Articles are available for reprint as long as the author is acknowledged: Domenick J. Maglio Ph.D.

Tuesday, April 27, 2021



BY Domenick J. Maglio PhD. Traditional Realist


Too many children are not learning important lessons that will guide them in the future. Many parents are telling their children “why” the things they have done are wrong, but it ends right there. There is no follow up, in one ear and out the other normally is the end result. 


The cancel culture labeled physical spanking, no matter how mild, as child abuse. This indoctrination process began in the 1960s and now is accepted as absolute. This change in our child development approach took place before the concept of “cancel culture” was even articulated in our nation. Nevertheless, it happened.


Anyone who argues for appropriate mental or physical pain to extinguish negative behavior is now seen as a physical abuser of children. Although before socialist pragmatist, John Dewey’s educational approach and Dr. Spock’s permissive materialistic child rearing approach, spanking was America’s traditional way of disciplining children to be obedient, to listen and be respectful towards adults.


The traditional approach of child rearing was practiced for centuries because it worked to train one’s children to follow the instructions of their elders without backtalk. It was sabotaged by the socialistic progressive elites since it hampered social change. Parents being in charge of their own parenting meant stability and the status quo. By undermining the parent’s authority, the scientists and educators replaced them as the authority figures. The shift from parents to experts was swift and greater than expected. 


The indoctrination process in education, mental health and the media not only shifted the decision making to experts but relieved the parents of the responsibility of raising their children. The modern parent just had to follow the scientific advice and their children would be physically, mentally healthy and fully prepared for the future. The path of following the scientific experts has freed up parents’ time to pursue their own interests but has resulted in unhappy, unprepared and poorly functioning children. Unfortunately, we have produced an avalanche of children sliding into the depths of dysfunctional labels.


The shift from swift corporal punishment with significant consequences to “brilliant” lectures with no follow-up by the parent has decreased the power and respect of the parents to pathetic levels. Children often see their parents as friends or as jokes, certainly not as authority figures. The authorities of modern children are the social media influencers, Hollywood entertainers and peers who get notoriety for disobeying and disrespecting traditional authority figures. These are anti-authority figures.


Parents’ words of correct behavior are usually right on target. The explanations are reasonable. The children listen contritely at times appropriately shedding the necessary tears, but the message is short lived. It is the message of advice that is as quickly given as it is forgotten. Everyone in the family goes back to shallow and detached normal interaction with all the children’s negative habits still intact. 


Contrast this approach with traditional authoritarian parents who were constantly there, in- charge. When these parents spoke, it was not a lecture, it was a command to listen, followed by a comprehensive list of ways the child’s behavior could negatively impact their life, their family and their future. Besides the consequences for the stupid behavior of the child, there were constant reminders by the parents of their ridiculous behavior. Parents “rubbed salt in the wounds” of the child by reminding him frequently of previous ridiculous behavior.


The traditional approach of an initial physical reminder such as a nun’s slap with a ruler, a mother’s wooden spoon or a father’s belt was applied, quickly gaining the attention of the child. After the mental wake-up call there was an annoying punishment that was consistently imprinted into the mind of the child, that you did this to yourself and “this hurts me more than you,” which the child never understood. The parent was honestly saying the time they had to apply to the child’s misbehavior took away from their free time. The physical pain they had to administer often brought back vivid memories of when they were raised with reality training.


Modern parenting techniques are brief and less effective than teaching moral lessons. The traditional process to gain the child’s attention through physical means then applying a well thought out, comprehensive and meaningful punishing consequence with reminders of what they did wrong was far more impactful. It placed the negative incident in the long-term memory of the child.


The parents should consider what is more abusive, being incarcerated for lack of respect for authority, ending up in a mental institution or having parents being in charge and putting reality back into the mind of the child?


Today’s parents can see the results of the intellectual lecture approach or the traditional one.

They should see the difference. 



Domenick Maglio, PhD. is a columnist carried by various newspapers, an author of several books and owner/director of Wider Horizons School, a college prep program. Dr. Maglio is an author of weekly newspaper articles, INVASION WITHIN  and a recent book entitled, IN CHARGE PARENTING In a PC World. You can see many of Dr. Maglio’s articles at

















Tuesday, April 20, 2021



By Domenick J. Maglio PhD. Traditional Realist


There are an incredible number of daily incidents that indicate many of us do not show respect for each other. This happens with youngsters, young adults, all the way to the elderly. Many of us have become egotistical humans, disregarding the less fortunate, those who have been mistreated and people in general. 


This epidemic of people treating others sarcastically, belittling them or acting rudely has bled over into everyday conversations. Amongst almost all age groups it has become accepted to speak to others with irreverence bordering on disrespect for anyone’s authority. This bodes poorly for social order in our institutions.


Former President Obama spoke of “the talk” between parents and their child about how to deal with police when stopped by an officer. This conversation should not only occur in black families but in every family. This type of discussion happens between parents and their teenage children of every race, ethnic and socio-economic level. Any parent who does not directly warn their child about how to behave in front of an authority figure, especially a police officer, is asking for trouble.


Parents are supposed to protect their offspring by providing them with realistic information that can prevent an inflammatory incident escalating out of control. A level-headed parent will tell their adolescent that at all times they should demonstrate good manners and attitude to any person of authority. This would avoid potential negative issues that the child might unintentionally provoke. 


In the extreme case of a police officer stopping the vehicle they are driving, they should be courteous and follow all of the directives exactly. The driver should be informed that the police officer is in a dangerous position when stopping any driver and will probably be jittery, which could cause an overreaction. If the young driver has a disagreement, they should stifle themselves until consulting with their parents and a lawyer.


Too many individuals believe that they have the right to resist an authority’s direct commands. Teachers, police and judges are not always treated respectfully. Often, they are ignored or insulted by a person they have commanded or officially addressed to follow a particular course of action. This is stupid and/or dangerous for their sanctioned office comes with power.


When citizens resist a police officer’s commands it does not end well. If the officer backs down from the non-compliant person, he would be considered unfit to perform his duties. Almost all officers do their duty. The officer has the law on his side so the civilian should not provoke but comply.


In this time of social disobedience, the resister has the potential glory of being a hero in gang night rioting.  This is enticing to many people who believe in the present perversion of “social justice.” Rioting is never a justification for correcting a wrong except tyrannical situation.  Reasonable enforcing of the law is not tyranny but maintaining law and order. 


Police, teachers, mental health experts and specifically parents have been assigned the responsibility of inculcating right and wrong behavior in public in order to properly function in a modern society. Accepting rational rules and limits of behavior provides us with means of properly acting in certain situations and environments throughout our lives. 


Decent normal behavior has to be taught and followed by the vast majority of citizens. When certain segments of the population refuse to accept institutional rules, they should face consequences. In school a few become dropouts, some inappropriate behaving and thinking individuals may receive mental health labels, while some could be institutionalized. Not following the law can lead to imprisonment. Inappropriate parenting behavior can lead the child to end up in any of the above situations to “protect the public” or themselves.


Incarceration in an institution for abnormal or criminal individuals usually does not rehabilitate them. It is best to teach the child as early as possible to obey and respect the rights of others. Even though people often do things we personally do not like, we do not have a right to correct them such as telling them to wear a mask but is becoming too common in our confrontational culture. Everyone’s freedoms are important as long as they respect the rights of others.


The societal boundaries are not being enforced too much but rather too little, at home, at school, in church or in our communities. It is time we bring back our dedicated teachers, religious, political, mental health leaders and most importantly our parents that establish the foundation for all respect. 


Parents teaching their children the fundamentals aspects of respect is the simplest and best means for rejuvenating our essential institutions. Only through reestablishing manners, civility and respect for authority figures can we regain our emotional stability in a society with inconsistently enforced rules.




Domenick Maglio, PhD. is a columnist carried by various newspapers, an author of several books and owner/director of Wider Horizons School, a college prep program. Dr. Maglio is an author of weekly newspaper articles, INVASION WITHIN  and a recent book entitled, IN CHARGE PARENTING In a PC World. You can see many of Dr. Maglio’s articles at

























Tuesday, April 13, 2021



By Domenick J. Maglio PhD. Traditional Realist


At this point it is impossible to comprehend what is the purpose of the border crisis. It is a conscious decision to encourage potential immigrants to come and gain citizenship. Although this administration has shutdown small American businesses under the guise of controlling Covid virus, it has let an unknown number of immigrants into our nation who have COVID-19 with no medical treatment. Additionally, it is not screening for previous terrorist or criminal gang association. Open borders does nothing to improve the USA, however it is producing many crucial problems.


The Biden administration acts as if the border shenanigans is a spontaneous event that he inherited from President Trump’s administration. The difficulty with this analysis is it is completely not true. The border was under control when President Trump left office. During his campaign, the Biden administration put out a welcome mat to bypass the intensive 10 year or more demanding legal process for citizenship. 


Many illegal immigrants proudly wore their Biden T-shirts to thank him for their entry. He completely stopped the completion of portions of the border fence even though it was already financed by congress. The Biden administration open border policy was a well thought out plan to change the dynamics of our traditional Constitutional Republic. 


President Biden had to realize that changing the word “crisis” to “challenge” would not prevent huge increases in national and state budgets for services estimated to be up to $1 billion-plus to accommodate these illegal immigrants. There will be medical costs, housing such as hotels, food, education, staffing, and unforeseen expenses substantially driving up the cost of this reversal of a closed border. 


The reality of Biden’s border intervention is now all states of the US are “border states.” The administration is placing unaccompanied children and teenagers on busses going to towns and cities all over the United States. This is inhumane, reckless and illegal without approval of the local communities.  The current border policy is open borders to the rest of the world. It is an unsustainable one with our existing welfare system. It will provide services, increase social chaos while draining our national resources. 


This border invasion, the packing of the Supreme Court, the attack on the First and Second Amendments of our Bill of Rights, and over 50 executive orders demonstrate the total disregard for our constitution. President Biden had the audacity to state, “the amendments to our constitution are not absolute,” as though he could change them at any time without following a constitutional legal process. Even an elementary student who has studied history knows that our constitution cannot be altered except through a specific constitutional process.


These authoritarian leftist policies are certainly not meant to unite us, but to divide us. Curtailing our freedom of speech through hate speech, politically correct speech, and censorship by social and news media is limiting US citizens’ ability to speak freely, our first amendment right. Along with limiting free speech, Biden is also attempting to limit citizens’ rights to own guns. This is like waving a red flag in front of a bull.


Do the progressive radical communists want to create an insurrection by patriotic Americans to eliminate any opposition once and for all? If this happened, it would set up a global government without having to deal with a free America in the equation. It would finalize the issue between freedom and dictatorial control of the world, or could it be a more mundane goal? It could be as simple as increasing poor immigrants who would be likely to vote democrat to perpetuate their reelection. Also, these increased immigrants would be greeted by Country Club Republicans who would view them as cheap labor to increase their profits.


Biden’s ludicrous almost $5 Trillion infrastructure project with only 6% going for infrastructure is a misrepresentation of his proposal. This outrageous debt created by these give away programs will create a worthless currency that will result in the US becoming a third world nation. We will become another Venezuela that exhausted their treasury on communist programs causing a separation into either a few elites or the many destitute.  


A side effect of the open boarder is that it is assisting the drug and sex trade. These trades are highly profitable, while weakening the moral fiber of our country. This would create an evil society allowing for an easier transition to a totalitarian state based on the blatant lies of the communist ideology.


Whatever the reason behind these un-American policies, it will lead us into an inferior international position. The citizens of the United States should demand our government follow our Constitutional Republic not use communist notions, tactics and propaganda lies. Biden’s questionable policies have to be reversed before it is too late for the sake of our nation.














Tuesday, April 06, 2021



By Domenick J. Maglio PhD. Traditional Realist


“A popular government without popular information, or the means of acquiring it, is but a prologue to a farce or a tragedy or perhaps both.” James Madison


Cancel culture is simply a process of punishing a person or group from exercising their free speech. Instead of a person or group attempting to persuade others that another’s behavior or speech is wrong or harmful to others, the cancel culture corporate advocates attempt to eliminate or punish an individual or group’s right to free speech. It is an actual attack on our constitutional republic’s rights for free speech. It is the foundation of all of our rights. 


Cancel culture, along with political correctness and accusations of white supremacy and hate speech are being employed to limit or restrain certain speech that is contrary to progressive ideology. It was tested in the socialist halls of education and it was successful in limiting the speech of any opposition. It has become routine for the social media to censor users on their platforms. This was even done to the president of the United States.


Leftist have devised a sophisticated method of coercing mega corporations to follow in lock-step with their progressive agenda. Previously they used a more direct approach of picking winners and losers and using government agencies such as the IRS and others to harass conservative organizations. This concept was so alien to the US citizens’ belief system in competitive capitalism that there was resistance to this policy.


The new scheme is based on the more innocuous term of social responsibility. Government bureaucrats and activists created a Social Responsibility Rating (SRR) to persuade large corporations to implement their progressive agenda to achieve high SRR ratings. The high SRR number signals that the enormous pension funds would put their money in these “woke” companies. The more traditional conservative corporations are punished for their low scores. To gain a larger slice of the pension pie, a mega corporation has to shift their approach and practices to match those of the progressive administration. This means that the low SRR companies either remain silent or support bizarre cancel culture actions such as cancelling Peter Pan, Dr. Seuss, Senator Josh Hawley’s book and the All Star baseball game or pay extortion money. 


“You know someone very profoundly once said many years ago that if fascists ever come to America it will come in the name of liberalism.” “And what is fascism?” Reagan said. “Fascism is private ownership, private enterprise but total government control and regulation.”


Government control and power has reared its head. Just this week Delta Airlines, headquartered in Atlanta, Georgia, switched from supporting the well thought out new Georgia voting laws to opposing them. The president of Delta, Glen Hauenstein, stated he is no longer in favor of the baseball all-star game being played in Atlanta. James Quincey, president of Coca cola, called the new Georgia voting law "unacceptable," and "a step backwards. He used the same fallacious reasoning about the voting bill that President Biden did when he said it would end at 5pm saying that working people would not have sufficient time to cast their vote and it was inhumane not to give water to voters. Both were not true. 


The United States government is entering a new era where the progressive movement has gone beyond President Obama’s picking winners and losers in business. The Biden administration is harnessing the power of mega corporations to disregard stockholders vested interest in their corporate stocks and turn to the concept of “social responsibility” for the people of the world.


This corporate social responsibility rating influences the amount of funds that corporations will receive. This new process for corporate growth and power has influenced international corporations to be co-opted by progressive decrees. Many corporations are now willing to join the progressive tactics to shut down an individual or organization’s voice that is in conflict with government-controlled policies. 


Being a puppet of a fascist government has become more acceptable as long as the multi-national corporations grow along with the guaranteed seven figure salary for the CEO. This partnership with international corporations and a powerful centralized government is reminiscent of past fascist nations. It should frighten every legal citizen or illegal one entering our non-borders. Without consideration for citizens’ rights of free speech and participation in decision making many things will eventually “go to hell in a handbasket.” This is nothing more than a coup by a centralized fascist government of the USA. 


All citizens left or right should comprehend that without the voice of citizens or respect of their rights, a brutal government will rear its head destroying our goodness and protection from government evil. 


Domenick Maglio, PhD. is a columnist carried by various newspapers, an author of several books and owner/director of Wider Horizons School, a college prep program. Dr. Maglio is an author of weekly newspaper articles, INVASION WITHIN  and a recent book entitled, IN CHARGE PARENTING In a PC World. You can see many of Dr. Maglio’s articles at