Articles are available for reprint as long as the author is acknowledged: Domenick J. Maglio Ph.D.

Tuesday, April 30, 2019


By Domenick J. Maglio PhD. Traditional Realist

Do you remember the good old days where a business that incessantly called you on the phone could be asked to stop phoning and they would stop? There were federal laws and regulations that had sufficient teeth to prevent this harassment. Your home was protected from phone invasions. It made for a peaceful atmosphere at home at least as it pertained to annoying corporate attacks on one’s right to privacy.

A person’s privacy and time is under relentless attack. Currently when you are attempting to do business like changing your seat on a flight, initially you are told by an automated voice that your waiting time will be six minutes with obnoxious repetitive music and promotional messages to fill the time. It turns out to be twenty minutes or more. This means the company has a captive person they can expose to a bombardment of promotions and contests while telling you how well the company is doing, often based on misleading information.  

Today even if you win a vacation it can be nightmarish to travel to and from the vacation spot. Corporate airlines have taken indecent liberties to another level. They admit to saving money by having aircraft only in service to meet their immediate scheduling needs. When an airplane has to be repaired the passengers are delayed for hours disrupting their connecting flights and plans. Airlines admit to flying with the minimum amount of fuel reserves to increase efficiency. If the flight is cancelled the traveler may get another flight in a day or two. If they are creative and daring and find another way to their destination they are later informed they will receive only a small percentage of the original cost of the flight that was not used.

Most airlines have also done away with contingency crews and reserve airplanes that could arrive in a short interval to correct the flight schedule. This is no longer required and rarely done. Instead, the customers are mistreated as if they were transported cattle with no dignity or even consideration. Presently, for any overnight delays it is no longer required to put up passengers in a hotel as they can rely on the excuse of bad weather, which excludes the airlines from liability: so much for the airline Passenger’s Bill of Rights.

Politicians, both left and right are hiring public relations companies to handle their missteps or campaigns. These campaigns usually combine political messaging and fundraising. You receive a letter or phone call to convince you their candidate is going to work for your interest. If you are persuaded to send money to support the candidate or humanitarian organizations you have opened a Pandora’s Box. The bombardment of various appeals does not cease for your donation history has been sold to other similar enterprises.

Facebook, Google, Microsoft and credit card corporations are currently confessing they are selling your personal information to other corporations and government entities to micro target you. They are now telling the public that their service is free or low cost because of these privacy violations. This violation of one’s privacy was not made public initially but only during recent government investigative hearings.

The online social media and mammoth search engines have demonstrated their power to censor our news. When a “racist” or derogatory statement is made about a right leaning individual, these statements are allowed to stand but if it is made about a left leaning person, it is expunged. “Shadow banning,” blocking followers from receiving a message is one method of halting the spread of conservative information. Another way is to bury anti progressive articles by placing pro progressive ones on top of them. Any conservative viewpoints disappear before they reach the eyes of the public.

Large corporations can hire an incredible legal staff and well connected lobbyists. These two facts can tilt the playing field in their favor over the consumer and competitor. Big corporations eliminate competition before it presents a threat by gobbling up small effective businesses. Consumer complaints are worthless without specific laws that have sufficient teeth to protect the little guy.

Anti trust legislation of the early 1900s returned competition to save the capitalist system. When mega corporations have ample power to dictate how they will do business, it is time for our government to step in to right this wrong of corporate abuse. Citizens should call their representative’s offices and support those politicians who are committed to using congressional legislation to protect the people’s rights. Demand politicians protect our right to privacy from corporations selling our personal information.

Domenick Maglio, PhD. is a columnist carried by various newspapers, an author of several books and owner/director of Wider Horizons School, a college prep program. Dr. Maglio is an author of weekly newspaper articles, INVASION WITHIN  and a new book entitled, IN CHARGE PARENTING In a PC World. You can see many of Dr. Maglio’s articles at

Tuesday, April 23, 2019


By Domenick J. Maglio PhD. Traditional Realist

Survival experts predict 75% of citizens would die in the first six months of a total shutdown of our nation. The potential causes are numerous but the consequences would be the same. Without a power source like coal, electricity, petroleum or natural gas there would be no cars, appliances, water, heat, electricity, phones, Internet or communication systems. Basic food items and electronic entertainment devices would soon not exist. The most elementary skills of growing food, hunting and preserving are mostly extinct for the average modern person. People would need to work together to meet their basic needs or die.

A serious problem in developed nations especially the USA is that our youngsters are no longer being taught the basic skills or necessary attitudes or habits to survive a more primitive lifestyle. Our youngsters know how to entertain themselves in electronic media but have little to no training in common activities like washing dishes, maintaining the car, washing windows or cleaning their own room. They know less about repairing machines, cooking or necessary survival skills.

In the United States being pampered is almost a universal condition for most children. Instant gratification, grade inflation, low expectations and standards have created a people ignorant of self-care and basic survival skills. These urbanized people will be a burden, not helpful in a national disaster. Children are given incessant positive reinforcement in school and at home for remembering facts from the discovery channel, negotiating the Internet and receive praise for reaching natural milestones. On top of that, they receive trophies for mastering the simplest athletic skills or displaying minimal effort. Of course they develop a false and elevated opinion of themselves.

Modern children have been deprived of working alongside their parents since both of the parents are usually too busy to teach them things. Many families no longer have meals together and hire other people to do inside and outdoor chores. Men used to build, maintain, repair and do other things around the home. The children cannot learn from their fathers to be handymen as the fathers have already shirked this responsibility. Their children are losing by never developing these traditional skills.

Modern mothers, like their husbands, have not transitioned from adolescence to be fulltime adult mothers. Rather they have retained self-centered teenage attributes such as socializing and maintaining their feminist notions of independence rather than interdependence. Cooking at home is close to passé. Women’s full emergence into the workplace has robbed their children of the quantity time necessary to train the children in homemaking arts, social, and moral values. The lack of specific training to complete a task means children have little opportunity to develop a strong work ethic, perseverance, ability to delay gratification in order to complete a major project. Currently a child working together with his parents to prepare a meal or complete a family project is a rarity.

Fathers are no better-immersing themselves in their careers, networking, politicking and working at home after putting in a full day of required hours at work. Any time the husband has left over is often consumed by recreational activities most often with business associates not with the family.

This increasing chasm between parents and their children’s interactions has had serious but unexpected consequences. Children arrogantly think they are usually smarter than their parents because they are excellent at navigating electronics. They have a skewed view of their own abilities.

Without the parental contact of doing things together the child is rarely exposed to their parents’ reservoir of knowledge in getting things done timely and efficiently. The parents see the child readily fails after doing something only once, and quits. If the parents give helpful hints to correct the child’s mistakes and he succeeds, the child experiences the parent’s vast knowledge first hand. His distorted arrogance transforms into a greater respect for adults in general.

This inflated attitude is not serving our youngsters well. Healthy children need to realize they need to continue to improve throughout their lives to develop and maintain the highest functioning level possible for them. This takes critical and honest assessment of the child’s performance in all areas. Being able to take criticism is essential for honing one’s effort in anything and everything.  Modern youngsters have to be taught common skills to build a solid foundation to excel in life. The millennials are a case in point of not having the social skills to be effective in producing rapid quality results.

Deficiencies will be magnified in a time of crisis: war, natural disaster, family tragedy or worldwide devastating catastrophe. Going back to the basics of living well is a significant asset for youngsters for surviving difficult times.

Domenick Maglio, PhD. is a columnist carried by various newspapers, an author of several books and owner/director of Wider Horizons School, a college prep program. Dr. Maglio is an author of weekly newspaper articles, INVASION WITHIN  and a new book entitled, IN CHARGE PARENTING In a PC World. You can see many of Dr. Maglio’s articles at

Tuesday, April 16, 2019


By Domenick J. Maglio PhD. Traditional Realist

The socialists in the Democrat party are vigorously selling the idea that only one group is controlling and exploiting American citizens and they are the “privileged whites. To these mostly white elites everyone except themselves is a selfish, crude, hateful white racist. Only they, “the hypocritical saviors” are there to assist the victimized “protected classes.”

To increase their base of support they are constantly expanding protected classes from racial and ethnic backgrounds into newly defined ones. This is to energize the minority’s political support for them. Women, LGBTQ, African-Americans, Hispanics, Native peoples, have been enlarged to include, physically and mentally ill, illegal and criminal immigrants and anyone dissatisfied with something or anything in their life.

Historical the socialist answer has always been the same: redistribute other people’s money to solve all the world’s problems. Of course, elites stuff their own pockets first enlarging their privileges and power before distributing government money to individual programs. The monies are to maintain “hope and change.” This creates allegiance by protected classes to these magnanimous givers of other people’s hard earned funds.

People are being taught and encouraged to look backwards to blame institutions and past and present powerful white authority figures for not reaching their goals and not making them feel positive about themselves. They are being trained to believe that playing the system by claiming victim-hood as a protected class is an accepted operating procedure. Getting over by falsifying records, or directly lying to the authorities to get employment, housing, loans, medical care is just part of receiving what is rightfully theirs. Whenever anyone speaks about traditional responsibilities they can and should be offended. Most have come to this conclusion that being held accountable for one’s behavior is “white privilege repression.” This constant barrage of propaganda is convincing artificially contrived protected classes that they are victims.

These protected classes are being persuaded not to appreciate the freedom to take initiative and personal responsibility to change their circumstances. Instead, where  they should view their freedom to change their circumstances as positive, it is seen as negative.  They are being conditioned to view society and culture as being stacked against them. They are taught that they are innocent bystanders of vicious personal discrimination and oppression against them. The only avenue they have to correct the injustices of the political establishment is to circumvent the rule of law to achieve their desires. The resistance counters this ruthless rule by promoting social activism, shouting down factual debate through incivility.  Committing illegal acts such as rioting is not considered a crime if you are part of a protected class. Illegal entry into the US is no longer spoken of as a crime even though it is against the law. Indoctrinated to believe they never had the advantage of being a privileged white, they are encouraged to find ways to beat the system that confronts them.

The advocacy of this societal acceptance of deviant behavior and thinking      
has been accomplished by introducing modern slogans. Such slogans are “be non judgmental, be tolerant of diversity and all behaviors are equivalent.

Often convicts will ask a question to equate a person’s minor transgressions with their serious crimes. As a clinical psychologist in a prison I was often asked, “have you ever driven over the speed limit”? This equivalency is a pathetic attempt to equate my speeding with their murder or other vicious action. In a like manner many caught in a criminal act such as embezzlement, lying, using their power to gain material rewards, or even murder will attempt to convince the public that this is common practice. These criminals never own up to their acts.

Whenever people are made out to be victims they are given license to take matters into their own hands to even the score. According to the average criminal, society has wronged them in some way so they are only taking back what is rightfully theirs. The seed of this mentality is being planted in the minds of many minorities.

Some of our progressive leaders are encouraging immigrants to enter our country illegally, supporting college students that shut down opposing viewpoints, and lie on legal documents to game the system.  They defended the protected classes in their celebrating of property destruction, which was supposed to frighten traditional authorities so they would capitulate on vital issues of personal freedom.

All the so-called “protected classes” have to have their eyes opened to see that they are being hypocritically exploited. These devious political operatives are attempting to incite a revolution that would gain power for the elites and would not benefit but hurt the minorities.

Domenick Maglio, PhD. is a columnist carried by various newspapers, an author of several books and owner/director of Wider Horizons School, a college prep program. Dr. Maglio is an author of weekly newspaper articles, INVASION WITHIN  and a new book entitled, IN CHARGE PARENTING In a PC World. You can see many of Dr. Maglio’s articles at

Tuesday, April 09, 2019


By Domenick J. Maglio PhD. Traditional Realist

Stephanie Pappas wrote a rambling article for the American Psychological Association virtually declaring war on men and boys. Acting like masculinity is a disease would alter the present toxicity of men’s behavior. These guidelines would assist males to be more passive and tolerant, which would alter the culture of the USA for the better according to Ms. Pappas.

This male bashing piece went so far as to indict white males for being dominant corporate executives as if it were an indicator of males’ repression of females. The changing of men’s nature and hard wiring of their minds appears to be an impossible goal. Yet, some females want men to be miraculously transformed

Almost immediately following this sophomoric anti-male rant, advertising geniuses released the almost two minute Gillette commercial. It portrayed all men as toxic animals, misogynist, sexual harassers, and boys as bullies.  The aim supposedly was to place Gillette on the side of the “Me Too” movement by emphasizing their motto “Is this the best a man can get?” or do. This berating, shaming, belittling does not do anything to elevate women but puts down men with a vengeance.

Masculinity is now supposed to be toxic. Men consistently take dangerous jobs and fight in wars to maintain our freedom. This risk taking is an important natural characteristic of men who have protected and courageously advanced civilization. Children are being taught that men are a menace and villains. This is destroying any positive feelings of children towards men. It not only lowers the image of men in the eyes of the younger generation. It lessens the image of men as well as of boys. Thus, it denigrates half the population.

 Since the 1960s the feminist movement has attempted to have women be more like men. The feminists had been successful in turning many women against their traditional role of being a mother, homemaker, building a protective nest, to raise their family and assist their husband.

The women’s movements advanced through university women’s studies, co-conspiratorial with the media and Hollywood’s glorifying the independence of females in the workforce and disparaging housewives/mothers as modern slaves.  This attack on mothers and housewives was hugely successful. Many young women delayed getting married and instead chose the glorious college experience.

Currently the tide appears to be turning as many professional women are choosing to return to the home so as not to miss those precious moments and events in raising children and family. The undeniable “ticking of the internal clock” of motherhood is overtaking ambition for many professional women. The reality of the cutthroat nature of the business world for females has become clearer with each passing year of their career.

The hardcore stand of feminists that women always have to be believed over the “all rapist male” population is losing its support. Many women have sons, husbands and brothers who the women know are not rapists. The Duke Lacrosse Team/ Towanda Brawley incident and the Judge Kavanaugh debacle have demonstrated how far feminists will go to support another women. These staunch feminists will lie for another woman to besmirch a male’s reputation and career.  

The total lack of female sexual responsibility also is starting to cause females to rethink such irrational sexual behavior as hooking up, having casual sex, and not taking birth control precautions. Women are now realizing they are part of the problem. Not all males or all females are toxic. They are hardwired differently. Men are more physically aggressive to protect and hunt to earn a living while females are more “nesters” who are the center of the family. Studies have shown absentee females or males have an incredibly negative impact on the children in the family. Both are necessary for a healthy family life.

Gender shaming of all males as rapists and generally evil is backfiring. Many females are realizing that men are invaluable to have a stable, happy and healthy family life. The more the feminists realize the tide is changing the more their tactics become radicalized, which drives more and more women out of this obnoxious subculture. Their extreme desperation is awakening a majority of the modern females to this hysterical movement.

Interdependence not excluding males in the female existence is a wise, reality decision.

Domenick Maglio, PhD. is a columnist carried by various newspapers, an author of several books and owner/director of Wider Horizons School, a college prep program. Dr. Maglio is an author of weekly newspaper articles, INVASION WITHIN  and a new book entitled, IN CHARGE PARENTING In a PC World. You can see many of Dr. Maglio’s articles at

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