By Domenick J. Maglio PhD. Traditional Realist
There is no longer any doubt that Marxist concepts are being taught in our universities and currently in our local government K-12 schools. Even teacher unions are supporting Marxist philosophy and concepts in our classrooms. Virtual government school classes are unable to prevent parents from viewing of outright anti-American propaganda that is being taught to their naïve children.
The textbooks assigned to students who study western history are written by authors who view almost all aspects of U.S. policies as exploitive of blacks, and minority people. Currently the elites and the democrat media have started to repeat the phrase: “systematic racism” in the United States.” There has never been an explanation of what this actually means and how it is manifested therefore it cannot be refuted. The reason is there is no “systematic racism but there is systematic anti-patriotism.
The U.S. has had great accomplishments in its brief history but only the failures are emphasized. Slavery and injustice toward blacks are highlighted although at that time slavery was practiced almost everywhere. The context of our history has been distorted to make the greatest nation on earth appear as an evil monster who repressed and enslaved others. The incredible sacrifices of American soldiers in world wars to save European nations from servitude was minimized by some as an attempt to become a superpower. The humane and generous Marshall Plan helped rebuild Europeans to economic and military stability without claiming military rewards of land and treasure.
In our country WWII started a great chapter where blacks, ethnic groups and uneducated people were integrated into the military winning acceptance as Americans. The Civil Rights movement, school integration and the Great Society followed, spurring on Black Studies, Affirmative Action programs with corporate backing. American citizens elected a black president, Barack Obama, and have elected many black officials in local and state government. Blacks and other minorities have reached every level in our society that was reputed to be Systematically Racist.
Yet today we are witnessing a motley crew often led by wealthy, white female adults, burning down and destroying our democrat run cities calling for the death of police officers and Death to America. Black Lives Matter leaders are really more concerned about creating a Marxist order than protecting real black people’s lives. Other black victims of BLM riots are ignored such children, business owners and police officers.
When Americans follow the money, they find wealthy global corporations, democrat political operatives, media cohorts and support from Marxist leaning organizations providing the finances. George Soros and other prominent billionaires, Twitter, Facebook, Google and global corporate heads use their political power to reinforce the narrative that the United States is an exploitive, racist nation. Other political forces that are encouraging the fall of the United States constitution want our nation’s exceptionalism to vanish. The U.S. collapse would allow the elites to elevate their status from national politicians to elite players in the global economy.
The campaign against American patriots, to undermine the allegiance and existence of the United States is obvious. It is being exposed as the imbedded bureaucratic elites in our government are doing everything to undermine our nation. The bogus Russian investigation attempted coup to deny President Trump’s legal election. Marxist teaching in our government schools, social media and news censorship, while condoning the riots in democrat state strongholds are means of undermining the U.S. These individuals are determined through their indoctrination to eliminate the people’s power in America. These elites desire a centralized government run from the top down not from the bottom up with average citizens telling their representatives what they want.
The false “systematic racism” charge is another attempt to divide us into conflicting groups to end our constitutional republic. Once this occurs these elites will replace it with a Marxist government to establish an exclusive wealthy and powerful elite class. At the same time, it will create large powerless, voiceless, impoverished and ignorant masses to easily manipulate. This is the profile of a communist society.
The destruction of respect, allegiance and honor of our history and heroes has been coordinated by political elites to brainwash the masses. These efforts by the anti-American leaders will not end without prosecuting them in our criminal justice system. The American people need to insist on removing the unsubstantiated accusations as fact and end censorship of competing ideas to allow our citizens to learn about American exceptionalism and reject Marxist depravity. We citizens need to regain our rights to our schools, law and order, honest elections while our representatives follow the direction of the people.
We are not a country of systematic racism but are under attack by many evil forces. Systematically dismantling of our Constitutional Republic is being done by undermining the patriotism of citizens of the greatest nation on earth.
Domenick Maglio, PhD. is a columnist carried by various newspapers, an author of several books and owner/director of Wider Horizons School, a college prep program. Dr. Maglio is an author of weekly newspaper articles, INVASION WITHINand a recent book entitled, IN CHARGE PARENTING in a PC World. You can see many of Dr. Maglio’s articles at