Articles are available for reprint as long as the author is acknowledged: Domenick J. Maglio Ph.D.

Tuesday, September 29, 2020


By Domenick J. Maglio PhD. Traditional Realist


There is no longer any doubt that Marxist concepts are being taught in our universities and currently in our local government K-12 schools. Even teacher unions are supporting Marxist philosophy and concepts in our classrooms. Virtual government school classes are unable to prevent parents from viewing of outright anti-American propaganda that is being taught to their naïve children. 


The textbooks assigned to students who study western history are written by authors who view almost all aspects of U.S. policies as exploitive of blacks, and minority people. Currently the elites and the democrat media have started to repeat the phrase: “systematic racism” in the United States.” There has never been an explanation of what this actually means and how it is manifested therefore it cannot be refuted. The reason is there is no “systematic racism but there is systematic anti-patriotism. 


The U.S. has had great accomplishments in its brief history but only the failures are emphasized.   Slavery and injustice toward blacks are highlighted although at that time slavery was practiced almost everywhere. The context of our history has been distorted to make the greatest nation on earth appear as an evil monster who repressed and enslaved others.  The incredible sacrifices of American soldiers in world wars to save European nations from servitude was minimized by some as an attempt to become a superpower. The humane and generous Marshall Plan helped rebuild Europeans to economic and military stability without claiming military rewards of land and treasure.


In our country WWII started a great chapter where blacks, ethnic groups and uneducated people were integrated into the military winning acceptance as Americans. The Civil Rights movement, school integration and the Great Society followed, spurring on Black Studies, Affirmative Action programs with corporate backing. American citizens elected a black president, Barack Obama, and have elected many black officials in local and state government. Blacks and other minorities have reached every level in our society that was reputed to be Systematically Racist.


Yet today we are witnessing a motley crew often led by wealthy, white female adults, burning down and destroying our democrat run cities calling for the death of police officers and Death to America. Black Lives Matter leaders are really more concerned about creating a Marxist order than protecting real black people’s lives. Other black victims of BLM riots are ignored such children, business owners and police officers.


When Americans follow the money, they find wealthy global corporations, democrat political operatives, media cohorts and support from Marxist leaning organizations providing the finances. George Soros and other prominent billionaires, Twitter, Facebook, Google and global corporate heads use their political power to reinforce the narrative that the United States is an exploitive, racist nation. Other political forces that are encouraging the fall of the United States constitution want our nation’s exceptionalism to vanish. The U.S. collapse would allow the elites to elevate their status from national politicians to elite players in the global economy.


The campaign against American patriots, to undermine the allegiance and existence of the United States is obvious. It is being exposed as the imbedded bureaucratic elites in our government are doing everything to undermine our nation. The bogus Russian investigation attempted coup to deny President Trump’s legal election. Marxist teaching in our government schools, social media and news censorship, while condoning the riots in democrat state strongholds are means of undermining the U.S. These individuals are determined through their indoctrination to eliminate the people’s power in America. These elites desire a centralized government run from the top down not from the bottom up with average citizens telling their representatives what they want.


The false “systematic racism” charge is another attempt to divide us into conflicting groups to end our constitutional republic. Once this occurs these elites will replace it with a Marxist government to establish an exclusive wealthy and powerful elite class. At the same time, it will create large powerless, voiceless, impoverished and ignorant masses to easily manipulate. This is the profile of a communist society.


The destruction of respect, allegiance and honor of our history and heroes has been coordinated by political elites to brainwash the masses. These efforts by the anti-American leaders will not end without prosecuting them in our criminal justice system. The American people need to insist on removing the unsubstantiated accusations as fact and end censorship of competing ideas to allow our citizens to learn about American exceptionalism and reject Marxist depravity. We citizens need to regain our rights to our schools, law and order, honest elections while our representatives follow the direction of the people. 


We are not a country of systematic racism but are under attack by many evil forces. Systematically dismantling of our Constitutional Republic is being done by undermining the patriotism of citizens of the greatest nation on earth.





Domenick Maglio, PhD. is a columnist carried by various newspapers, an author of several books and owner/director of Wider Horizons School, a college prep program. Dr. Maglio is an author of weekly newspaper articles, INVASION WITHINand a recent book entitled, IN CHARGE PARENTING in a PC World. You can see many of Dr. Maglio’s articles at



Wednesday, September 23, 2020




By Domenick J. Maglio PhD. Traditional Realist


“All men are toxic” is a stupid perspective bordering on insanity. Even if a female came from either an absentee or abusive father, she probably interacted with a kind and healthy man sometime in her life. It could be a brother, son, co-worker, holy-man, teacher or acquaintance that entered her life. Each man is unique but all are genetically male. Obviously, there are sociopathic and saintly people of both genders. The concept of one gender being evil while the other is defenseless victims is ridiculous. It divides, not unites us.


Many radical feminists and Marxists are campaigning for the breakup of the patriarchal family. Their common alternative is an all-powerful totalitarian nanny state that would raise the children and provide for all their needs as they indoctrinate them to the virtues of totalitarianism. The elites will divide people into conflicting groups siding with one over the other to establish a new radical order.


Many females have been programed by Marxist group-think to detest traditional males. Attacking all males is a political act of irrationality by angry, dissatisfied and self-abusive females. These dysfunctional females do not want to change their unproductive thinking and behavior to better meet their own personal needs. Instead they fixate on all men as their enemy. They are encouraged by “women’s studies” and sophisticated women’s magazines to create a negative narrative about half of the population to convince others, and mostly themselves that all men are poisoning the rights and happiness of innocent, faultless females.


In the past men have been the primary economic providers, warriors and protectors of the family. Women were primarily the nurturers and managers of the home and children. Mothers demonstrate warm feelings, compassion and ensure a healthy environment.  Men were not about love and cuddly feelings, rather about emotional and physical toughness to survive in a difficult world. They were supposed to prepare their children for the duties and responsibilities of being a fully functioning adult in a rugged, competitive work environment.


Males were individuals who demonstrated perseverance in times of adversity. They are often less accommodating and tolerant than nurturing females. Men were stern, wanting things done in a specific manner. Most were more logical than driven by their emotions. They expected themselves and others to keep their word and do their duty in dangerous situations. Men were more demanding and less sympathetic toward human weakness. Fathers wanted their children and other adults to be emotionally and physically tough enough to obtain their personal objectives and goals. Many males still believe in these values and behaviors.


 If the child’s interaction is solely with a small, angry, feminist group where all men are excluded and considered toxic, they will develop a horrible opinion of males. The child will not be able to learn for themselves that half of our population has many positive virtues. This should not be denied to boys as they might be persuaded to hate their own nature and girls will not learn how to relate and appreciate males.


The lack of a father has been studied extensively and has been found to have many negative ramifications. Children who do not have a father figure or significant older male role model are at a great disadvantage in their lives.  In fatherless homes youngsters are more likely to be poor, involved in drugs and alcohol, drop out of school and have mental health problems. Boys without fathers are more likely to take part in crime and girls to become pregnant and runaways as teens.


Our children should not be deprived of a man in their lives and become casualties of the feminist war against men. Our children should be allowed to experience and learn from both genders. We all need both males and females for each brings different perspectives and knowledge to the public arena and directly to maturing children.   


Brainwashed, unfulfilled feminists who view all men as the enemy will irreparably damage our society. It is a repulsive sexist act for women to view males as negative role models. This view on its face is blatantly absurd since men are essential for the survival of any civilization. Males are half of our children, fathers, uncles, grandfathers, neighbors and for many females their partners and best friends. Men are essential for procreation, thus, human existence.


Radical feminists should look in the mirror and change what they can in their own lives to be at peace. Men are fundamental to the human race and will continue to contribute to society, making it a better place.


All children without fathers are at a significant disadvantage to learn positive character traits that they need to be successful in a vibrant society. Fathers’ no-nonsense role modeling of individual strength is the backbone of building and maintaining a strong, vibrant civilization.




Domenick Maglio, PhD. is a columnist carried by various newspapers, an author of several books and owner/director of Wider Horizons School, a college prep program. Dr. Maglio is an author of weekly newspaper articles, INVASION WITHIN  and a recent book entitled, IN CHARGE PARENTING In a PC World. You can see many of Dr. Maglio’s articles at


















By Domenick J. Maglio PhD. Traditional Realist


The immigration of Italians exploded on the American scene in the late 19th century to the early 20th century. Six million Italian refugees arrived mostly from southern Italy. The part of the peninsula which at that time belonged to the Bourbons was called “Two Sicilys.”

The Bourbon elites usually did not reside on the land of their estates in southern Italy. These landholders used their political power to increase their holdings by lobbying for higher taxes on the peasant’s subsistence plots to gain ownership. This process left many native families with miniscule opportunity to raise themselves out of serfdom. Even after General Garibaldi united Italy, the abusive taxation of the southern Italian by northern Italians changed little.


The ability to survive under this economic exploitation became almost impossible. It left the peasants two options: to stay with no means of extricating themselves from this vicious cycle or leave. Millions of these southern Italians returned several times to Italy to visit family then eventually returned to the US with their family and settled down to start a new life.


Once these men arrived in America, they often were scammed by shysters and criminals. These highly motivated people moved all over the nation to find better opportunities. They were proud people who never asked for government help. Their wages as initial arrivals were an average of $1.60 for a day’s labor, below black laborers’ pay in the NYC market. Conditions were dangerous but gave an opportunity to better themselves in the US than by remaining in feudal southern Italy.


These immigrants moved into communities with other Italians. These “Little Italys” had people who spoke their local dialect and sold their own native foods. Being suspicious of legal authorities in Italy, these immigrants did not attempt to develop relationships with authority figures. Many police were Irish who had little empathy for this immigrant subculture. These Italians immigrants shied away from relying on authorities to deal with any problems in their communities.


The distrust between some American citizens and immigrant Italians blew up in New Orleans. On March 14, 1891 the death of police chief, David Hennessey, triggered a nightmare. Over 250 Italian Americans were rounded up to retaliate against the chief’s death, 17 were tried. After deliberating, the jury came back with a verdict of not guilty. The day after an agitated crowd of thousands of citizens was held against this sentence of acquittal. “The mostly white mob with some negroes” resulted in the largest mass lynching in the United States. Eleven so-called “villainous dagos” were hung from trees. Newspapers throughout the United States including the NY Times and Washington Post defiled the Italian and glorified the mob.


Italian immigrants’ problem with many southern communities was not their work ethic. It was the Italian blurring of the “color line.” Some southern Italians had darker skin than most Americans and some were listed as “negro” at Ellis Island.  The Italian immigrants replaced blacks on sugar plantations and other intensive manual labor jobs.


During WWII more than 600,000 Italian immigrants were put into internment camps. In this “Estoria Segreta” (secret history) internment camps were many prominent citizens who greatly contributed to their communities and nation. Just like the Japanese they were stripped of their businesses, positions, and everything they owned along with their liberties. Yet, when mentioning the indignity the Japanese suffered, the Italian immigrants were rarely acknowledged as facing the same fate. During the same WWII period, American Italians contributed half a million troops to the US military.  These American-Italian soldiers received great recognition earning more Medals of Honor than any other ethnic group.


Discrimination against ethnic minorities still exists today. As an Italian-American I was denied the rental of a house in Kentucky, was served a WOP salad in Arkansas, was shown the cages where Italian working men were kept in Connecticut when their work day was finished to keep them from socializing with the local women. I was often shadowed by a security person when entering a department store.


In this era of revisionist history, a narrative was created that Americans were exploiters of people of color but accepted all others with open arms. This narrative was sold to the American education system. Chinese, Arabs, Hispanics, Irish, Koreans, and a host of other ethnic groups were also mistreated. Students have not heard about the blatant discrimination suffered by the southern Italian and other ethnic groups who did not accept victimhood but worked their way up in society.


All immigrants had to pay a significant price for assimilating into America. These repugnant experiences should not be hidden but heralded to show all immigrants that becoming a member of the greatest nation in the world takes persistence and dedication. The immigrant groups did not need government preferential treatment and handouts, just opportunity.





Domenick Maglio, PhD. is a columnist carried by various newspapers, an author of several books and owner/director of Wider Horizons School, a college prep program. Dr. Maglio is an author of weekly newspaper articles, INVASION WITHIN  and a recent book entitled, IN CHARGE PARENTING In a PC World. You can see many of Dr. Maglio’s articles at





































Tuesday, September 08, 2020



By Domenick J. Maglio PhD. Traditional Realist


Reality is often harsh. There are many conversations parents should have with their youngsters to prepare them for safely facing the dangers in life. Parent warn their children about the peril of talking to strangers. They often attempt to instill the awareness that they have gained over time to try to prevent their child from being harmed.


The high point of a teenager entering adulthood is the earning of a driver’s license. This passage into adulthood requires much coaching and direction by the parent such as how to respond when your vehicle slides sideways in the rain, the best distance to follow behind another car, when to put on your turn signal before you switch lanes and a host of other essential instructions.


There is another necessary discussion that every teenager needs to have with their parents: how to react if and when a police officer stops you in your car. The first thing any Asian, White, Black, Native American, Hispanic, or Middle Eastern parent should stress with their teen, who may have recently received a driver’s license, is to remain respectful if pulled over by an officer. They should be emotionally controlled, not snarky, loud or physically “puffed up” and they should respectful. The parent needs to explain that being a policeman is one of the most emotionally demanding and dangerous positions in the community.


After the flashing lights are noticed by the driver, they should immediately slow down and pull their vehicle into a safe place. In this critical encounter anything can take place. In the best-case scenario, the driver is reasonable in following orders to show his license and registration, while acting pleasant to the badge and uniform. On the other hand, the driver can become hostile and belligerent to the police officer’s commands. Obviously, the polite, reasonable and respectful person alleviates much of the cop’s apprehension and fear. When the individual being stopped is calm and reasonable, the policeman can be as well.


Infrequently the opposite can happen when a person is under the influence of drugs, alcohol, mental illness or is a hardened criminal. This can end in a very tragic way when the person does not adhere to the police officer’s commands. The encounter with an officer unfortunately can quickly escalate to the next level when the expected response is not received. The next step that the police have trained for is confronting the person with a taser or with physical force to get control over the situation. At best this means a headache of paperwork or at worst the use of a firearm.


An officer who stops a civilian provokes anxiety for all involved. It is imperative to be deferential when encountering a police officer doing his official duties. This will go a long way in creating a smooth, efficient and effective process. If a person is belligerent, annoyed, arrogant or combative the episode can escalate into an explosive one. Tell your child that the police officers are generally not your enemy, not prejudiced or out to get you but you need to speak to them respectfully and you should receive respect back.


Law enforcers believe they need to immediately establish respect since it is necessary for them to be in control, to keep everything calm. The most difficult part for the officer is to assess what actually happened in the particular incident, whether to release the person or to charge them. Without reasonable and thoughtful responses from those involved, it is impossible to evaluate how to proceed. A police officer frequently has to be assertive to get to the bottom of an issue, so do not become offended.  It is their responsibility to enforce the laws of the land. They have policies to follow and metrics to fill.  The officer might not agree with all the laws and rules, but it is his duty to enforce them.


All teenagers and others should understand that regardless of gender, ethnic or racial background all law enforcement officers should be treated with courtesy. The police officer is not the judge or jury. This position is too ominous and perilous for them to be too accommodating. It is a profession where serious and fatal consequences can take place in an instant. Citizens should appreciate the difficult and dangerous possibilities that exist in the average day of a police officer.


Regardless of political leanings, ethnic background, race or socio-economic level, all parents should tell their children that all police officers are not out to get them. They will cause themselves less difficulty in dealing with the police if they are cooperative. The best policy is being unemotional, compliant, and honest.


Domenick Maglio, PhD. is a columnist carried by various newspapers, an author of several books and owner/director of Wider Horizons School, a college prep program. Dr. Maglio is an author of weekly newspaper articles, INVASION WITHIN  and a recent book entitled, IN CHARGE PARENTING In a PC World. You can see many of Dr. Maglio’s articles at



























Tuesday, September 01, 2020






By Domenick J. Maglio PhD. Traditional Realist


The Chief Diversity Officer, CDO, is an organizational executive level diversity and inclusion officer. With the advent of diversity officers two-thirds were on college campuses. The position was a direct outgrowth of Sensitivity Training and then the Affirmative Action movement. This concept of diversity officers in universities has found fertile ground in corporate America.


Its ultimate goal is to change the complexion of corporate America by dictating a percentage outcome of racial, gender and sexual orientation rather than by competency and merit. This is obviously antithetical to capitalism and compatible to Marxism. These corporate diversity CDOs are comprised of blacks, women and LGBT individuals. The job description is nebulous but centers around racial and sexual discrimination, harassment, social justice and equity. It is an expanding specialty in large international corporations.


The CEOs, Corporate Executive Officers, have to satisfy stockholders by providing them ever increasing stock value. Their shares are often bought by large hedge funds, pension funds or local, state and federal government pensions. It behooves large corporations to develop a positive reputation for being amendable to accepting new regulations and mandates affecting hiring, firing and social justice issues in the corporation. Any controversy or malicious rumors of transgressions against the uber left agenda can negatively impact the corporation’s future. If it is not promoting social justice, equity or any policy which is currently in vogue on the far left, it would possibly be dealt a death sentence by insufficient financial backing or an attack by the cancel culture.


The corporate head of Goya Foods, Robert Unanue’s, only indiscretion was meeting with President Trump and speaking favorably about him, led to a boycott. The cancel culture card was dropped on the table although he had previously made similar positive comments about President Obama. The effect of the boycott was reduced by people supporting Goya products. The shakedown of calling for boycotts was introduced and often used by Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton. Gangster tactics have been effective in extorting “contributions “to enrich their political endeavors and themselves. We have to counter this political thuggery by buying the corporate products or services.


To protect themselves from capricious attacks many corporations have decided to do the opposite of fighting back. They have cowardly chosen to support all ultra-leftist agendas even before being asked to do so. To ingratiate themselves, before pressure was applied, Goodyear banned any dress code that had Blue Lives Matter, All Lives Matter, or Trump MAGA hats while permitting BLM, LGBT Pride, Racial Justice and Equity slogans. The CDOs position has significant power to influence CEOs to follow the diversity path instead of what is fair for all employees and consumers.


Corporations are being co-opted from the inside by coercion from radical leftist government officials putting pressure on large corporate hiring CDOs to better insure more affirmative action policies. Once political activists are inserted into corporations, we have corrupted the profit motive. If corporations are cozying up to the democrat party agenda it probably would be selected as a business that receives special government contracts and favors. We are going down the road where the Fascist governments control the corporations. 


In our form of government, the embedded political operatives: CDOs, should not be allowed to interfere with independent corporate policies. CDOs demand allegiance to their social change agenda by demanding CEOs agree to write action plans that give special privileges based on race, gender and LGBT status furthering the affirmative agenda. The action plan is then announced to the entire staff. There is no allowance for discussion. The CDO preaches the virtues of the directives and the employees are told how to feel and think about these changes. The CDO does not allow for feedback since many employees are white who the CDO says would find it impossible to understand.  


If employees do not comply, they are faced with the consequences of non-promotion or outright termination. These are political issues that often-run counter to the employee’s own personal interests and beliefs. This means the employee is not being judged on the merits of his performance but to the adherence to a radical agenda that would adversely affect their future. This is a corporate form of re-education to render the employees voiceless and useless. It is dehumanizing as most people in the organization are stripped of their dignity by being told what they believe and how they will act.


This new position, CDO, has to be re-examined as to its impact on corporate heads and individual employee protection of their political viewpoints. The disguised federal advocacy of the CDO has to be terminated by legislation or judicial action since it is unconstitutional. If not, our constitutional republic and capitalist economy will become a thing of the past.



Domenick Maglio, PhD. is a columnist carried by various newspapers, an author of several books and owner/director of Wider Horizons School, a college prep program. Dr. Maglio is an author of weekly newspaper articles, INVASION WITHIN  and a recent book entitled, IN CHARGE PARENTING In a PC World. You can see many of Dr. Maglio’s articles at