Articles are available for reprint as long as the author is acknowledged: Domenick J. Maglio Ph.D.

Thursday, May 31, 2012

All Americans Including Whites are Entitled to Blind Justice

By Domenick J. Maglio, PhD. Traditional Realist

No nation can right wrongs of the past by allowing the same crimes to be perpetuated in reverse by the previously victimized groups. There were horrible crimes of violence and discrimination that happened to Native Americans, Mexicans, Blacks and each wave of immigrants that reached the shores of America.  These crimes of the past do not grant any group license to commit them in the present.

In our present PC culture the government defines the same crime against one group as more of a transgression than it does another.  These are called “hate crimes.” This intervention into our traditional concept of justice supposedly being blind has been turned upside-down. Now justice is determined by what group you belong to not what a particular person did in an alleged crime.

White violence against blacks is headline news while black crime against whites is censored. This double standard is becoming blatantly clear in light of the aftermath of the Treyvon Martin case. The incident in Sanford, Florida was reported as a white against black crime even though George Zimmerman was half Hispanic with a black grandfather.

President Obama said to the nation, “If I had a son he would look like Trevon Martin.” As if the remark made the incident more significant to him and the nation. President Obama was raised by his white mother and grandparents. He is just as much biologically white as he is black. As president of the entire USA he should be more in favor of color blindness in justice than any other previous president.

J. Christian Adams, former attorney and official in the D.O.J., claimed the Attorney General of the Obama presidency, Eric Holder, had an informal policy not to prosecute black hate crimes against whites. Mr. Adams felt so strongly about this policy that he quit the Department of Justice.

Coupling this D.O.J. discriminatory policy with the “white out” of black violence against whites in our media is shameful. On March 24, 2012, a few miles from the Treyvon Martin incident, Mark Slavin, 50 years old, received massive injuries from 15 blows from a hammer.  Two black men were charged with homicide, burglary, and assault and battery. They were not charged with a hate crime. This incident received little if any exposure in the media.

The media suppressed 7 hate attacks against whites in the week of March 24-25th in Grand Rapids, Michigan.  In Chicago, where black on white violence is routine, on April 20, 2012, Alton Hayes III, age 18, attacked a 19-year-old white man because he was upset with the Treyvon Martin case. In Mobile, Alabama on April 23, 2012, a 40-year-old white male was brutally attacked by a black mob. In Gainesville, Florida on April 9, 2012, a 27-year-old white male was jumped by 5 to 8 black men who shouted “Treyvon” before the attack.

On March 17, 2012: St. Patrick’s Day, in front of the Baltimore, Maryland courthouse a black mob savagely assaulted and stripped naked a white male tourist. On the YouTube video of this incident the participants were laughing and cheering each other on. There were few if any national headlines or prosecution of the people involved.

There is a double standard in reporting hate crimes in the United States. Fear of being called a racist in our PC society has contributed to the self-censorship of whites concerning black racism towards whites. There are no white counterparts to Rev. Jackson and Rev. Sharpton in stoking the flames of racism in black communities.  Most whites are fearful of being called racist and remain silent.

The percentage of blacks in the United States is 13%, which prompts liberal commentators to make an untrue justification for this double standard. They proclaim over and over again that “a minority cannot oppress a majority.”  Examining history we know of many civilizations such as the Romans, the Greeks and the Mongols who as a minority in their empire oppressed the majority. Ask the Shiites if they were not oppressed by the minority Sunnis in Iraq and also by the Alawites in Syria. Ask the white victims of a hate crime if it feels any different to be violently abused by a previously victimized minority? Abuse is abuse whoever is the perpetrator.

There is a growing problem of black on white violent crime. The D.O. J. policy of not prosecuting black on white violence makes it impossible to get accurate government statistics and the local prosecutors follow this lead of not calling black on white violence a hate crime. According to various news sources, the estimated per capita range of black on white violence is as low as 18-1 and as high as 50-1 blacks attacking whites compared to whites attacking blacks.

Eric Holder should be removed from his position as Attorney General of the Department of Justice for his failure to administrate his mission of equal and fair justice for all. The classification of  “hate crimes” should be re evaluated as to its effectiveness in reducing violent crime against all citizens regardless of their group.

For America to remain a peaceful and stable society we can no longer play favorites in attempting to correct past injustices or deny the rights of blacks, whites or any group equal justice under the law. Justice must be colorblind or there is no real justice.

Dr. Maglio is an author and owner/director of Wider Horizons School, a college prep program. You can visit Dr. Maglio at

Saturday, May 26, 2012



By Domenick J. Maglio PhD. Traditional Realist

Many adults have short memories about the sacrifices their parents and grandparents made to establish and maintain themselves in a capitalist society.  They understood America did not grant it’s citizens handouts but did provide them the opportunity to work, keep most of their earnings, vote in honest elections and freely express themselves anywhere they desired.

Almost all of the Baby Boomers had parents who worked hard and saved money to give them a better future.  Most of these boomers contributed to the family through doing their studies, their chores and holding part-time jobs. Some worked themselves up the ladder while others took a temporary detour and worked to earn money for college. Government was not there to assist them to better themselves. They knew it was their own effort and responsible choices that would determine their future.

These same people who worked and sacrificed to move up the social economic ladder are now selling their souls and their children and grandchildren’s futures.  These retirees or soon to be retirees want all the outlandish and unfeasible promises made to them to win their vote by slick politicians even though they know it is bankrupting the nation.

These seniors understand they will not have to pay for the escalating cost of government goods and services but their children will. They pretend they are not stealing from the younger generation to get these exorbitant benefits. The majority of these self-indulgent boomers are remaining silent as not to overturn the government sleight-of-hand gravy train.

The U.S.A. has a burden of a $15 trillion deficit. The increase of government spending and power rested more on the shoulders of our greedy Baby Boomers than on conniving politicians. They should have known better. As the drip of government services turned into a deluge the boomer generation chose to ignore the economic reality that there is no free lunch. Even though they did not desire to be a direct personal burden on their children, they have no qualms of being a burden on other taxpayers. Conveniently they ignore the fact that their children and grandchildren’s taxes will significantly increase to finance their undeserved benefits.

It was the boomer’s insatiable appetite and entitlement mentality that was the impetus for the federal government’s rapid growth. The obvious explosion of government’s growth cannot be denied or overlooked. Too much of it has been initiated to provide services often to demanding seniors. There is now 50% of our population receiving some form of government assistance: local, state or federal.

Government extending unemployment payments and then when the benefits ran out encouraging many of these unemployed to be put on the rolls of the newly disabled should have been denounced by senior organizations.  Almost 2 years of assisting the unemployed is being sold to the public as a positive way to stimulate the economy. The redistributing of taxpayer’s money may sustain phony economic activity at the cost of lost production and higher deficits. This additional government spending only delays the pain and damage for a short span while increasing the duration and intensity of the pain of resolving the problem down the road.

As we increase benefits to decrease the suffering of some in the free market economy’s down cycle, we are creating new perpetual “rights” that are supposed to be furnished by the government.  The “right” to free health care, education, cell phones, contraception, free meals, energy, housing, college education and “earned” tax credit amounting to an average of $1800 for many of the 50% of the people paying no federal taxes is bloating our deficit.

Simultaneously the percentage of citizens paying federal taxes has declined to 50%.
We are escalating benefits and rights at the same time we are exempting half of our citizens from paying their fair share of taxes to have some “skin in the game” to pay for these so-called “rights.” The insolvency of social security is being sped up by the many boomer workers who are retiring.

Many senior citizens who have lived conscientious and long lives should be aware that this is a foolish and destructive course for any government. These people of age should have sufficient wisdom to do everything in their power to share their insights with as many people as possible to stop these policies from destroying our economy and our national sovereignty.

Shame on all U.S. boomers who do not prepare and warn others of the coming of a financial train wreck that can be averted by the wisdom of these elders. Speak up before it is too late for your children, grandchildren and this great nation.

Dr. Maglio is an author and owner/director of Wider Horizons School, a college prep program. You can visit Dr. Maglio at

Thursday, May 17, 2012

College is a Want not a Necessity

By Domenick J. Maglio PhD. Traditional Realist

Our culture has been advocating for a college education for Americans since the open admission policies of the 1960s. The present administration is turning this goal up a notch. President Obama stated,” Every American will need to get more than a high school diploma.” He wants the USA to have the highest percentage of college graduates in the world. 

In order to reach this dubious goal many students are assuming large financial burdens to obtain a degree. Even though colleges use partial scholarships to seduce enrolling in their programs the average American student owes more than $25,000 upon graduation.  Most graduates feel cheated by the system that sold them a bill of goods, which never materialized.

People who choose the higher education route are being led to believe after graduation they would automatically be entitled to a high paying position. This greater earning power would supposedly allow them to easily pay off their loans with plenty left over to elevate their future life style.

However, one out of two college graduates in 2012 do not have a job or are underemployed. The present reality is there are few openings and tremendous competition for each position by a large number of skilled and experienced unemployed. These recent graduates from the temple of idealism were never prepared that they might not get a job or would start at the bottom of the profession. There is no connection made that salary levels are not based on one’s credential but on the increased earnings the individual can bring to the business. No one ever told them that there would not be a red carpet unfolded before them but a small cubicle where they were to start to prove their worth to their superiors.

It is not hard to understand why they are angry about this false narrative. Many students are being led to believe that school is not a want but a need that should be provided by taxpayer money, not theirs. These student’s indoctrination at public schools and universities was so pervasive they could not fathom in the USA older Americans would believe all education is not a right but a privilege. It is difficult and at times incomprehensible for them to believe that many of the most successful professionals in their chosen field were self-taught. They were shielded from the reality that it is not the amount of money and time spent to receive a credential but the knowledge, energy and inspiration that one possesses when entering the job market that will help impress employers sufficiently to get hired.

However, students and their parents adamantly believe college is a necessity to have a successful, professional career. The demand for a college education has been rising even though the cost is escalating off the charts.

No decrease in college student loan interest by the federal government will solve the financial problems of students.

The brakes have to be applied to the federal college loan program to stop the federal college tuition scam. Once this happens students will be better able to afford the education and will stop being perpetual students and be willing to choose a less then ideal position to enter the workforce.

The astronomical rise in college tuition can be directly attributed to government money to finance the college loan programs. These government-backed loans encourage universities to inflate tuitions to grab a greater share of the government’s pot of gold. College tuition increases have been used to attract new students by creating a resort atmosphere with luxurious entertainment centers, fitness centers, huge pools and so on. Administrative and faculty salaries have skyrocketed. From 1965-2002 Cornell University faculty salaries, adjusted for inflation, rose a whopping 31%.

Today’s students jeopardize their financial future by signing their names on these legal loan documents even though they are realizing there are few jobs available. Once they sign their name on the dotted line they are going to be stuck with the bill even if they never complete their degree.

Out-of-control tuition costs can be rapidly brought back into a more reasonable range by ending university’s monopoly of qualifying students for most professions. Business should examine other ways students can show competence in a particular field other than a college transcript. Professional Apprenticeships, certifications and online courses can be used as a viable means of demonstrating professional competencies. These alternatives can be more relevant and cost effective. Businesses can receive tax incentives for developing on-the-job training bringing down the artificial demand for college and thus tuition costs.

Increasing alternative avenues of education combined with upgrading academic standards, eliminating scholarship gimmicks, the demand for college will dwindle causing a decrease in tuition costs. The decrease in demand will bring down the cost for attending the university.  By allowing universities to compete with other forms of educating, tuition costs will be reduced to a manageable level. College has never been for everyone.

Whatever the position an individual has obtained, he has to learn new procedures and skills through self-discipline and perseverance. Small businesses and many striving corporations in this competitive world economy can no longer offer or fully finance college degree programs.

Training for specific job upgrades can best be filled by highly motivated employees who want to increase their ability to be productive members of the business. This can be most effectively achieved not by the federal government providing a right to education but though the individual’s initiative to improve his learning on his own with businesses providing incentives to employees upon completion of their training.

Only by the government stopping it's unnecessary interference in the financing of college through federal loan programs will exorbitant tuition costs decline.  Young people will make better choices for their future education when it is their money at stake. They will not have the burden of hocking their future for a questionable education.

 Higher Ed will return to being a wanted goal not a need for every young person to enter the labor market.

Dr. Maglio is an author and owner/director of Wider Horizons School, a college prep program. You can visit Dr. Maglio at

Fairness is an Unobtainable Concept

By Domenick J. Maglio PhD  Traditional Realist

Parents have told most American children that life is not fair. These words are uttered when someone plays by the rules to obtain a goal, successfully achieves all the stated objectives and is still denied the prize he felt he had earned. The best student, dancer, athlete, employee, does not always receive the accolades and rewards she deserves. Reality oriented people understand adversity will strengthen their children for the hard knocks of life.

Too many parents have gone to the opposite extreme. They protect their child from the consequences of his lack of effort that will make him a loser. They are advocating that academics and sporting events should not be judged by not having winners or losers. . They want no grades or inflated ones at school, do not want to keep score in sporting events and everyone has to play regardless of his effort or skill. These are attempts to deny the reality that certain people are better than others. They do not realize it is unfair to the individuals who excel to rob them of the recognition they deserve, which will lead to loss of motivation.

Everyone has different strengths and weaknesses making each one unique. Some people take their God given talents and abilities and hone them to become extraordinary individuals. Others choose to allow these innate skills to wither on the vine. When we ignore excellence we foster mediocrity.

The exploitation of the fairness issue has been used by power seeking individuals to gain support of the people throughout the ages. Pitting one interest group against another creates unrest. This political pandering allows a charismatic leader to unite dissatisfied coalitions to gain power. There will always be people claiming and promising they will establish a utopian society where everyone will share power and be treated equally and fairly.  All of these experiments have created dystopia and not utopia.

This political formula has been used successfully over and over again to foment revolution. It can only work with ignorant, dissatisfied people. These unaware people give up their independence and freedom to a demagogue who supposedly will miraculously change human nature. They hope the change will create a more fair, safer and prosperous life for them. It does not.

Even a totalitarian government does not have the ability to engineer a level playing field. There is no way a government can control all the actions of its people or make citizens robotically equal. Humans are obviously unique and seek their own advantage.

Using the communist cliché, “From each according to his ability, to each according to his need,” does not solve the problem of treating people equally. Regardless of what the government dictates, people will find ways to connive to eat forbidden foods; consume too much or too little; sleep too much or not enough; exercise too much or too little, abuse drugs, alcohol, or gambling; work too hard or be lazy and spend the little they are given by the government on vices rather than that for which the money is appropriated. The punishment of recalcitrant citizens, exiling and reeducating them in a gulag does not seem like a viable solution or a humane way to administer a society. Fairness has not and will not flourish in a centrally controlled government.

The use of government waivers to circumvent a central government’s own regulations or arbitrarily picking winners or losers or giving some citizens a mortgage forgiveness while adding to the burden of other citizens is not fair.  Exempting 50% of the people from paying federal income tax and giving many of them “earned” income tax credits while forcing the other 50% to pick up the tab will eventually cause a chorus of taxpayers to yell, “Political Favoritism” or “Government Gone Wildly Unfair.”

Fairness, like love is in the eyes of the beholder. When a government policy is advantageous to an interest group, they will believe they deserve it by using some rationalization.  The interest group that is raided becomes alienated. Government social engineering of the lives of citizens usually winds up being less fair than free individuals competing freely with others to get their fair share of the economic pie.

People making their own choices in a free society are far from perfect but result in a more fair system. Government interference in the free market not only ends the free market but also creates cronyism and a far greater disparity between the rich and the poor.

Government promises to eliminate unfairness. Many parents desire to eliminate any suffering their child may experience by being judged. Both unfairness and judgment will continue to exist. In reality, some of us will be smarter, faster, braver, stronger and more creative than others. There will always be winners and losers in life no matter who sets the rules.

Absolute fairness is unobtainable in the world. We are all different and imperfect individuals who for our own positive mental health, need to appreciate those times when life goes fairly. It is wonderful but a rare state of affairs.

When we are hit by a dose of unfairness we should fight to correct the injustice. If we lose our case, we should not fall apart. Life is bittersweet. Tomorrow will offer us another opportunity to taste the exhilaration of victory against all odds.

Dr. Maglio is an author and owner/director of Wider Horizons School, a college prep program. You can visit Dr. Maglio at

Rights and Entitlement Rob the Spirit

By Domenick Maglio PhD Traditional Realist

A government to give you everything you want is big enough to take everything you have.
                                                            Thomas Jefferson

FDR believed and Obama believes that the government should and could provide guaranteed rights to its citizens. These rights will be granted without any responsibility preconditions, reservations or repayment. These rights were not endowed by our Creator as envisioned by our founding fathers. Instead they are decreed through the power of the government.  Thus any other government would have the same power to reinterpret and even deny any rights.

The rights that have been proposed are not limited to the following list. The right to a useful and well paying job or years of unemployment insurance, the right to adequate food and clothing, the right to vacations, the right to a substantial home, the right to a college education, the right to a spouse, a right to divorce, a right to abortion, a right to health care regardless of mistreating oneself.

Our founding father’s legacy was the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. These rights are endowed by our Creator. They did not relieve citizens of being responsibly self-reliant. Instead they restricted the federal government’s power to maximize citizen’s freedoms. These learned men understood that people can better use their energies to provide for themselves than can any bureaucrat.

The USA has a $14.3 trillion debt and growing. We are on the brink of national bankruptcy. We have seen politicians from both parties make ridiculous promises but do not have the courage to lay out a plan to pay for them. Watch out for anyone whose promises sound too good because they usually are. The “smart “ politician grants a new give away program but makes sure the payment will kick in well after he is reelected or leaves office. Our country’s debt is placing our sovereignty in jeopardy due to the cowardice of our politicians. Jefferson stated that debt was the greatest danger to America’s survival. 

These entitlement programs, because of inefficiencies, unintended consequences and corruption always cause budgets to go beyond the original estimates. As more people are unable or unwilling to find employment the need for public assistance grows. Almost 50% of Americans receive some sort of government assistance. The “safety net” and other government handouts are becoming an acceptable way of existing in America. For a growing number of people working for a living will become of little value when taxes almost equal earnings.

Motivation to be industrious loses to idleness when people’s earnings are robbed by the government. When revenue from taxes falls with a drop in the number of people in the private sector and the dependency of more people on the dole, services are diluted to meet the higher demand. Quality and choice of services are inevitably limited by the reality of a dying economy.

The lines become longer, the services poorer and expectations become more fatalistic. Citizens are reluctant to give up their right to free services and learn to accept mediocrity. Week by week, month-by-month, year by year the spirit for life is sucked dry. They become hopeless and helpless.

People surrender their independence to better their lives for the miserable handouts they receive from government. Empty shelves, lack of choice and drabness become acceptable, the norm. Self-reliance and faith in God are replaced by a numbness of the spirit.

Some individuals somehow believe the answers to improve their lives rests with the government bureaucrats even though the government fails time after time to meet their promises. Propaganda, alcohol and drugs will increase to dull the pain. They lose the knowledge that they can accomplish anything they want as long as they are willing to pay the price.  There is little urge to be free.

This is the final step in the process of people willing to give up their freedom for false promises and security. It is not a forced slavery but it becomes slavery nevertheless.

Americans, wake up sooner rather then later. Socialism/communism makes for ungrateful, psychologically weak and spiritless citizens who have sold their souls to the government.

Dr. Maglio is the author of  Invasion Within and Essential Parenting.  He is a psychotherapist and the owner/director of Wider Horizons School.

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Today's Culture is Corroding our Economy

By Domenick J. Maglio PhD. Traditional Realist

Our present culture is producing dreamers and needers rather than doers and savers. Savings has almost become extinct because we spend money before we have it. We worship the decadent freak celebrities and curse the dedicated, virtuous worker. Our heroes of the past are being destroyed and are not replaced by wholesome Americans.

The pre 1960 culture that drove us to be the best in the world now is on life support. Our culture has been turned upside down since the 1960 counter culture revolution. Today's establishment has the value system of the anti-establishment “revolutionaries” of the 1960s. We are losing our traditions that have made us great and our competitive edge.

Our government is looting the wealth from the ambitious creators and distributing it to the lazy parasites. The needs of non-productive citizens are being placed above personal ability and drive to better oneself. The self-perpetuating ruling class is manipulating our economy and elections.  Modern status quo is a perversion of American traditions. It is a planned attack on bringing our capitalist economy down and replacing it with a centrally controlled one. The Soviet Union and China’s five-year economic plans of the past that never succeeded are being replaced by the USA’s 10-year economic projections. This is unbelievable.

Excuses and laziness are rewarded in school. Bankrupt corporations are given bailouts of taxpayer money instead of being allowed to fail. The CEOs of these companies are given multi million dollar bonuses after leading their companies into disaster. Openly crooked politicians are not being identified or punished but are given higher positions to evade prosecution and increase their power to further dismantle the underpinnings of our laws and our values. This is not an unconscious act. It is being done purposefully.

The free market is based on freedom and the moral trust of its participants. In order for capitalism to function well, fraud and outside government interference have to be nearly non- existent. Business transactions have to be based on mutual consent of buyers and sellers not on government regulations, mandates or executive orders. Logic, reason and honesty need to prevail for the individuals involved in the deal to be satisfied.

The American dream of the pursuit of happiness is being thwarted and corrupted by government intrusion and micromanaging of the free market. Solindra, the Boeing plant in South Carolina, and picking winners and losers on Wall Street are the antithesis of free market policies.

A more subtle and indirect policy affecting the economy is the attack on the family. The family is being redefined to include every combination of people to undermine the sanctity of husband, wife and children. As the family weakens, the moral values essential to the free market are being gutted. The welfare system and government schools are creating greater dependency on the government and less reliance on the family unit. Moral values that were once transmitted directly by parents are now being more easily distorted and changed through government indoctrination in schools and the media.

The dominant progressive culture is switching the concepts of freedom and opportunity through competition, with dependency and security crushing the impetus for capitalism. People have to believe that their individual efforts will be rewarded by increased wealth for the free market to exist. The sanctity of the free market contract and private property must be upheld or people will lose interest in being ambitious. 

Our present “tolerance of everything” culture has made it easier for government to change the way we do business. Too many of us are becoming numb to the rampant incompetence and the onslaught of counter productive failed policies. No longer with a strong moral compass Americans are being “sheeple” that can easily be herded.

The continuation of this obscene, status quo, immoral culture will rot the US economy from within. Only by instilling traditional moral values can we have the opportunity for an economic resurgence. This will not happen by continuing to do what pleases us but through strengthening our self-reliance, family, work ethic and greater allegiance to God.

The culture has to be retaken by traditional moral values and self-realization through daily interaction. The courageous displays of doing what is right will encourage others to follow suit. These incidents will motivate many citizens to revolt against our being inundated with progressive indoctrination, sexualization and perversion. We need to exert our power by turning off vile television shows, not attending repugnant movies, studying political issues and candidates before voting while being the best we can be.

Productive citizens have to band together to forcefully voice their objections to a small group of power elite from both political parties who distort our moral values and our constitutional rights to curtail our freedoms. This heightened awareness of the American people should be used to energize all of us to be more involved with our families and become more politically active to keep the American legacy: the land of opportunity, liberty and prosperity for all those who are willing to work.

Dr. Maglio is an author and owner/director of Wider Horizons School, a college prep program. You can visit Dr. Maglio at

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