an ongoing attack. Weapons in the hands of the general public have been shown to be a restraint to criminal activity.

The issue is to contain evil. It is not possible to eliminate it, as it is part of the human condition. Guns are an equalizer against lawless people and a deterrent to out-of-control government attempting to establish a repressive totalitarian government.

Domenick Maglio, PhD. is a columnist carried by various newspapers, an author of several books and owner/director of Wider Horizons School, a college prep program. You can visit Dr. Maglio at

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Wednesday, December 02, 2015


By Domenick J. Maglio PhD. Traditional Realist

Americans have become a consumer credit economy. Everyday there is a new credit card offered in the mail. Some are preauthorized so even children have been given the opportunity to possess their own credit card as well as the family dog. Retired people are bombarded to use their home as a large credit card by getting a reverse mortgage. One out of eight retirees are using their savings to exist day to day.

The Fiscal Times, on April 26, 2015 reported that “44% of Americans are either in debt, have no savings at all, or only have enough savings to tide them over for three months…” One fifth of Americans have no savings at all while wages are stagnant or falling.

Yet people continue to buy with a vengeance. “Black Friday,” holiday and Thursday sales and incessant advertising are driving people to buy what they do not need or necessarily want. This often leads to people wasting their future earnings on impulse purchases. Enticing gimmicks are effective in motivating people to spend money they do not have. Putting oneself in debt unfortunately is becoming the “American Way.”

In our consumer economy, savings have become obsolete. Modern people want to enjoy life now not wait to develop a “cushion” before purchasing anything they want including outrageously expensive luxury items. “Live for today and May tomorrow be damned,” can be the bumper sticker for our economy’s philosophy. Spending money that one does not have is flirting with future disaster.

Humans have free will. They can be productive or can be lazy allowing others to provide what the individual needs or wants. Those who choose to be takers can take advantage of family, friends or learn to play the government system. They exploit every government program by faking every ailment known to the medical field. This welfare mentality is approaching 50% of the population. These are choices that will determine a person’s future lifestyle and strength of character.  Users of the system lessen their options and limit their potential earnings.

A go-getter sets himself on the opposite path. He wants to be self-reliant and does not want to be beholding to anyone. Everything he earns comes from his own effort.  Productive individuals have less time to think about buying things. They are more focused on the business at hand.  With less time to focus on material objects the urge to spend is secondary to completing their short-term objective, which is to finish the project at hand. The long-term goal is usually not about accumulating money; rather it is about doing their mission in life. This focus is about doing something that makes a difference in their world.

A person who wants to make his own mark in life has to constantly think about meeting his responsibilities. This person delays immediate gratification to obtain long-term goals. Sacrificing pleasurable experience for the sake of reaching a future goal takes discipline usually taught by parents. This value of earning what you want is an indicator of maturity.

There are some short-term benefits in living for the moment. A person does not have the psychological pressure and anxiety to complete a checklist of actions done in a certain amount of time. Cavalierly buying expensive toys, various symbols of affluence and body enhancement procedures that might impress others make some feel great for the moment. However, they are building a financial time bomb that affects all aspects of a person’s life: long-term debt.
A person in debt often has to deal with embarrassment when people discover that he is living beyond his means. Bankruptcy leaves many others in its wake, shafted of what is owed them. Although the stigma of living in extreme debt has lessened, it still impacts the character of the person.
Instant gratification is a parental strategy to appease the child for the moment. Excessive giving to a child whatever he wants whenever he wants it develops a self-absorbed slacker. This scenario produces an entitlement child enabled by a protective and exhausted parent who is attempting to sustain a false reality that their child will always have what he wants. This leaves the child believing he can always have whatever he wants without effort.

It is the responsibility of the parent to promote the child being independent. The more the child does for himself the more skills and good habits he has learned. This training puts the child on the right track to successfully deal with reality, while the overindulged child becomes more or less delusional.

The delusional entitlement mentality takes hold leaving the individual to believe that saving for a nest egg is not necessary since someone or the government will bail him out of the mess he created. For too many adults their parents usually die before they do. Even if they receive an inheritance it quickly slips through their fingers.

These unrealistic people finally realize there is no one including him to finance his addicted consumerism. They have hit the wall of reality. When they understand to get what they want, they have to at least partially join the producers or have little to nothing.

Domenick Maglio, PhD. is a columnist carried by various newspapers, an author of several books and owner/director of Wider Horizons School, a college prep program. You can visit Dr. Maglio at