Articles are available for reprint as long as the author is acknowledged: Domenick J. Maglio Ph.D.

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Fighting is Necessary to Limit Evil: The right to bear arms is an American value that must be preserved

Fighting has gotten a bad reputation. Anyone who fights is wrong in our modern culture. Both the aggressor and the person attacked are equally culpable to our authorities. The image of warriors fighting for good too often is perceived as malicious rather than noble. In the recent past standing up for goodness especially when it meant putting one’s life on the line was considered a courageous act that deserved admiration not condemnation. It still should for the peace and welfare of our country.

In a recent highly publicized incident in New York a mugger had the audacity to snatch the purse of Rose Moret, a 101 year-old lady, in the lobby of her apartment house. When she tried to hold onto it he punched her in the head. We were shocked back into reality that the older generation has more guts than the younger generation in responding to evil with indignation. This heroine knew right from wrong and automatically did what was right. In our hearts we cheered for her and at the same time felt ashamed we have lost our courage.

It is safer and easier to ignore injustices and brutality that occur smack in front of us. In this politically correct society we have been conditioned to turn our backs on people in harm’s way. We have become a society of self-centered wimps. We need to regain our courage.

Combat on any level is a dangerous proposition. No rational person wants to risk his life and limb in a fight. However, fighting is justifiable when it is done to protect ourselves, loves ones, family or nation.

In America each person has a responsibility and a right to protect his body, his family, innocent people and his property from unjustifiable attack. People are evil when they force others to do things against their own self-interest and will. The satisfaction of their desires drives them without any regard for decency and the rights of others. Evil people have always and will continue to exist as part of the human condition. Self-defense against evil is a responsibility of any spiritual person. Placing oneself in a dangerous situation to help another is a kind act.

Mugging, home invasion, rape, childhood sex abuse, stealing, domestic violence and killing of the innocent exists throughout the world. Depending on the time in a country’s history evil acts will be minimal or they will be rampant although thet will never be totally nonexistent. The level of evil is determined by the willingness of good men to take a stand. When courageous people fight against any type of evil it retreats.

We need to teach our children and remind ourselves that weakness in confronting evil causes it to flourish while strength results in its diminishing. Too many Americans have forgotten this historical reality and believe appeasement will magically bring an end to destructive behavior. This is false. It only emboldens evil.

Every humane person who desires a peaceful and good world has no right to do nothing when confronted by evil even if they fear bodily harm. Doing nothing is the surest way to lose our freedom and a just world.

Strongly fighting against evil is a less dangerous approach to insure our country’s existence than attempting to negotiate with it. Diplomacy with evil men buys them time to successfully launch lethal attacks that can culminate in our defeat.

Most Americans have no idea of the real consequences of losing the war to a belligerent civilization. Rape, pillaging and occupation will result in the eradicating of our freedoms, rights, prosperity and the optimistic spirit that has defined us for the past 250 years.

No greater legacy has a man than to sacrifice his life to protect the liberty and life of others. Being a victim or dying a coward while watching innocent people being abused or killed is a disgrace to the individual and a sign of moral decay of a society.

No civilized nation can depend totally on its police force and military to control and stop evil acts domestically and internationally. The people of the nation must be encouraged and allowed to stand up to evil acts. Without high societal expectations of valor on the part of all citizens a chaotic and violent world prevails.

Our founding fathers put their lives, families and personal fortunes on the line to fight the British abuse and exploitation of Americans. The novel Bill of Rights was created to list our inalienable rights as citizens of America. The second of these amendments clearly affirmed our responsibility and right to bear arms to keep evil people at bay. Let us return to the root values of America to preserve our nation.

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Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Playing the Race or Ethnic Card is Offensive

Throughout history people have gone to the Kilarney Castle in Ireland to kiss the Blarney stone to hopefully become eloquent and articulate. According to some elite Blacks, the word “articulate” can be a racial code word.

Lynnette Clemetson wrote an article in the New York Times, titled, “The Word that Makes Black’s Blood Boil: Articulate”. She related in the piece that President Bush innocuously described Barak Obama as “articulate” which somehow was supposed to have racial overtones. This is ironic since President Bush is constantly attacked for being inarticulate himself.

In the same article University of Pennsylvania professor, Michael Eric Dyson said, “the implication is that most Black people do not have the capacity to engage in articulate speech, when White people are assumed to be articulate.” This is an absurd stretch of reality as there are few White, Asian, Hispanic or Black people who have the eloquence or charisma of the senator from Illinois.

A miniscule number of African-American elites feel they have the right to use their prerogative to establish a double standard. Rev. Jesse Jackson, Rev. Al Sharpton and Whoopie Goldberg have supported making the “N word” a “hate crime” for Whites while excusing its use among Blacks. These “so called” leaders are perpetuating not easing racism.

By deciding arbitrarily when any word strikes them as insulting the elites are even more dangerous. Even though the word “articulate” has a positive connotation in mainstream culture these elites reserve the right to use their peculiar sensibilities to dictate what is appropriate and what is not. This is ridiculous.

Using the same type of illogical reasoning any compliment by a racial or ethnic minority to a Caucasian could be interpreted as a racial slur by a few White elites. Substituting Black for White and White for Black and changing “articulate” to “athlete” the above mentioned Dyson quote would read “ the implication is that most White people do not have the capacity to engage in athletics when Blacks are assumed to be athletic.” This would make any mention of Bret Farve as a good athlete a racial slur towards Whites. In this bizarre logic minorities are ridiculing the athleticism of the White race by saying Bret Farve is a good athlete.

In the same way an Hispanic saying to a White that you have a “green thumb” may be turned on its head from a compliment to a derogatory racial comment.

Anytime a group has the ability to determine when a word is offensive to them they are in a superior position and everyone else is in a subservient position. This ability for one racial or ethnic group to randomly determine what is offensive places any other group in an unenviable position of having to defend themselves against being racist.

This use of the race card is not isolated to Blacks. Whenever any American, especially a Caucasian, demands our borders be secured against the invasion of illegal immigrants, or logical and reasonable profiling for security at the airport, the race card will surely be thrown. It doesn’t matter if they are recent legal immigrants or a tenth generation American of Black, Asian, or even Hispanic or Middle Eastern background, they will probably be considered by many to be an anti Mexican or Middle Eastern racist.

It appears in the United States Whites are between “ a rock and a hard place”. When they say anything critical, no matter how accurate, they can and probably will be called a racist. And if they say anything complimentary, no matter how true, they can and probably will be called a racist.

Walking on eggshells regardless of the situation is not a good way to exist. All of us should become aware of what are the “hot button issues” for individuals, racial or ethnic groups and attempt to understand them. For everyone’s long term well being, this game of “I gotcha”, has to be exposed not avoided and alternative ways of relating must be developed. In the long run the method of ignoring or appeasing another group does nothing to bring people together.

By all of us courageously and honestly expressing our feelings and thoughts openly we will increase understanding between all Americans. It will make it very difficult to get away with using an “offensive racial or ethnic card.”


Monday, April 09, 2007

Shrewd and Crazy People are Shaping Our Culture

Unbelievable as it may seem, it is no longer acceptable to hold irresponsible people accountable for their crazy and immoral behavior. Instead we are magnanimously changing our culture to prevent them from hurting themselves and all of us. It is eroding our freedom and robbing our pockets of our hard earned money.

States with no-fault auto insurance force the hard working people to pay extra for uninsured drivers. Even though the injury rate has substantially decreased, our auto insurance has gone up. Barbara Langland-Orband, “Blame Higher Car Rates on Pricing, Not Accidents” Tampa Tribune, Friday, March 23, 2007.

Affluent people build mansions on the edge of the ocean. They have every right to do so but we have no personal responsibility to bail them out after a storm. The fact is the insurance industry is paying them off for their insane gamble with Mother Nature. The insurance companies have no problem reimbursing these risk taking homeowners. These companies through donations have bought favor with the state regulatory agencies who reciprocate by raising the rates of the majority of the low risk insurees to pay for the few who are abusing the system.

Guess who is paying for the “no money down sub-prime” loan’s avalanche of defaults? Again, we are, not the mortgage company who made these ticking time bomb loans. Our interest rates for new loans are going up to keep the loan industry afloat. The middle class gets hit again.

We now have elaborately fenced over-passes at great taxpayer expense on our highways and bridges to prevent suicides and hateful people from throwing heavy objects down on innocent drivers. After spending time and money apprehending these fools, our judicial system dismisses them or at the worst gives them a slap on the wrist.

We use this shortsighted “humanitarian” philosophy of changing the culture to protect nutty and deviant people from receiving logical consequences for their irresponsible behavior. Child sex offenders, rapists, home invaders, terrorists and other violent criminals are shielded. The defense attorneys play to the jurist’s sympathies by directing their comments to their serial abusers less than ideal childhood. These deviant’s past circumstances are supposed to erase their evil deeds. The good and rational taxpayers pay the price for these hideous acts over and over.

Our lives are negatively altered to protect the deviant’s rights. We Americans are forced to not allow our children to play outside in the yards of our homes, place security cameras and alarms around our homes, carry mace or pepper spray and wait in long security lines at our airports.

Richard Ried, the “shoe bomber”, who was a failure at exploding his shoe on an airplane has been immortalized every time a traveler is required to take off his shoes to have them x-rayed to get through security at the airport. This “loser” is a cult hero amongst terrorists not for what he successfully did but how America has responded to him.

Our elites continue to dilute our quality of life to appease the clever cons. We now have to place all liquids in bottles no bigger than 4 ounces, use security wands on humped-back 80 year-old ladies and wait for the next bizarre bureaucratic command handed down. This is to divert the public’s attention away from rational “profiling” and issuing of a security card for low risk honorable U.S. citizens. Instead we pass unnecessary hours in the airport playing charades to pretend everyone is an equal risk possessing the same constitutional rights. We must discriminate between psychopaths and law-abiding citizens to preserve our heritage.

We are creating a bureaucratic culture that is protecting evildoers while punishing the good ones.

We the people are allowing utopian, international elites, a small percentage of the population, to corrupt our way of life. Accommodating shrewd and crazy people by sacrificing the freedom and rights of responsible people is a losing proposition.

Enough is enough. We must stop allowing our freedoms and rights to be chipped away to placate people’s insane actions. We must:

  • Vote out special interest parasitic officials and replace them with patriotic, responsible and moral Americans.
  • Stop supporting immoral and indecent entertainment.
  • Teach our children historical facts that have made America great not place the deviant above the law-abiding citizen.
  • Demand high moral standards from ourselves and others.

This is a culture war that must be fought to win. Sitting on the sidelines will result in defeat. Winning will only occur when we decide to stand up as traditional Americans.


Sweet but Overbearing Mothers Bully Teachers

The media has shown many irate parents storming onto the playing field of their children’s sport to trash a referee or another parent or even the child’s opponent. Usually they are men using their brawn to intimidate.

In school another more subtle form of bullying is done by mothers. This has not received any recognition in the media. Parents are invading the sanctity of the classroom to intimidate teachers into making special accommodations for their child. They are aggressively bulldozing right over their child’s teachers.

Although this form of teacher bullying is generally psychological, the negative impact on the child can be just as debilitating. The offending parent, often the mother, sends the pathetic message to the child that the child can never show she is less than perfect.

The inevitable happens when the child shows she is merely a developing child and not perfect. The parent rushes in to maintain the illusion there is no need for improvement. The mother believes she needs to bail the child out of any of the child’s mistakes in the attempt to maintain the myth that the child is as infallible as the mother.

Any difficulty her child experiences the mother feels is a direct reflection on her. These parents do not permit their children to compensate for their weaknesses. The child is forced to fake being perfect.

These children of bullying mothers are under immense pressure. Often they are the only child. Their mothers have all their dreams invested in the one child. The child obediently follows the sweet but over bearing mother’s demands and witnesses her manipulate authority figures to do exactly what she wants.

When these children enter school their mothers attempt to micro manage the child’s classroom. “My child told me her hand was raised and you picked another child.” The not so hidden message is “my child from now on must be chosen first.” All proceeding communication with the teacher starts out, “today this or that happened in school” as if the mother was sitting in the classroom. Upon questioning by the teacher it becomes clear her only source of information necessary is her own child’s supposedly accurate perceptions.

These mothers frequently demand schoolwork ahead of time in order to tutor their children at home. This curriculum knowledge in advance with the parent’s effort will insure the child an A. They even will do the child’s written work using adult language and expect to get a superior grade even though it is obvious the child had little to do with it. When the child cannot read what is supposed to be his own paper, the teacher is expected to disregard this glaring fact. Anything less than an A results in an immediate meeting called by the parent to lecture the teacher and demonstrate her incompetence.

The teacher gets the message that this child will be treated as special or the teacher will pay a heavy price. The teacher’s reputation will be mangled through the whisper campaign with other parents in the parking lot and by disparaging remarks to other teachers about this less than accommodating teacher.

These bullying mothers live through their children to such an extent that they will expect other parents to make their child special. At social events the sweet bullying mother will direct other parents to allow her child to be first in all situations. Her child has to win every silly game regardless of how well he did. Any parent that does not join the bandwagon can be assured they will suffer reprisal. Their children will not be invited to special after school social events. The sole purpose is to punish other parents and children to keep them in line.

The mission of these subtle bullying mothers is to create in the minds of others an image of a superior child to confirm she is a superior parent. These pushy mothers are obnoxious to other children and their parents although they are most destructive to their own child’s development.
